FIT1045 53 workshop 12 solutions PDF

Title FIT1045 53 workshop 12 solutions
Author will z
Course Introduction to Algorithm and Python
Institution Monash University
Pages 9
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FIT1045/1053 Algorithms and Programming Fundamentals inPython – Workshop 12.SolutionsObjectivesAfter this workshop, you should be able to: Implement more backtracking algorithms Know how to use classes to define your own object types (not examinable) Task 1: BacktrackingIn the lectures you were give...


FIT1045/1053 Algorithms and Programming Fundamentals in Python – Workshop 12. Solutions

Objectives After this workshop, you should be able to: • Implement more backtracking algorithms • Know how to use classes to define your own object types (not examinable)

Task 1: Backtracking In the lectures you were given the following code: def solutions(completed, options, partial=[]): if completed(partial): return [partial] else: res = [] for o in options(partial): augmented = partial+[o] res += solutions(completed, options, augmented) return res def backtracking_task(x): def options(partial): ... def completed(partial): ... return solutions(completed, options, starting_partial) This code provides a framework for many (although not all) of the backtracking problems you will see in this unit; however, you may not fully understand everything it does. Ensure you understand what each line of code is doing before you implement it. Remember, if you use code from the lectures you must cite it. It is sufficient to include a comment such as #code for < f unction > adapted from Lecture #, slide #.

Part A: Palindromic Bitlists def p a l i n d r o m e _ b i n a r y ( n ) : def options ( partial ): if len ( partial ) < n //2+ n %2: return [0 ,1] return [ p artial [ n - len ( partial ) -1]] def complet ed ( partial ): return len ( partial ) == n return solutio ns ( completed , options , [])

Part B: All Paths 1

def al l_ paths (M , u , v ): def options ( partial ): opt = [] for i in range ( len ( M )): if M [ partial [ -1]][ i ] and i not in partial : opt += [ i] return opt def complet ed ( partial ): return partial [ -1]== v return sol ut ions ( comple te d , o ption s , [ u ])

Part C: Stairs def stairs ( stairca se ): def options ( partial ): opt = [] if len ( partial ) == 1: for i in range (1 ,4): if i < len ( stair case ) and sta ir case [i ]: opt += [ i] else : prohib = partial [ -1] - p ar ti al [ -2] for i in range (1 ,4): if i != prohib : stair = partial [ -1] + i if stair < len ( staircas e ) and staircase [ stair ]: opt += [ stair ] return opt def complete ( par tial ): return partial [ -1] == len ( sta ir case ) -1 return len ( s ol ut ions ( complete , options , [0]))

Task 2: Classes - An Introduction to Custom Types [1.5 marks] A very important question in Python programming that we haven’t covered in this unit is how we can create our own type of objects. This introductory activity to custom objects and types might look a bit intimidating on first glance (based on its length). But this is only because it is written as a self-contained introduction that takes one step at a time (and nothing for granted). The actual tasks are only in Parts F-H, but it is highly recommended to follow the parts A to E interactively using a Python shell or working with the provided template file (e.g., by adding test cases). Don’t do this activity just for getting 1.5 marks (hopefully you have reached your full workshop marks anyway some time ago). If you just do it for marks it will probably feel lengthy (like most things that you just do for marks... or any other reward for that matter). Do this last workshop activity of FIT1045/53 if/when you are eager to learn more about Python. Stay curious.

Part A. Motivation The built-in types like int, float, bool, list, str principally allow us to represent all sorts of things. But relying only on them can become pretty cumbersome, and we often would like to group related values in one object. For instance, we could represent circles in the plane by three float values representing the x and y-coordinates of the centre and the radius like this >>> cx1, cy1, r1 = 2.0, 2.0, 1.0 >>> cx2, cy2, r2 = 2.0, 0.0, 0.9 >>> cx3, cy3, r3 = 0.0, 2.0, 3.0 and then define a function circles_intersect(cx1, cy1, r1, cx2, cy2, r2) that returns True if and only if the point (x, y) is contained in the circle defined by cx, cy, and r: >>> circles_intersect(cx1, cy1, r1, cx2, cy2, r2) False >>> circles_intersect(cx1, cy1, r1, cx3, cy3, r3) True 2

