GCED Climate Change DONE PDF

Title GCED Climate Change DONE
Author Azwa Tabah
Course Technological Entrepreneurship
Institution Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka
Pages 14
File Size 183.2 KB
File Type PDF
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global citizen education...


CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction


2.0 Environmental Issue (Climate Change)


3.0 Video narration 3.1 Video narration on 3 conceptual dimensions 5 3.2 Video narration on Climate Change


4.0 The ways 3 Conceptual Dimensions Of GCED Brings Benefit To The Society To Resolve Climate Change Issue


5.0 The ways to resolve Climate change Issue 5.1 Ten Solutions for Climate Change

9 - 10

5.2 Individual Solutions To Climate Change 6.0 Conclusion


7.0 Self-reflection


8.0 References






Global citizenship refers to a sense of contributing to a wider community and a solidarity in general. It reflects on the interdependence and interconnection of local , national and global political, economic , social and cultural relations (UNESCO, 2015). Global citizenship education (GCED) is, meanwhile, a mode of civic learning that includes the active involvement of students in projects addressing global social , political , economic or environmental issues. GCED includes three main philosophical concepts which are similar to different GCED meanings and interpretations. They will serve as the basis for identifying GCED strategies, learning goals and competencies, as well as targets for learning performance and evaluation. Environmental issues lately become a popular concern amongst us. Looking at our surroundings, we can't help but note that as we take in the air, pollution is happening. Environmental issues are still a big issue for us when an toxic environment leads to an unhealthy life. Only imagine what would be done to our lungs by carbon monoxide. That's why learning how to become a global citizen is vital for people of all ages. Education on global citizenship requires the active engagement of students in initiatives that discuss global problems of a societal, political, fiscal, or environmental significance. Students therefore get what it takes to become a global citizen, such as becoming an active volunteer in your society, accepting responsibility for your actions, becoming caring, feeling a sense of belonging, and much more. I would point out in this assignment what Global Citizenship Education (GCED), the three core conceptual dimension of GCED, is and how it helps society in solving the environmental crisis. Firstly, I'm going to figure out one environmental problem that is occurring right now, and how it really impacts us. We will learn more information about Global Citizenship Education at the conclusion of this assignment and how to become citizens, the serious environmental problem, as well as the triggers and solutions to keep it from getting any worse.



ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUE (CLIMATE CHANGE) I prefer climate change because now it's a serious environmental problem, but people seem not to think at all about it. People have taken that as a minor issue that they think it's not going to affect them but really it does. For instance, NASA has confirmed that weather is what changes we see and experience from day to day outside. For example, today may just be a rainy day, and then the next day will be a bright day. It's all changing. It's rainy season. For multiple seasons, it may be different (NASA, May 15, 2014). In the summer, a place might be warm and dry, but in the winter, the same place might be cold and rainy. It is the weather. Earth's climate, meanwhile, is what you find when you mix all of the world's ecosystems. Climate change happens as changes in the climate structure of the Planet result in different trends of nature that remain in place for a long period of time. This time spans will vary from a few decades to millions of years. It is motivated by human behaviour. For the people who observed Earth's atmosphere, Earth has confirmed that it is getting colder and in the last 100 years the temperature has risen around one degree Fahrenheit and they believe it to continue to rise in the future if no action is taken. There are several variables that can affect either natural, or man-made climate change. For example, when a volcanic eruption occurs, the earth's temperature can change. On June 15 , 1991, as Mount Pinatubo exploded in the Philippines, an estimated 20 million tonnes of sulphur dioxide and more than 12 miles of ash particles shot into the atmosphere (JoAnna Kendell, 2016, June 9). These eruptions caused extensive damage and loss of human life. Gases and solids are pumped into the stratosphere and the solar radiation touching the surface of the earth is decreased, temperatures are lowered and the atmosphere is modified. The greenhouse effect that impacts the atmosphere of the Planet is also present. It may be either reflected back into space or absorbed by Earth as sunlight hits the surface of Earth. When the sunlight is consumed, the earth emits more of the energy as heat or infrared radiation back into the atmosphere. Gasses such as water (H20), carbon dioxide ( Co2), and methane ( CH4) consume steam, limit or avoid space heat loss, rendering the


World colder than it would otherwise have been. Many of these gases exist spontaneously, but the concentration of some of them in the atmosphere is enhanced by human activity. Carbon dioxide ( Co2) is the most widely created greenhouse gases from human activity and is responsible for 64 percent of man-made global warming. Such practises like deforestation contribute to global warming. During photosynthesis, tropical forest trees, like all green plants, suck up carbon dioxide and emit oxygen. Plants also undergo the opposite process, also known as respiration, which they produce but normally in smaller quantities than they do during photosynthesis. In the plant, the surplus carbon is processed, aiding it to expand. When people cut down the trees and burn them, their accumulated carbon is released into the air which increases the concentration of CO2 in the air. Overpopulation also leads to global warming that affects the atmosphere of our Planet. According to the new United Nations figures established by Worldometers, there are 7.7 billion people as of October 2019. It is a root cause of climate change, but even accepting overpopulation as an essential factor in diagnosing the crisis, policymakers and international organisations remain reluctant. The Co2 level will begin to increase between 540 and 970 ppm by 2100, according to the Association for Canadian Educational Services, and if that continues, we are likely to move similarly to the dinosaur planet inhabited 100 million years ago. By chopping down the forests, overpopulation will also force people to open up new land so that they will remain in a new location. People should then also consider climate change as a serious matter, the effects may not be noticed now, but if we did not take any steps to avoid it, it would certainly effect us. People should make their commute green, for instance. It would therefore yield less carbon emissions. Other than that, green energy can be used by individuals. Moving away from fossil fuels is the only way to avoid climate change.




