Food safety and the sthings that are used PDF

Title Food safety and the sthings that are used
Author Mehak Handa
Course Competitive Strategy
Institution Holmes Institute
Pages 54
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the food sfety policies anmd the things that are...


Task Number: AT1

Task Name: Knowledge Test (KT)

Provide your responses in the boxes below each question. Q1:

a) Why is it important to have a food safety program? Write your answer in 100-150 words. b) How do you access and use information from organisational food safety programs? Write your answer in 50-100 words.

Sati sfa ctor y res pon se Y N e o s ☐ ☐ a. A food safety programme is a written plan showing what an organisation is doing to ensure food is safe to consume. It is an effective method for businesses to control and produce or sell harmful foodstuffs. This is essential for safe food handling and public health safety. This includes food processing, approved vendors, staff health, hygiene and training, waste control, pest management and cleaning. In addition to all these, the shapes and log sheets for refrigerator and freezer temperatures are available. Every Australian business that handles food is obliged to produce food which is healthy and suitable for consumption. Charities, companies and community events – they must all ensure that their food is healthy under Australian food safety standards. Reason that why is it so important. Here are the top 5 reasons we could think of (i) Food-borne illnesses : The most likely explanation of all of them. No one likes to be intoxicated by food. It is very painful and can be fatal for the elderly and very young children in particular. A food safety plan defines "risky foods" and the steps you need to take in preparation or storage. To prevent bacteria from

developing, for example, maintain meats between 1 and 4 degrees Celsius. (ii) Cross–contamination: Cross-contamination refers to the introduction of germs in food and is directly linked to the prevention of foodborne diseases. (iii) Waste reduction: Understanding the best strategies for food storage and preparation can result in less waste. Have you ever stored defrosting meat on the shelf over the box, only to find that the next morning, as it was covered with meat juice, fruit and vegetables had to be thrown out? Good practise requires that contaminated food that is not fit to consume must not be thrown away. (iv) Accountability: Health inspectors want to see a food security plan in place these days. If available, workers will most likely be trained in the proper handling of food and the kitchen will probably be a safer place in which to cook food. (v) Legal evidence: If a food poisoning event includes your company being tried by a food safety strategy, reports and staff training logs can be created to show your dedication to the safety of food.

b. In NSW, the regulatory authority for food legislation is the NSW Food Authority which combines the roles of Department of Health Food Inspectors and Safe Food NSW. The Act and Regulations can be accessed via the NSW Food Authority website at: (look under industry/food standards and requirements/legislation). A basic structure for hygiene and temperature criteria for food handling is provided by the codes on food standards. The code also offers information on the position of environmental health officers (EHOs). In addition, the code contains information. EHOs are important as consumers and employees keep the industry clean. EHOs have the authority to carry out premises inspections, determine compliance with construction codes and insure that safe food safety practises are followed. EHOs are often called health inspectors.


Write six (6) methods to ensure the safety of served and Sati sold food. sfa ctor y res pon se Y N e o s ☐ ☐

Safety of food served and sold to customers under other conditions may be achieved by:  Packaging control.  Using packaging materials suited to foods.  Monitoring of packaging damage.  Protective barriers.  Temperature control.  Supervision of food displays.


List six (6) policies and six (6) procedures that can be Sati included in a food safety program? sfa ctor y res pon se Y N e o s ☐ ☐

Policies and procedures may relate to a variety of different aspects in the commercial food establishment:

• food receiving, storage, preparation, display, service and disposal • methods of food hazard control for each critical point • systematic monitoring of hazard controls and record keeping • personal hygiene, appropriate clothing and footwear and personal protective equipment and clothing • record maintenance • corrective actions when hazards are found not to be under control • pest control Workplace/organisation food safety policy and procedures need to be followed at every stage these stages include: • purchasing, delivery and storage • preparation and cooking • cooling and storage • holding or display • rethermalisation • service


Sati sfa ctor y res pon se Y N e o a. s ☐ ☐

a) How will you control food hazards at critical control points? Write your answer in 50-100 words. b) What do hotels and restaurants need to do to avoid accumulation of garbage and recycle materials and how can these businesses organise their garbage storage and disposal? Answer in 100-150 words.

are-critical-control-points#:~:text=A %20Critical%20Control%20Point %20is,Cooking b. B.