This is quite a long parameter list that makes programs that use this function hard to read and error-prone. For instance, while developing this worksheet, the author made the following mistake (and not for didactic reasons): circles_intersect(cx1, cy1, r1, cx2, cx2, r2) Things could also easily get worse. Imagine for instance we need a function that determines whether two triangles intersect. This would result in a function with twelve parameters: three vertices per triangle! In such situations we would much prefer to have objects that group the related information. To start, we could use tuples to represent points as a single object. With this we could write >>> c1, r1 = (2.0, 2.0), 1.0 >>> c2, r2 = (2.0, 0.0), 0.9 >>> c3, r3 = (0.0, 2.0), 3.0 and use a four-parameter function definition instead: >>> circles_intersect2(c1, r1, c2, False >>> circles_intersect2(c1, r1, c3, True >>> circle_contains2(c1, r1, (1.5, True >>> circle_contains2(c1, r1, (1.0, False

r2) r3) 2.0)) 1.0))

However, the centre c and the radius r are also related and simply adding r to the tuple would result in an unintuitive convention that is hard to memorise and read. For instance, it will be difficult to decide which of the following Boolean expressions correctly captures the concepts that two circles intersect: euclidean_distance(c1[0], c1[1], c2[0], c2[1]) > c1 = Circle((2.0, 2.0), 1.0) >>> c2 = Circle((2.0, 0.0), 0.9) >>> c3 = Circle((0.0, 2.0), 3.0) >>> c1 Circle((2.0, 2.0), 1.0) >>> c1.centre (2.0, 2.0) >>> c1.radius 1.0 Since Python does not provide Circle as built-in object type, we have to create it. This can be done via a class definition like the following: >>> class Circ: ... pass This class definition creates a function-like object (more precisely a type object that can be called like a function) with the name Circ that can be used to create objects of a brand-new Circ type (this abbreviation is not a nice name, we just use it for this first attempt of defining a class to not clash with our final Circle class defined further below): >>> Circ

>>> c = Circ() Great! We have just created not only our first custom type, but also one object with that type. Unfortunately, using the empty class definition above results in very boring objects with no attributes or methods. It turns out, we could add attributes to the object by simply assigning them: 3

>>> c.centre = (0.0, 0.0) >>> c.radius = 1.0 >>> c.centre (0.0, 0.0) >>> c.radius 1.0 This way we could create our desired circle objects but this is not very convenient. The key to making this whole exercise useful is to add methods to our objects, which, as it turns out, can be done by equipping our Circ type with function attributes (recall Circ was this interesting function-like object we got through our class definition). One way to do this (that we should not use other than in very specific circumstances) is to assign functions attributes directly to Circ.

Part C: From Functions to Methods Let’s say we have the following function: >>> from math import pi >>> def circumference(circle): ... return 2*pi*circle.radius Given that our circle object c has the attribute radius, we can call this function with the expected outcome >>> circumference(c) 6.283185307179586 What is more interesting is what happens if we add this function as attribute to the Circ type object: >>> Circ.circumference = circumference It turns out, the circumference function is now available as method of our object c (which as we recall is of type Circle). >>> c.circumference() 6.283185307179586 Note how the function, which actually takes one input argument circle turned into a zero argument method. What happens when we call circumference as a method on some circle object c is that the object c itself is used as the function argument. What happens if the function that we use as a method takes more than one argument? Let’s find this out by defining another potentially useful function—one that we can use to more conveniently initialise Circ objects. >>> def init_circle(circle, centre, radius): ... circle.centre = centre ... circle.radius = radius >>> Circ.init = init_circle >>> c2 = Circ() >>> c2.init((2.0, 1.0), 0.9) >>> c2.centre (2.0, 1.0) >>> c2.radius 0.9 Ok. So method calls work by using the object as the first argument to the underlying function that defines the method.

Part D: Magic Methods and How to Really Initialise Objects The above init circle method could be taken as a first attempt to improve our so far embarrassingly inconvenient process of creating useful Circle objects (namely those that have an actual centre and radius attribute). However, used as above this is still not very convincing. Our actual goal was to be able to this c1 = Circle((2.0, 2.0), 1.0)


and be done with creating a circle object. So somehow we have to modify the way in which Circ can be called (we need it to take two parameters instead of none) and what it does (it should initialise the created object instead of just spitting out a naked one that we have to finish ourselves). Enter one of the most characteristic features of the Python language: the ’magic method’. Magic methods (or ’special methods’ as they are more modestly called in the Python documentation) are methods with specific names that begin with and end with two underscores . The most important special method is the one called init . This method is precisely what we are looking for: it determines the definition of the Circ function/callable object. Luckily, we have already defined a function to initialise circles. So we can directly move ahead and use it to demonstrate the effect of defining an init method: >>> Circ.__init__ = init_circle >>> c1 = Circ((2.0, 2.0), 1.0) >>> c1.centre (2.0, 2.0) >>> c1.radius 1.0 >>> c1.circumference() 6.283185307179586 Beautiful! We finally got there. Before we go ahead and put everything together, let us define one more special method: the repr method. So far we couldn’t inspect our circle objects very easily after they are created (try evaluating just c1 in the shell). To get a informative (string) representation for circles we can define a repr . The following function will do: >>> def circle_as_string(circle): ... return ’Circ({}, {})’.format(circle.centre, circle.radius) >>> Circle.__repr__ = circle_as_string >>> c1 Circ((2.0, 2.0), 1.0)

