Fundamentals Nursing Prep U Questions 110 Test #1 PDF

Title Fundamentals Nursing Prep U Questions 110 Test #1
Course Medical-Surgical Nursing I
Institution College of Staten Island CUNY
Pages 5
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Test #1 Prep U Questions Fundamentals 1. Pt care dealing w/ nutrition and metabolism should include which factors? - Understanding food preferences of clients - Knowledge about the MyPlate diagram - Info on client’s inancial status R/T meal provisions - Ability of client to prep food at home 2. A client was admitted to a post-op nsg unit after undergoing abd sx. During this time, the RN failed to recognize the signiicance of abd swelling, which signiicantly increased during the next 6 hrs. Later, the client had to undergo emergency sx. The lack of action on the RN’s part is liable for action. Which legal term describes the case? Tort: wrong committed by a person against another person or that person’s property 3. What governing body has the authority to revoke or suspend a nurse’s license? - The State Board of Nurse Examiners 4. A nurse caring for a client in a LTCF measures the client’s I&Os and weighs the client to assess water balance. These actions help to meet which type of need in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs? - Physiologic 5. A mother teaches a son to respect adults. This is an example of which family function? - Socialization 6. A nurse is conducting a home assessment and suggests that the client’s family remove scatter rugs from the home and increase lighting. Which basic human need is being addressed by the nurse’s suggestions? Safety and security 7. A nurse in a wellness center is presenting a class on integrating holistic tx w/ traditional health care. The nurse talks about the trend in healthcare to tx each pt in a manner that reconnects the total being. Which would be best considered a holistic approach to health? - Physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being 8. Which basic needs area of Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs is met when the nurse arranges for the client’s clergy visit after visiting hours? - Self-actualization needs→ Nursing interventions are aimed at providing a sense of direction and hope and providing teaching that is aimed at maximizing potentials. 9. Which community characteristics aect the health of individuals? - Communication facilities - Transportation services - Education programs - Recreation programs 10. Place the following nursing interventions in order for priority according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. 1) 2) 3) 4)

The nurse teaches the client about foods high in iber The nurse teaches the daughter how to administer the client’s insulin The nurse assists the client in making a phone call to the client’s daughter The nurse positions the bed of the Muslim client who is bedfast toward Mecca

11. Place the following examples of interventions to meet human needs in order from the most basic, high-priority needs to the lower-priority needs based on Maslow’s hierarchy. -

A nurse provides nutrition for a client via feeding tube→ Physiologic A nurse places a No Smoking sign on the door of a client who is receiving O2→ Safety A nurse includes family members in the care of a client→ Love and belonging A nurse helps a client focus on the client’s strengths following a dx of BRCA→ Self-esteem


A nurse preps a room for a clerical visit requested by a client→ Self-actualization

12. The nurse is reviewing the health care records of several families from the health care clinic. Which families should the nurse identify as being at risk for factors aecting their health? - A family that is vegan - A family that fasts for religious purposes - A family that receives public health assistance - A family that uses herbal medicine - A family that is headed by a single mother 13. The nurse is assessing a client w/ early-onset Alzheimer’s dz. The spouse states that it is making them uncomfortable to be the sole care provider due to the degree of lifestyle changes that will be required. Which factors will be a priority issue when assessing for a risk of caregiver role strain? - Past hx of poor relationship b/t caregiver and care receiver - Inexperience w/ giving care to others - Caregiver as the spouse 14. A nurse is planning a seminar for the local community. Which topics are examples of health promotion discussions? - Information on increasing activity and exercise - Examples of heart-healthy diet 15. The nurse is caring for a young adult client. What developmental task for this age group does the nurse identify as a priority? Establishing an intimate relationship and family 16. The nurse is providing an educational program for a group of adolescents at the high school regarding suicide prevention. What should the nurse include with some of the identifying factors R/T suicide? - More prevalent in teens than other age groups - Males succeed at suicide more often - Third leading cause of death in ages 15 to 24 - Females attempt suicide more often 17. A nurse is moving to another state and will be working at an acute care facility. Prior to beginning practice, what actions should the nurse take to be compliant w/ state guidelines for nursing practice? - Deine the legal requirements and titles for RNs and LPNs - Access educational resources R/T nursing practice in another state\ - Research the laws and regulations that govern nursing practice in the new state - Locate the state nursing practice acts 18. Which are examples of the IOM’s recommendations for transforming the nursing profession? - The nurse is a graduate w/ an ADN and enrolls in a program to obtain a BSN in nursing w/o taking any additional courses - The nurse participates in a statewide committee w/ other health professionals and legislators to address human traficking - The nurse notes an increase in hospitalized clients who have CHF and implements a research study addressing this issue 19. An RN is convicted of stealing narcotics from the med-surge unit. Which action might be taken against this RN’s nursing license? - Revoking of the nursing license 20. An HCF determined that a nurse employed on a med unit was documenting care that was not being given, and subsequently reported the action to the State Board of Nursing. How might this aect the nurse’s license to practice nursing?

