Funds NURS 3614-001 - Final Syllabus PDF

Title Funds NURS 3614-001 - Final Syllabus
Course  Fundamentals of Nursing Care
Institution Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
Pages 9
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Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi College of Nursing and Health Sciences NURS 3614 Fundamentals of Nursing Care Syllabus: Spring 2020 FACULTY: OFFICE: OFFICE HOURS: TELEPHONE: EMAIL: CREDITS:

Course Manager: Rosario Garcia, MSN, RN 350J By appointment 361-825-2244 [email protected] 6 hrs

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Fundamentals of Nursing Care is a Blackboard assisted course for the incoming nursing student and introduces them to nursing practice and philosophies that underpin clinical practice through the use of learning environments including lecture, lab, simulation and clinical. The course will utilize the following avenues for student learning including but not limited to, open discussion, group work, review of research, PowerPoint Presentations, audio-video, guest speakers, individual work, etc. The course covers nursing theory including the art of caring, the nursing process and critical thinking as well as the nurse’s role in health promotion, disease prevention, and illness. The course also covers skill application including but not limited to, patient safety, with a focus on techniques related to environmental concerns, positioning and transporting, asepsis and sterile technique, medication administration, and selected intrusive therapies. The student will apply the concepts and skills in lab, simulation and clinical with a goal of providing safe, holistic, care to patients. Prerequisite NURS 4322; Co-requisite: 0015 W01, 3435, 3318. COURSE OBJECTIVES: 1. Apply the nursing process at a beginning level of skill to interpret and manage human responses of clients to their actual or potential health problems (AACN Essential IX). 2. Apply principles from applied science and interpersonal processes, as formulated in the College of Nursing’s Conceptual Framework, to nurse-client interactions (AACN Essential III). 3. Assess cultural, spiritual, and bio-psychosocial factors when arriving at nursing diagnosis and relevant interventions for individual clients (AACN Essential II and IX) 4. Utilize evidence-based information derived from course related research findings in the application of fundamental nursing care (AACN Essential III). 5. Demonstrate a beginning ability to involve the client in decisions regarding his/her health and healthcare using therapeutic communication and decision-making skills (AACN Essential VI, VIII and IX). 6. Demonstrate understanding of the theoretical principles and critical behaviors of fundamental nursing (AACN Essential I). 7. Use critical thinking skills as a framework for clinical decision-making (AACN Essential II, III, VI, VII and IX). 8. Collaborate with the multidisciplinary health care team in order to reach positive

client outcomes (AACN Essential VI). 9. Demonstrate responsibility for own behavior and growth as an adult learner and a professional (AACN Essential VIII). CLINICAL OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course the student will be able to: 1. Demonstrate critical behaviors of fundamental nursing psychomotor skills safely. 2. Apply therapeutic communication skills. 3. Utilize organizational skills and time management concepts in setting priorities. 4. Demonstrate beginning critical thinking decision making skills based on standards of practice, theory, and research. 5. Apply theoretical content to the nursing care of the client in a clinical setting. 6. Implement plans that reflect an understanding of nursing legal and ethical responsibilities. 7. Perform nursing interventions that reflect caring behaviors in response to physical, emotional, and cultural, and humanistic care needs. 8. Utilize the nursing process in the care of all clients. 9. Demonstrate responsibility for own behavior/growth as an adult learner/professional. 10. Provide safe care with delivery of appropriate dependent, interdependent, and independent nursing interventions within the health team framework. REQUIRED TEXTS: see First Semester Bundle PDF in Blackboard for details • Ackley, B. J., & Ladwig, G. B. (2017). Nursing diagnosis handbook: A guide to planning care (11th ed.). St. Louis: Mosby. • Fischbach, F., & Dunning, M. B. (2014). A manual of laboratory and diagnostic tests (9thed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. • Ogden, S. J. (2015). Calculation of drug doses. (10th ed.). St. Louis: Mosby. • Potter, P. A., & Perry, A. G., Stockert, P. A., & Hall, A. M. (2017). Fundamentals of nursing (9th ed.). St. Louis: Mosby. • Silvestri, L. A. (2016-17). Strategies for test success (4th ed.). St. Louis: Saunders. • Skidmore-Roth, L. (Consultant). (2017). Mosby’s drug guide for nurses (12th. Ed.). St. Louis: Mosby. REQUIRED EVOLVE RESOURCES: • Clinical Skills: Essentials Collection • HESI Case Studies: Complete RN Collection (2 year) • Sherpath for Funds ebook w/ Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing for Potter, 9th Edition REQUIRED ONLINE RESOURCES: • EHR Tutor: Cost Estimate: 1 year -$65, 18 months -$97.50 or 2 years -$130. • Go to: HESI EXAMS: Faculty will provide the link for the exam and the student then is responsible for purchasing the exam no later than 48 hours prior to the test date. The approximate cost for the exam is: Fundamental Final Exam HESI - $35.00/HESI.

