Genchem Chapter 10 PDF

Title Genchem Chapter 10
Author Emily Lubas
Course General Chemistry I
Institution The University of Tampa
Pages 8
File Size 517 KB
File Type PDF
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Chemical Bonding...


Chapter 10 : Chemical Bonding I Chemical Bonding - Chemical bond - Holds atoms together - Lower energy (stable) -


Electrons on each atom - Feel (+) of other nucleus - New orbitals (allowed states) - Electron near both nuclei -

lower s total energy - Bond energy


Most stable configuration - Full octet (octet rule) - 8 electrons, full s and p orbitals of valence level


Covalent Bonds -

Atoms share electrons - Octet (valence) Covalent bond - Bond (total energy decreases) with sharing - Orbitals (wave functions)



NB: covalent bond

- Shared electrons “count” for both atoms - Electrons: pairs Two types - Equal sharing (non polar)

- Unequal sharing (polar) Bond Polarity in Chemical Bonds


 Nonpolar covalent bond - Electrons shared equally Polar covalent bond - Electrons shared unequally


Ionic bond - Electrons transferred Electronegativity - Attraction for shared electrons -

Property of each element




Number (EN): polar character of atom’s bonds

Electronegativity - Polar vs nonpolar - the difference in EN of 2 atoms - Type of bond

Normally need only TRENDS in EN to solve problems


Metal - nonmetal (Na, Cl) - Ionic - Unlike nonmetals (C, O) - Polar covalent - Identical nonmetals (N, N in N2) - Nonpolar covalent Dipoles in polar covalent bonds -

Dipole - Two equal, opposite charges separated by a distance Dipole moment (magnitude of dipole) - Two equal (opposite) charges Q separated R has dipole - μ = Qr


Dipole moment - Amount of (+/-) separation


Dipole moment arrow


- Direction of dipole moment - Points to negative end of bond Dipole moment - Vector quantity, both magnitude and direction

Lewis Structures: drawings that show bonding in molecules - Bonding - Covalent molecules - Atoms share electrons : octet (duet for H) - Shared electrons count: both atoms



 Lewis structure - Diagram (electron dot notation) - Valence electron arrangement - How many bonds - Number of valence electrons needed for octet Valence (outer shell) electrons - Electrons in highest occupied energy level - Generally s and p electrons only



Filled s and p valence shell by sharing electrons Main group number - Valence electrons

 To draw a proper lewis structure - 1) add up valence electrons of all atoms, arrange in pairs -

2) draw a skeletal structure by using pairs of electrons to make bonds - Guidelines for connectivity of atoms in molecules - Minority atom in center, majority atoms on sides - LEAST electronegative atom in center - H - atoms always on sides, never center - Hydrocarbons (C and H) - C atoms center, H atoms outside

- 3) complete octets (duets for H) for all atoms, outer atoms first, using the remaining valence electrons as lone pairs - 4) if octets are not produced, have atoms with octets share more electron pairs with atoms without octets Lewis Structures for Polyatomic Ions -

Must include ion’s charge in total count of electrons -


Resonance structures


 Resonance - Multiple equivalent structures ( resonance structures) Real structure - Average of all resonance structures Real O3 molecule - A single structure, average of its resonance structures (NOT two separate structures)

Formal charge in covalent bonds -


Formal charge: “net charge” atom (gained/lost valence electrons) Difference: (starting electrons) - (final electrons) - Each bonding electron - Half its charge to each atom (shared equally) Starting electrons = valence electrons Lewis structure - Electrons assigned to atom - All lone pair electrons (2 per pair) - One electron for each covalent bond (2 x ½) - If starting does not equal final - Atom has acquired a net charge - Formal charge

Lewis structures and formal charges - Dominant lewis structure - Formal charges closest to zero - Negative formal charge on most electronegative atom Ionic Bonds - Metal and nonmetal


- metals : lose electrons (+ ions) - Nonmetals : gain electrons (- ions) Ionic bond - Attraction between (+) and (-) The octet rule : ionic compounds -

Atoms >>> ions : octet of valence electrons

Ionic Compounds properties


Lattice energy


 ΔHLat : binding energy of compound => Properties (melting) ΔHLat depends on: - 1) Ion’s sizes - smaller => closer together => lower energy (greater ΔHLat)


ΔHLat depends on:

 - Ions’ charge: greater charge => greater attraction => greater ΔHLat Resonance structures


 Resonance - Multiple equivalent structures Real structure - Average of all resonance structures Real 03 molecule - A single structure, average of its resonance structures (NOT two separate structures)

 Exceptions to the octet rule - Three cases - Odd number electrons - Important molecules with odd number of electrons - Very reactive


Less than octet -


2nd row before carbon (b, be) - Compounds with < 8 electrons on central atom Bf3: - Boron with fill octet > negative formal on B, positive on F

 >> 8 valence electrons (expanded octet) - Row 3 or higher: - > 8 electrons in valence shell - Can use d-orbitals to make more than four bonds - Important cases - 1) row 3+ central atom in oxides/anions reduce their formal charge - Form more bonds with their O atoms - Examples: PO43- , SO4 2- , ClO4- - 2) Heavy atom (row 3+) halides (especially Fluorides) - NB: -

Covalent bond Strength -

Energy to break a bond - Bond enthalpy For Cl—Cl, D(Cl—Cl), = 242 kJ/mole: Cl—Cl → 2 Cl• ΔH = +242 kJ/mole Positive, energy input (endothermic).

Only period 3 and higher Never period 2 (C, N, O, F)

Lewis Structure of Carbon Monoxide - Valence electrons - 4+6=10 > 5 pairs, 4 pairs - Formal charges

Using Bond enthalpies to estimate enthalpy of reaction -

Estimate DHrxn: D(bonds broken) and D(bonds formed): - => DHrxn = S(D(broken)) − S(D(formed)). - Example: Calculate ΔHrxn for this reaction using bond enthalpies

Condensed Structural formula notation

Bond Enthalpy and bond length - Measured average bond length for different bond types -

Number of bonds (bond order) increases > bond length decreases



The higher the bond order (triple > double > single) - The shorter the bond length - The stronger the bond


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