FAR Notes 2 - CPA exam review PDF

Title FAR Notes 2 - CPA exam review
Author Alicia Heilner
Course Certified Public Accounting Exam
Institution University of Arizona
Pages 20
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CPA exam review...


FAR Notes F-1 

When decide to dispose of an asset = impairment loss is FV – disposal costs

Loss of yr 1 operations + impairment loss = loss on discontinued operations

“abandonment of assets no longer being used” is still continuing operations

Once decided to sell = discontinued operations for that entire time, even before actually disposed

Stock dividends not on CF

US treasury bills not reporting in CF statement because cash equivalent

Add together OCI, do net of tax, THEN add NI

Subtract equity in earnings of unconsolidated affiliates in CF

Do not include change in fixed assets or change in N/P in operating CF

Interest received is operating section of CF

Segment reporting: 10% of combined revenue from inter+outside

Without recourse: treat as a sale w/ a loss

Freight out is a SELLING expense

Freight in is INVENTORY

BI + purchases – discounts +freight in – EI = COGS

Lower of cost or market: compare cost to middle value of: Replacement cost, NBV, or NBV – profit

LIFO = most current inventory costs on I/S

FIFO = Most recent inventory costs on B/S

Retail method: BI + purchases + markups = available for sale *compare cost to retail and get a %. Then subtract markdowns and sales to get the new retail. Multiply by %

Land cost is NOT excavation (that’s building)

Capitalized interest = Weighted avg accumulated construction x interest rate

Interest paid = Face x interest rate

DIFFERENCE Is interest expense

DD: ( rate/years) x NBV

Sum of yrs: cost – sv x (remaining yrs/sum of yrs)

FV given VS CV received

Has/lacks commercial substance 

HAS commercial substance (both parties reflect a G/L)

G/L calculated by FV – CV of asset GIVEN UP, then back into received machine

If lacks commercial substance and boot is RECEIVED, then you book a g/l.

If lacks and boot is given, do not book G/L

If little boot received, (fv – bv given up) x boot/fv received = G realized

FV approach used when has commercial sub

BV approach used when lacks

Securities 

Trading – unrealized G/L Income statement

Unr G/L for trading is from pd to pd

AFS – Unrealized G/L on OCI

If decline in AFS is permanent, then goes directly to I/S

If AFS, unrealized holding Gain from cost – year 2 *if asks for ACCUMULATED oci

If AFS asks for unrealized G/L in CURRENT PD “on its yr 2 I/S”, go from yr 1 – yr 2

If purchased % of preferred stock, NI goes up by div paid to preferred

Finding GW in equity method (heiarchy thing) Bottom level: NBV x % FV x % GW is excess between that and purchase price R&D


Expensed under GAAP

Successful patent = capitalize

Impairment GAAP – compare CV to undisc FCF

Impairment IFRS – GREATER OF FV – CTS or PV FCF. Compare CV to that amount

FV of reporting unit – assigned $ of reporting unit to A & L = Max GW

Accretion 

Accretion = increase in ARO over time

Cumulative accretion at end of time + accumulated depreciation = ARO

Estimated ARC discounted at PV is the accumulated depreciation

Estimated cost – pv amount is accretion

Accretion expense increases every yr

If bonds originally purchased with detachable warrants, take CV of bond + warrants and then allocate %

Ex: $1,000,000 bonds WITH detachable warrants. FV bond w/o warrant was $1,080,000 and warrants are $120,000. Add to get 1,200,000. Bonds have 90% of that so 90% x 1,000,000 = 900,000. 100,000 is the amount of discount on bonds.

Book value method: C/S recorded at carrying amount of converted bonds. APIC is difference between that and par value of stock issuance. No G/L – convertible C/S at par

Market value method: Loss on conversion is the difference between market value of the stock issued and the book value of the bonds before conversion – Still at par, but loss is between market value and bv

Warrants at market price

If given bond payable WITH warrant, subtract out cv of warrant from BP

Add bond issue cost to discount of BP (subtract from face)

A higher interest rate results in an increase in annual amortization of the discount

Care about CV given up and FV received (only care about your books


Cost vs par


Cost method: When levresell below treasury price, RE is affected (not apic)

Par method reports a lower amount for APIC and same amount for RE if acquire treasury below OG issue, but above par value


IF small, FV, and there is APIC

If large, Par and no PIC

“Small farm, large party”

(Cost – sp)/cost = profit margin

Stock options 

GAAP required all amounts FV over PBO is NONcurrent assets

Net periodic pension stuff 

For net periodic pension costs, add AMORTIZATION of Unrecognized PSC

In AOCI: Unrecognized PSC, unrecognized trainsition obligations/assets, and unrecognized net G/L. Only subtract gains.