- The nurse’s license may be revoked or suspended 21. A client is experiencing culture shock. Which indings would the nurse likely assess? - Disorientation and stress 22. A nurse is providing care for clients of dierent cultures in a blended community clinic? Which characteristics of culture should the nurse consider when planning culturally competent care? - There are dierences both w/in cultures and among cultures - Subcultures exist within most cultures - Culture guides behavior into acceptable ways for people in a speciic group - Culture influences the way people of a group view themselves 23. What factor threatens to increase the number of people who are living at poverty level? - Feminization of poverty 24. A subculture may be based on which characteristics? - Gender - Age - Profession - Hobbies - Sexual preference 25. Which examples R/T eye contact are expected based on cultural variables? - A white man looks directly into the eyes of another while speaking - An Asian man is considered aggressive when looking directly at another - A Hispanic man looks down while speaking to his grandmother - An Arabic male averts his eyes while speaking to a group. 26. A nurse is part of a community health care team working to correct health disparities in the area. Which concepts would the nurse and the team need to understand? - Minority - Disadvantage - Less powerful 27. A nurse is working with an interpreter to communicate w/ a client who speaks very little of the nurse’s language. Which actions would be appropriate for the nurse to take? - Use simple sentences to convey the verbal message - Speak to the client rather than the interpreter - Rephrase a question using dierent words if the answer is inappropriate 28. A nurse interviews a client to determine the client’s health beliefs and behaviors. The nurse uses this information for which aspects of care? - Providing client education - Developing client outcomes - Conducting an assessment 29. A nurse is providing care to a medically compromised client w/ limited ability to speak the dominant language. To obtain info about the client’s culture, who would be appropriate for the nurse to use as a key informant? - Friends - Interpreters - Client’s religious contact

- Family 30. A nurse is presenting an in-service program to a group of nurses about culture and cultural diversity. When describing culture, which characteristics would the nurse include? - Culture has recognizable patterns - Culture is dynamic 31. A nurse is researching info about the dierent cultures of the population served by the facility. Which aspects of culture would be important for the nurse to keep in mind when learning about them? - Language is a means for communicating culture - Culture facilitates self-worth and self-esteem 32. The nurse is helping the UAP bathe the client who is experiencing a lot of pain when repositioned in bed. Which nursing responsibility is the nurse demonstrating? - Client advocate 33. An NP considering going back to school to obtain a DNP anticipates that the main focus of the curriculum will be on: clinical practice 34. Which actions are examples of an RN participating in illness prevention for a client w/ HTN? - Teaching lifestyle modiications - Providing literature on heart-healthy diets - Performing risk screenings for HTN 35. The nurse is explaining to a nursing colleague why there should be only one entry into the profession. What is the best statement by the explaining nurse? - Multiple methods of preparation are confusing to consumers 36. A client is brought to the ED w/ a head injury following an all-terrain vehicle accident. The nurse asks the family members to describe how the accident occurred. The nurse is implementing which ANA standard? - Collaboration 37. The nurse oers a client two possible times to ambulate, as rxed by the HCP. The nurse is acting in which nursing role? Manager and coordinator 38. What type of nursing program would allow a student with a 4-year degree in psychology to enter and complete a BSN, take the NCLEX, and transition into an MSN? - Graduate entry program or accelerated program 39. A nurse wishes to advance his or her career and work as a CNS. Which statement regarding scope of practice should the nurse keep in mind? - The nurse may teach advanced education for nurses 40. There are various levels of prep for nursing practice. Which degree program will best prep a nurse to work as a nurse researcher? - Doctoral 41. Which behavior by the nurse is stereotyping? - Avoiding older adult clients because their care is time consuming.

42. During WWII, nurses were actively recruited and enlisted in the military. What eect did this have on the nursing profession? - Caused a civilian nursing shortage 43. The nurse is caring for a client who is on a vent. The nurse is bathing and talking to the client. Incl telling the client what is going to happen next. The nurse speaks to the client in a soothing manner. The nurse is acting in which role? - Caregiver - Communicator - Educator 44. A nurse is thinking about pursuing an MSN and is reviewing info about various programs. What would the nurse expect to ind out about such programs? - Nurses pursuing such programs require solid scholastic abilities 45. An RN plans to return to the nursing profession after a long hiatus. Which statement about the trend in health care services would be most important for the nurse to keep in mind? - Clients enter the health care system acutely ill 46. Which advancement in the nursing profession occurred immediately after WWII? - Advanced nursing education was established 47. The nurse is attempting to provide anticipatory guidance for the parents of an 18 month old child. Which statement would be best for the nurse to make? - “Keep all medications in a locked cabinet.” 48. Which nursing actions will increase eficient management of client care and decrease the ramiications of nursing shortage? IMG 0969 -...

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