Foundational Elements of the World Religions Chart PDF

Title Foundational Elements of the World Religions Chart
Author Nino Meneses
Course Introduction to World Religions
Institution Dawson College
Pages 9
File Size 405.9 KB
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Why does the religion have its name?

Those who live on the other side of the Indus River (Avesta vs. Sanskrit)

Judah was one of Jacob's twelve sons after which one of the tribes of Israel was named.

√budh= ‘to perceive’ in Sanskrit

Based on the teachings of Kung Fu Tzu whom in English is known as Confucius

The Tao = ‘The Way’ or ‘The Watercourse Way’

Christ (Christos) is Greek for ‘Anointed one’ and ‘Messiah’

Islam means peaceful submission in Arabic

c. 1700 CE when Brahmins and Brits co-opted the religions of India under the umbrella term: ‘Hinduism’

When was the religion founded?

c. 1500 BCE (c. 1700 BCE) with the arrival of the Aryans arrive in the Indus Valley (Does not take into consideration the religion of the Indus Valley Civilization) c. 1700 CE when Brahmins and Brits co-opted the religions of India under the umbrella term:

Buddha = Enlightened in Sanskrit

Jesus of Nazareth came to be known as ‘the Christ’

Land of Judea Bodhi = wisdom Buddhi = intellect Siddhartha Gautama came to be known as the Buddha.

Abraham c. 1500 BCE c.1700 BCE Moses c.1300 BCE (Not historical) If one sees Judaism as beginning when the Torah was written, then c. 600 BCE Hebrew nomads c. 1500 BCE 1000 BCE Saul,

c. 600 BCE – Axial Age

c. 600 BCE – Axial Age

c. 600 BCE – Axial Age

Jesus c. 30 CE Paul c. 50 CE Constantine c. 300 CE First reference to a Christian 60 – 65CE (Hopfe& Woodward)

Muhammad c. 600 CE (632 CE)

‘Hinduism’– Bhagavad Gita as Bible, Trimurti as Trinity

then David (Temple in Jerusalem), then Solomon – Kingdom split after Solomon`s death.

722 BCE, Israel conquered by Assyria c. 600 BCE (587 BCE), Judea was conquered by Babylon where the people of Judea, who we can begin to call the Jews, Persian king Cyrus the Great in 539 BCE Jews were allowed to return to Jerusalem. Who is the founder of the religion?

No Founder

Abraham/Moses – No historical founder

Siddhartha Gautama

Kung fu Tzu


Jesus… Paul… Constantine…

The Prophet Muhammad

Where was the religion founded?


Middle East




Middle East/Rome

Middle East (Mecca/Medina)

What are the major sects within the religion?



Orthodox – as it was,

Theravada/ Hinayana

Conservative – willingness to adapt to social changes,


Reform – maintaining essential elements that make sense in a contemporary setting…


Vajrayana/Tibetan Buddhism

Schools: Doctrine of Principle Doctrine of Mind

Philosophical Taoism Religious (Institutional) Daoism

Roman Catholicism – Pope, Jesus as Son of God, Mary as Mother of God Orthodox Church – Greece and Eastern Europe – Protestantism – c. 1500 religious revolution, Martin Luther, Biblebased tradition

Sunni – Accept Abu Bakr as the first Caliph (successor to the Prophet) of Islam – Mostly Arab Shia – Favoured Ali as the first Caliph – Mostly Iranian/Persian



Mizrahim – Arabicspeaking descendants of Jews who remained in Babylon Ashkenazi – Eastern European Jewry and Sephardic – Spain and Megreb

How did

c. 1500 BCE (c.

1000 BCE Hebrew

Buddha travelled

From China to

China – spread

Jesus taught in the

Beginning with the

the religion spread?

