final exam ethics PDF

Title final exam ethics
Course Business Ethics
Institution University of Ottawa
Pages 8
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Quiz Submissions - Final ExamAnonymous username: Attempt 1 Written: Dec 21, 2020 9:31 AM - Dec 21, 2020 11:58 AM Submission ViewTrue/False (8 Points) Question 1 0 / 2 points "Securitization", a prominent term in the global ecsystems of security against cyber-theft. onomic crisis of...



: Quiz Submissions - Final Exam - PHI2397[A] Business Ethics 20209 - Université d'Ottawa | University of Ottawa

Quiz Submissions - Final Exam Anonymous username: Attempt 1 Written: Dec 21, 2020 9:31 AM - Dec 21, 2020 11:58 AM Submission View Your quiz has been submitted successfully. True/False (8 Points) Question 1

0 / 2 points

"Securitization", a prominent term in the global economic crisis of 2008+, refers to increasing systems of security against cyber-theft. True False Question 2

2 / 2 points

Internet Service Providers in Canada must treat the content of other companies equally with their own. True False Question 3

2 / 2 points

It is illegal for Canadian companies to bribe officials of a foreign country even if it is expected there. True False Question 4

2 / 2 points

Monopolies are indications that markets are not tending equilibrium as they ideally should. True False… 1/8


: Quiz Submissions - Final Exam - PHI2397[A] Business Ethics 20209 - Université d'Ottawa | University of Ottawa

Multiple Choice (60 points) Question 5

3 / 4 points

Which of the following are true of the ethical theory of absolute rules? Check all that apply. The theory requires that moral actions must be universalizable. The theory requires that people never be used simply as a means to one's own ends. The theory concerns only the consequences of actions. The theory allows for sacrificing some values for the sake of others.

Question 6

1 / 4 points

Which of the following are aspects of the prisoner's dilemma? Check all that apply. The result for both prisoners by confessing is worse than if neither confessed. The basic problem is that the prisoners cannot communicate and thus agree on a strategy. Unqualified self-interest by each leads to opposite of self-interest for all. The implication of the dilemma is the opposite of Adam Smith's idea of the "invisible hand".

Question 7

4 / 4 points

Which of the following were features of subprime mortgages? Check all that apply. The problem of subprime mortgages was as severe in Canada as it was in the U.S. The initial monthly payments were often low, but then they rose significantly. The market value of homes purchased by subprime mortgages fell significantly. Many homes purchased with subprime mortgages were later just abandoned by their owners.

Question 8

1.5 / 4 points… 2/8


: Quiz Submissions - Final Exam - PHI2397[A] Business Ethics 20209 - Université d'Ottawa | University of Ottawa

Which of the following are true of the "credit crunch" that occurred in the global economic crisis of 2008+? Check all that apply. The source of the problem was a concern about banks having "toxic assets It was the phase of the crisis that developed out of the initial phase involving subprime mortgages. Its main point is that too many consumers were "maxing out" their credit cards. Its effect was that major manufacturing companies were unable to get loans for legitimate business needs.

Question 9

4 / 4 points

Which of the following are true of the principle of "Caveat Emptor/"Buyer beware"? Check all that apply. It is the current and only principle for determining responsibility for products that end up being unhealthy or unsafe. It neglects unequal information between consumers and producers or advertisers. It does not include a concern for negligence on the part of producers or advertisers. The only alternative to "buyer beware" is "strict liability" that makes producers or advertisers responsible for any and all harms that come from products or services.

Question 10

4 / 4 points

Which of these were troubling issues in Nestlé's marketing infant formula? Check all that apply. Families in developing countries were having too many children. The mothers who were being encouraged to use it often did not have access to clean water. Some of the salespeople encouraging its use were made to seem like nurses but were not real ones. Using the formula created a cost for which there is a natural and costless alternative.… 3/8


: Quiz Submissions - Final Exam - PHI2397[A] Business Ethics 20209 - Université d'Ottawa | University of Ottawa

Question 11

4 / 4 points

Which of the following are commonly claimed to be advantages of economic globalization (whether or not actually correct)? Check all that apply. Globalization promotes innovation in products, services and technology. Globalization promotes overall economic growth for countries. Globalization promotes international cooperation and peace. Globalization contributes to the spread of democracy.

Question 12

2 / 4 points

Which of the following are common criticisms of "free-trade" agreements? Check all that apply. They neglect power imbalance between developed and developing countries. Tariffs and trade quotas between countries are always a better alternative. The case of Canada, the U.S. and Mexico shows that a free-trade agreement can't be successfully concluded. Free-trade agreements that force governments to avoid deficits can be bad because stimulus-spending by governments can sometimes be economically needed.

