French 101.003 syllabus Fall 2020 PDF

Title French 101.003 syllabus Fall 2020
Author marie alosa
Course French Elements I
Institution Towson University
Pages 14
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Download French 101.003 syllabus Fall 2020 PDF


1 TOWSON UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES FALL 2020 Welcome to French Elements I (French 101). You have chosen to study one of the world’s most important and widely-used languages. Miranda Stewart in The Spanish Language Today says that Spanish is the “third most important language in the international arena after English and French”. COURSE: French Elements I (French 101, section 003) (Tuesday/Thursday 11:00 – 12:15) The section of French 101 is offered only online. INSTRUCTOR: George J. McCool, Ph.D. TEXTS: Portails by Mitchell and Tano (Vista Higher Learning, 2017) YOU WILL NEED TO PURCHASE AN ACCESS CODE TO THE VISTA HIGHER LEARNING (VHL) SUPERSITE. Go to Please note that students who plan on taking French 102 in Spring 2021 should purchase the 12 month (12M) access to the site because it will cost less than two 6-month access code. ORGANIZATION OF THE TEXTBOOK: Although some material will be found on Blackboard, most assignments will be on the VHL site on the “Assignment Calendar”. Each unit or leçon is divided into two sections (A and B), each with vocabulary, grammar, culture sections and an installment of the roman-photo section. Contextes: activities and readings in these sections relate to vocabulary Structures: activities and readings in these sections relate to grammar structures, such as verbs, verb tenses, etc. Each unit has four grammar sections, for example Structures 1a1, Structures 1a2, Structures 1b1, Structures 1b2, etc. Roman-photo: videos, readings and activities related to the roman-photo series. Les sons et les lettres: activities focused on pronunciation. You will be able to locate supplementary activities and resources related to vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, etc. from the CONTENT and ACTIVITIES menus under the categories mentioned above. My plan is to cover the first five chapters of Portails during the semester.


UNDERGRADUATE CATALOG COURSE DESCRIPTION: Principles of French grammar; drills in pronunciation; elementary conversation; composition; readings. GenEd. II.C.1; Core Curriculum Category 5 (Arts and Humanities) PURPOSE AND PHILOSOPHY: This course is designed to provide students who have little or no previous background in French a solid foundation in French grammar, elementary conversation, composition and reading. The course will also provide an introduction to French culture. I firmly believe, based on my own experience, that the only way to really learn another language is by hearing it and speaking it regularly. Therefore, rather than speaking about French in English, we will spend most of our time in class actually speaking French. That is to say, we will stress oral communication, rather than reading, writing or translating, during our class sessions. While this approach may be intimidating, please be assured that I do not expect you to understand everything, and that this is the best way to learn to function in the language. What I ask from you is that you do not panic, but that you enter into the spirit of the experience and give it your best effort. You will improve both your speaking and your comprehension. Please note that, in order for this approach to work, you must do your part: you must read over the day’s lesson – in English in the textbook – before coming to class so that we can put the language to use in the limited time we have available to us.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students who successfully complete this course will: -- be able to use some of the basic grammatical structures of French -- acquire a reasonable command of French pronunciation -- acquire practical vocabulary related to everyday themes such as school, the family, work, travel, etc. -- be able to make statements and ask questions on studied material -- acquire an understanding of the cultures of the francophone world In addition, at a level appropriate to this stage of language acquisition, students will be able to:  discuss the context and structures of cultural traditions of literature, art, music, culture or society in francophone countries  describe important movements and processes that have affected the cultural heritage of francophone countries  use methodologies associated with the study of cultural traditions in the arts and humanities to reflect on the experiences of a particular society  engage in a critical assessment of how the student’s own experience has been affected by both his/her own cultural traditions and those of France and the francophone world


