Final Exam FLEB - phlebotomy PDF

Title Final Exam FLEB - phlebotomy
Author Kathy Rosado
Course Leadership and Management
Institution NUC University
Pages 50
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Final Exam

Phlebotomy Technician Exam

1. Which laboratory department performs culture and sensitivity tests?

Choose one:

Chemistry Hematology Immunohematology Microbiology

2. Define phlebotomist:

Choose one:

A technician who draws blood The process of drawing blood The study of the circulatory system None of the above

3. Which is not an example of proper laboratory safety?

Choose one:

Washing hands between patients

Wearing personal protective equipment Reusing gloves Properly disposing of sharps

4. All of the following are ways an infection can spread between patients, except:

Choose one:

Airborne Isolation Droplets Direct contact

5. A Phlebotomist is required to wear which of the following PPE when performing a routine venipuncture:

Choose one:

A mask A gown Gloves Eye protection

6. Which of the following personnel may be found in a clinical laboratory?

Choose one:

Pathologist Medical technologist Phlebotomist All of the above

7. What is an HAI, previously known as a nosocomial infection?

Choose one:

An infection acquired while in the hospital A non-contagious infection A respiratory infection A highly contagious infection

8. Improper cleaning of a venipuncture site could cause:

Choose one:

UTI Petechiae Septicemia Hematoma

9. What is the term for blood donated by a patient to be used for a planned future surgical operation?

Choose one:

Autologous donation Blood typing Compatibility testing Directed donation

10. Microorganisms that cause disease are:

Choose one:

Normal flora Pathogenic Nonpathogenic None of the above

11. Patients with transmittable blood borne diseases are placed on:

Choose one:

Strict isolation Standardized isolation Blood and body fluid precautions Reverse Isolation

12. The first thing a phlebotomist should do when performing an adult standard venipuncture is:

Choose one:

Apply a tourniquet Identify vein by palpation Examine the requisition form Examine the patient's identification band

13. Which laboratory department performs complete blood counts (CBCs)?

Choose one:

Chemistry Hematology Immunohematology Microbiology

14. The prime function of red blood cells is to:

Choose one:

Provide nutrients to the leucocytes Provide nutrients to the erythrocytes Fight infection Carry hemoglobin

15. What vein is most commonly used when performing a blood draw?

Choose one:

The basilic The antecubital The median cubital None of the above

16. Veins carry:

Choose one:

Deoxygenated blood to the heart Deoxygenated blood from the heart Oxygenated blood to the heart Oxygenated blood from the heart

17. Arteries carry:

Choose one:

Deoxygenated blood to the heart Deoxygenated blood from the heart Oxygenated blood to the heart Oxygenated blood from the heart

18. What type of safety hazards are needles and lancets?

Choose one:

Biological Electrical Sharps Physical

19. What is the first action one should take if stuck with a used needle that has been in contact with blood?

Choose one:

Dial 911 Flood the exposed area with water and clean the wound with soap and water or disinfectant Turnicate the injured limb Seek medical attention

20. Which of the following documents contains facts about chemicals, their hazards, procedures for cleanup, and first aid information?

Choose one:

Chemical label Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) OSHA regulations handbook NFPA diamond-shaped label

21. What is the first step one should take upon seeing smoke or flames in the laboratory?

Choose one:

Pull the fire alarm Find an extinguisher and try to put the fire out Evacuate the building Open all the doors and windows

22. Which term refers to a rapid, severe, life-threatening immune reaction?

Choose one:

Allergic contact dermatitis Anaphylaxis Irritant contact dermatitis Sensitivity

23. A collection of blood below the surface of the skin is called:

Choose one:

Hemolysis Hematuria Hematology Hematoma

24. What is the term for an object that is contaminated by bacteria?

Choose one:

Host Portal of entry Fomite Culture

25. A lavender/purple top vacutainer tube that contains EDTA is most commonly used for:

Choose one:


26. A gray top vacutainer tube is most commonly used for:

Choose one:


27. The following vacutainer tube contains no additives:

Choose one:

Red top Purple top Green top Grey top

28. What is the term for an object that is contaminated by bacteria?

Choose one:

Fomite Host Portal of entry Culture

29. Venipuncture can be performed by using:

Choose one:

A vacutainer technique A butterfly A syringe All of the above

30. Sodium heparin can be found in which of the following tubes:

Choose one:

Red Green Light Blue Lavender

31. The liquid portion of the blood collected from a red-stoppered tube following centrifugation is:

Choose one:

Plasma Serum Anticoagulant Sodium citrate

32. What is the most important means used to prevent the spread of infection?

Choose one:

Wearing gloves Hand washing Wearing a mask Quarantining infectious patients

33. When performing a dermal puncture on children younger than one year old, the best site is:

Choose one:

The buttocks The finger The leg The heel

34. When donning a gown, mask, respirator, face shield, and gloves, which item should be put on last?

Choose one:

Gown Mask Gloves Respirator

35. Countertops and workspaces can be disinfected of bloodborne pathogens by a diluted solution of which of the following?

