Final Science Lesson Forces and Motion PDF

Title Final Science Lesson Forces and Motion
Course Elem Science Methods
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 26
File Size 1.8 MB
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science methods lesson plan for elementary education...


Elementary Science 5E Lesson Hands-on Inquiry-Based Lesson Plan ***The lesson planning sheet serves as a guide for developing your own lesson. On the day of the presentation your lesson will be no less than 30 but no more than 45 minutes.

ementary Lesson Planning Template Your name(s):

Baylee Krueger

Grade level and school:

3rd Grade - Clarksville Elementary School

Title of lesson/activity:

Sheep in a Jeep- Motion and Forces

Teaching date(s) and time(s):

Tuesday, October 23, 2018. 12:45-1:30

Estimated time for lesson/activity:

45 minutes

Overview and Context (Big Idea) Lesson Overview:

This lesson provides students with the opportunity to observe and change the motion of an object and learn about forces (pushes and pulls) that cause these changes, such as gravity, friction, and air resistance.

Background Knowledge

Gravity- force that pulls all things towards earth Friction- force that slows things down as a result of rubbing Newton’s First Law- object at rest stays at rest unless a force acts upon on it. Object in motion stays in motion unless a force acts upon it.


Inertia- resistance to change in motion

Background Knowledge Continued

Force- Push or pull Motion- when an object is not still



Ansberry, K. (2010). Picture-Perfect Science Lessons(2nd ed.). National Science Teachers Association. The Mailbox. (2008, February). How Can I Determine The Effects Of Force? - Lessons - Tes Teach. Retrieved October 17, 2018, from


Instructional Plan Materials:

Student Materials: • • • • • • • • • •


Toy cars (1 per team) Small plastic animals (preferably sheep; 1 per team) Wooden ramps (1 per team) Wooden blocks (3 per team) Tape (1 strip per team) Team task cards Tape measure (1 per team) Laptops Red and Green Plastic Cups (1 each per team) Clipboards

Teacher Materials: • • •

Smartboard Sheep in a Jeep by Nancy E. Shaw Nearpod

Laptops and SmartBoard for Nearpod

Standards, Objectives and Assessments State Standards

Science: 3.PS.1 Plan and conduct an investigation to provide evidence of the effects of balanced and unbalanced forces on the motion of an object. Math: 3.M.2: Choose and use appropriate units and tools to estimate and measure length, weight, and temperature. Estimate and measure length to a quarter-inch, weight in pounds, and temperature in degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit.


English: 3.RL.2.4: Build upon prior knowledge ¯

2.RL.2.4: Make predictions about the content of text using prior knowledge of text features, explain whether they were confirmed or not confirmed and why.

Objectives Assessments

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Students will be able to investigate the effects of force and motion through experimentation Students will be able to correctly identify centimeter side of a ruler and accurately calculate distance. Students will be able to predict the effects of an action given the cause.

Diagnostic: KWL sheet Formative: Explore- What causes the jeep to roll down the ramp? Explain- Nearpod Elaborate- How are seatbelts helpful? Was the sheep better off wearing a seatbelt or was he fine without one? Summative: Exit ticket with rubric


Procedure(s) for 6E Instructional Learning Cycle Model

Engage • •

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*****(Complete below the day before “Explore” phase if possible) Tell students we will be reading a funny book called Sheep in a Jeep by Nancy E. Shaw because it will help them learn about force and motion. Ask students questions to activate prior knowledge about the meanings of force and motion o What is a force? (A force is a push or pull on an object) o What can forces do? (They make things move. They can speed things up or slow them down. They can make things change direction. They can make things move back and forth or around and around.) o What is gravity? (The thing that pulls objects to earth.) o Is gravity a force? (Yes) o What is motion? (Motion is the change in the position of an object.) Next ask students to give a thumbs up when they think they hear an example of a force or motion in the book. Make a T table labeled Force and Motion on the SmartBoard. Ask students what examples of force and motion they heard in the story. List these on the SmartBoard. *****(Complete below day of “Explore” phase) Project Bill Nye Science Guy video on forces and motion Explain to students that we are going to explore forces and motions for ourselves using toy cars and animals. o Similar to what we observed in the Sheep in a Jeep book we read day before (if applicable)


***Safety Rules and Regulations: o

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No running/horseplay- This is unsafe; someone could trip over other groups’ materials and fall. It could also skew a group’s experiment results.

Tell students they will explore some things that affect motion. Divide students into four-person teams. Give each team member copy of the Sheep in a Jeep Checkpoint Lab worksheet packet. Explain the directions on the worksheet. Assign each team member a Team Task Card and explain their duty in the group. o Reader- reads the directions as the group works and is in charge of the green and red cups. o Releaser/Calculator- Releases the jeep from the top of the ramp without pushing it and calculates the average distances in Part B. o Measurer- Measures the distance in centimeters the jeep travels from the end of the ramp in Part B. o Materials Manager- Gathers all necessary materials for the group. Puts them away when finished. Distribute the materials for the lab to each group. (1 toy car, 1 toy animal, 1 wooden ramp, 3 blocks, 1 strip of tape, 1 green cup, and 1 red cup)


• •

Demonstrate how to release the car from top of ramp without pushing it. Demonstrate how to measure the distance it rolled in centimeters. o Explain that if the car rolls off the ramp before it reaches the bottom or get stuck, hits something, etc. that we won’t record that trial and will do it over. Explain variability. o Scientists do the same experiment over and over to make sure of their results. Your results won’t be exactly the same for each time. That’s why you are going to do three trials to take an average. o Average-- Trial 1+ Trial 2+ Trial 3= __ 3 Explain how the red and green cups are to be used o Green cup= group is working on conducting the trials o Red cup= group needs help or has reached a checkpoint Part A- Stack 2 blocks. Place ramp from stack of blocks to floor. See student paper attached. Tape sheep into car.