Video narration on 3 conceptual dimensions


The Global Education for Citizenship (GCED) comprises three main conceptual dimensions: academic, socio-emotional and behavioral. The cognitive dimension helps learners to develop awareness, comprehension and critical thinking about local problems and international, national and global concerns at the same time, as well as the interconnectedness and interdependence of various countries and populations. As well as providing a sense of identity and duties, empathy, unity and appreciation for inequalities and diversity, socio-emotional component helps learners to share ideals with the shared society. In terms of the behavioral component, learners are empowered to behave consciously and efficiently towards a more prosperous and healthier environment, not just at local, but also at national and global levels. The central aim of GCED is to promote empathy for all, to establish a sense of belonging to a shared humanity, and to help learners become responsible and engaged global citizens. GCED's key priorities are to be constructive, develop the awareness, skills, beliefs and behaviors that learners need to create a society that is more sustainable, just and healthy. GCED is relevant because there are so many global concerns focused predominantly in the developed world and, at the same time, many locally arising concerns. Because of rising pressure, it is also important to extend the role of education to solve global problems.



Video narration on Climate Change Issue https://youtu.be/ifrHogDujXw

The above video presented a straightforward explanation of climate change in which the heat from human pollution is approximately equivalent to 400,000 Hiroshima atomic bombs exploded every day. Historically, each time the amount of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere increase, the global surface temperature rises, ice melts, and the seas rise. As of the beginning of 2017, after 1880, when reports started on a global scale, the Planet had warmed by about 2 degrees Fahrenheit, or more than 1 degree Celsius. The figure embraces the ocean floor. In the Arctic and areas of Antarctica, the warming is greater over land, and greater still. The number could be low sounding. In our daily lives, we experience even greater temperature changes from weather patterns and the shifting seasons. But the temperature variations are much smaller as you average around the whole globe and across months or years. The change on the Earth's surface from one year to the next is calculated in fractions of a degree. Although a 2-degree spike in Fahrenheit since the 19th century is strong too. Scientists predict for the next 25 to 30 years, the atmosphere is expected to mimic today's, though steadily becoming colder, with some of the intense heat waves that can destroy elderly people. In certain parts of the country, rainfall will be heavier, but the intervals between the rains will most likely get hotter and drier. The number of hurricanes and typhoons may eventually decrease, but those that do occur would draw energy from a hotter ocean environment, and therefore will be more powerful. Coastal flooding can, as is already increasing, become more regular and dangerous.



THE WAYS 3 CONCEPTUAL DIMENSIONS OF GCED BRINGS BENEFIT TO THE SOCIETY TO RESOLVE CLIMATE CHANGE ISSUE Education is the key component of the global climate change solution. It makes people consider and discuss the effects of global warming, raises young people's "climate awareness," promotes improvements in attitudes and behaviour, and makes them respond to developments relevant to climate change. Education and awareness-raising encourage informed decision-making, play a critical role in strengthening community ability to adapt and mitigation, and inspire women and men to pursue healthy lifestyles. UNESCO encourages countries to incorporate climate change into their education frameworks as part of their work on Sustainability for Sustainable Development, and promotes discussion and exchanging of views on climate change sustainability through the organisation of international expert meetings. It produces content for professional advice and teaching and learning opportunities.

As we all know, the education of global citizenship has 3 concepts or main core. These three main conceptual dimensions will lead to a number of things, one of which is to solve environmental issues. There are also:

Cognitive: gaining awareness, comprehension and analytical thinking about global , regional and local problems and the intertwined and interdependent relationships between various countries and populations.

The mindset of a human being to not take environmental problems seriously and a lack of awareness about what causes them, how they impact us and how to keep them from getting worse is one of the reasons affecting climate change. With this theory, people should be able to develop more awareness and make people think more deeply about environmental problems, such as planting more plants, using eco-friendly materials, inventing new goods from recycled items, and much more. The world will then be protected from pollution, people would have a better future and a happier place to live and the ties between communities can become stronger because they are all looking for the same dream to live in, which is a happier world for all of us. 7|Page

Socio-emotional – expressing beliefs and obligations, empathy, unity and appreciation for disparities and diversity

Global citizenship education (GCED) will enable persons, from this point of view, to feel a sense of belonging to each other, one that is responsible for each other. This kind of conduct needs to be instilled in everyone, so it is easy for us to generate human beings with such a human nature who value each other in protecting our environmental rights. People should arrange a group for everybody to get in to do events such as recycling, planting trees to mores, for example.