c. The Food Standards Agency (FSA) and other major organisations recognise HACCP as the best way to regulate food safety and hygiene. The HACCP strategy guarantees the detection and tracking of hazards by essential control points to mitigate food safety hazards. This involves analysing all components of a food industry practise including sourcing, food processing, production and distribution. A Critical Control Point is a step in Food Handling where controls can be applied to prevent or reduce any food safety hazard. Food businesses should identify controls which can be carried out to prevent the hazards identified. Examples include: Cooking Chilling Nitrate or Cure additions Metal Detection A HACCP plan will help you to identify and remove these hazards within your business. HACCP is based on the following seven key principles: 1. Conduct a hazard analysis 2. Identify critical control points 3. Establish critical limits 4. Establish monitoring procedures 5.Establish corrective actions 6. Verify procedures 7. Document procedures

d. How to minimise restaurant food waste (i) Practice effective inventory management: In order to reduce food waste and waste, efficient ordering and stock rotation are of prime importance. Make sure stored food is clearly tagged 'best before or 'sold by' dates and make sure that everyone in your company who handle food is trained in proper management





strategies for First In First Out stocks. Excess food plans. Have a schedule: Customer demand is more an art than a science, so restaurant kitchens also have additional ingredients. You will end up in the bin if you do not have a plan to use these extra ingredients. What a rubbish! Why don't the remaining chicken parmesan yesterday turn into a special lunch today? You can use it if it's not past the date of its use by." Recycle: The restaurant waste containers too often contain recycling materials like paper, cardboarding, tissues, bottles and other containers. With the right recycling bins, the food company is capable of helping the environment and saving money on waste disposal. Make sure recycling bins are clearly labelled and used in your company exclusively for recycling to avoid mixing and recycling. Donate: There are many Australian organisations that receive appropriate food from food companies and restaurants and then distribute it to homeless and disadvantaged people. Consider labelled 'serve before and 'donate before in the coolers and pantry to help workers distinguish quickly what is in the jar and what is appropriate for donation.

Explain briefly what steps need to be taken in a food safety Sati monitoring process. Write your answer in 100-150 words. sfa ctor y

res pon se Y N e o s ☐ ☐

a. Identification of hazards A Food Safety Supervisor first needs to recognise all possible dangers systematically and mention them in the Food Safety Software in order to avoid the danger from happening. In this step, it is necessary to be comprehensive and help the organisation avoid the expensive potential costs of an emergency for food safety, such as a food poisoning problem or a food safety lawsuit. b. The next step, hazard control, requires the Food Safety Supervisor to identify where, at each stage of food preparation, each hazard can be controlled and how it will be controlled. Again, consider both generic food safety hazards in your industry and the site-specific hazards unique to your business, and imagine how these could be controlled, i.e. You could apply a procedure to prevent cross-contamination, pests, bacteria growth, or to stop a chemical hazard such as sanitiser from contaminating your food product or its ingredients. c. Monitoring: In the Food Safety Program, the Food Safety Supervisor should provide evidence that the food business is performing regular measurement and observation of each control. Examples of monitoring processes include: Inspecting Measuring Checking Observing d. Maintaining record: In order to prove compliance with the Food Safety Program the Food Safety Supervisor must keep records constant. Proving your responsibility to Environmental Health Officers helps you avoid expensive food safety fees and reputational harm to your company.


How will you identify and report non-conforming practices? Sati Write your answer in 100-150 words. sfa ctor y res pon se Y N e o s ☐ ☐

In any food company it is important to track non-conforming foodstuffs. The absence of control can lead to disease and injury of the customer or the user, as well as to business viability. There are several features that can describe a food product that does not conform. This can involve, depending on the kind of food company you operate: Microbiological, chemical or physical hazards are polluted with the product. Problems of finished product weight usually underweight) Attributes of quality do not meet the specifications of the finished product. Example what they look like how they taste, how they smell and how they feel, for example. Identifying non-conforming food product To avoid unintended use all food items that do not comply with food safety, food quality or regulatory requirements should be properly detected and processed. My most popular approach is to use the 'danger tags' and marked storage or quarantine areas as a food auditor. Step 1: Access a copy of your non-conforming food product policy and procedures. Step 2: Review the procedure to see if they cover the following information: What attributes makes a food product non-conforming? How will nonconforming product be identified? How will non-conforming product be stored? How will non-conforming product be disposed or destroyed? How is information regarding non-conforming food product captured, recorded and reported? Who is responsible for taking action around non-conforming food product? Step 3: Physically inspect any non-conforming food product for adequate

identification and storage. Step 4: Take appropriate corrective action if your find inconsistences with your procedures or physical conformance.


List seven (7) actions must be considered and Sati implemented correctly, to avoid incidents where food sfa ctor hazards are not controlled. y res pon se Y N program-7-principles-haccp e o s ☐ ☐

The steps you need to take to manage and control food safety risks in your business. The seven principles of HACCP are: (i) Conduct a Hazard Analysis (ii)

Identify Critical Control Points


Establish Critical Limits


Monitor Critical Control Points


Establish Corrective Actions


Establish Record Keeping Procedures


Establish Verification Procedures

Write down the appropriate food storage conditions for Sati each specific food type listed in the table. sfa ctor y res pon se Y N e o s ☐ ☐



