Germs notes PDF

Title Germs notes
Author Jenna OHara
Course Germs 101
Institution University of New Hampshire
Pages 6
File Size 85 KB
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Notes for Germs Spring Semester 2018
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Read the hot zone Swabbing lab 20 points of grade: black sharpie and masking tape Notes start Microbes: most germs in household: Kitchen Sponge (moist crevices) (contamination) Let sponge dry out overnight One bacterium can replicate to become more than 8 million cells in less than 24 hours -The number of bacteria it takes to make people sick can range from one to two, to more than 10 million, depending on the TYPE of bacteria -bacteria divide in order to multiply : Taxonomy and Binomial Nomenclature Classification system for microbes Taxonomy: The DISCIPLINE of classifying units in a hierarchical structure (for example small to large, warm blooded vs cold blooded Binomial Nomenclature- The naming method that groups similar organisms together Taxonomic categories: Genus and Species name bacteria and parasites BUT viruses is an entirely different system

E.Coli: Bacterium named for an austrian doctor Theodor von Escherich who found it Bacteria found in the large intestine of humans. You need it to leave. It helps with vitamins and blood clots. Some strains are important, some are harmful The good: Some e coli breaks down cellulose and also assists in absorption of vitamin K that clots blood The bad- Some strains of e coli are very pathogenic and disease causing. Harmful strains that secrets Ecoli outbreak in summer 2011 caused

Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS) abnormal destruction of red blood cells, clogs kidneys and may lead to life threatening kidney failure: caused after E Coli O104.H4 Binomial Nomenclature: Genus followed by species(Spp.) Escherichia Coli Genus (Escherichia) is always capitalized Species (coli) is never capitalized The genus (Escherichia) can be abbreviated (E.) the species is never abbreviated Genus and species names are italicized or underlined When typing italicise When handwriting underline Some ways of classifying microbes: Size, shape, growth, physiology, metabolism, biochemistry, genetics, cell wall components Environment: lighting, air, nutrients, pressure, temperature, gas concentration, Phm salinity Size: Protozoa: naked eye, small Bacteria Micrometer: light microscopes Viruses: Can’t see with naked eye (much smaller)

Scale of microbes Biggest: Eukaryotic cells (human cells) (white blood cells immune system) Middle: prokaryotic cells (bacteria) Smallest: Viruses, Which are NOT cells Rhinovirus is the common cold Microbial growth is the AMOUNT and NOT Size Bacteria colony: is visible cluster of bacteria seen after incubation on a petri dish and if you can SEE it, it makes it easier for scientists Viruses are NOT CELLS: they are obligate intracellular parasites Viruses are NOT living: because they are incapable of carrying out many life processes

Viruses are not cells, cannot reproduce on their own, do not grow or undergo division, do not transform energy The only thing a virus want to do is make more virus (copy itself via replication) To replicate the virus needs a cell. So a virus steals replication machinery of an innocent cell, and hijacks it or its own use Attach- entry- replication- assembly- release Bacteria: Tiny single celled organisms that are often only visible via microscope ONLY some are disease causing thought to be less than 1 percent Bacteria are UBIQUITOUS meaning they are EVERYWHERE

STD 1 and 2 people before 25 have an STD Most prevalent bacterial STD is CHLAMYDIA Studies show: Disgust emotion can help protect you from disease and seeing signs of disease triggers emotions and immune response STD VS STI A STI is an infection first but if/when it causes symptoms the infections becomes a STD STI can be passed from one person to another even when there are no symptoms STD- sexually transmitted disease - is an infection that has symptoms Full blown AID would be STD STDS and PREGNANCY STDS can be transmitted from a pregnant woman to her baby before during or after the baby’s birth (can be all 3 ways) Infection before birth: Some STDs (syphilis for example) may cross the placenta and infect the baby while it is developing in the uterus (womb) BEFORE birth

Infection in the first 3 months are the most dangerous Infection DURING the birthing process: (gonorrhea, chlamydia, hep B, herpes) can be transmitted from the moether to the baby during the delivery Infection AFTER birth: HIV can cross the placenta during pregnancy infect the baby Pregnant women with STDs may experience: early onset labor and uterine infection after delivery Complication in newborns: stilbirth, low birth weight, eye infections, pneumonia, blood infection, neurologic damage, deafness ect

STDs and Females: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease : reproductive tract infection of females: 1,000,000 PID cases years risk of infertility and ectopic pregnancy Symptoms: uterine pain, discharge, fever, infertility 15-24 percent Ectopic: in an abnormal place: Occurs when a fertilized egg implant outside the uterus can be deadly Bacterial STDS Gonorrhea: (develop in pairs) symptoms in males: discharge from penis to be thick and burning during urination NOT with females Complication in males: swollen or tender testicles (epididymitis) Disseminated gonococcal infections males and females In females: usually Asymptomatic : somethings painful urine, vaginal bleeding, pain during sex and infection of uterus and DGI Gonorrheas in one of the FEW STDS that can have symptoms in MALES (burning in pee) and Not symptoms in women (asymptomatic) Bacteria such as gonorrhea and chlamydia can cause vision problems that may cause blindness Eye drops are used to right after birth to help fight infection Testing and treatment of gonorrhea: Detected by urine test swab of affected area : treated by using antibiotics Some strains are becoming resistant to antibiotics SUPER gonorrhea Meningitis vac might help fight gonorrhea Chlamydia Symptoms in males: can be asymptomatic, discharge in penis. Burning in urine

Symptoms in females: can be asymptomatics. Vagina dischage, pain duing sex and cervical infection: complications in fnot treats

Ebola is an STD can be transmitted through sex* Viral STDS Herpes Simplex Virus HSV1 and HSV2 HSV1 causes oral infections and HSV2 causes genital infections can cause oral too Always call it type one or type two in either places 45 million people have herpes in the USA (never goes away) More common in women Most cases are subclinical (asymptomatic) or mild symptoms Transmission primary from subclinical infection First outbreak is generally the worst (might only have one outbreak) Sores last from 4 to 21 days Triggers: sunburn, stress, menstruation, injury to affected area, fever (not proven) VIRUS CAN BE TRANSMITTED EVEN WHEN THERE ARE NO SYMPTOMS PRESENT COLD SORES RELATED TO HSV1 but not STD Fetus can be detrimentally affected: developing fetus can be teratogenic: developmental malformations: AND can cause serious problems during birth TERATOGENIC: developmental malformations (birth defects) Symptoms can be managed by antiviral medication HPV HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS (most common) Over 6 million people infected each year HPV so common 50 % have it Can cause genital cancers More than 100 different strains 40 are STD strains MOST people who are infected dont have symptoms and clear the infection on their own More than 99 percent of cervical cancers have HPV DNA detected Most males who get HPV don't develop symptoms RRP: Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis: can block airways

Mothers can transmit HPV to newborn during delivery and the child may develop RRP HPV VACCINE Ages 9-26 MOST infective before sexually active does not treat existing HPV Gardasil reformed in 2014 protects against 9 out of 15 HPV that causes cancer Hepatitis B Virus Disease of the liver (virus) meaning liver inflammation Transmitted via contact with infectious body fluids Can be acute: short term or infection:long term Symptoms: jaundice: liver failure, or hepatic Once you recover from acute HBV infection you develop antibodies for lie that protect from becoming reinfected There is a vaccine for this Gamaray: zeeka virus H7N9 fear of the next pandemic found in 2013 H5n1 spreads easily between humans false...

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