PLACEMENT IN LANGUAGES: The department’s unofficial policy regarding placement of students with high school language study follows: -- One year of high school language study, students may register for 101 or 102. -- Two years of high school language study, students may register for 102. -- Three years of high school language study, students may register for 102 or 201. -- Students with three or more years of high school language study may not register in 101. -- Four years of high school language study, students may register for 201 or 202. -- Five years of high school language study, students may register for 202 or 301. This course is not open to native or heritage speakers without the consent of the instructor. ATTENDANCE: Regular attendance is absolutely essential to success in foreign language learning. Since the aim of this course is to help you develop oral and written proficiency in French, and since the pace of the course will be somewhat fast, it is expected that you will attend every class and that you will have read over the day’s lesson in advance and will be prepared to participate. If you miss more than 25% of our class meetings for any reason, you final grade will be reduced by one full letter. BLACKBOARD SITE: In addition to using Blackboard Collaborate Ultra for our remote class sessions, I will also use Blackboard to post announcements, the occasional additional homework assignment, changes to our schedule, etc. Therefore, you should check our Blackboard site regularly, especially if you happen to miss a class session. When something is posted on Blackboard, you will automatically be notified via e-mail (to your Towson University account). If you have more than one e-mail account, please check your TU account regularly, or have your messages forwarded to the account you use most often. Our class sessions will also be recorded on Blackboard Collaborate Ultra so that, if you miss class, you can access the recording and find out what you missed. PARTICIPATION: This program and course depend upon synchronous online meetings and you are expected to be “virtually” present for these meetings and to participate just as if you were in a regular classroom. For this reason, you must have access to a working computer, microphone, webcam and internet connection.

4 EXAMINATIONS: There will be three hour-long “interrogations” during the semester, plus a final examination. The first “interro” will cover lessons 1 and 2; interrogation 2 will cover lesson 3; interrogation 3 will cover lesson 4. The final exam (Interrogation 4) will be based primarily on lesson 5. HOMEWORK: For each chapter, you will have several written and oral activities. In some cases you may have handouts that you will find on the course Blackboard site. However, the majority of your homework activities will be done on the Portails supersite, which will be referred to as the VHL site. Remember that these are graded assignments and must be completed by the due date. These activities will help you prepare to chapter tests (interrogations). Assignments that are categorized as “Explore” or “Learn” are not graded. These are generally resources like grammar tutorials that are important to do before attempting the graded homework activities. These assignments allow unlimited attempts. Assignments that are categorized as “homework” are to be completed before class time on the due date. You are allowed two attempts for each activity. Some activities require listening to audio or video. In general, students are expected to spend at least two hours on homework for each class period. Consider devoting a half-hour to French 5 or 6 days a week. This is the best way to learn the material and the language. LATE HOMEWORK: I realize that it may take you a little while to purchase the access code to the VHL Supersite, and it may take you a little while to get used to doing the online assignments. For those reasons, I will accept “late” homework assignments (for Lessons 1 and 2) until the date of the first test (tentatively scheduled for September 24. After that date, all homework must be turned in on time. For example, I will no longer accept homework for Lesson 3 (or any other lesson) once we have begun Lesson 4. WRITTEN REPORTS: At mid-semester, students will choose a topic dealing with French or Francophone culture, history, literature, art, etc. and prepare a one-page report (in English). On the last day of class (December 3), students will turn in a second cultural report (in English). Obviously, the topic of the oral report must be different from the topic of your cultural essay. Possible report topics include, but are not limited to, French holidays, the university system, the political system, family life, sports in France, the French media, the immigrant experience in France, etc. In your reports, you will be expected to reflect on the differences between the French cultural experience and your own. Please talk to me if you have any questions about your choice of topic(s). COURSE GRADE: Your final grade will be based on your four “interrogations” (40% of final grade), your homework (50% of your final grade), your written reports (5% each). Please note that late homework assignments that are not accompanied by a valid written excuse will be penalized one full letter grade.