When there are no actual G/L, the net pension gain is the DIFFERENCE between actual and expected plan assets. Subtract first THEN take the difference net of tax.

When given unrecognized PSC as of end of PY, divide by remaining service life years

When there’s a change in funded status of a pension planning due to the incurrence of a PSC, Dr. OCI, Cr. Pension plan asset for the whole amount. Dr. DTA and Cr. DTBenefit – oci for the related tax amount

For PSC, you always Dr. and Cr. The amount actually amortized, then alongside is the tax amount

Corridor = Beg PBO and market related assets (10% of larger)

Take BEG unrecognized gain – 10% then divide by yrs in service

Under IFRS, pension loss is included in OCI – not amortized to the income statement

When solving for AOCI balance, it’s NET OF TAX

Net periodic pension costs never do with net of tax, just if reporting on FS

EPBO is equal to or greater than APBO as a result of any nonvested benefits

If post retirement healthcare costs rise, net periodic pension costs will also increase bc you need to pay more in future (higher costs)

Employee options are at FAIR value of options on GRANT DATE

Income taxes


DTA – Subract from current taxable income

Current tax rate – DTA or + DTL gets you total tax expense

Only temporary differences matter

DTA = future deductible amounts

Net of tax approach

If given financial statement income, subtract permanent differences to land at taxable income

When taxable > financial then DTA

DTA = future deductible

DTA represents future tax savings

Excess depreciation on a tax return means that financial is higher. It’s a liability so add.

“current portion of taxable income” ignore temp differences/ dta dtl stuff

Uncollectable accounts expense is temporary

If given DTA at beginning of year, net out this year’s because deductible

Effective tax rate = income tax expense/pretax income

Operating income is not shown net of tax

Accrued warranty costs are DTA bc expensed under GAAP before Tax, so financial is higher

“made estimated tax payments” means paid off DTL

Rent received in advance is temp diff

NOL carry fwd indefinitely

Cash to accrual is a prior pd adjustment for correction of error

Consolidations 


GW GAAP = FV of sub – FV net assets

Take FV assets – FV liabilities then use that to calculate G/L

GAAP NCI = FV entire sub x nci%

Entity is VIE and consolidates IF: investor has power to direct significant economic activities for the VIE and whether investor is primary beneficiary of IE (absorbs 50)

Entity is not self supporting – needs VIE



Carrying value and fair value of financial instruments must be disclosed

Credit risk = must show

Market risk = optional under GAAP, required under IFRS

Derivatives can be reported as assets or liabilities

Changes of FV hedge are reported on income statement

Speculative fair value hedge changes reported in I/S

Effective portion CF hedge – OCI

Ineffective portion – I/S

Leases 

If OWNES is met, lessor can’t be operating

In lease buyback, seller is the lessee whose profit is the difference between FV and BV

If operating lease, no depreciation expense

Leasehold improvements are LESSER OF amortization

Lease buyback 

To qualify as a sale: Rev recognition requirements must be met (contract must exist and stuff)

If it DOES: any difference between asset sale price and FV and PV of lease payments & PV of market rental payments is an adjustment to either sale price or purchase price

If it DOES NOT: Lessee records a financing liability and lessor records a financing receivable

“Company should record depreciation expense for the leased machine under operating lease for” ZERO BC OPERATING

“Rent for free” problems 

JE for months free Dr. Rent receivable (for the total amount/total months) Cr. Rental income

JE for months ½ off Dr. Cash Dr. Rent receivable Cr. Rental inc (for total amt/months)

JE for normal months Dr. cash Cr. Rent receivable Cr. Rental income

R&D 

Gaap: expense R&D unless alt future use

IFRS: Expense research, cap development. EXPENSE unsuccessful. Think “UnExplainable”

Software 

E -> Tech -> C

Tech feasibility is established upon “completion of a detailed program design or a working model”

Product costs are easily associated with the items to be inventoried as a part of inventory costs

Fair Value Measures 

Level 1: very active market and prices readily available

Level 2: Trade in active markets, but tend to be based on dealer quotations or alt sources

Partnerships bonus method


Take TOTAL capital balance, divide by however many. Take that then subract what new partner actually contributed.