Question 13

4 / 4 points

Which of the following is not a legal means of terminating an employee? For cause. With advance notice. By constructive dismissal. Without notice but with compensation.

Question 14

4 / 4 points

Which of the following is not a form of Affirmative Action in hiring?… 4/8


: Quiz Submissions - Final Exam - PHI2397[A] Business Ethics 20209 - Université d'Ottawa | University of Ottawa

Use of quotas. Special training. On-the-job accommodations. Less-than-standard pay for minority candidates.

Question 15

4 / 4 points

Which of the following was not found to be a cause of the Westray Mine explosion? Failure by the company to heed warning. Inadequate inspections. Rush to production. Worker carelessness.

Question 16

4 / 4 points

Which of the following is not an issue about pipelines for oil? There is opposition from some Indigenous people. The oil may come from fracking. The price of oil fluctuates. There is opposition from environmentalists.

Question 17

0 / 4 points

Which of the following is not true of justified whistleblowing? Superiors should first be informed. The motive must be unselfish. Employees never have a duty of loyalty to a company.… 5/8


: Quiz Submissions - Final Exam - PHI2397[A] Business Ethics 20209 - Université d'Ottawa | University of Ottawa

Alerting the media is a last resort.

Question 18

4 / 4 points

Which of the following are true of a major explosion in Bhopal India 1984. Check all that apply. Many thousands of people were killed. The cause was a gas leak resulting from flaws in the safety system. Victims or their families obtained significant compensation by suing the company in the U.S. where it had its headquarters. The company in question was Union Carbide.

Question 19

4 / 4 points

Which of the following are common criticisms of Facebook? Check all that apply. Privacy of users is not sufficiently protected. An aim and tendency of the company is to control the buying behaviour of users. The medium has become an instrument by which falsehoods and even conspiracy theories are widely spread and often accepted. The company has gained a market dominance that makes it an unacceptable monopoly.

Cases (16 points)

Answer each in approx. four lines. Question 20

3 / 8 points

The U.S. Supreme Court decided a case concerning female employees in a factory who were exposed to lead. What was in question and what was decided by the court and why? What was in question was the safety of the women that were exposed to the lead and the side effects it had on the women's pregnancy, also the companie's policy as it the major cause for the unsaftey. The court decided that the women should be moved to safer jobs, the company's policy was found to be discriminatory and unnaceptable in this case.… 6/8


: Quiz Submissions - Final Exam - PHI2397[A] Business Ethics 20209 - Université d'Ottawa | University of Ottawa

The correct answer is not displayed for Written Response type questions. Question 21

3.5 / 8 points

What was the recent scandal at VW/Volkswagen about? Specifically: (a) What did the company do, and why? (b) What were the general effects for the car buyers and the public? What, in general, were (c) the financial effects (numbers not needed) for the company and (d) any significant personal effects for its executives? a) The company crafted their cars in a way in which it would pass the emissions test but doesn't actually perform the function that the test was looking for. b) The effects were false advertisement towards the consumers as they believed the company c) The financial effects were that they had to recall all the cars that were purchased from them and had to pay the fines d) the personal effects were that the consumer's image of the company was ruined afterwards The correct answer is not displayed for Written Response type questions. Issues (16 points)

Answer each in approx. four lines. Question 22

3 / 8 points

For the ethical theory of utilitarianism: (a) state the main principle (b) whom it applies to (c) an advantage of the theory (d) a disadvantage of the theory. a) Compares right and wrong, choose the option that overall maximizes the benefits, minimizes the harm, it also compares alternative actions for consequences b) The ethical theory of utilitarianism applies to everyone as anyone can utilize this, although there are some individuals who can maximize more from this c) Allows society to focus on happiness and lets individual get the most benefit and less harm d) The ends don't justify the means, for this theory only result orientated seems to matter The correct answer is not displayed for Written Response type questions. View Feedback

Question 23

3.5 / 8 points… 7/8


: Quiz Submissions - Final Exam - PHI2397[A] Business Ethics 20209 - Université d'Ottawa | University of Ottawa

Cap-and-trade and a carbon tax are two different policies for dealing with a basic problem. Identify the problem, then explain either policy, spelling out two advantages and one disadvantage (criticism) of it. The problem that both policies deal with are carbon emissions, cap and trade is when a company/country sets a limit on the amount of emission that will be produced. The advantages are that there are now fixed limits for emissions and companies that follow this policy benefit through credits. The disadvantage is that you have to get an overall agreement in order to use this policy. The correct answer is not displayed for Written Response type questions.

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