FULL TIME FACULTY: Rosario Garcia, MSN, RN: IH-336F (825-2240) [email protected] Sandy Stokes, MSN, RN: IH-328E (825-5935) [email protected] Isela Lyerly, MSN, RN: office and contact information to be shared COURES POLICIES: 1) Course Calendar is subject to change. 2) Satisfactory completion of NURS 3614 requires the successful completion of both the Clinical and Didactic components of the course. 3) Lecture (Didactic), Lab, Simulation and Clinical are all considered the learning environment. 4) Clinical is graded Pass/Fail. Clinical hours include Lab, Simulation and Clinical site time. If the student fails the clinical component; the entire course must be repeated including Clinical Hours. 5) The student must meet/complete the below items to pass the course: a) Have a Didactic Assessment Average ≥75, which is the average of Exam 1, 2, 3, Quiz Average and HESI. If the student does not meet the 75 requirement, the student’s final grade submitted to SAIL, will be the Didactic Assessment Average grade above. Upon achievement of a >75 on the Didactic Assessment Average, the course grade will be weighted per page 6. b) If the Weighted grade does not meet >75 requirement then the student has failed the course. c) Obtain at minimum a Satisfactory Evaluation on all components of their Clinical Summative Evaluation and a ≥75 on Care Plan #2. d) Make at least a 90 on the Dosage Calculation Exam within 3 attempts. Failure to meet this requirement will result in the student dropping/withdrawing from the course. The 90 has to be achieved before attending Simulation/Clinical. e) Complete survey(s) as part of CONHS grant research. TBA. f) Complete Simulation with satisfactory preparation and performance. 6) The course manager determines Class Participation Grade, which can include but is not limited to Vital Sign Assignment, Syllabus Quiz, Attendance, SIM Prep-Work, HESI Case Studies, Evolve Adaptive Quizzing (EAQ), Sherpath, Videos etc. 7) Student will read and comply with the Exam Policy and the Student Code of Conduct. Failure to comply will result in, at minimum, a zero for an exam. 8) The student is responsible for careful review of the grade book and communicating to faculty about concerns; no grade reviews will be done after the Final Exam. 9) Missed Exam/Quizzes: Exams/Quizzes will be given only on the day and time scheduled. If one scheduled exam/quiz is missed for an approved reason like unforeseen illness or immediate family death and is communicated to the Course Manager in a timely manner, the score earned on the Final exam will replace the missed exam and the end of semester Comprehensive Quiz will replace the missed Quiz. For the missed exam/quiz, the student will have a zero recorded until they successfully complete the Final exam/quiz. Additional missed exams/quizzes beyond the excused absence will result in a grade of zero. An unexcused absence for ANY exam/quiz will result in a permanent zero for that assessment.