Behavioral -to behave actively and professionally towards a more stable and prosperous environment at the local , national and global levels. It is not only a hypothesis but a realistic requirement to create a healthy and healthy future without environmental contamination, but without implementation the hypothesis would not be correct. A fruitless tree may be ascribed to current experience but not practised.




10 Solutions for Climate Change

1. Forego Fossil Fuels — The first task is to remove coal , oil and, finally, natural gas from combustion. This is perhaps the most challenging task as the items made from such fossilised sunlight are practically cooked, used, worked, played and even sleeped by the denizens of rich nations. And developing-country people want and deserve the same comforts, which are primarily due to the energy contained in those products. 2. Infrastructure enhances — Worldwide buildings add almost one-third to all greenhouse gas pollution (43 per cent in the U.S. alone), while investing in thicker insulation and other cost-effective, temperature-controlled measures will save money in the long run. Electric grids are either full or at maximum, but power demands are continuing to grow. And poor roads can make even the most effective car less fuelfriendly. Investing in new roads, or dramatically improving existing highways and transmission lines, will help minimise greenhouse gas emissions and push developed countries ' economic growth. 3. Step Closer to Work — Transport is the second leading greenhouse gas pollution source in the U.S. (Burning one gallon of fuel produces 20 pounds of CO2). But it shouldn't be the way it is. One way to minimise transportation fuel requirements significantly is to travel closer to work, use public transit, or turn to biking, cycling, or any other form of transport that involves little more than human resources. There is also the possibility of working several days a week from home and telecommuting. 4. Consume Less — The best way to cut greenhouse gas emissions is just by consuming less products. Reducing consumption results in less fossil fuels being consumed to harvest, manufacture and transport goods across the world, or by forgoing a car or using a reusable shopping sack. 5. Be Efficient — By doing more with less, one can make a potentially easier and much bigger effect. People in many developing countries, whether by driving in a gasguzzling sport-utility vehicle or keeping the lights on while not in a home, are profligate energy wasters.


6. Feed Smart, Go Vegetarian - For the fertiliser to grow it and the diesel fuel to extract and transport it, corn grown in the US needs barrels of gasoline. Some grocery stores sell organic goods that do not need fertilisers like that, but are also imported from halfway around the world. And poultry, beef , chicken, or pork, needs pounds of feed for a pound of protein to produce. 7. Stop Cutting Down Trees - 33 million acres of forest are chopped down every year. Timber harvesting adds 1.5 billion metric tonnes of emissions to the atmosphere in the tropics alone. That represents 20 per cent of human-made greenhouse gas emissions and a reasonably easily avoidable source. Improved farming practises together with paper recycling and forest management — balancing the amount of wood taken out with the amount of new trees growing — could remove this large chunk of pollution rapidly. 8. Unplug- Believe it or not, when off than when on, U.S. people spend more money on electricity to power computers. When evidently shut off, televisions, audio systems, laptops, battery chargers and a host of other devices and appliances use more electricity, so unplug them instead. 9. One Child — There are at least 6.6 billion people living today, a figure which the United Nations predicts to rise to at least nine billion by the mid-century. The U.N. Environmental Program reports that food, clothes and other services removed from the earth demand 54 acres to support an average human being today. It is unsustainable to maintain such population increase. Ultimately, the law of one infant per parent is therefore not sustainable because there is no optimal number for the human population. It is obvious, though, that more inhabitants means more emissions of greenhouse gases. 10. Future Energy — replacing fossil fuels can be becoming the 21st century's major challenge. There are several competitors, ranging from crop-derived ethanol to waterelectrolyzed hydrogen, but they all have certain disadvantages, too, and none are readily available at the appropriate rate.

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Individual Solutions To Climate Change

1. It might sound simple, but one of the easiest ways to fight climate change is still to fuel your home with solar or wind. Depending on where you work, you may be able to move to a renewable-energy power provider. Or you might even try installing solar on your house. Read more on green energies coming here. 2. Saving water at home is another form of fighting climate change. Why? For what? And the drinking water that has been supplied to most North American homes has been processed, it is consuming a lot of electricity. 3. Recycle. Yeah, recycling will also help avoid climate change! That's because the use of materials typically requires less electricity than the production of raw products, which thus produces less waste. 4. Try building a smart thermostat, if you own your own house. Smart thermostats learn about your habits and change the temperature of your house for optimum effectiveness, saving money on electricity costs whilst reducing pollution. 5. Have something called a "energy audit" to help your home conserve money and energy. You can employ a firm (some also do remote auditing), but you can do that yourself too!

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In summary, this task is more focused on education for global citizenship (GCED) and environmental issues. This assignment would explain what GCED is about and its three key conceptual dimension. Next, the environmental phenomenon of global warming is also included in this mission. The partnership between GCED and environmental problems has already been addressed and how GCED is helping to decrease the pollution crisis we are facing right now. In the other side, environmental concerns relate to the adverse consequences on the biophysical climate by human activities. Climate change, emissions, environmental destruction and the loss of resources can be significant global environmental conce...

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