Choose one:

Acetic acid Iodine Lysol Bleach

36. The legal term for intent to cause harm or injury to a person and actually doing so is called:

Choose one:

Breach of contract Negligence Battery Litigation

37. A patient is refusing to have their blood drawn. The phlebotomist should do all of the following except:

Choose one:

Return the lab requisition to the laboratory Contact the patient's nurse Try to convince the patient to have his or her blood drawn Force the patient to have his or her blood drawn

38. The prefix phlebo- means:

Choose one:

Vein Blood Injecting Needle

39. All of the following are reasons to avoid an area of the arm to perform venipuncture except:

Choose one:

Petechiae Scarred veins Obesity Edema

40. You are performing venipuncture and a patient begins to have convulsions. What should be your first action?

Choose one:

Notify the doctor Call for help Remove the tourniquet and needle Offer juice in case of low blood sugar

41. Lavender-stoppered tubes are used for all of the following tests except:

Choose one:

WBC CBC Platelet testing

Blood glucose test

42. The abbreviation for “immediately” is:

Choose one:


43. The phlebotomist can normally expect serum produced after spinning blood in a red-stoppered tube to be:

Choose one:

Milky white Brown Clear or straw colored Purple

44. Respiratory precautions will be used for which of the following disease(s)?

Choose one:

Staphylococcal skin infection Tuberculosis

Hepatitis B HIV

45. What is the name for the part of a needle that attaches to the collecting tube or syringe?

Choose one:

Bevel Gauge Lumen Hub

46. All of the following equipment may be discarded after use except:

Choose one:

Blood pressure cuffs Alcohol swabs Needles Gloves

47. Which anticoagulant is used for blood gas determinations?

Choose one:


Heparin Sodium citrate

48. Which of the following body systems protects vital organs and gives body structure?

Choose one:

Skeletal system Integumentary system Vascular system Muscular system

49. The sebaceous glands are associated with the:

Choose one:

Endocrine system Skeletal system Integumentary system Cardiovascular system

50. Which of the following tubes should be drawn first?

Choose one:

Light blue Green

Lavender Red

51. Venipuncture should be avoided in the arm on the affected side when a patient has had a(n):

Choose one:

Infection Colostomy Mastectomy Rhinoplasty

52. All of the following statements concerning the quality of blood specimens are true except:

Choose one:

Phlebotomy technique is critical to test results Specimen handling has no effect on the lab results Specimens of low quality can produce inaccurate results The laboratory will not always be able to detect problems with a specimen

53. What is the most important step of the blood collection procedure?

Choose one:

Patient identification Selection of the proper tubes

Appropriate vein selection Application of the tourniquet

54. When performing venipuncture, a hematoma forms. All of the following actions are acceptable except:

Choose one:

Removing the needle to apply pressure Adjusting the depth of the needle Ignoring it and collect the specimen Trying another site

55. Hemoguard is a type of:

Choose one:

Needle Splashguard Lancet Anticoagulant

56. When a sharps container is full, it should be:

Choose one:

Reported to the lab supervisor

Emptied into a biohazard bag Properly closed and put in a leak-proof biohazard container Emptied into the trash can

57. A retractable sheath is part of a:

Choose one:

Multiple-draw needle Lancet 21g needle Vacutainor

58. Which of the following neonatal test is required by law:?

Choose one:

Hemoglobin Bilirubin Phenylketonuria Cruetzfeldt-Jacob

59. Small red spots on the skin caused by a tourniquet that is too tight is known as:

Choose one:


Petechiae Hemoconcentration Hemolysis

60. The most effective means of preventing the transmission of disease in a health care facility is:

Choose one:

Use of gowns Use of masks Surveillance Hand washing

61. Which of the following cells contributes to blood clotting the most?

Choose one:

Platelets WBCs Lymphocytes RBCs

62. Erythrocytes are:

Choose one:


WBCs Lymphocytes RBCs

63. What is the most commonly used anticoagulant for blood tests?

Choose one:

EDTA Potassium oxylate Potassium oxylate Heparin

64. In what position should the bevel of the needle be in before entering a vein?

Choose one:

Facing toward the left Facing towards the right Facing down Facing upward

65. Which of the following steps are in proper order?

Choose one:

Remove the needle, apply pressure, release the tourniquet

Remove the needle, release the tourniquet, apply pressure Apply pressure, release the tourniquet, remove the needle Release the tourniquet, remove the needle, apply pressure

66. If a phlebotomist encounters a combative patient, they should:

Choose one:

Be empathetic and patient Attempt to venipuncture when the patient is not looking Tie the patient's arm down Continue asking the patient to cooperate until the patient submits

67. What is likely to occur if the needle is withdrawn before the tourniquet is removed?

Choose one:

Hemoconcentration Hemolysis Petechiae Hematoma

68. To prevent aerosol from getting in a phlebotomist’s eyes, she/he should wear a:

Choose one:


Goggles Cap Gloves

69. Which area of the laboratory will most often have the strictest specimen collection requirements?

Choose one:

Chemistry Blood bank Hematology Bacteriology

70. While sitting, a patient faints. All of the following actions are acceptable except :

Choose one:

Positioning a patients head between his/her knees Placing a cold compress on the back of the patient's neck Quickly go for help Using ammonium salts to wake patient

71. All of the following are reasons for clotting to occur in an anti-coagulated tube except:

Choose one:

Improper ratio of blood-to-anticoagulant

Failure to sufficiently mix blood and anticoagulant Blood collected in a syringe was not added quickly to tubes with anticoagulant Hemolysis of red blood cells

72. Aspirin may affect the ____________ of a patient.

Choose one:

Glucose levels Bleeding time Testimony Blood culture

73. What is the medical term for fainting?

Choose one:

Syncope Emesis Hematoma Lymphostasis

74. The epidermis is part of which system?

Choose one:


Cardiac Skeletal Nervous

75. Cytology is the study of:

Choose one:

Brain Cells Tissues Organs

76. ______________ is the substance in erythrocytes that carries oxygen.

Choose one:

Sodium chloride Water Hemoglobin Albumin

77. The primary source of information when labeling a specimen is:

Choose one:

Patient's comments

Nurse Wristband Specimen collection manual

78. When performing venipuncture, the tourniquet should never be on for more than:

Choose one:

15 seconds 30 seconds 45 seconds 1 minute

79. Dermal punctures are performed on:

Choose one:

Capillaries Veins Arteries Arterioles

80. When performing a microcapillary blood collection, in the case of an infant, the skin puncture may include:

Choose one:

The belly The earlobe The forearm The elbow

81. Which of the following biological conditions may affect the results of a blood test?

Choose one:

Posture Pregnancy Diet Medications

82. It is not true that:

Choose one:

The tube holder and needle are discarded. Disposable needles can never be reused. A safety device that is part of the needle holder may be reused. Recapping used needles after routine venipuncture is acceptable.

83. Professionals should:

Choose one:

Be groomed well Dress correctly Follow standards and guidelines All of the above

84. A barrier to effective communication is:

Choose one:

Listening Paying attention Empathy Stereotyping

85. HIPAA is:

Choose one:

A national certification exam An organization that aids the public in accessing a person's health information Designed to keep personal health information private Designed to aid phlebotomists in assigning a blood sample to a tube top

86. Hypoglycemia is:

Choose one:

High blood sugar High cholesterol Low blood sugar Low cholesterol

87. Prolonged bleeding time may be a sign of:

Choose one:

Low white blood cell count Low red blood cell count Low platelet count Infection

88. Which of these factors do not usually contribute to syncope?

Choose one:

Fatigue Cardiac arrhythmia Sudden decrease in blood volume Hematoma

89. Which is the largest bore opening?

Choose one:

14 gauge 20 gauge 21 gauge 22 gauge

90. The most common antiseptic used to clean a venipuncture site is:

Choose one:

Bleach Isopropyl alcohol Chlorhexidine gluconate Betadine

91. Which of the following would be the largest sized needle?

Choose one:

16 gauge 20 gauge 21 gauge 23 gauge

92. The most common gauge used for a routine venipuncture is:

Choose one:

16 gauge 25 gauge 14 gauge 20 gauge

93. To prevent a hematoma, the tourniquet should be removed:

Choose one:

Before removing the needle After removing the needle Before 30 seconds elapse Before palpitating the vein

94. Timed specimens are most frequently collected to monitor:

Choose one:

Medication levels Bilirubin FBS Cold agglutinins

95. The 5-hour OGTT is used to test for:

Choose one:

Anemia Epinephrine Lactose Hypoglycemia

96. Which laboratory department requires a special patient identification system in addition to the hospital ID bracelet?

Choose one:

Chemistry Coagulation Hematology Blood bank

97. Which specimen requires chilling during transfer to the lab?

Choose one:

CBC Arterial blood gases Cryofibrinogen Bleeding time

98. It is necessary for a patient to fast for 12 hours before:

Choose one:

Therapeutic phlebotomy Blood donation Glucose tolerance test Blood culture

99. All of the following are true statements about collecting blood for legal alcohol levels except:

Choose one:

Use sterile soap and water to clean the puncture site Tubes must be filled as full as the vacuum allows The specimen should not be left uncapped The site must be cleaned with alcohol

100. To protect blood constituents that are light sensitive, the phlebotomist should:

Choose one:

Wrap the tube in aluminum foil after collection Draw the blood in a dark room Place the tube in a dark container None of the above

101. The most common procedure for collecting many types of urine specimens is known as the:

Choose one:

Catheterized urine sample Midstream clean catch Suprapubic aspiration Timed specimen

102. The test performed to check for blood in fecal material is:

Choose one:

Random test 72 hour stool test Clean catch test Occult blood test

103. What test is used to diagnose hypoglycemia?

Choose one:

5 hour oral GTT 2 hour pp (postprandial) glucose 1 hour oral GTT 3 hour oral GTT

104. What point-of-care test can be used for a routine urinalysis?

Choose one:

Glucose monitor test Occult blood Dipstick test Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)

105. During an oral GTT, the patient is allowed to consum...

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