Forensic MCQ Set 1 - Good PDF

Title Forensic MCQ Set 1 - Good
Author Howard Foo
Course Forensic Science
Institution Nanyang Technological University
Pages 6
File Size 248.4 KB
File Type PDF
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Week 3 (MCQ Set 1)


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In accordance with the Coursera Honor Code, I (CHIEN HAN SHENG) certify that the answers here are my own work.

Question 1 A half eaten sandwich, apparently abandoned by a criminal recently, is found at a crime scene. Which of the following forensic science laboratories would be least interested in it? A. DNA lab B. Odontology lab C. Entomology lab D. Blood typing lab

Question 2 Roberto Calvi was found hanging from scaffolding beneath Blackfriars Bridge in London. Strong evidence that he had not hanged himself was A. he had a false passport and money in his pocket B. there were no paint flakes from the scaffolding on his shoes C. his watch had stopped D. there was no water in his lungs

Question 3 A short statement of Locard’s Exchange Principle would be A. "every criminal leaves a trace"



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B. "every crime scene has a contact" C. "every contact leaves a trace" D. "every trace leaves a contact"

Question 4 When salts of certain metals are introduced into a flame A. the flame will change colour, depending on the metal B. the flame will be extinguished C. the flame will change colour depending on the amount of metal D. no change will be observed

Question 5 SEM-EDX is the technique of choice for determining elemental composition if A. the sample is a very small particle B. it is desired to analyse just a part of the sample C. a non-destructive technique is required D. all of these

Question 6 The President of the Republic of Ruritania has been shot. A gunman has been arrested and examination of his rifle shows that two bullets have been fired. NAA of bullet fragments found in the President’s body gave the following results:

The most likely conclusion is that A. only one gunman was involved



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B. a second gunman was also involved C. three gunmen were involved D. no conclusion can be drawn

Question 7 From the TLC plate shown, what conclusion can be drawn about unknown sample (iv)?

A. It may contain morphine B. It may contain cocaine C. It may contain methamphetamine D. It contains none of the above three drugs

Question 8 A suspected drug sample is analysed by HPLC and the result is shown below. Which of the following is not present?

A. Diamorphine B. Thebaine C. Caffeine



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D. Morphine

Question 9 Which phenomenon is the basis of Infrared Spectroscopy? A. Molecular vibration B. Molecular rotation C. Molecular fragmentation D. Molecular pulsation

Question 10 A body is found. The skin temperature is found to be 86 o F (30 o C ). Assume normal physiological temperature to be 99 oF or 37 oC. From this, we can conclude that A. the person has been dead for over ten hours B. the person has been dead for less than 10 hours C. we can conclude nothing because skin temperature is not a reliable indicator D. the person has been dead for 8-12 hours.

Question 11 The presence of insects on a body can be used to estimate the time since death, but the estimate must make allowance for (i) the local temperature, (ii) whether the body was covered, (iii) the species of insect and/ or (iv) the age of the person A. all of these factors B. ii and iii C. i, ii and iii D. i and iii

Question 12



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Bone nitrogen content can be used to estimate the age of bones because A. bones absorb nitrogen from the air B. the proteins in bone gradually break down C. the nitrogen 14 isotope changes D. microorganisms in the bones generate nitrogen

Question 13 If you have type AB blood, then you have A. both anti-A and anti-B antibodies B. neither set of antibodies C. anti-A antibodies D. anti-B antibodies

Question 14 The Kastle-Meyer test can A. prove that a stain is blood B. indicate that a stain is likely to be blood C. indicate blood type D. test for the presence of vegetables

Question 15 The A, B and rhesus antigens are found A. on the surface of white blood cells B. on the surface of red blood cells C. inside red blood cells D. on the antibodies

In accordance with the Coursera Honor Code, I (CHIEN HAN SHENG) certify that the



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answers here are my own work.

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