Part E: Defining Classes - The Actual Way To Do It As indicated above, binding previously defined ‘free’ functions to type objects is not the usual way to create methods on the corresponding objects. Instead, we can create methods much more directly through class definitions. We can do this by using the by now familiar indentation syntax to indicate what function definitions are part of the class definition: class Circle: def __init__(self, centre=(0.0, 0.0), radius=1.0): self.centre = centre self.radius = radius def __repr__(self): return ’Circle({}, {})’.format(self.centre, self.radius) def circumference(self): return 2*self.radius*pi This binds the functions defined inside the class definition directly to the Circle type. You can see two things: Firstly, the special methods are defined in this way exactly as regular methods. Secondly, when defining functions (to be methods) directly inside a class definition, we like to call the first parameter self. This is a pure convention. We could have called it circle instead, but that would confuse other Python programmers when they read our class definition. With this we can directly write as desired: >>> c1 = Circle((2.0, 2.0), 1.0) >>> c2 = Circle((2.0, 0.0), 0.9) >>> c3 = Circle((0.0, 2.0), 3.0) and defining a suitable function circles intersect3(circle1, circle2) we get the long awaited much less error prone calls:


>>> circles_intersect3(c1, c2) False >>> circles_intersect3(c1, c3) True In fact, we can now do better than that and directly define the intersects function as method of the Circle class. You will do that in the following task part of this activity.

Part F: Useful Circle Methods (0.5 marks) In fact, there is a number of useful methods to add to our Circle class. Let’s start with a method diameter for converting the internally stored radius to the diameter. Finding an expressing the formula for this in Python is something that you can do without any mental effort. The only challenge here is to use it do define a method. Do this by augmenting the class definition of Circle given in the workshop template. Then you can call the new method as desired: >>> c1.diameter() 2.0 >>> c2.diameter() 1.8 >>> c3.diameter() 6.0 Next, let’s add a method to compute the area. I’m sure, I don’t have to remind you of the formula to compute the area of a circle, but I do it anyway: the area of a circle is the square of its radius times π. Again, the only challenge is to define is as a method: >>> c1.area() 3.141592653589793 >>> c2.area() 2.5446900494077327 >>> c3.area() 28.274333882308138 Now it’s time for creating methods that take a parameter. Create a method contains point(point) that returns True if and only if the circle contains the given input point (represented by a two-element tuple): >>> c1.contains_point((0.0, 0.0)) False >>> c2.contains_point((0.0, 1.0)) False >>> c3.contains_point((-1.0, 0.0)) True Next, let’s finally add the method intersects(other) that returns True if and only if the circle intersects another circle other. >>> c1.intersects(c2) False >>> c1.intersects(c3) True >>> c2.intersects(c3) True Perhaps we have squeezed out enough of the circle example and should move on. Now it is time to write your first class from scratch. Our will be to come up with a better representation of points: vector objects.

Part G: Vectors and Operator Magic (0.5 marks) So far we have represented points simply by Python pairs (tuples with two elements). This grouped the twocoordinates x and y into one object, and simplified function definitions, e.g., for computing the distance between two points, by giving a clear and reduced form of the parameter list. On the other hand, it left us stuck with the methods of the tuple type, althopugh there are plenty of potetentially useful methods that could be defined for a more specific point type. 6