5 Please be aware that I do not give “extra-credit” assignments under any circumstances. CLASSROOM DECORUM: During class, you will be expected to have the good manners not to eat, sleep, chat, read extraneous material, or do other things that may distract the instructor or the other students from the task at hand. Repeated instances of such behavior can have a negative impact on your grade. Please do not allow your cell phone to ring during our class sessions. STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: The university makes every reasonable effort to accommodate students with special needs. In order to receive the appropriate help, you will need to first register with Disability Support Services (DSS), 7720 York Road, Suite 232, 410-704-2638 (Voice or TDD). Their webpage is This office will provide a document which describes the type of help that is required. You will need to show me this document during one of the first classes of the semester. IMPORTANT DATES:

Add/Drop deadline: August 30 Withdrawal deadline: November 2 Final exam: December 10 at 10:15

CHEATING: Any form of plagiarism or cheating will result in failure for the course. This includes any use of uncredited material in papers, copying on exams, homework or language lab assignments, or generally presenting any kind of work as yours when it is not. Do not copy your homework from a friend or classmate. Do not copy your language lab assignments. Do not ask your tutor to do your homework for you. Please see me if you are unsure of what is included in this policy. REPEATED COURSES: Students may not repeat a course more than once without prior permission from the Academic Standards Committee. OFFICE HOURS: Office hours during Fall semester 2020 will be online and by appointment only. If you need to speak to me, you can email me at [email protected] and we will set up a time for a private, online conversation. We can use our Blackboard Collaborate Ultra page, or some other forum such as Zoom TENTATIVE COURSE SCHEDULE Tuesday, August 25 (Class 01) IN CLASS: Introduction; Vocabulary: “Ça va”, Conversez, Les sons et les lettres, Ça s’écrit comment ? LOOK OVER FOR NEXT TIME : Structures 1a.1 : nouns and articles ; Grammar

6 tutorial : nouns and articles, Structures 1a.1 : Vocabulary tutorial Contextes: En classe, vocabulary tutorial 1, 2, 3, 4, Les deux font la paire HOMEWORK : Écoutez, Associez, Salutations, Complétez, Officielle ou informelle ?, Conversation, Ça va ? Les sons et les lettres : Dictée Thursday, August 27 (Class 02) IN CLASS : Conversez, p. 4 ; Review of « sons et lettres », alphabet, nouns and articles (pp 10-11), Essayez (p. 11) ; En classe (vocabulary) p. 20. LOOK OVER FOR NEXT TIME : Structures 1a.2 : numbers 0-60, grammar tutorial on numbers 0-60 ; vocabulary tutorial 6 Structures 1b.1: subject pronouns and the verb être; grammar tutorial on subject pronouns and être HOMEWORK: Structures 1a.1: Sélectionnez, Changez, La classe, les singuliers et les pluriels, masculine et féminin ?, Le, La, l’ ou les ?, singulier ou pluriel ? Contextes : Identifiez, Les contraires, En classe September 1 (Class 03) IN CLASS : review of vocabulary p. 20; numbers 0-60; Essayez, p. 15, “Logique”, p. 16 and “Il y a combien de . . .”, p. 16 Subject pronouns and être, pp. 28-29; Essayez, p. 29 LOOK OVER FOR NEXT TIME: Roman-photo – full episode “Au café” HOMEWORK: Roman-photo: Vrai ou faux?, Complétez, Identifiez-les !, Regardez, Choisissez, Répétez Structures 1a.2 : Bingo, Numéros, Les maths, Les chiffres, Les mathématiques ; Structures 1b.1 : Essayez September 3 (Class 04) IN CLASS : Review of numbers ; « Où sont-il?”, p. 30 Adjective agreement, p. 32-33; Essayez, p. 33; Les nationalités, « Voilà Mme », p. 34 LOOK OVER FOR NEXT TIME : Roman-photo, full episode : Les copains Structures 1b.2: adjective agreement; Grammar tutorial on adjective agreement, Vocabulary tutorial 5 HOMEWORK: Roman-photo: Oui, maman! Qui ? Répétez Structures 1b.1 : Complétez, les pronoms, Remplissez, On est d’où ? Structures 1b.2 : Masculin ou féminin ? Singulier ou pluriel ? Mes amis, Complétez,

