Family and Friends Special Edition 5 - Workbook - Answer Key&Script PDF

Title Family and Friends Special Edition 5 - Workbook - Answer Key&Script
Author Khánh Thy
Course english
Institution Đại học Hoa Sen
Pages 21
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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 5 – Workbook Answer Key and Audio Listening

Starter Unit Page 4 1. Find and circle the countries in red, the animals in blue, the food in green, and the seasons in orange. Write four lists.

1) Korea 2) Australia 3) Mexico 4) camel 5) zebra 6) lizard 7) noodles 8) bread 9) meat 10) fall 11) winter 12) summer Countries: Korea, Australia, Mexico Animals: camel, zebra, lizard Food: noodles, bread, meat Seasons: fall, winter, summer 2. Circle the odd-one-out. Write a sentence with the circled word. Circled words: 1) camera 2) concert 3) museum 4) actor 5) cave 6) shout Sentences: Children’s own answers Page 5 1. Read and underline the adjectives. My name’s Tam. I’m ten and I have long hair. I like playing chess and drawing pretty pictures. My dad is tall and handsome. He’s also kind and generous. He likes listening to loud music. My mom is always cheerful. She is very funny and she wears pretty clothes. 2. Write about you and someone else from your family. Children’s own answers

© Oxford University Press 2016

3. Write 1) some 2) some 3) a 4) an 5) some 6) a 7) some 8) a 9) an Page 6 1. Look at the table. Answer the question. 1) She’s going to visit her aunt. 2) She’s going to go to the movies. 3) They’re going to make a cake. 4) They’re going to go to a party. 5) He’s going to do his homework. 6) He’s going to play volleyball. 2. Find the word with the same sound. Write. 1) family 2) sound 3) toy 4) oil 5) down 6) light 7) tall 8) shark Page 7 1. Match the time with the clock. 1) e 2) d 3) f 4) c 5) b 6) a 2. Draw or write the time. 1) It’s six forty. 2) It’s four fifteen. 3)

4) 5)

It’s eight fifty.

6) 7)

It’s three o’clock.


Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 5 – Workbook Answer Key and Audio Listening 6)

8) 9)

It’s two fifty-five.

Unit 1 Page 8 1. Find and circle the verbs. Then write.

1) start 2) finish 3) love 4) hate 5) want 6) use 7) live 2. Read the story. Choose a word from 1. Write the correct word next to numbers 1–5. 1) live 2) start 3) finish 4) love 5) use Page 9 1. Read the letter. Choose the right word and write it on the line. 1) didn’t 2) used 3) cooked 4) started 5) didn’t 6) finished 2. Write the answers. 1) No, he didn’t. 2) Yes, he did. 3) Yes, he did. 4) No, he didn’t. 5) No, he didn’t. © Oxford University Press 2016

Yes, he did.

Page 10 1. Write answers that are true for you. Write Yes, I did or No, I didn’t. Children’s own answers 2. Write things you did and didn’t do last weekend. Children’s own answers 3. Read the song in the Student Book. Complete the table. Things I didn’t do on my birthday: I didn’t shop or cook. I didn’t work. I didn’t swim. I didn’t read a book. I didn’t play computer games. I didn’t go to school. I didn’t help my mom at home. Things I did on my birthday: I had a party with my friends. I sang and danced all day. Page 11 1. Match. 1) b 2) d 3) e 4) c 5) a 2. Listen and write. 1) school 2) glue 3) tubes 4) blue 5) flute 6) moon 7) June 8) tune 3. Listen and write. 1) Moon Music. 2) flute 3) boot 4) tubes glue Listening 02 1. Woman Oh hello, Bao. How are you? Boy I’m fine thank you. Woman What did you do last week? Boy Well, I went to a music club called Moon Music. 2. Woman Oh, what did you do there? Boy I made things to play music with. Woman That sounds interesting. Maybe my son Lam would like it. What can you make? Boy You can make a flute. 3. Woman Wow! Where is it? Boy It’s near the boot shop. 2

Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 5 – Workbook Answer Key and Audio Listening 4. Woman I know where that is. Do you need to take anything? Boy Yes, some tubes and some glue. Woman Ok, well, I’ll see if Lam wants to go. See you later, Bao. Boy Bye! Page 12 1. Circle the correct word. 1) light 2) heavy 3) difficult 4) soft 5) easy 2. Write about your bed. Children’s own answers 3. Read the text in the Student Book. Fill in the correct circle. 1) B 2) A 3) C 4) B Page 13 1. Draw * at the start of each new paragraph. * The Mayans had brown eyes and black hair. Men and women had long hair. They were not very tall. * There were lots of cities in Central America and lots of roads between the cities. People walked on these roads. They also traveled to different cities by river. * The Mayans didn’t have shops and they didn’t use money. There was a market in town. They exchanged food and drink and other things. 2. Write. 1) was 2) used 3) were 4) was 5) stayed 6) cooked 7) helped 8) studied 3. Write two paragraphs about homes and families in Viet Nam today. Children’s own answers

Unit 2 Page 14 1. Look and read. Choose the correct word and write it on the line. 1) a toothbrush 2) a toothpaste 3) a sunscreen 4) a towel © Oxford University Press 2016

5) a soap 6) a shampoo 7) a suitcase 2. Write. 1) sunscreen 2) shampoo 3) suitcase 4) towel 5) toothbrush 6) soap 7) toothpaste Page 15 1. Write. 1) Yes, he is. 2) No, they aren’t. 3) No, it isn’t. 4) Yes, I am. / Yes, we are. 5) Yes, she is. 2. What is each person in Mark’s family going to do tomorrow? Listen and write a letter next to the correct person. 1) d 2) e 3) c 4) f 5) a 6) b Listening 03 1. Woman How are your family Mark? Mark They are fine, but they are doing a lot of things this week. Woman Really? Mark Yes. Tomorrow they are all going out. I think I’m going to eat breakfast alone! 2. Woman What is your mom doing? Mark She’s going to go shopping in the supermarket. She goes shopping every week. Woman Oh, I see. 3. Mark And my Dad is going to the library to read a book. He loves reading. Woman Oh, that sounds nice. 4. Woman What about your brother and sisters? Mark My brother Bobby is going to listen to music at his friend’s house. His friend has some new songs. Woman Oh, that will be fun. 5. Mark My older sister Lilly is going to make a cake. It’s our cousin’s birthday party in the evening. Woman Yum! I hope it’s good. 3

Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 5 – Workbook Answer Key and Audio Listening 6. Mark And my younger sister Lucy is going to play volleyball with her friend. They like playing soccer usually, but tomorrow they want to do something new. Woman Well, they are all very busy! Page 16 1. Look at the picture in the Student Book. Match. 1) b 2) c 3) a 4) e 5) d 2. Write a sentence with is, isn’t, are, or aren’t. 1) Nhan is going to take some shampoo. 2) Nga and Hoang are going to take a camera. 3) Hoang is going to take some sunscreen. 4) Nhan isn’t going to take any toothbrush. 3. Write. 1) suitcase 2) time 3) vacation 4) take 5) going 6) some 7) photos 8) to Page 17 1. Complete the word. 1) wood 2) hood 3) book 4) cook 5) wool 2. Listen and write. 1) hood 2) wool 3) good 4) wood 5) book 6) cook Listening 04 It’s a very cold day. I have a coat with a hood. I have my wool scarf, And I’m feeling good. I’m sitting on some wood. I’m looking at my book. The book’s very good. It tells me how to cook. 3. Read and number the pictures. Then write. Pictures from left to right: 2, 1, 4, 3 1) wood 2) cook © Oxford University Press 2016

3) 4)

hood wool

Page 18 1. Read the text in the Student Book and write. 1) this afternoon 2) tonight 3) tomorrow 4) next week 5) soon 2. Write a short answer. 1) Yes, she does. 2) Yes, it is. 3) No, he isn’t. 4) Yes, she does. 5) No, she isn’t. 6) No, she doesn’t. 3. Read the text in the Student Book. Fill in the correct circle. 1) c 2) b 3) c 4) a Page 19 1. Where do we use these words in a letter? Circle start or end. 1) end 2) end 3) start 4) start 5) start 6) end 2. Read the email. Underline the start words in red and the end words in blue. Order the pictures and write the numbers. Picture order: 1, 4 (top row) 2, 3 (bottom row) Start words (red): Hi, How are you? End words (blue): Bye for now. Write soon. 3. What are you going to do on the weekend? Write an email to Tom. Children’s own answers

Unit 3 Page 20 1. Listen and draw lines.


Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 5 – Workbook Answer Key and Audio Listening

Listening 05 Woman Is this your Dad’s restaurant, Duy? Duy Yes, it is. I know everyone here! Woman Oh really? Who is that server? Duy There are two servers. Do you mean the one holding the menu? Woman Yes, that’s right. Duy That’s Phong. He’s really funny! Woman He has a funny smile. And who is the other server? The one with the salad and the cup of coffee. Duy That’s Thu. She’s nice. I know that family too. Can you see the boy? Woman The one sitting next to the bottle of water? Duy Yes. He’s my friend Trung. Woman Is the girl his sister? Duy The girl with the long hair? Woman That’s right. Duy No, that’s his cousin, Vy. Woman Who’s the man at the back? The one reading a book. Is he a customer? Duy No. That’s Nhan. He’s a server. Woman But he’s not wearing a uniform. Duy No, he’s not working right now. 2. Write 1) uniform 2) server 3) customers 4) menu 5) bowl 6) glass 7) bottle 8) cup Page 21 1. Read. Choose the right word and write it on the line. 1) eats 2) eat 3) eating 4) wears 5) wearing 6) sit © Oxford University Press 2016

7) sitting 8) talking 9) saying 2. Read again. Write the sentences. Today: 1) She is eating sandwiches and cake. 2) She is wearing a pretty dress. 3) She is sitting at the biggest table in the restaurant. Usually: 1) She eats pasta and salad. 2) She wears pants and a T-shirt. 3) She sits at a small table. 3. Look at the picture and write. 1) He usually plays soccer. But today he’s reading. 2) He usually eats a sandwich. But today he’s eating a bowl of soup. 3) He usually does his homework. But today he’s staying in bed. 4) He usually drinks a glass of milk. But today he’s taking medicine. Page 22 Lesson Three 1. Circle the time markers. Write PP (present progressive) or SP (simple present). 1) sometimes (SP) 2) at the moment (PP) 3) Today (PP) 4) never (SP) 5) right now (PP) 6) always (SP) 2. Write sentences. 1) Giang is playing volleyball right now. 2) He is walking to school now. 3) We always visit my grandma on Fridays. 4) Khang and Sue rarely listen to the radio. 5) I’m reading a new book today. Lesson Four 1. Listen. Write them in the correct box. Long a: Monday, train, rain, tray, cake, race Long e: happy, feet, leaves, tree, please, key Listening 06 Monday Monday train train happy happy rain rain feet feet tray tray leaves leaves cake cake tree tree please please key key race race 5

Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 5 – Workbook Answer Key and Audio Listening 2. Write a sentence using each word. Children’s own answers Page 23 1. Read. Choose the correct word and write it on the line. 1) peanuts 2) soup 3) porridge 4) beans 5) toast 2. Read the text in the Student Book. Fill in the correct circle. 1) C 2) B 3) A 4) A 3. Read the text in the Student Book. Circle the wrong word. Write the correct word. 1) Noodle soup is popular in Mexico. Viet Nam 2) Sayaka eats lunch at home. breakfast 3) Harta eats a soup made from rice and chicken. porridge 4) Xoi are balls of sticky rice with eggs.beans Page 24 1. Read the words. Complete the table. one syllable: soup, toast, plate, bean two syllables: coffee, noodles, server, breakfast three syllables: umbrella, customer, volleyball, banana four syllables: motorcycle, supermarket, helicopter 2. Read the text. Change to capital letters. Add periods, commas, and question marks. My name’s Sasha. My favorite foods are noodles, pizza, and chicken. I love pizzas. I always eat lunch at school. I usually have cheese and tomato sandwiches, fruit, and a yogurt. During the week my grandma usually cooks dinner at home. I always help her. I like cooking. Do you like cooking? On weekends we often go to a restaurant for lunch. The restaurant is called The Food Garden. What food do you like? Page 25 3. Answer the questions. Children’s own answers 4. Write about food. Use your answers from 3 to write a paragraph. Children’s own answers