Let’s explore this design possibility. We will change our view on points slighlty by identifying them with the 2d-vectors pointing to them from the origin of the coordinate system. Write a class Vector for vector objects that have two float attributes x and y. As with the Circle class, make sure objects of type Vector can be initialised conveniently by a suitable init method and have a readable string representation in the shell (by defining repr ): >>> a = Vector(3.0, 4.0) >>> b = Vector(-1.0, 1.0) >>> a.x, a.y (3.0, 4.0) >>> b.x, b.y (-1.0, 1.0) >>> a Vector(3.0, 4.0) >>> b Vector(-1.0, 1.0) Now we can add methods that are specific to vectors to our objects by adding them to the class definition. Let’s start with a method for computing the (Euclidean) norm of a vector, i.e., the square-root of the sum of its squared components: >>> a.norm() 5.0 >>> b.norm() 1.4142135623730951 An extremely useful operation defined on two vectors is the dot product. In the next section, we will make plenty of use of this. For now, let’s define a method ’dot’ for our vector objects that takes as input a second vector and that computes the dot-product, i.e., the sum of the products of the two vector’s x-components and y-components: >>> 1.0 >>>, 1.0)) 10.0 The dot product and the norm operation together can be used to compute the cosine of the angle between two vectors: >>> c = Vector(0.0, 3.0) >>> from math import acos # the arc cosine function >>> from math import pi >>> acos( / (b.norm()*c.norm()))*180/pi 45.00000000000001 (This should be 45 degrees if it weren’t for rounding errors on my machine.) We could now go ahead and define other binary operations involving vectors either as method or as ’free’ functions. For instance, for the finding the sum of two vectors we could define and use the following function: >>> def vector_sum(a, b): ... return Vector(a.x+b.x, a.y+b.y) >>> vector_sum(a, b) Vector(2.0, 5.0) However, there is a much nicer way to implement and use the sum and other binary operations in Python: we can ’overload’ the standard arithmethic operators +, -, *, / to work with our new Vector class! This will allow us to write very intuitive Python expressions that look more or less like we would write them on paper. For instance for adding and subtracting vectors we can just write: >>> a + b Vector(2.0, 5.0) >>> a - b Vector(4.0, 3.0)


The way to make this operator overloading work is again by defining certain special ’magic’ methods. In this case, we need to define the methods add (self, other) and sub (self, other). By adding the methods mul (self, scalar) and truediv (self, scalar), we can also use the standard operators * and / to multiply or divide vectors by scalar values: >>> a*0.5 Vector(1.5, 2.0) >>> a/2 Vector(1.5, 2.0) One little problems remains here: we would also like to evaluate expressions where the scalar is the leftoperand of a product: >>> 0.5*a Vector(1.5, 2.0) However, this will not work directly because Python will by default use the mul -method of the left operand (which is a standard Python numeric object that does not provide a multiplication method with objects of our custom Vector type). To allow to resolve such expressions, we have to specify a method for multiplying ’from the right’, which can be done by defining rmul (self, scalar). Equipped with all these operations and the knowledge of how to compute the cosine between two vectors, we can now close this section by writing a method for finding the orthogonal projection of one vector onto another one. The orthogonal projection of a vector v onto another vector w is the point on the line described by w that is closest to v. Since this point p lies on the line described by w, it is given as a multiple (scaled version) of w. With a bit of math (which skip here) we can convince ourselves that the factor with which we have to scale w is the cosine of the angle between v and w times the ratio of the norm of v to the norm of w. Recalling the formula for the cosine from above (dot product divided by the two norms), it will be easy for you to write a method projection(self, other) that computes the projection of the vector self onto the vector other. Here are some input/output examples: >>> a.projection(Vector(1.0, 0.0)) Vector(3.0, 0.0) >>> a.projection(Vector(2.0, 0.0)) Vector(3.0, 0.0) >>> a.projection(Vector(0.0, 1.0)) Vector(0.0, 4.0) >>> a.projection(b) Vector(-0.4999999999999999, 0.4999999999999999) (Again, these rounding errors always pester our test cases)

Part H: Triangles—putting our new object skills to work (0.5 marks) I hope the vector type defined in the last section already felt useful to you in a vacuum, but let’s demonstrate this in a last practical example, which will also allow us to define one more class. For that we’ll do a bit more geometry and investigate triangles. Start by defining a class Triangle with three attributes a, b, and, c, each of which being a point on the plane. To keep things simple for the user’s of our class we want to allow the creation of triangle objects with simple coordinate pair objects (as we have done for the circles), but we want to convert those and store ’internally’ as vector objects. That is, we want the following behaviour: >>> t1 = Triangle((0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0), (2.0, 0.0)) >>> t2 = Triangle((0.0, 1.0), (0.0, 2.0), (1.0, 0.0)) >>> t1 Triangle((0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0), (2.0, 0.0)) >>> t2 Triangle((0.0, 1.0), (0.0, 2.0), (1.0, 0.0)) >>> t1.a, t1.b, t1.c (Vector(0.0, 0.0), Vector(1.0, 1.0), Vector(2.0, 0.0)) I recommend sketching these two triangles on a piece of paper to be able to better follow along the remaining computations. Because we use our Vector type to represent the vertices of a triangle we can directly perform a lot of useful calculations with them. For instance for obtaining the base length of our triangles (the distance between points c and a) we can simply compute th...

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