1700 BCE) – Aryans arrive in Indus Valley – slowly spread east across the Gangetic Plain c. 700 CE – Spreads to S.E. Asia through trade – c. 1200 CE –- India becomes part of the Islamic empire c. 1700’s British rule in India, colonization Indians become part of the Commonwealth – Hindu diaspora

King Saul, David, and then Solomon. With death of Solomon kingdom splits in two, Israel in the North and Judea in the South.

India spreading his message

740 BCE Fall of Israel to Assyria

pushed out of India by Brahmanism and Islam –

c. 600 BCE (586 BCE) exiled to Babylon c. 600 BCE (538 BCE) return and spread (with written Torah), 70 CE– Destruction of 2nd temple in Jerusalem by Romans= diaspora, Muslim conquest better for Jews in the Middle East c. 1000 Christian Crusades - many Jews to go to Poland or Islamic countries,

On which


1945 Holocaust of WWII in 1945 the state of Israel was created and Jews migrated all over the world All

King Ashoka did much to spread Buddhism east and west

Korea, Vietnam, and Japan through trade and through Western colonialism the world spread

through colonization, indentured labour – Canadian railway

Middle East… As a Roman citizen, Paul spread the message through the Mediterranean world, Constantine’s conversion lead to its becoming the religion of the Roman Empire 324, following the fall of the Roman Empire, it became the predominant religion of Europe which meant its spread to the Americas and the world through trade and colonization

Prophet Muhammad, then the Caliphs Abu Bakr, Umar, Usman, and Ali Islam spread throughout the Middle East, into Europe, India and South East Asia (Malaysia, Indonesia), and Asia (Uighurs in China) trade with S.E. Asia and with Western colonization of India and the Middle East Commonwealth, Islam spread around the world. Importance of Sufis in spreading Islam





Northern route: Silk Road trade to China, Korea, Vietnam, and Japan Southern route: trade into S.E. Asia c. 1700s spreads with Western colonization of Asia Chinese invasion of Tibet in the 1950s Buddhism returns to India Dalai Lama spreads around the world


continents is the religion found today? What is/are the Major Scriptures of the religion?

Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita (Mahabharata), Ramayana

TaNaKh = TNK = The Torah ("Teaching", also known as the Five Books of Moses),

Tripitaka, Dhammapada Jataka Tales


Dao de Jing Chuang Zu Leih Zu

The Bible/ Gospels


One of six realms of incarnation Humans are the only beings who may attain Nirvana, i.e. release

Strive to be a Chun Zi (aristocrat’s son), part of a structured hierarchy = The Five Relationships

Part of the Dao

Man created in Gods’ image (Gen 1:26-27), Man is a fallen creature (Romans 5:12), and born in a corrupt state, Man has a material aspect (body) and a non-material aspect, his spirit (Jas. 2:26), Though marred by the Fall, man retains remnants of God’s image in his nonmaterial nature (Ge. 9:6).

All people were created by Allah and are accepted as Muslims – all are born Muslim, your parents then convert you

The Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold

Honesty, politeness, propriety,

General attitude of non-attachment and non-struggle,

10 Commandments, 7 Sacraments:

Read the Qur’an, follow the 5 Pillars:


How is the human viewed?

Atman = Brahman, The individual soul is equal to the universal soul – Namaste = “The light in me recognizes and respects the light in you”

What are the fundamen

Yoga, meditation, puja (worship),

Ketuvim ("Writings")— Chosen people meant to follow YWH’s rules for the benefit of all – created in the image of God with the ability to reason/choose

Believe in God, live according to God’s rules = 10 (613)

- Shahada: Faith.

tal beliefs of the religion? What are the main forms of worship/p ractice? What is the path to attainmen t? How does one attain salvation? What is the goal? What options are available to the individual after death?