Food Item

Storage Condition


Natural peanut butter

Dry store


Chicken breast

Fridge or frozen



Dry store


Sliced vegetables

Fridge and cover



Dry store


Prepared fruit salads

Fridge and cover



On the top ice or fridge


Winter squash



Sweet potatoes

Dry store




Fridge and dry a) Discuss which environmental conditions can be Sati detrimental to the storage of food and how food should be sfa ctor

stored for quality purposes. Write your answer in 100-150 words. b) What is the importance of a controlled temperature, for storing food? Write your answer in 50-100 words. d_safety_advice_for_businesses/2#:~:text=Controlling %20the%20temperature%20of%20food,the%20food %20that%20you%20sell.

y res pon se Y N e o s ☐ ☐

a. You should follow these tips to safely store and display food: (i)Keep raw and processed foods separate in order to prevent crosscontamination (ii) Store food in clean containers of food storage (iii) Do not store food in cans opened (iv) insure the containers in food storage are not used to store items but food and wash and sanitise them before use. (v) Do not reuse containers designed for use only once (vi) Throw out if a reusable container is in bad shape. (vii) Cover food with suitable cloths, foils or plastic films to protect food from contamination by dust, insects and cross contamination. (viii) Clean and rinse all food equipment. (ix) Store food in areas built specifically for the storing of food, such as coolers, sales outlets and food storage facilities. (x) Never store food on the floor, pallets or areas that contain chemical products, cleaning equipment, clothes or personal property (xi) Remove and prevent the use of food which has passed or is contaminated in containers or in packaging after their use. b. Controlling food temperatures is critical for making food better to consume and ensuring that food is always properly cooked, cooled, warmed or reheated to minimise the risk of harmful bacteria levels in the food you sell. Meat products are usually considered high risks however when food is under poor temperature control, dried products such as rice, pulses and herbs and salads often contain bacteria that can develop. In order

to avoid the growth of harmful bacteria, perishable food should always be removed from the dangerous zone 8 - 63oC.


a) Explain the meaning of contaminant, contamination and potentially hazardous foods, according to Australia and New Zealand food standards code, in 50-100 words. b) Write the reasons for why you need food safety programs and what they must contain? List five (5) for each. c) What are two (2) consequences of failure to observe food safety policies and procedures. t=contaminant%20means%20any%20biological%20or,of %20a%20contaminant%20in%20food.&text=food %20handling%20operation%20means%20any%20activity %20involving%20the%20handling%20of%20food.

Sati sfa ctor y res pon se Y N e o s ☐ ☐


a. Contaminant means any biological or chemical agent, foreign matter, or other substances that may compromise food safety or suitability. Contamination means the introduction or occurrence of a contaminant in food. Hazardous food means a biological, chemical or physical agent in, or condition of, food that has the potential to cause an adverse health effect in humans. b. (i)Foodborne diseases – perhaps their greatest reason. Nobody wants to be intoxicated with food. It is very painful and can be fatal for the very young and elderly. The 'risky food' plan will detail the steps you need to make or store while preparing it. To avoid growth of bacteria, for example, keep meats between 1 and 4 degrees Celsius. (ii) Cross-contamination – Cross-contamination refers to introduction of germs into food, closely linked to the prevention of foodborne diseases. (iii) Waste reduction – the best way to store and prepare food would result in less waste. Have you ever stored defrosting meat over the chest of fruits and verdures on the shelf to find that the next morning, when they were soaked in meat juice that had fallen onto them, the fruit and vegetables were cast out? Good practise makes sure that tainted food which is not safe to consume is not thrown away. (v)Accountability: These days, health inspectors want to see that there is a food safety plan in effect. If you can, workers would most probably have been trained to manage the food properly, and the kitchen will definitely be a better place for food preparation. (v)Legal documentation – If you put a food-poisoning incident before your company, record documents you keep and training logs for your employees will be created as proof of your dedication to food safety. your food safety plan. C. Employers and employees who are found guilty of failing to observe food safety regulations may face the following consequences: litigation fines loss of business


a) How can you ensure items remain frozen during storage? Write your answer in 50-100 words. b) How can you maintain the food handling areas safely from animals and pests, to prevent any damage to the food or equipment? Write your answer in one (1) or two (2) sentences. %20must%20be%20kept,relatively%20long%20freezer %20shelf%20life.

Sati sfa ctor y res pon se Y N e o s ☐ ☐ ent/topics/section/pest-and-animal-control

a. At-18 ° C (0 ° F) or below, frozen foods should be processed. Food will become discoloured and lose vitamin content if the temperature rises above -18 ° C. The harm is not fixed by lowering the temperature after it has risen. When storing frozen foods, keep these considerations in mind:If they are properly packaged, fruit and vegetables that are frozen can be stored for months. Fish and meat properly packaged often have a shelf life of a very long freezer. It is time consuming and may be too costly to consider freezing fresh fruits and vegetables on the premises. Fresh fruit must be prepared to freeze properly or it will not be stored well. All non-properly wrapped freezer items will experience freezer burn, which is a loss of moisture that affects both the food's texture and tast...

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