Review 1 © Oxford University Press 2016

Page 26 1. Look and write. towel, sunscreen, toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo, soap 2. Circle the odd-one-out. 1) want 2) light 3) suitcase 4) soon 5) heavy 6) hood 3. Write the correct form of the verb. 1) I’m going to cook lunch tomorrow. 2) She played volleyball last Saturday. 3) We listened to my new CD yesterday. 4) He’s going to play soccer next week. 5) They’re going to watch TV tonight. 6) I cooked dinner last weekend. 4. Write. 1) He always helps his mom. 2) Today she’s eating noodles. 3) They sometimes play volleyball. 4) She’s playing piano right now. Page 27 5. Write the question. Then look and write the answer. 1) Did Dad work today? No, he didn’t. 2) Did Dad listen to music today? Yes, he did. 3) Did the children play tennis today? No, they didn’t. 4) Did Mom cook today? Yes, she did. 6. Read and complete with oo. 1) hood 2) cook 3) wool 4) wood 5) book

Unit 4 Page 28 1. Listen and check (✓) the box. 1) a 2) c 3) b 4) a Listening 07 1. Woman: Thu, this is the video from two years ago when you had a concert. Let’s watch it. Girl: Oh! It sounds fun! Woman: All of our family and friends were there. Girl: Yes, they were! 2. Woman: Look! You played the drums. 6

Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 5 – Workbook Answer Key and Audio Listening Girl: Yes, I did. I don’t know how to play anymore. Woman: You don’t? Why not? Girl: Because I didn’t practice. Woman: Oh. That’s too bad. 3. Woman: There is Nam. He played the guitar. Girl: No, mom. It wasn’t the guitar. It was the violin. Woman: Oh. What was it? Girl: The violin. 4. Woman: Look. The audience is cheering. Girl: Yes. You’re right. We weren’t great, but they cheered and we were very happy. Woman: No, you were great! Girl: Thanks mom. 2. Listen to the passage. Fill in the correct circle. 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) B Listening 08 Some schools in Viet Nam have concerts for Teachers’ Day. This is a way for students to say thank you to their teachers. Children practice playing instruments for days or weeks before the concert. Children who do not play music can dance or sing instead. Sometimes, the school has a stage for the day. The teachers sit in the audience and cheer. Page 29 1. Read the question and match. Underline was, were, and words with ed. 1) E I was at home. I was sick. 2) C Yes. I went there with my mom. 3) B Yes. I ate a bowl of porridge. 4) A No. My grandpa cooked it. 5) D No. She worked in the afternoon. 6) F Yes. I stayed in bed for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 2. Write. Use the simple past. 1) played 2) were 3) had 4) was 5) finished 6) walked 7) had 8) washed 9) watched 10) cleaned Page 30 Lesson Three © Oxford University Press 2016

1. Read and circle the time markers. Write Xuan’s diary. It was Xuan’s birthday last Saturday. Four days ago, she had her party. Two days ago she played in a basketball game at school. Yesterday she was at school and last night she had dinner in a restaurant with her family. Friday Saturday My birthday! Sunday Monday had a party Tuesday Wednesday played in a basketball game Thursday school, had dinner in a restaurant with my family Friday today 2. Where were you at these times? Write sentences. Children’s own answers Page 30 Lesson Four 1. Listen. Circle the correct spelling. 1) i_e 2) oa 3) u_e 4) igh 5) o_e 6) oo Listening 09 1. bike bike 2. boat boat 3. flute flute 4. light light 5. bone bone 6. room room 2. Write a sentence using each word. Children’s own answers Page 31 1. Order the letters and write the word. 1) gold 2) rhythm 3) dragon 4) boom 5) gong 2. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to numbers 1–5. 1) dragon 2) gold 3) rhythm 4) gong 5) boom 3. Read the poem in the Student Book. Write T 7

Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 5 – Workbook Answer Key and Audio Listening (True) or F (False). 1) T 2) T 3) F 4) F 5) T Page 32 1. Write each word with ing. Use the double consonant rules. 1) walking 2) sitting 3) reading 4) getting 5) drawing 6) swimming 7) shouting 8) shopping 9) listening 2. Look at the picture and write the labels. 1) at the top 2) on the left 3) on the right 4) at the bottom 3. Read the description and write at the top, on the left, on the right, at the bottom. 1) At the top 2) On the left 3) On the right 4) At the bottom Page 33 4. Look at the picture and write T (at the top), B (at the bottom), L (on the left), or R (on the right) of the picture. clouds T, audience B, band L, recorder T/L, clap B, drums L, bird T/R, girls T/L , cheer B, stage L, sun T/R 5. Describe the picture. Use the words from 4 and your own ideas. Children’s own answers

Unit 5 Page 34 1. Read and circle the words below. 1) museum 2) dinosaurs 3) alive 4) dead 5) roar 6) scary 7) models 8) scream models alive scream museum dinosaurs roar scary dead © Oxford University Press 2016

2. Listen. Write the word from 1. 1) museum 2) Models 3) roar 4) scary 5) alive Listening 10 Woman Hi Mark. How are you? Mark I’m great! I didn’t go to school today. Woman Where did you go then? Mark I went to the dinosaur museum. We went on a bus because it’s in the city. Woman Wow! I want to go there. What did you see? Mark There were lots of models of dinosaurs. Some of them were really big and some of them had wings! Woman It sounds good. What was the most interesting? Mark I could listen to the dinosaurs roar. They all sounded different. Listening to the dinosaurs roar was the most interesting. Woman How did that feel? Mark Scary! But it was ok, they were only models. Woman Did you learn anything? Mark Yes, a lot. My favorite part was that the last dinosaurs were alive 46 million years ago. Page 35 1. Read and match. 1) b 2) d 3) a 4) e 5) c 2. Look at the table and complete the sentences. 1) Class 5L went to a museum. 2) They didn’t buy postcards. 3) They heard old songs. 4) They didn’t make books about dinosaurs. 5) They didn’t eat ice cream. 6) Class 5P didn’t go to a museum. 7) They didn’t hear old songs. 8) They made books about dinosaurs. 9) They bought postcards. 10) They ate ice cream. Page 36 Lesson Three 1. Read the question and choose the best answer. Match. 1) a 2) d 3) e 4) c 8

Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 5 – Workbook Answer Key and Audio Listening 5) f 6) b 2. Complete the questions and answers. Use the past simple of the verbs. 1) Who, saw 2) Where, park 3) Which, was 4) What, played 5) Did, I 6) Can, you Lesson Four 1. Listen. Circle the correct first letter sound. 1) v 2) v 3) p 4) b 5) w 6) b Listening 11 1. vet vet 2. vest vest 3. pig pig 4. big big 5. wet wet 6. best best 2. Write a sentence using each word. Children’s own answers Page 37 1. Read and write. Use words from the word box. 1) opening 2) underground 3) jungle 4) muddy 5) tourists 2. Read the text in the Student Book. Fill in the correct circle. 1) a 2) b 3) c 4) b 3. Read the text in the Student Book. Write one word to complete the sentence. 1) cave 2) 1991 3) scientists 4) Tourists Page 38 1. Write a period or an exclamation point. 1) ! 2) . 3) ! 4) . 5) ! 6) ! © Oxford University Press 2016

2. Read the four sentences with exclamation points again. Write F for strong feelings or I for important instructions. 1) I 3) I 5) F 6) I 3. Write the verbs in the simple past. sit, sat be, was/were wash, washed sing, sang find, found go, went talk, talked walk, walked learn, learned see, saw sleep, slept eat, ate 4. Read the webpage and write. Use verbs from 3. 1) went 2) sat 3) sang 4) talked 5) saw 6) found 7) ate 8) walked 9) slept Page 39 5. Look at the words about different trips. Write M for museum, F for farm and C for concert. sheep F, audience C, history M, field F, stage C, bones M, model M, farmer F, music C, cows F, drums C, dinosaur M, instruments C, vegetables F 6. Answer the questions about your trip. Children’s own answers 7. Write about a trip for your website. Use the ideas above. Children’s own answers

Unit 6 Page 40 1. Listen. Color and write.

Listening 12 1 Man Hello Mi. Would you like to color the picture? Girl Yes, please! What shall I color first? Man Can you see the sneakers on the ground?



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