GCSE History - Revision Guide - AQA - Elizabethan Englnd 1568-1603 PDF

Title GCSE History - Revision Guide - AQA - Elizabethan Englnd 1568-1603
Author Dareen Alkatheri
Course Scientific Diving
Institution University of St Andrews
Pages 13
File Size 647.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 69
Total Views 124


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First published 2020 Copyright: Primrose Kitten ©

Tim Ingham: Tim Ingham is an educational and non-fiction author with a decade of experience in tuition, supply teaching and authorship. A graduate of Leeds and Hull universities, he specialises in Politics, Law, Science and Mathematics www.timothyingham.co.uk

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Exam dates Dates might be changed by AQA This unit is examined in Paper 1, Section B Exam

2020 exam dates

AQA GCSE History Paper 2

Thursday 4th June 2020 PM

This section of Paper 2: • • • •

Contains 4 compulsory questions Is worth a total of 40 Marks Contains medium and long answer questions Has marks for Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG)

Five most common mistakes in a History exam 1. Lack of details – for example referring to “Britain” without reference to specific individuals or institutions 2. Forgetting to describe consequences of an event – what were the impacts and effects of major events? 3. Forgetting to describe causes of an event – what were the factors which led to an event 4. Failing to answer the question – this is likely to cost large amounts of marks 5. Imprecision in names or locations – always try to give historically accurate locations, such as “The Austro-Hungarian Empire” rather than “Austria”, or “The British Empire” rather than “Britain”.

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English Skills in History As with all arts and humanities subjects, skills learned in GCSE English, in particular English Language, play a part in achieving the maximum possible marks. While there are very few specific marks for spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPaG), proper use of these is key to achieving high grades.

Self-assessment Specification statement

First review 4-7 months before exam

Second review 1-2 months before exam

Final review Week before exam

I can write persuasively




I can present a balanced argument




I can comment on a source




I can correctly spell specialist vocabulary




I can write coherently and informatively




I can discuss differing viewpoints




I can analyse use of language




I can identify rhetorical techniques




These are the bits the exam board wants you to know, make sure you can do all of these…

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Bits to help if you don’t understand


Topic Guide Topic

First review

Second review

Third review

Part One: Elizabeth’s Court and Parliament Part Two: Life in Elizabethan Times Part Three: Troubles at home and abroad


Whole topic summary

Part One: Elizabeth’s Court and Parliament Part Two: Life in Elizabethan Times Part Three: Troubles at home and abroad

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Key Words These are easy marks to be lost or gained in the exam! Make sure you know them.

Catholicism Colony Court Courtier Enclosure Excommunication Gentry Heretic Local Government Palace Patronage Playwright Privy Council Privateer Progresses Puritan Rebellion Seminary Suitor Throckmorton Plot Vagabondage

A traditional Christian denomination An overseas and developing part of the nation The circle of officials, nobles and civil servants around the monarch An individual present and active at court Replacing large open fields with smaller ones for individuals Forced removal from membership of a church The landed aristocracy in Britain Someone who refused to follow the religion of the Monarch Governments ruling over an area of Britain A large and formal building in which the monarch resided To provide someone with an important job or title An individual who wrote, and sometimes directed, plays The inner circle of ministers responsible for government Individuals seeking to profit using ships Royal tours around the country by the monarch A denomination of austere Christians An armed revolt against the state or monarch An institution for the training, seclusion and development of Priests An individual seeking the hand of a woman for marriage An attempt by Catholics to depose Elizabeth I The condition of being homeless without employment or income

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Part One: Elizabeth’s Court and Parliament Knowledge Checklist Self-assessment Specification statement

First review 4-7 months before exam

Second review 1-2 months before exam

Final review Week before exam

I can describe the character of Elizabeth 1




I can recall how Elizabeth 1 became Queen of England




I can recall where Elizabeth’s main palace was




I can create a spider diagram of the structure of central and local Government in Elizabeth’s reign including job titles




I can highlight the most important parts of Elizabeth’s government




I understand how government during Elizabeth’s reign worked




I can evaluate possible differences between local and national government




I can describe the roles of Elizabeth’s court and Privy Council




I can describe who Bess of Hardwick was




I can outline the role of William Cecil (Lord Burghley)




