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FINAL REPORT Using Effective Promotional Techniques Chau To Nghi – MSSV: 21DH483876 Le Duc Tri - MSSV : 21DH484700 Nguyen Thi Hong Ngoc – MSSV: 21DH481613 Class: KD2113 Major: Business Administration Lecturer: Ngo Van Binh

HCMC, Jan 2022

ST T 1

Họ và tên Chau To Nghi


Mức độ đóng góp 100%


Le Duc Tri

6 21DH48470




0 Hong 21DH48161




Mã số SV



Chữ ký

Table of Contents THANKS!..................................................................................................................................................4 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................5 1. Reasons for choosing a topic:............................................................................................................5 2. Research purposes:............................................................................................................................5 3. Subjects of research scope:...............................................................................................................5 4. Research methodology:.....................................................................................................................5 CHAPTER 2: MAIN CONTENT............................................................................................................6 1. Promotion and promotion mixture:.................................................................................................6 1.1 Promotion:....................................................................................................................................6 1.1.1. What is a promotion and the purpose of the promotion?.........................................................6 1.1.2. Forms of promotion:..................................................................................................................6 1.1.3. Regulations to ensure the principle of promotion:....................................................................7 1.2. Promotion mixture:......................................................................................................................7 1.2.1. What is the promotion mixture?...............................................................................................7 1.2.2. Stepstaken:................................................................................................................................7 2. Advertising:.........................................................................................................................................8 2.1. Concept:.......................................................................................................................................9 2.2. Advertising media:.......................................................................................................................9 3. Public relations:..............................................................................................................................10 3.1.1. B2B AND B2C Process:.........................................................................................................11



B2C model:...........................................................................................................................11


B2B model:...........................................................................................................................12 The role of the public relations department and publicity fits in that role..............................13

5. Sale promotion: Giving buyers incentive.......................................................................................15 5.1. Sale promotion...........................................................................................................................15 5.2. SALES PROMOTION TECHNIQUES...............................................................................................15 5.3. STAFF DEVELOPMENT TRAINING................................................................................................16 6. WORD OF MOUTH AND OTHER PROMOTIONAL TOOLS.................................................17 CHAPTER 3: CONCLUSION...............................................................................................................20 REFERENCES........................................................................................................................................21


THANKS! During the process of researching and delving into the research problem, we have accumulated a wealth of knowledge and new skills such as methods of information gathering, problem analysis and clarification as well as Write the structure of an essay. These things have helped me have a clearer view of the subject Introduction to the industry, this subject has helped us better understand the issues of Economics and is also the foundation for our economics students. gain new knowledge, expand thinking and awareness about the changing economy. This is also the premise for us to work together on an essay in the most serious and complete way. We would like to thank Mr. Ngo Van Binh for letting us choose a topic and guiding us to investigate and research the topic in a scientific and purposeful manner. However, this is a very comprehensive topic and synthesizes a lot of knowledge, so our article cannot avoid shortcomings and limitations, so we hope to have your guidance and help. We sincerely thank you.


CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1. Reasons for choosing a topic: Currently, the economy of the whole world is constantly rotating and developing rapidly. In the past, competition in the economy may have come from businesses, but now in addition to competition, businesses need to face the risk of COVID 19, one of the biggest losses that COVID has caused us as people and the economy. That's why many businesses have to go. One of the essential factors to help businesses reach out, become themselves is to use marketing tools. Marketing is an indispensable tool in production and business activities, contributing to helping businesses create a reputation and a strong position before competitors. Recognizing the importance and necessity of marketing for businesses, along with the knowledge we have acquired through the learning process, we chose the topic at "Using Effective Promotions-Chap 16) as the topic for our essay. 2. Research purposes: - Raise awareness and understand problems in marketing, namely Using Effective Promotions Learn the importance and effectiveness of using different ways of advertising. 3. Subjects of research scope: Economy, promotion effects 4. Research methodology: Method of analysis - theory synthesis Practical research methods