10) HESI Purchase: Students are responsible for purchasing the HESI Final at least 48 hours prior to the exam date/time. 11) When submitting work to Blackboard; the students is responsible for ensuring the formatting is compatible with Bb. If submitted work cannot be viewed for grading then assignment will not be graded. 12) Late Policy: Assignments submitted late will receive a ten-point deduction per day. If the assignment is not submitted by end of 7th late day it will not be graded and a zero will be earned. Sherpath, Case Studies, Clinical Skills Essentials Collection and EAQs are not accepted late. 13) Faculty will be using Blackboard messages and Blackboard Announcements as means to communicate to students. Students are responsible for logging into Blackboard on a daily basis, checking for Blackboard messages/announcements and responding promptly within 24 hours of date sent. 14) In the event, any online technologies/applications are not functioning correctly, it is the student’s responsibility to report the issue in a timely manner to the Help Desk/IT service for that application and also inform the Course Manager if the issue could impact grade. 15) Tardiness: Students coming to lecture /lab late are responsible for checking with the instructor to make sure they were not marked absent, before end of session. Lecture tardiness beyond 15 minutes will count as an absence. Tardiness to Lab, Simulation or Clinical is not accepted and will count as Clinical Warnings and may require the student making up the time if available. 16) Attendance is mandated by current College of Nursing policy. Missed lectures cannot be made up and the student is responsible for material covered. The student must inform the instructor of university-excused absences in advance of that absence. This will allow a reasonable opportunity for the student to make up work missed. If it is not feasible for the student to make up work for an excused absence, some allowance may be made in order for the student to not be overly penalized. a) Scheduled Lab, Simulation and Clinical are mandatory for passing the course including Clinical Orientation. It is not guaranteed that missed time can be made up. Missed time will place a student in jeopardy of not meeting course objectives and therefore failing NURS 3614. If an absence is absolutely necessary; severe illness, death in immediate family, other unforeseen emergencies, the student must notify the Course Manager and/or Clinical Instructor at least one hour before the day begins. This will be considered an excused absence pending Course Manager review. Unexcused absences will result in a Clinical Warning at minimum. In addition, the Course Manager and other involved faculty/adjuncts will evaluate each situation on a case-by-case situation for need for further action and/or make-up work/time and if make-up time is possible. b) A “no call no show” is defined as failure to notify and will result in at least a Clinical Warning due to unprofessional behavior. 17) Students will comply to the uniform dress code as explained in the student handbook for Lab, Simulation, and Clinical. 18) Castlebranch requirement including vaccines, records, CPR, City Wide Hospital Orientation (CWHO), NURS 0015 Nursing Lab Safety Seminar and other required tasks must be completed by Course Calendar due date and remain current while taking clinical courses. Students will not be permitted to attend Clinical if incomplete. 19) Remediation: Based on student learning needs, pattern of unprofessional behavior, R.Garcia 4 NURS 3614.001 Syllabus, Spring 2020

and nature of precipitating event(s), the Course Manager will determine the appropriate amount of time and assignments needed to assess student growth. Faculty may require additional assignments and work to ensure a student has met course and clinical objectives. Students are expected to comply with any additional assignments or clinical hours assigned and obtain satisfactory evaluation/grading by faculty. 20) Students are permitted to perform designated nursing skills in the clinical setting only after receiving instruction and successfully demonstrating the skill in lab with faculty. Follow specific instructions from your clinical instructor as each clinical site is unique. 21) Students are not allowed at clinical sites when the instructor is not present. 22) Academic decorum in learning environments facilitates the learning process within the exchange of ideas and an exploration of concepts between faculty and students. Examples of academic decorum include; coming prepared to learning environments, being attentive, responsive and respectful in class to peers, guests and faculty/staff, making topic specific comments, offering critiques and alternative ideas in a noncondescending manner, providing a fair share of work to group projects and supporting the rights of peers to contribute and or ask questions. 23) Poor performance/preparation and behavioral issues in the learning environment will result in Clinical Warnings. Accumulation of three (3) warnings will result in failure of course. Severity of issue will determine if less than 3 warnings warrants a course failure. Examples of behaviors that will result in a minimum of a Clinical Warning include but are not limited to: arriving late, un-excused absence, sleeping in or disrupting learning environment. Monopolizing instruction by the professor, violation of dress code, incomplete Castlebranch or CWHO, repetitive late work, lack of preparation and breaking patient confidentiality. 24) Other offenses, which depending on severity, may lead to immediate failure of the course, include but are not limited to- lack of accountability, unsafe or unprofessional practices or behaviors, falsification of records/plagiarism, academic misconduct, inability to function within the legal, moral, and ethical standards of the profession. 25) Clinical Considerations: a) Specific preparation for clinical days may vary according to the clinical site and can include but not limited to medication review, pathophysiology review, care plan, skill review etc. Failure to complete and/or lack of preparation is considered unsafe/unprofessional practice and will result in a Clinical Warning and possible dismissal from clinical site for the day. b) The student is required to complete orientation as outlined by the Clinical Instructor. c) The Clinical Instructor reserves the right to require additional work and/or hours to ascertain student accomplishment of learning objectives. d) The clinical Instructor will decide upon due dates of Clinical Work. e) The following are general expectations. i) Complete focused assessment and be able to explain findings/concerns. ii) Review medical record(s) and be able to explain findings/concerns including Medical History, Home/Current medications and therapies, Laboratory, Radiographic and other findings, Progress Notes, current Plan of Care, etc. iii) Explain pathophysiology of primary and underlying health issues. iv) Demonstrate accurate use of the Nursing Process and make amendments to Care Plan as needed according to patient progress. R.Garcia 5 NURS 3614.001 Syllabus, Spring 2020

