GDB Quick Reference (v4) PDF

Title GDB Quick Reference (v4)
Author Elle Gi
Course Computer security
Institution Politecnico di Milano
Pages 2
File Size 118.3 KB
File Type PDF
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Quick reference to GDB (for the challenges)...



GDB Version 4

Essential Commands gdb program [core] debug program [using coredump core] b [file:]function set breakpoint at function [in file] run [arglist] start your program [with arglist] bt p expr c n s

backtrace: display program stack display the value of an expression continue running your program next line, stepping over function calls next line, stepping into function calls

Starting GDB gdb gdb program gdb program core gdb --help

start GDB, with no debugging files begin debugging program debug coredump core produced by program describe command line options

Stopping GDB quit INTERRUPT

exit GDB; also q or EOF (eg C-d) (eg C-c) terminate current command, or send to running process

Breakpoints and Watchpoints break [file:]line set breakpoint at line number [in eg: break main.c:37 b [file:]line break [file:]func set breakpoint at func [in file]


set break at offset lines from current stop break +offset break -offset break *addr set breakpoint at address addr break set breakpoint at next instruction break . . . if expr break conditionally on nonzero expr cond n [expr] new conditional expression on breakpoint

tbreak . . . rbreak regex watch expr catch event

n; make unconditional if no expr temporary break; disable when reached break on all functions matching regex set a watchpoint for expression expr break at event, which may be catch, throw, exec, fork, vfork, load, or unload.

info break info watch

show defined breakpoints show defined watchpoints

clear clear [file:]fun

delete breakpoints at next instruction delete breakpoints at entry to fun()

Execution Control continue [count] continue running; if count specified, this breakpoint next count times c [count]


step [count] s [count]

execute until another line reached; repeat count times if specified

stepi [count] si [count]

step by machine instructions rather than source lines

next [count] n [count]

execute next line, including any function calls

nexti [count] ni [count]

next machine instruction rather than source line

until [location] finish return [expr]

run until next instruction (or location) run until selected stack frame returns pop selected stack frame without executing [setting return value]

signal num jump line jump *address set var=expr

resume execution with signal s (none if 0) resume execution at specified line number or address evaluate expr without displaying it; use for altering program variables

clear [file:]line

delete breakpoints on source line

delete [n]

delete breakpoints [or breakpoint n]

disable [n]

disable breakpoints [or breakpoint n]

enable [n]

enable breakpoints [or breakpoint n]

enable once [n]

enable breakpoints [or breakpoint n]; disable again when reached

enable del [n]

enable breakpoints [or breakpoint n]; delete when reached

start your program with arglist start your program with current argument list start your program with input, output redirected

ignore n count

ignore breakpoint n, count times

commands n [silent]

execute GDB command-list every time breakpoint n is reached. [silent

call [/f ] expr

like print but does not display void

x [/Nuf ] expr


kill running program


suppresses default display] end of command-list

tty dev set args arglist set args show args

use dev as stdin and stdout for next run specify arglist for next run specify empty argument list display argument list

Program Stack backtrace [n] print trace of all frames in stack; or of n frames—innermost if n>0, outermost if bt [n]

show env show env var set env var string unset env var

show all environment variables show value of environment variable var set environment variable var remove var from environment

examine memory at address expr; optional format spec follows slash count of how many units to display unit size; one of b individual bytes h halfwords (two bytes) w words (four bytes) g giant words (eight bytes) printing format. Any print format, or s null-terminated string i machine instructions display memory as machine instructio

Getting Help help help class help command

list classes of commands one-line descriptions for commands in class describe command

Executing your Program run arglist run run

. . . outf

Shell Commands cd dir pwd make . . . shell cmd


change working directory to dir Print working directory call “make” execute arbitrary shell command string

surround optional arguments c 1998 


show one or more arguments

Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Permissions on back


frame [n] up n down info info info info info


frame [addr] args locals reg [rn]. . . all-reg [rn]


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