What are the major holidays of the tradition and their

Bhakti (devotion to a god or goddess), pilgrimage to holy cities, live according to one's dharma (duty/purpose/ role).



eat kosher,

Meditation, mantras, devotion to deities (in some sects), mandalas (Tibetan)

Celebrate the traditions, ex. Shabbat (Friday night to Saturday night),

humaneness, perform correct role in society according to the Five Relationships, loyalty to family, nation – strive to be a Chun zi

"go with the flow" i.e. Wu-Wei = effortless effort of the Tao. Tai-chi, acupuncture, and alchemy to help longevity.

baptism, confirmation, holy Eucharist, penance, anointing the sick, holy orders and marriage.

Reincarnation (States of mind) or Nirvana (release)

Realm of the Ancestors

Non-being other side of the Being coin - Immortality

Heaven or Hell

Vesak – Buddha’s birthday (1st Full Moon in May)

Confucius’ birthday – 28 September which is also Teacher’s Day

Chinese New Year – Lunar calendar 1st of January

Christmas – 25th of December – birth of Christ… January for Orthodox

- Salah: Prayer. - Zakat: Charity. - Swam: Fasting. - Hajj: pilgrimage to Mecca if able - Eat Halal

Devote one’s life to God (YWH, Elohim…),

Reincarnation or Moksa (release)

Sivaratri – Siva’s birthday Diwali – festival of Lights (all Northern

Jews focus on the here and now, life after death with the arrival of the Messiah also Heaven and Hell -Gehinnom = Hell, gan Eden = Heaven also Having lived a decent life enter Olam Ha-Ba (World to Come) – also She’ol – place of the dead underground for all, no rewards or punishments Rosh Hashanah – Jewish New Year – between midSeptember and mid-October) – celebrates creation

Buddhist New Year (3 days as of the 1st

Lantern Festival – Lunar 15 January

Having lived a holy life they go to heaven, in sin hell… must forgive themselves and be forgiven to get to heaven.

Easter - also

Heaven or Hell decided on Judgment Day

Ramadan – fasting during daylight hours… Read Qur’an celebration of first revelations of Islamic

significanc e?

Hemisphere religions have a Festival of Lights!)

of the earth – time Full Moon in April) when God opens book of judgments then ten days to repent until Yom Kippur - fasting 25 hours asking God for repentance their sins, pray for the arrival of the Messiah, break fast festively with family Hannuhah – Signifies Judah Maccabaeus taking the temple back from the Syrian Greeks, a candle is lighted each day for a period of 8 days. Passover- Pesach – Celebrates Jews being delivered from slavery in Egypt – no meals prepared with yeast eaten.

Ching Ming – Ancestor Day 4th of April

called Pascha or Resurrection Sunday, is a festival and Dragon Boat – May holiday 5th celebrating the resurrection of Ghost Fest – July Jesus from the 15th dead, described in the New Testament as having occurred on the third day of his burial after his crucifixion by the Romans at Calvary c. 30 CE Tomb sweeping Day – 14 March

scripture, commemorating when the Qur’an was sent down to guide the people. Eid – U- Fitr – Celebrating the end of fasting during Ramadan Eid- U-Adha – Life of Ishmael spared by Allah sacrificial goat instead

This year: April 21, 2019

How many adherents are there today?

Approximately 1 billion

Approximately 15 million

Approximately 500 million

Approximately 500 million adherents of Chinese religion

Approximately 500 million adherents of Chinese religion

Approximately 2 Billion

Approximately 1.5 Billion

What is the view of God or Gods in the religion?

One abstract principle= Brahman with any manifestations – such as Siva, Vishnu, Durga, etc.

One God – YWH – The Abrahamic God

No Gods – though Buddha later deified

No gods – Ancestors

The Dao is all though many Celestial Masters/Immortal s

One God – Trinity – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – The Abrahamic God

One God – Allah – The Abrahamic God

… What is the most common symbol associated with the religion? Please draw!

Many consider this symbol to represent both Confucianism and Daoism, the Yang, masculine/active representing the ordered society of Confucianism, and the Yin, feminine/recepti ve being related to the watercourse way of Daoism....

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