Title Fbfit BIF APR20SEM ISF1233 TU1
Author Muhammad Firdaus
Course Islamic Accounting
Institution MAHSA University
Pages 8
File Size 235 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 29
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TEST (10%) ANSWER Quest i on1 Noty etanswer ed Mar k edoutof1

Ques t i ont ex t TheFi nanci alMar k ethel pst of aci l i t at et het r ans f erofl i qui di t yi nt he_____________. Sel ec tone: Capi t alMar k et For ei gnEx changeMar k et Noneoft heans wer s Der i v at i v eMar k et MoneyMar ket

Quest i on2 Noty etanswer ed Mar k edoutof1

Ques t i ont ex t Whi c hoft hef ol l owi ngs t at ementi sFALSEr egar di ngMoneyMar k et ? Sel ec tone: Fors hor t t er mi nv es t ment I nvol vedebtandequi t ymar ket s Al soknownasl i qui di t ymar k et Focusonpr i mar ymar k et Lowr et ur ns

Quest i on3 Noty etanswer ed Mar k edoutof1

Ques t i ont ex t Whi c hoft hef ol l owi ngs t at ementi sFALSEr egar di ngSec ondar yMar k et ? Sel ec tone: Pr ovi denew f undst ot hei ssuer I nv ol vi ngt hi r dpar t i es Noneoft heans wer s Tr adi ngpr ev i ousl yi s sueds ec ur i t i es Fort hemeansofl i qui di t y

Quest i on4 Noty etanswer ed Mar k edoutof1

Ques t i ont ex t Al loft hef ol l owi ngi st hebasi sofeconomi cs y s t em i nI sl ami cFi nanc i alMar k et ,EXCEPT? Sel ec tone: Zakat Pr ofitLossShar i ng Compens at i on Al loft heanswer s Pr ofitShar i ng

Quest i on5 Noty etanswer ed Mar k edoutof1

Ques t i ont ex t Al loft hef ol l owi ngst at ement sar et r ueaboutShar i ahCommi t t ee( SC) ,EXCEPT? Sel ec tone: SCoper at esasani ndependentbody Appoi nt mentofSCmus tbeappr ov edbyt heBNM Mi ni mum of3SCi nt heI s l ami cI nst i t ut i ons Shar i ahAdv i sor yCounci l( SAC)c annotbec omeSCatonet i me Amongoft hedut i esi st oaudi tands uper vi s et heI sl ami cI nst i t ut i ons

Quest i on6 Noty etanswer ed Mar k edoutof1

Ques t i ont ex t I twasac ommonpr act i ceoft heanci entAr abt r i best hati fanymemberofat r i bewaski l l ed,t he conceptofAqi l ahwaspr act i ced.Whati st hedefini t i onof" Aqi l ah" ? Sel ec tone: Al loft heanswer s Noneoft heans wer s Rans om money Bl ackmoney Bl oodmoney

Quest i on7 Noty etanswer ed Mar k edoutof1

Ques t i ont ex t Thet er m Tak af ul i sder i v edf r om anAr abi cr ootwor d“ Kaf al a” .Al loft heanswer si st hedefi ni t i on ofKaf al a,EXCEPT? Sel ec tone: Guar ant ee Respons i bi l i t y Sur et y shi p I namenabi l i t y

Quest i on8 Noty etanswer ed Mar k edoutof1

Ques t i ont ex t Whati st heMOSTCORRECTans werr egar di ngGhar arel ementi nconv ent i onali ns ur ance ? Sel ec tone: Thei nsur edev enti t s el fi snotguar ant eedt oocc ur ,t husi nv ol v e“ putons t ak e”money Thei nsur edr ecei v esanamountf argr eat ert hant hepr emi umspai d I nsur anceal l owst hei nsur edt osubst i t ut euncer t ai nt ywi t hcer t ai nt y Al loft heanswer s

Quest i on9 Noty etanswer ed Mar k edoutof1

Ques t i ont ex t Whati st hemai ndi ffer encebet weenFami l yandGener alTakaf ul ? Sel ec tone: Twos epar at edf undsf orcont r i but i onsonl yf orGener al Takaf ul Gener alT akaf ulus est heconceptofTabar r u' Savi ngnat ur ei nFami l yTakaf ul Noneoft heans wer s

Quest i on1 0 Noty etanswer ed Mar k edoutof1

Ques t i ont ex t Whati st heMOSTCORRECTans werr egar di ngRi ba' el ementi nc onv ent i onali nsur ance ? Sel ec tone: Thei nsur edev enti t s el fi snotguar ant eedt oocc ur ,t husi nv ol v e“ putonst ak e”money Noneoft heans wer s Al loft heanswer s I nsur anceal l owst hei ns ur edt os ubst i t ut eunc er t ai nt ywi t hcer t ai nt y Thei nsur edr ecei vesanamountf argr eat ert hant hepr emi umspai d