7 Les contraires, Adjectifs September 8 (Class 05) IN CLASS : Associez, p. 47 ; « Qu’est-ce que je pense ? », p. 47 -er verbs, pp. 54-55 Exercices : Essayez, p. 55, Complétez, p. 56 ; Après l’école, p. 56 Le verbe logique, p. 56 ; Adorer, aimer, détester, p. 57 LOOK OVER FOR NEXT TIME : Contextes : Les cours, vocabulary tutorial 1, 2, 3 Les deux font la paire, Structures 2a.1: present tense of regular –er verbs, grammar tutorial, vocabulary tutorial 5 HOMEWORK : Contextes : Classifiez, Décrivez, Enregistrez, En quel cours ? C’est pour quel cours ? A votre avis, Structures 2a.1 : A l’université, Changez, Regardez, Les verbes September 10 (Class 06) IN CLASS : Essayez, p. 59, « Les questions », Complétez LOOK OVER FOR NEXT TIME : Roman-photo : Trop de devoirs ! Structures 2a.2: Forming questions and negation, Grammar tutorial : questions and negation; Contextes: Une semaine à la fac, vocabulary tutorial 1, 2, 3, 4 Sample vocabulary tutorial, Les deux font la paire HOMEWORK : Roman-photo : vrai ou faux ? Finissez-les ; Les matières, Répétez Structures 2a.1 : Remplissez, Et vous ?, Conjuguez, Les activités Structures 2a.2 : Mes camarades de class, Répondez, Une conversation, L’inversion, Estce que . . . ? Réponses et questions : Et vous ? September 15 (Class 07) IN CLASS : Une semaine à la fac, pp. 64-65 ; La classe de Mme Arnaud, p. 65, Quel jour sommes-nous ?, p. 65. Telling time ; Essayez, p. 77 ; Ma Routine LOOK OVER FOR NEXT TIME : Structures 2b.1 : avoir, grammar tutorial, vocabulary tutorial 5 Structures 2b.2: Telling time, grammar tutorial on telling time Roman-photo: On trouve une solution HOMEWORK : Contextes : Ecoutez, l’emploi du temps, Une description, Enregistrez Structures 2b.1 : Essayez ! Roman-photo : Vrai ou faux ?, Complétez, Mettez-les dans l’ordre, Répétez Structures 2b.2 : Vrai ou faux ?, Les trains, l’horloge September 17 (Class 08)


IN CLASS : Conversez, p 66 Present tense of avoir with vocabulary ; Exercices : « On a . . .”, p. 74; Interview, p. 75 LOOK OVER FOR NEXT TIME: Begin reviewing for Interrogation 1 set for September 24. HOMEWORK: These exercises are similar to those on the test: Structures 1a.1: Identifiez, Evaluation personnelle Structures 1a.2: Evaluation personnelle Structures 1b.1 : Evaluation personnelle Structures 1b.2 : Evaluation personnelle Les sons et les lettres : Prononcez, Articulez, Dictée Synthèse : révision, Epreuve diagnostique Structures 2b.2 : Dans cinq minutes September 22 (Class 09) IN CLASS : Review of lessons 1 and 2 HOMEWORK: This will prepare you for the test material: Structures 2a.1: Evaluation personnelle Contextes: Evaluation personnelle Structures 2a.2 : Quelle est la question ? Mais Robert ! Structures 2b.2 : Mes cours, A quelle heure ? Synthèse : Epreuve diagnostique September 24 (Class 10) Test 1 on chapters 1 and 2 LOOK OVER FOR NEXT TIME : Les sons et les lettres: the letter r, pronunciation tutorial on the letter r Contextes : La famille de Marie Laval, vocabulary tutorial 1-5 ; les deux font la paire Structures 3a.1 : descriptive adjectives, grammar tutorial on descriptive adjectives, vocabulary tutorial 6 and 7 HOMEWORK : Les sons et les lettres : Prononcez, Articulez, Dictée Contextes : Questions : la famille de Julien, L’album de photos Structures 3a.1 : Essayez ! September 29 (Class 11)