CHAPTER 2: MAIN CONTENT 1. Promotion and promotion mixture: 1.1 Promotion: 1.1.1. What is a promotion and the purpose of the promotion? Promotion is a seller's activity aimed at motivating customers to increase the purchase and use of goods and services of sellers by giving customers certain benefits. The main purpose of the promotion is to promote sales to stimulate consumer demand, motivate consumers to buy more goods and services that the business provides or distributes. In addition, the promotion is also aimed at promoting product and business brands. Kantar Worldpanel Vietnam's research conducted in 4 main cities: Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Da Nang and Can Tho, showed that 9 out of 10 households bought promotional products at least once in 2015. 1.1.2. Forms of promotion: +Trial of free sample goods: Give sample goods, provide sample services for customers to try without paying. +Gifts: Give goods to customers, provide services without charge. +Discount: Selling and providing services at a lower price than the previous sales price, service provision price, applied during the period of registered promotion or notice. In case goods and services are subject to price management by the State, the promotion in this form shall comply with the Government's regulations. +Offer vouchers: Sales, service providers with vouchers, service use vouchers so that customers can enjoy one or more benefits. +Vouchers: Sales and service provision with vouchers for customers to choose the prize winner according to the announced rules and prizes. +Chance programs: Sales and service provision accompanied by participation in programs of chance that participation in the program is associated with the purchase of goods, services and the winning based on the luck of participants according to the announced rules and prizes. +Organizing a regular customer program: accordingly, the reward to customers based on the quantity or value of purchase of goods and services that customers perform is expressed in the form of customer cards, certificates of purchase of goods, services or other forms. 6

+ Cultural, artistic, entertainment programs: Organize for customers to participate in cultural, artistic, entertainment and other events for promotional purposes. In fact, these forms are applied by businesses quite flexibly and have a combination of many forms at once, such as both discounting and giving gifts, both discounting and winning draws, discounts or gifts during certain "shopping golden hours" during the day (usually the low hour to stimulate consumption)... Discounts are often the most used form of business. 1.1.3. Regulations to ensure the principle of promotion: Non-discrimination: Do not discriminate between customers participating in the promotion in the same promotion. +Customer support: Traders implementing the promotion must ensure favorable conditions for the winning customer to receive the prize and have the obligation to clearly and quickly resolve complaints related to the promotion (if any). +Quality of goods and services: Traders who carry out promotions are responsible for ensuring the quality of goods and services that are promoted and goods and services used for promotion. +Do not abuse trust: Do not take advantage of the trust and ignorance, incompegence of customers to carry out promotions for the sole purposes of any trader, organization or individual. Healthy competition: The implementation of the promotion must not create a direct comparison of its goods and services with that of other traders, organizations or individuals for the purpose of unfair competition. +No promotion of medicines: No medicines for people, including drugs that have been allowed to circulate for promotion except for promotional cases for drug traders. 1.2. Promotion mixture: 1.2.1. What is the promotion mixture? The mixed promotion strategy can also be called experiortic communication. It is one of the four main groups of tools of mixed marketing that businesses can use to influence the target market in order to achieve their business goals. The essence of mixed promotion is to communicate about products and businesses to create an image and convince customers to buy. This can be called marketing communication. Large businesses are often interested in building the image, prestige, reputation of the business. From there, create credibility for the products it produces. Some of the main tools commonly used by businesses in mixed promotion strategies: Advertising, sales promotion, personal sales, propaganda - public relations, direct marketing. 1.2.2. Stepstaken: 7

-Identify the recipient of the news: When conducting communication, it is necessary to clearly determine who will receive their information. The main recipient is the target customer of the business including current or potential customers, decision-making people or those who influence the purchase (buyers, users, purchasing decision-making people, people who influence the purchase). The recipients of the news can be individuals, groups of people, specific genders or generouspants. Identifythe reaction of the recipient: The goal of communication is to create the purchase action of the recipient. It is necessary to determine the current status of the recipient and through the media which state will take them and thereby affect their purchasing decisions. Depending on the state, the communication activities are carried out accordingly. - Selection ofraw transmission channels: + Direct communicationchannel: There is an interaction between the messenger and the receiver, there is an interaction. It can be communication between two people, between one person and the public (phone, correspondence, e-mail...). + Non-direct communication channel: There is no interaction between the messenger and the receiver (tv press, radio, poster posters, display cabinets, packaging). + In addition, the rumor channel, among potential public customers has a very strong effect. -Selection and design of communication: The drafting of information must solve three problems: what to say (message content), how to say logic (message structure), how to express the message content in the form of symbols (message form). - Select the properties of the information: + Expertise: Characteristics, product quality, technical factors. + Credibility: The level of trust of the listener, creating trust such as giving advice, advice of dentists for advertising toothpaste, pediatric society for children's products ... Likability: The recipient's admiration for information (using celebrities, good songs to create admiration). -Get feedback Enterprises can actively collect feedback through the implementation of research projects, information collection or through their external regular collection system.