TEST (10%) QUESTION Quest i on1 Noty etanswer ed Mar k edoutof1

Ques t i ont ex t TheFi nanci alMar k ethel pst of aci l i t at et het r ans f erofl i qui di t yi nt he_____________. Sel ec tone: Capi t alMar k et For ei gnEx c hangeMar k et Noneoft heans wer s Der i v at i v eMar k et MoneyMar k et

Quest i on2 Noty etanswer ed Mar k edoutof1

Ques t i ont ex t Whi c hoft hef ol l owi ngs t at ementi sFALSEr egar di ngMoneyMar k et ? Sel ec tone: Fors hor t t er mi nv es t ment I nv ol v edebtandequi t ymar k et s Al soknownasl i qui di t ymar k et Focusonpr i mar ymar k et Lowr et ur ns

Quest i on3 Noty etanswer ed Mar k edoutof1

Ques t i ont ex t Whi c hoft hef ol l owi ngs t at ementi sFALSEr egar di ngSec ondar yMar k et ? Sel ec tone: Pr ovi denewf undst ot hei s suer I nv ol vi ngt hi r dpar t i es

Noneoft heans wer s Tr adi ngpr ev i ousl yi s sueds ec ur i t i es Fort hemeansofl i qui di t y

Quest i on4 Noty etanswer ed Mar k edoutof1

Ques t i ont ex t Al loft hef ol l owi ngi st hebasi sofeconomi cs y s t em i nI sl ami cFi nanc i alMar k et ,EXCEPT? Sel ec tone: Zakat Pr ofitLossShar i ng Compens at i on Al loft heanswer s Pr ofitShar i ng

Quest i on5 Noty etanswer ed Mar k edoutof1

Ques t i ont ex t Al loft hef ol l owi ngst at ement sar et r ueaboutShar i ahCommi t t ee( SC) ,EXCEPT? Sel ec tone: SCoper at esasani ndependentbody Appoi nt mentofSCmus tbeappr ov edbyt heBNM Mi ni mum of3SCi nt heI s l ami cI nst i t ut i ons Shar i ahAdv i sor yCounci l( SAC)c annotbec omeSCatonet i me Amongoft hedut i esi st oaudi tands uper vi s et heI sl ami cI nst i t ut i ons

Quest i on6 Noty etanswer ed Mar k edoutof1

Ques t i ont ex t I twasac ommonpr act i ceoft heanci entAr abt r i best hati fanymemberofat r i bewaski l l ed,t he conceptofAqi l ahwaspr act i ced.Whati st hedefini t i onof" Aqi l ah" ? Sel ec tone: Al loft heanswer s

Noneoft heans wer s Rans om money Bl ackmoney Bl oodmoney

Quest i on7 Noty etanswer ed Mar k edoutof1

Ques t i ont ex t Thet er m Tak af ul i sder i v edf r om anAr abi cr ootwor d“ Kaf al a” .Al loft heanswer si st hedefi ni t i on ofKaf al a,EXCEPT? Sel ec tone: Guar ant ee Respons i bi l i t y Sur et y shi p I namenabi l i t y

Quest i on8 Noty etanswer ed Mar k edoutof1

Ques t i ont ex t Whati st heMOSTCORRECTans werr egar di ngGhar arel ementi nconv ent i onali ns ur ance ? Sel ec tone: Thei nsur edev enti t s el fi snotguar ant eedt oocc ur ,t husi nv ol v e“ putons t ak e”money Thei nsur edr ecei v esanamountf argr eat ert hant hepr emi umspai d I nsur anceal l owst hei ns ur edt os ubst i t ut eunc er t ai nt ywi t hcer t ai nt y Al loft heanswer s

Quest i on9 Noty etanswer ed Mar k edoutof1

Ques t i ont ex t Whati st hemai ndi ffer encebet weenFami l yandGener alTakaf ul ?

Sel ec tone: Twos epar at edf undsf orcont r i but i onsonl yf orGener al Takaf ul Gener alT akaf ulus est heconceptofTabar r u' Savi ngnat ur ei nFami l yT akaf ul Noneoft heans wer s

Quest i on1 0 Noty etanswer ed Mar k edoutof1

Ques t i ont ex t Whati st heMOSTCORRECTans werr egar di ngRi ba' el ementi nc onv ent i onali nsur ance ? Sel ec tone: Thei nsur edev enti t s el fi snotguar ant eedt oocc ur ,t husi nv ol v e“ putonst ak e”money Noneoft heans wer s Al loft heanswer s I nsur anceal l owst hei ns ur edt os ubst i t ut eunc er t ai nt ywi t hcer t ai nt y Thei nsur edr ecei v esanamountf argr eat ert hant hepr emi umspai d...

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