9 IN CLASS : Choisissez, p. 91 ; L’arbre généalogique, p. 92 ; Entrevue, p 92 Ressemblances, p. 100 LOOK OVER FOR NEXT TIME : Roman-photo : L’album de photos Structures: 3a.2: possessive adjectives, grammar tutorial HOMEWORK: Contextes: Ecrivez Structures 3a.1: Mes camarades de classe, La famille Dumoulin, Les accords Roman-photo : Vrai ou faux ? Vocabulaire, Les photos de Tante, Identifiez Structures 3a.2 : Ecoutez, La famille de Mariam October 1 (Class 12) IN CLASS : Possessive adjectives, p. 102; Essayez, p 103; Complétez, p. 104; Identifiez, p. 104; Qui est-ce? p. 104 Exercise based on Roman-photo : L’album de photos LOOK OVER FOR NEXT TIME : Les sons et les lettres : l’accent aigu et l’accent grave ; pronunciation tutorial Contextes : Comment sont-ils ? Vocabulary tutorials 1-4 ; Les deux font la paire Structures 3b.1 : Numbers 61-100 ; grammar tutorial on numbers, vocabulary tutorial 5 HOMEWORK : Les sons et les lettres : Prononcez, Articulez, Dictée Structures 3a.2 : Décrivez, Répondez, La famille Contextes : Ecoutez, Les célébrités, Les contraires Structures 3b.1 : Numéros de téléphone October 6 (Class 13) IN CLASS : Vocabulary pp 108-109, Comment sont-ils ? Les Professions, p. 110 ; Conversez, p 110 Numbers 61-100, p. 116 Essayez, p. 116 LOOK OVER FOR NEXT TIME : Roman-photo: On travaille chez moi! Structures 3b.2: Prepositions of location and disjunctive pronouns, grammar tutorial on prepositions and disjunctive pronouns, vocabulary tutorial 6 HOMEWORK: Structures 3b.1: Inventaire, Complétez, Quel est le prix? Roman-photo : Identifiez, Vocabulaire, Les professions, Ce n’est pas vrai !, Choisissez Répondez, Répétez Structures 3b.2 : Choisissez October 8 (Class 14) IN CLASS : Review of numbers. “Les contraires”, “Décrivez les personnes dans ces

10 images”, Essayez, p. 121 ; Où est ma voiture ?, p. 122 ; Complétez, p. 122 HOMEWORK : This will help you prepare for your second test Contextes: Membres de la famille, Ma famille, Evaluation personnelle, Contextes: Evaluation personnelle Structures 3a.1 : Les contraires, Complétez, La classe de français Structures 3a.2 : Adjectifs possessifs Structures 3b.1 : Message Structures 3b.2 : Décrivez, Où est . . . ? Où est-on ? Synthèse : révision, Epreuve diagnostique October 13 (Class 15) Review for Test 2, based on chapter 3 HOMEWORK: This will help you prepare for your test Contextes: Quelle profession? Structures 3a.2: Evaluation personnelle Structures 3a.1 : Evaluation personnelle Contextes : Les accords, Ecrivez Structures 3b.1 : Les itinéraires, Choisissez Structures 3b.2 : Ecoutez, les prépositions, Où est le livre ?, prépositions October 15 (Class 16) Test #2, based on chapter 3 LOOK OVER FOR NEXT TIME : Contextes : Où allons-nous? vocabulary tutorial 1-3; Les deux font la paire Structures 4a.1 : the verb aller, grammar tutorial on aller Les sons et les lettres : L’accent circonflexe, la cédille and le tréma ; pronunciation tutorial HOMEWORK : Les sons et les le...

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