Gastcolleges-marketing PDF

Title Gastcolleges-marketing
Course Marketing
Institution Universiteit Gent
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Peter Van Overstraeten AB Inbev Building higher brands, premium brands - Based on bench market - Working capital management - Compare to other companies  AB lead in growth - Stock price went down and is struggling at this moment  Where are you growing now? You already have everything and you are already big. - Model of market maturity, historic process of alcohol market, how things evolve over time. Only men are drinking: after work… they drink for party reasons, they only drink outside. People get more money; they start drinking more. Also women! Highest maturity level: outside  inside. Put it al to a simple model: we can start predicting: influencing what we offer. Decide which do we in, when? Left: to early to come with different brands. Right: much different categories, push people, what next? How do they think of beer? All associated with the curve. Beer is much more, you have many categories. What does the different categories stand for? People doesn’t know what the difference are and when to you it! For wine is it easy. There is no category model for beer. How do we make up a model? How do consumer see it? They want more premium and sophisticated options. More diverse - Easy drinking: everyone is talking about. - Classic: easy but with a bit more taste, more characteristic. Stella: more premium  get it in fancy bars, on the beach… - Outside on the wall: mindset, association, the look of the bottle, holiday feeling in a bottle  want to pay more. - Categories: cheaper, easy, There is nothing that we can’t offer, but country is seen as a typical brand. We don’t have examples Come outside, Low way to go to offer different options. 50% of market: Jupiler. It is all still yellow. - There is no super premium beer. - There is no massive difference in price - Lower option  high profit, when you change the Jupiler, people will maybe look for different substitutes and you lose them all. VS: Stella = premium and sophisticated Change up the usual: change what you drink, help the world, make sure that people don’t have the feeling that they can’t buy it. He was representing Heineken 

Digital marketing PRO: plans, marketing strategy, Marketing and sales, communication and marketing Content plan, what the content will be on Instagram, facebook Prepare: strategy and planning Only have to do it ones and maybe update it each 3 years. Good marketing; You have to know who your target audience is Bad marketing = spam Online marketing; the internet, do it in a browser Digital marketing; outdoor, interactive, connection, adapt the contents of digital Augmented reality, virtual reality… Right message, to right people at the right time Why start a company when you don’t want to grow. Hope is not a strategy  magical thinking. Make a point with your strategy, it is a safe choice Inbound marketing: pulling people in, you have to be attractive, who are ready to buy your product. Search optimization: think point of view customer Content website, clean Void search Content marketing strategy; right way; aribnb. storytelling  how well they do it. You recognize that it is from them. Put lot of effort in visual content. 1. people want to buy your product: 70% “NOW” Keep them happy (ROI = +) 2. Smaller of your existing customer base, growth potential 20% interesting group for marketing “NEXT” Grow (ROI = +/-) 3. Future, 10% “NEW” Try (ROI = ?) ROI = return on investment Testimonials always work! What they sell is looking better, not just a bag Digital marketing and social media: see what types of problems your customers will solve

Low price, make a choice and make a difference. Customer is the most important for the retailer. Were they focus on. Network and infrastructure; gas, electricity to your houses Wind farms Retailer Brands they operate, focus on the large industry. Energy market; - 4 actors that play Production; renewable sun, wind Import; Transport; high pressure, bringing the gas in Belgium Distribution; delivers electricity and gas in the houses Supply; us, integrated in 1 company in the past, to get prices down, all should be separated, the prices will make a difference. Liberalisation opens the market The complexity of the market Don’t need to be a producer to be a supplier. The price is set on the wholesale market is a supply and demand. The market is open from that side. How is the price set? The intersection of supply and demand. The different bares = production units. Left to right Oil = expensive way, flexible. renewable and nuclear, but we need energy. We do import more then they need but they also export. But more import then export. Relevant of this product is higher then other products! Everything stops working when electricity is down. 3 principles applying from the sector = golden triangle. Looking forward! We connect the dots. Energy prices don’t go up. The total of the bill is increasing. Delivering to deliver along gas and electricity, create a contact with the customer. Own data, make it valuable. Turning data into value. But it, to learn everything. Amazon, there point of view. Team on analytics, build profile of all the customers. With any time of data we have. Whatever you can get somewhere. Which price? Because that is where they only interested in. Understanding your data! Use what you have and turn into value. Use cloud technology and open sources, try to limit the cost of your data environment. Collect all the data and bring together! You don’t have value. Pick one data and then start expending. Prove something in a small way = value.

2 ways; keeping in mind what you are doing for the future. Keep it simple, you get more tools then you use as well, so much on the market. All data stored in one location. 3 tools, not more than that. Data stored very cost efficient. We clean it but keep data two wise. Build features of customers = address, study… Not only customer level. Use cases, statistics, machine learning. Last; something to get integrated. Access to customer, inside entire company, actual marketing happens, try to call this customer with an offer. Sure send emails on a daily basis. Clear overview what is happening. What is your reason on leaving the company? The longer you stay, the more value you get! Higher consumption, higher margin.

Market leader; head & shoulders Gilette, venus, 10 categories, more than a billion dollar turnover. Scale is what you need to do R&D. Every product, everyday used. Big brands have a role, if we do tree things 1. Innovate for growth 2. Mass 1-1 marketing 3. Force for good Don’t go to far in cutting 1. market growth, build habits, innovate for growth. Innovation is an idea, it is not an invention. Deep technical mastery is with depth of consumer understanding Ivory soap, consumer inside with a technology. R&D to connect and development! = a whole ecosystem Global innovation = global scale 2. advertising = via google and search Need to do total branding Messages, stereotyping need to be engaged Distribution sector People don’t have time, 3. sensitive of culture and nature The environment, packages. More sustainable, long responsible

Teach the language to the consumers. Responsible how our products are been used. Marketing mix modelling, explain how they must use it. Because they care about their consumers. More inclusive society, they don’t want the stereotypes, higher conversation, you can make a difference, they believe in a more diverse environment. Sponsor the mams, who is behind everyone. Innovate for more relevant ideas in a safe environment, more sustainable and...

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