New partner gets the actual 1/3

Governmental 

Earnings from tax to be used exclusively to repay specific debt: debt service

“town is barred by from assuming” – custodial

Property tacx revenue: Imposed non-exchange revenue. Recorded when levied to extent that it is measurable and available

“derived” non-exchange tax revenue. Derived from a SALE. Accrued based on timing of RECEIPT (+60 ye)

“imposed” Accrued when billed (because the customer has to do it, so when billed)

Combining financials – Gov 

Going from fund to Gov-wide net position (modified to full accrual)

ADD back capital outlay and assets

Subtract depreciation

When figuring out CY depreciation, include Capital outlay

Subtract LT debt

Under modified approach, infrastructure not included in capitalization

Add back principal

Start with “excess revenue over all gov funds”

Propriety change in net position – internal service fund change in net position = business type activities change in net position

Gov wide = Economic resource approach and full accrual



CIPPOE is EXCLUDED from gov wide financials, but INCLUDED in fund financials

GOV wide financials are stmt of NET POSITION and ACTIVITES


Add internal service fund changes in net position accounted for in the Proprietary funds

CF regular vs gov 


REG: operating, investing, financing

GOV: operating, nonfinancing, financing, investing

Reg: Interest income/cash receipts: operating

GOV: interest income/cash receipts: investing

GOV: Interest expense/cash payments are capital or noncapital financing depending on what it’s for

Reg: Capital assets purchased are investing

GOV: Capital assets purchased are financing activities

GOV: Unique transactiong like transfers, property tax revenues, special assessments are NONfinancing

GOV: Reconciliation to operating income

Modified approach = no capitalization needed nbv

The general fund of a blended component unit should be reported as special rev

Interfund transactions:


Reciprocal – Rev and expenses

Nonreciprocal – Other financing sources

Interfund activities WITHIN a column (either gov type or business type) are ELIMINATED prior to prep of combining

Interfund activities BETWEEN columns are not eliminated, and reported as interfund balances and transfers (ex: general fund and enterprise)

Governmental acct: Budget (appropriations), Activity (expenditure), Encumbrance (Cr. Budgetary control)

PURCHASE METHOD inventory: Dr. Expenditure Cr. Voucher payable for amount purchased, then at year end JE for amount LEFT Dr. inventory Cr. Nonspendable fund bal

CONSUMPTION METHOD inventory: Dr. Inventory of supply Cr. Voucher payable. At YE do an expenditure Dr. expenditure Cr. Inventory of supply

BP = other financing sources

Doscount on PB = other financing uses

When issue purchase order: Need to set money aside so ENCUMBRANCE and cr. Budgetary control

When receive it, it’s now an activity so Dr. Budgetary control Cr. Encumbrance (reverse) then Dr. Expenditure (bc now an activity). Expenditures kinda take the place of encumbrances.

Derivative assets = increase deferred inflows


Marketable securities are cash equivalents and NOT on CF stmt

NFP required to produce: stmt fin position, activity, cf, and functional expense disclosure

If receive restriction and use on restricted stuff all in the same year, unrestricted from the start

“assets of charitable remainder trust” Dr. Assets held in chartiable remainder trust Cr. Liability under trust agreement Cr. Contribution rev, W restriction

STATEMENT OF CHANGES in fiduciary net position Grants to other organizations and depreciation are both expenses in NFP 10% of combined assets Bank draft = cash and cash equivalent If original maturity > 90 days, not cash and cash equivalent STATEMENTS GRaSPP: Balance sheet, stmt of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balance SE: Statement of net position, statement of rev, expenses, and changes in fund net position, stmt of cash flows CIPPoe: Stnt of fiduciary net position, statement of changes in fiduciary net position Only one with cash flows: SE Only one with BS: GRaSPP GRSPP with NO encumbrances: Debt service and permanent Generally says “additions and deductions”: Cippoe “not obligated” key word for custodial Examples of custodial: Tax collection funds, clearance funds, special assessments I/S for cippoe: changes in fiduciary net position


Allocate “issue proceeds” of a basket purchase or sale of convertible p/s based on relative FMV

NFP needs to report expenses in statement of activities by functional classification and DISCLOSE expenses in a natural classification by function in the notes to FS

In a finance lease, the difference between the FV of the leased asset and its cost at inception is recognized as a g/l

LESSOR RECORDS G/L on sales type lease


Record loss immediately during lease buyback

Level 2 examples: Quoted prices for identical A/L in markets not active, Quoted prices for similar that are active, interest rates observable at commonly quoted intervals

PPE held at historic cost

GW: held at historical – impairment

Equity investments and A/R NOT money market

Other operating expenses direct CF = Other operating expenses – prepaids

NFP: statement of ACTIVITIES gives info about rev/expenses

NFP: Statement of financial POSITION gives info about B/S stuff (think point in time)

Amount of dividend REVENUE is amount NOT IN EXCESS

Amount OVER excess is return on capital or LIQUID


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