Full Lab Report Template - General Low Level Chemistry Experiment PDF

Title Full Lab Report Template - General Low Level Chemistry Experiment
Author Lex Mario
Course General Chemistry II/Lab
Institution Nova Southeastern University
Pages 5
File Size 226.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 66
Total Views 130


Lab report template...


Experiment Number: Title

Name Lab Partners General Chemistry I (Section) Professor Richard H. Perry Laboratory Assistant Date of Experiment

Hypothesis (Title Page) State the hypothesis, briefly (1-2 sentences). Abstract (Title Page)  A brief synopsis of the experiment. The abstract should state the objectives of the experiment, primary results, and major conclusions.  Divide the abstract into a purpose, summary of theory, summary of procedure, description of the major results, and a statement of whether the hypothesis is accepted or rejected.  The abstract should not exceed one paragraph; approximately, 5-8 sentences.


Introduction (after the Title Page) The introduction should address these points:     

State the problem. Discuss the background information. What knowledge already exists about this problem and the methods used to address it? Why was this study performed? What are the specific objectives and hypotheses of this study? What methods will be used to test these hypotheses? Briefly describe the experimental methods that will be used and the reasons for choosing them. Brief summary of major findings (last paragraph).

Materials and Methods Please refer to Experiment X on pages X-X of Laboratory Manual for Principles of General Chemistry by J. A. Beran (10th Ed.). Deviations from the published procedure are: 1. … 2. …. Results/Data  Report results in this section.  All data should be recorded and computed in Excel.  An Excel worksheet is provided. Enter data (white-colored cells) and formulae into the spreadsheet to compute results in grey-colored cells. Include an image of the results/Excel spreadsheet (see below for an example for a data table from Gen. Chem. I).  All results should be reported with correct number of significant figures.  If there are any graphs, then they should be included in this section (see below for an example from Gen. Chem. II). Include the following:  Title  Axis labels with unites  Trendlines  Equations  R-squared values  Tables and graphs should be properly labelled (E.g., columns of tables, axes, unknowns vs standards, etc.)  Number figures and tables separately and refer to them in the text using their labels. E.g., “Figure 5 shows that…”  Every figure, table, etc. must have a caption that adequately describes the displayed information.  Label figures as follows, “Figure 1. Caption text here.”  Label tables as follows, “Table 1. Caption text here.”


Calculations  Show one example for each type of calculation performed (i.e. the grey-highlighted cells of the data tables in the laboratory manual/Excel spreadsheet; show calculations for only one trial).  List the calculations in order and label each calculation according to the designations in the Excel worksheet. For example, for Experiment 5 data table above, the calculations 3

are listed as follows: B.1. Mass of Hydrated Salt (g) Type calculation here B.2. Mass of Anhydrous Salt (g) Type calculation here … B.7. Relative Standard Deviation %RSD=


( xs´ ) 100

1.28 E−7 ∗100 2.04 E−7

=10.3%  

All calculations should be typed. Pay attention to the following (points will be deducted for not adhering to these guidelines) o All numbers should have units. o All numbers should be displayed with the appropriate significant figures. o Use subscripts and superscripts for units and formulae (e.g. oC, Na2CO3)

Results and Discussion   

Summarize the results. Discuss the meaning of observed trends, potential implications, and relevance to the objectives/hypotheses. Discuss errors that occurred, their origin and their significance.

Conclusions (ONE PARAGRAPH)   

Interpret the data. Do the results support/confirm the hypotheses? Explain. Discuss ways to improve the experiment.

References 

Cite all the sources used to compose the report. 4

References should be cited as follows (J. Am. Chem. Soc. Style; ): o Cite the source in the main text: “…main text.1” Note that the citation number follows punctuation. o List the references as follows: 1. Xu, S.; Veach, J. J.; Oloo, W. N.; Peters, K. C.; Wang, J.; Perry, R. H.; Que, L. Chem. Commun. 2018, 54, 8701.

List references in order of appearance in the main text.

Answers to Post-Lab Questions  Answers to the assigned post-lab questions


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