I can recall the role of Robert Dudley (Earl of Leicester)




I can describe the role of Francis Walshingham




These are the bits the exam board wants you to know, make sure you can do all of these…

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Bits to help if you don’t understand


I can explain and evaluate why William Cecil, Robert Dudley and Francis Walshingham were important




I can describe the role of senior courtiers




I can recall why it was important for Elizabeth to marry




I can compile a table of Elizabeth’s suitors




I can categorise the pros and cons of each suitor




I can evaluate and explain why Elizabeth did not marry




I can construct and sequence a list of the main issue between Elizabeth and her parliaments with dates




I can describe the significance of the Earl of Essex




I can relate the events of Essex’s rebellion




I can describe what Essex’s rebellion tells us about government and politics in Elizabeth’s reign




I can recall the outcome of Essex’s rebellion




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Part Two: Life in Elizabethan Times Knowledge Checklist Self-assessment First review

Second review

Final review

These are the bits the exam board wants you to know, make sure you can do all of these…

4-7 months before exam

1-2 months before exam

Week before exam

I am aware of the structure of Elizabethan society




I can explain the idea of ‘Great Chain’




I can identify where wealth came from to explain the growth in prosperity amongst the gentry in Elizabethan times




I can describe the long-term causes of poverty and vagabondage




I can construct a spider diagram to show traditional reasons for poverty in Elizabethan times




I can explain how Norwich, London and Ipswich dealt with the problem of the poor




I can explain how attitudes to the poor were changing in Elizabethan times




I can describe what theatres were like in Elizabethan times




I can list five facts about The Globe Theatre




I can create a spider diagram of the interests, ideas and discoveries of the time that are linked to theatre plays




I can list key Elizabethan playwrights




Specification statement

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Bits to help if you don’t understand


I can list the names of the Elizabethan seamen making overseas voyages




I can create a table of voyages made by English sailors in Elizabethan times, detailing aims, places visited and achievements




I can describe the role of Sir Walter Raleigh




I can plot Francis Drake’s route around the world




I can describe the dangers and difficulties faced by seamen travelling on overseas voyages in Elizabethan times




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Part Three: Troubles at home and abroad Knowledge Checklist Self-assessment Specification statement

First review

Second review

Final review

4-7 months before exam

1-2 months before exam

Week before exam

I can explain why Catholicism was a threat during Elizabeth’s reign




I can convey how Catholics were treated during Elizabeth’s reign




I can state when the Catholic threat was greatest




I can construct a timeline of Laws and Punishments against Catholics




I can describe how Mary Queen of Scots came to be in England




I can detail the Northern Rebellion




I can explain Excommunication




I can describe the Ridolfi Plot




I can talk about the St Bartholemew’s Day Massacre




I can describe the role of seminary priests




I can describe the Throckmorton plot




I can record the murder of William of Orange




I can describe the Bond of Association with Spain




These are the bits the exam board wants you to know, make sure you can do all of these…

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Bits to help if you don’t understand


I can describe the nature and ideas of the Puritans and Puritanism




I can explain why the Puritans were a threat to Elizabeth’s government




I can make a timeline of Mary Queen of Scot’s life from her arrival in England until her execution




I can describe the relationship between Mary Queen of Scots and Queen Elizabeth




I can create a table to compare the beliefs of Catholics, moderate Protestants and Puritans




I can create a spider diagram of Elizabeth and her Archbishops




I can describe Puritan ideas about church, state, the poor and theatre




I can explain how Puritans acted in Parliament




I can describe Elizabeth’s attitude to Puritans




I can explain the contributions of Archbishops Whitgift, Parker and Grindal




I can describe the attitude of Philip II to Elizabeth and England




I understand why Spain and England were at war




I can create a diagram of reasons for the war




I can detail the timeline of events of the conflict between Spain and England




I can explain the role of the Spanish Armada




I can explain what Privateers were




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I can describe the events of the Dutch War




I can describe the significance of Hawkins and San Juan de Ulua




I can create a timeline of events leading to the Spanish Armada’s defeat




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