v) Complete first semester care and skills as taught in the course. vi) Participate in Pre and Post Conferences. GRADING CRITERIA Grading is a process of comparing a student's performance (the outcome of learning) against a designated standard, or set of criteria, and assigning a symbol to the level of performance achieved. Current College of Nursing and Health Sciences policy stipulates the following grading scale: A: 90-100 B: 83-89 C: 75-82

D: 67-74 F: below 67

COURSE REQUIREMENTS Below course requirements must be met to pass the course. • Didactic Assessment Average of ≥75 • Simulation Performance(s) Passing • Care Plan #2 must be ≥75 • Dose Calculation Exam ≥90 w/in 3 attempts • Summative Clinical Evaluation 100% Satisfactory or better • CONHS Grant Survey Completion • Castlebranch/NURS0015/Other CONHS Requirements Complete/Kept Updated GRADE DETERMINATION DIDACTIC ASSESSMENT AVERAGE Exam 1 + Exam 2 + Exam 3 + Quiz Average + HESI = _____/5 = >75. If the student does not meet the 75 requirement, the student’s final grade submitted to SAIL, will be the Didactic Assessment grade above. Upon achievement of a >75 on the Didactic Assessment Average, the course grade/SAIL grade will be earned as Weighted below. WEIGHTED GRADE • Exam 1 • Exam 2 • Exam 3 • HESI Comprehensive • Quiz Average • Class Participation Grade • Care Plan #1 • Care Plan #2 • EBP Group Project • SIM Performance(s)

10% 10% 10% 30% 15% 10% 5% 5% 5% Pass/Fail R.Garcia 6 NURS 3614.001 Syllabus, Fall 2019

Total: 100% ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION The University and the College of Nursing and Health Sciences rely on electronic communication as the major avenue to distribute and receive information needed for academic work and life on campus. Only by using university e-mail addresses will communication be consistent and complete. This course will ONLY use university e-mail addresses and/or Blackboard e-mail to communicate with students electronically. It is each individual student’s responsibility to activate his/her university e-mail account and check at least daily. Students are also expected to establish an EVOLVE account. POLICIES: Evaluation Input From Students The faculty of the College of Nursing and Health Sciences places great value on evaluative input from students. Evaluation of courses, instructors and clinical facilities provides the College with important data, which is used to strengthen the program. Data is analyzed as to trends and themes and is important to curriculum and sequencing decisions. All evaluations for courses posted are online. The online mechanism allows us the opportunity to tabulate and store information in order to analyze trends within the curriculum. Please be assured that this information is secured and not released until after grades are submitted. No names are available to faculty. In order to garner some reliability and validity, the College must have representative data from the student population. That representation, based on the literature, has been set at 70%. The College is anticipating that students will thoughtfully participate in the evaluation process which will assist the faculty with the growth of the program. A link to evaluations will be available on Blackboard toward the end of the semester. Thank you in advance for your assistance with the evaluation process. Academic Integrity/Plagiarism* University students are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the highest standards of academic honesty. Academic misconduct for which a student is subject to penalty includes all forms of cheating, such as illicit possession of examinations or examination materials, falsification, forgery, complicity or plagiarism. (Plagiarism is the presentation of the work of another as one’s own work.) In this class, academic misconduct or complicity in an act of academic misconduct on an assignment or test will result in failure of the course at minimum. Dropping a Class* I hope that you never find it necessary to drop this or any other class. However, events can sometimes occur that make dropping a course necessary or wise. Please consult with your academic advisor, the Financial Aid Office, and me, before you decide to drop this course. Should dropping the course be the best course of action, you must initiate the process to drop the course by going to the Student Services Center and filling out a course drop form. Just stopping attendance and participation WILL NOT automatically result in your being dropped from the class. R.Garcia 7 NURS 3614.001 Syllabus, Fall 2019

(See Academic Calendar) is the last day to drop a class with an automatic grade of “W” this term. Classroom/professional behavior** Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, as an academic community, requires that each individual respect the needs of others to study and learn in a peaceful atmosphere. Under Article III of the Student Code of Con...

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