Course Introduction To World Regions
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(Keywords: marriage, punishment, gender roles, sexuality) Adultery is the sexual intercourse between men and women who are not married legally as well as unfaithfulness. According to ancient laws of both the religions , sexual intercourse with a women or men who are not their own wife or husband. Involving in adultery is considered as a sin in both the religions and as well as public disrespect.

1.1 Marriages Marriages are considered as sacred and form of basic unit in the society in both the religions . Also sex before marriage is technically unacceptable, if at all they performed by two individuals who intended to marry, it is less unacceptable than if performed by two individuals who have no intention of any particular mutual commitment. Hinduism , does not support adulterous and it is considered a moral sin. In case of women, the consequences of adultery in Hinduism are much worse and extra marital affairs involving married women are rarely overlooked and strict laws are applied. ( According to Vishnu Purana 3.11), “A man should not think incontinently of another’s wife, much less address her to that end; for such a man will be reborn in future life as a creeping insect. He who commits adultery is punished here and hereafter; for his days in this

world are cut short, and when dead he falls into hell.” This clearly says that we always need to be committed to our life partner and not have any feelings on another girl when you are already married to a women or men. If at all you commit adultery you will have harsh punishments in hell ! Jews do not accept adultery . Jewish people believe that once you are married and had sex with your partner you are totally embarked on the marriage process . It’s a sin of dis- respectful in the society and would destroy the self respect of the person who committed to cheat. From ancient the general laws in Judaism has been reasonably strict through the ages . In-fact both the religions have the same strict laws on marriages.

1.2 Punishments The Modern Indian laws describes that adultery as a punishable offence and there are strong penalty charged on people who were committing adultery. Hinduism has Marriage Act which clearly forbids law and punishment for those who go against the law. It’s pretty straight forward law that whoever commits adultery shall be punished with an imprisonment which may extend to five years, or with fine, or both. In ancient times , like very long long lears ago, they believe that if you commit some mistake in having sex with another women you may tend to have a terrific life in your next life . The punishments imposed by Indian marriage laws may provide relief to the offended party for a short time but it destroys the sanctity of the marital bond and ruins family life in long term. And the another major punishment is that if the men gives divorce to his wife and if they have child he needs to fund then till there are grown up.

1.3 Gender Roles In Hinduism and Judaism , men and women were being the halves of one substance and are equal in all the aspects . Also take decisions together . Women's were given the rights to make choices on marriages and family . When it comes to education , Girls play very important role. In ancient times , all the girls were allowed only to kitchen because her work after marriage or before marriage would be to take care of kitchen work only. But now laws changed and men and women are treated equally and hence they take equal parts in all work. In ancient times , Women had great respect and freedom in the society . “Where women are worshipped, there the Gods are pleased. But where they are not honored, no sacred rite reward yields” says (Manu Smriti : 3.56.) For instance, In the Hinduism Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva are the Creator, Protector, and Destroyer of the Universe, respectively. However, the ultimately need support of their own wives to achieve the goals . Brahma needs the grace of Saraswati, the Goddess of Learning; Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth, is an essential companion to Vishnu; and Shiva derives power from Parvathi or Shakthi. So the male and female partner working together as equal partners in the universe is carried further and simply denoting that one is incomplete without the other. In Jewish laws, its slightly different. Women’s responsibilities are different from men’s but no less important . When it comes to equality men and women are treated equally at the highest possible level. Historically , Judaism maintained some gender laws where it states that husband will provide food , clothing and shelter for the wife and if he divorces her, he promises to pay in

order to sustain her. Women are discouraged from pursuing higher education or religious pursuits, women’s are usually spiritual devoted and the laws is same as with Hinduism law.

1.4 Sexuality Sexuality is basically called as Kama in Hinduism and different things to different people. For some people, it could mean the act of sex and sexual practices, for others it could mean sexual orientation or identity . Kama is nothing but sexual pleasure between men and women. Puranas personify Kama as Kamadeva, the god of desire and passion. Vedas in Hinduism reveal the ancient perspectives on sexuality. Historic evidence is that most of the Indians in ancient times dressed only the lower half of the bodies with clothes and upper body with gold ,silver ornaments and some people used to wear expensive clothes just to show off that they are rich or have enough wealth with them. In Hindu religion , Kamasutra plays an important role in sexuality . There are three pillars of Hindu religion they are Dharma, Artha and Kama . (The Kamasutra of Vatsyayana”, burton R) Kamasutra is not a law book, but it is a book which explains

sexuality. In Hinduism Sexuality has been influenced by divine myths and also includes how the gender is defined and how it has to be practiced. People of Judaism think that Sexuality is a divine gift from god. . Judaism does not believe that sexuality is evil, but rather a strong and chronic urge similar to hunger or thirst, that is apparent in healthy human beings It is because sexuality is such a strong drive, however, that Judaism seeks to control it. Judaism believes that of all human urges, sexuality, when not controlled, will lead most people astray (Waskow 244). According to Judaism, marriage is the only allowable outlet for men and women so as to express their sexuality as to avoid excessive temptation and

the sins that might occur due to temptation. Judaism believes sex is one of the three basic rights of women and not men. (Biale 121) . A man has a legal obligation to fulfill his needs of his wife and if he isn’t willing to then he is called to divorce her. Conclusion: My conclusion is that , I found same law and similar punishments or the same practices in both the religions. Since both the religions are very old , they are having the same ancient practices as well!

Peer review: Started off with good introduction of what is what . Modern and ancient traditions are discussed and well supported with both the religions . Discussed all the keywords and differentiated both the religions and given clear short conclusion with clear thesis statement . Also used some citations , websites and books. The most interesting part was about the marriages where it was clearly said and differentiated between the two religions!

References :

1. Burney Relief of Innana, ca. 2300 BCE. Also on this web site is the story of Lilith from The Alphabet of Ben Sira and The Zohar.

2. 3. From the Margins of Hindu Marriage: Essays on Gender, Religion, and Culture.

4. "4. Thou Shalt Not: Forbidden Seuxal Relationships in the Bible". God and Sex. What the Bible Really Says...

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