Stack of Books

Part B- Raise the stack of blocks to 3 blocks tall. Complete the same steps as above. See student paper attached.

*** After students complete checkpoint B, direct them to return to their seats for Explain phase


Motion and Forces Nearpod •

Direct students to take their laptops out and pull up the Nearpod website.


• • • • •

Elaborate Evaluate Extension/ Enrichment

Turn the SmartBoard on and pull up the Nearpod presentation while students are turning on and pulling up Nearpod on their own laptops. Direct students to type in the code that is on the SmartBoard to be in the Nearpod. Go through the Nearpod presentation Stop and discuss the slides that have topics and definitions that need to be explained. Allow time for the short answer and multiple-choice questions throughout the presentation.

Part D- Take the sheep belts (untape) off of the sheep in the car. Place book at end of ramp. Place car at top of ramp and release. See student paper attached. Exit ticket (see attached) One technology application – Students will further practice their new knowledge of forces and motion by playing these interactive online gamesà Students would use their laptops and play games while further discovering how forces and motion work. One game or activity sheet – May the Force Lie with You activity sheet (attached). This would be a bonus sheet to discover how forces play a role in our daily lives. One literacy activity – The Gripping Truth About Forces and Motion by Agnieszka Biskup. This would be a class read aloud to discover where and how forces and motion can be found in everyday life.


Differentiation of Instruction Accommodations/Modifications for Students – (Utilize the principles of UDL., ie. , IEP, ELL, GT, Physical, Social Emotional, Speech, Disinterested, low performing students).EVERY class has learners of differing abilities. Make sure to include how you will address those needs in this section. Include at least five specific modifications/accommodations for five different types of learners, i.e. special education, ELL, below grade level and gifted/talented. Describe how you will change the materials, procedures, or assessment to make sure you address all of the needs in your classroom.When creating your lesson plan you need to have specific accommodations/modifications for the student(s). For example, you might include the following statements: Learning Disabilities

Students A and B both have learning disabilities and have difficulties with silent reading comprehension and vocabulary. For these students I will read the directions and explain the words that may be challenging for them.

English Language Learners

Student C is a Spanish speaking student who moved from Nicaragua four months ago. He is beginning to learn words for basic environmental print. For him I will demonstrate what he is to do for each of the activities and place him in a group of helpful classmates.

Gifted & Talented

Student D is above grade level in reading. For her I will provide interesting bonus materials about force and motion that she can work on after completing her initial work.

Co-teaching Strategy One teach-one assist—I will implement this strategy by presenting the information and giving directions for the explore activity. Once the students get going, I will be walking around to the different groups to help any students with difficulties or questions; my clinical educator will be doing the same.


Post-Teaching Reflection in Narrative Form 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Discuss what you learned from teaching the lesson. What went well (or not)? What unexpected things happened, and how did you handle them? Did the students get out of the lesson what you wanted them to? What would you change to increase student learning, especially in lower performing students?

Lesson Deliverables 6. Final draft of the lesson plan –CANVAS & 1 hard color- copy *** on day of observation- On CANVAS all files will be uploaded as one PDF file! 7. Completed Reflection will posted separately on CANVAS as a word document. 8. PowerPoint/Prezi no more than 6 slides (uploaded and hardcopy provided to instructor)

Some Ideas to consider: 1. Make each procedure so specific that ANY non-educator can clearly follow the directions. 2. Include enough examples and or activities to adequately address your objectives. (Remember to be very specific in this section, particularly with transitions. Make connections clear to students. Get whatever is in your head on paper! Make sure the CONTENT is EVIDENT!!Each procedure must be numbered 3. Begin each procedure with a VERB 4. Include one least diagnostic, formative and summative assessment so that you will know the children learned the concept and objective Include at least three “best practice” strategies that may be used as extensions to your original lesson. These are activities that can be used IN


Reader Reads directions to the group throughout experiment. Also in charge of red and green cups.

Releser/ Calculator Releases jeep from top of ramp without pushing jeep. Calculates the averages in Part B.

Measurer Measures the distance in centimeters the jeep travels from the end of the ramp in parts A and B.

Materials Manager Gathers all materials for the group. 1 toy car, 1 toy animal, 1 wooden ramp, 3 wooden blocks, 1 strip of tape, 1 green cup, 1 red cup


Jeep Exit Ticket Rubric Excellent Response is at least four sentences in length (1 point) Response includes what the student learned about motion (1 point) Response includes what the student learned about force (1 point)

Poor Response is three or less sentences in length (0 points) Response fails to mention motion (0 points) Response fails to mention force (0 points)

Points Received...

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