2. Advertising: 8

2.1. Concept: Advertising is a form of propaganda that is paid or not to carry out the introduction of information about products, services, companies or ideas, advertising is non-direct communication between people in which the person who wants the media must pay the mass media to bring information to convince or influence the recipient. information. 2.2. Advertising media: Ads are moved by a variety of media, such as: + Television: is the most diverse and comprehensive means of impacting consumers, with sound, vivid images. The cost of this form is usually the most expensive. Sometimes indirectly in the form of sponsoring shows, or accompanied by advertising logos on the floor, or hanging on the wall behind the actor, MC. See also Television ads. Journalism: influenced by images and slogans, sometimes with fake articles such as those reported by hired reporters. Internet: As information technology and the Internet have evolved, the type of network newspapers has also evolved, so companies often exploit this medium. It can also be sent to email boxes for advertising, or spam. Or advertisements on websites. See also: Online advertising. Nowadays the internet is very popular with many families, which is an advantage for businesses to exploit product and brand advertising in internet networks. For businesses promoting brands, they must show everyone in society and remember their brand of services, which is advertising images or text. For businesses that want to sell products i.e. sell to the end customer, they must focus on introducing their products directly to people in need, the efficiency is high. Radio: sound impact, verbal or musical advertisements. + Postage advertising: Send a letter to the customer's home with information about the company and products. The cost is quite cheap, but the effect is low because each letter only affects one family. + Advertising on the means of transportation: paint the product and company name on the car, especially the bus to have a large body area and a lot of passengers ride every day, which has quite effective effect. But because painting into a car is difficult to change constantly, people often use buses as a means of advertising for products with a long life cycle or brand of the whole company, not introducing short life cycle products, fast advertising images are outdated. 9

+ Advertising through business directory publications: are publications that are widely distributed to consumers + Pano advertising or large outdoor sign: is a type of advertising with large size and often placed in key locations, many people pass by to attract passersby to attract attention. Advertising on leaflets, posters, pano orbanners: falling is a form of company commonly used, for marketing staff to go to intersections, where publicly distributed printed paper introducing products and supply addresses + Advertising on product packaging + Word-of-mouth advertising: through the staff to propagate Ads from LEDS : are large lights hanging in public places that hit passersby's eyes to see pictures and products of the company + SMS advertising: through telecommunications companies, sending messages to customers about products, promotions ... Which the company is applying. + Advertising through product introduction programs in public places + In-car advertising: decorate the exterior of the personal vehicle with product brands, in order to attract road users or pedestrians in the area with advertising to run sideways. Ads are moved by a variety of media. 3. Public relations: Personal selling is the most effective tool during the buyer's preference and belief formation stage, as well as the decision-making stage of the buying process. Personal selling, a face-to-face and personal form of communication in which a salesperson tries to help or persuade a customer to buy a product or create a customer's confidence in a business to influence future purchase behavior. Personal selling involves direct contact between a buyer and a seller. This interaction gives marketing professionals communication flexibility, and salespeople can see or hear a prospect's reaction and tailor the message to suit their needs. Not only that, it also allows to process customer feedback quickly and accurately, as the impact of sales can be measured through customer feedback. If the response is not positive, the seller can adjust the message. Of course, an individual's sales efforts often depend on the type of market and potential customers for a particular product or service. Personal selling is the process of direct communication between a seller and a potential customer to achieve product information and sales goals. Personal selling is also considered as the process of building and developing a direct relationship with the 10

customer. The process of starting to discover a need to connect products and services to fulfill that need. 3.1.1. B2B AND B2C Process: A) B2C model: B2C is a sales model used exclusively in the field of ecommerce (e-commerce). B2C is an acronym for Business to Consumer, which means business activities serving individual customers. While B2B provides solutions for businesses to improve their business operations, B2C focuses on satisfying the consumption needs of individual customers. The main model of B2C e-commerce sales is to sell to customers who are individual users. These people only have the desire to go to the Internet and buy the right goods to use, but do not want to generate further purchase and sale transactions. Because of the transaction with individual users, there is no need to negotiate too much, because the conditions, prices and policies of the goods are clearly stated on the website, buyers just need to read through and then decide whether to buy or not. B2C sales process: 1. Reaching customers: Customers of this model are individuals, the end consumers. Therefore, reaching customers for this business is much simpler. Finding and approaching customers requires sales staff to understand their products, research target customers, and provide the right customer needs. By analyzing the buying behavior of individuals, businesses ...

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