GIVE AND Following Instructions PDF

Title GIVE AND Following Instructions
Author Teddy Caceres
Course Ingles Ii
Institution Universidad Mayor de San Andrés
Pages 4
File Size 155.5 KB
File Type PDF
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ingles tecnico I...


English Grammar: How to Give Instructions in English Como dar instrucciones en ingles Hay dos formas principales de dar y seguir instrucciones en inglés.

La primera: son los imperativos, lo que se avanzó el semestre pasado en Ingles Técnico I, así que repasen sus apuntes para fortalecer la gramática. Más abajo les mostrare otros usos y aplicaciones de los imperativos. We use the imperative form to give orders or directions in English. Nosotros usamos la forma imperativa para dar órdenes o direcciones en ingles “Eat your vegetables!” “Turn left and go straight on.” We can also use the imperative form to give a warning or advice, and (if you use “please”) to make a request. Nosotros podemos usar la forma imperativa para dar advertencia o avisos y hacer peticiones o requerimientos (si añadimos el uso de “porfavor”) “Practise English for ten minutes a day!” “Be careful!” “Please take a seat.” To make the imperative, use the infinitive of the verb without ‘to’: Para hacer imperativos, usa la forma infinitiva del verbo sin “to” “Come here!” “Sit down!” To make a negative imperative, put “do not” or “don’t” before the verb. (Don’t is more informal than “do not”.) Para hacer imperativos negativos pon “do not” o “don’t” antes del verbo (Don’t es más informal que “do not”) “Don’t go!” “Do not walk on the grass.” The imperative can be used for all subjects (you, he, they and we), but you can also use “let’s” before the verb if you are including yourself in the imperative: Los imperativos pueden ser usados para todos los pronombres (you, he, they and we), pero tú puedes usar “let’s” antes del verbo si te estas incluyendo a ti mismo (yourself) en el imperativo.

“Let’s stop now.” “Let’s have some lunch.” The negative of “let’s” is “let’s not”: “Let’s not argue! “Let’s not tell her about it.”

Orders Imperatives denote authority. The intonation of an order is important: each word is stressed, and the tone falls at the end of the sentence: Los imperativos denotan autoridad. La entonación de una orden es importante: cada palabra se destaca y el tono cae al final de la oración: “Sit down now!” (‘Sit’, ‘down’ and ‘now’ are all stressed, and the tone falls on ‘now’.) Here are some orders you could give your pet dog: Aqui hay algunas ordenes que tu puedes usar para tu mascota “Come here!” “Sit!” “Heel!” “Fetch!”

Warnings You can use the imperative to warn someone of danger. All the words in the warning are stressed, but the last word has a higher tone than the first word: Puedes usar los imperativos para advertir peligro a alguien. Todas las palabras en las advertencias están enfatizadas, pero la última palabra tiene un alto tono en comparación con la primera palabra. “Watch out!” “Look out!” “Don’t cross!”

Advice When you give advice using the imperative, the words are stressed normally: Cuando das avisos usando imperativos, las palabras son enfatizadas normalmente “Eat an apple – it’s much better for you than a biscuit!” “Don’t tell him you’re resigning now! Wait until Monday when he’s in a better mood.”

Other uses of imperatives Giving extra help (dar extra ayuda) When you give instructions, you can help the other person with extra information and advice. Cuando tu das instrucciones, tu puedes ayudar a la otra persona con información extra de advertencia Remember: turn off the electricity before touching any cables. Be careful not to … (touch any live wires) Try to … (see if the lightbulb is broken or just loose) Try not to … (touch the lightbulb with your hands) You need to … (check the wattage of the lightbulb first) It’s important to … (make sure the electricity is off) It helps to … (wait for the lightbulb to cool down before you remove it) Be sure to … (turn off the electricity before you you touch the lightbulb) Always … (wear gloves when you touch a lightbulb) Never … (touch a socket with wet hands)

Useful verbs for instructions (verbos mas usados para dar instrucciones) Turn on / switch on = activate power or electricity: “First, turn on the PC.” Turn off / switch off = deactivate power or electricity: “Turn off the lights when you leave.” Take off / remove = detach something from another thing: “Remove the plastic before you put the meal in the microwave.” Take out = take one thing out from another thing: “Take the television out of the box.” Attach / connect = put two things together: “Connect the wires.” Check / make sure = be sure about something: “Check that the light is on.” Proceed / continue: “Continue to stir until the mixture is thick.” Plug in = connect to the electricity: “Plug the modem in.” Put back / replace: “Replace the cover after changing the battery.”

La segunda:

se enfoca principalmente en SEGUIR instrucciones, son palabras sencillas en ingles que denotan principalmente secuencias de pasos considerando un principio y un final.

Giving and following instructions (dar y seguir instrucciones) You often see the imperative form in instruction manuals or when someone tells you how to do something. Frecuentemente ves la forma imperativa en manuales de instrucciones o cuando alguien te dice cómo hacer alguna cosa.

There are often “sequencing” words to show the steps in the process. For example, “firstly”, “secondly” and “finally”. Son frecuentemente palabras de secuencia que muestran pasos en un proceso. Por ejemplo “primero”, “segundo” y “finalmente” The most common are: (los mas communes son: ) First(ly)... Then... Next... After that... Finally...

Ejemplos Simple instructions to replace a light bulb Firstly, turn off the electricity. Secondly, remove the light bulb. Then, screw in the new light bulb. Finally, turn the electricity on and switch on the light.

You can also say “after that” instead of “then” and “first” / “second” instead of “firstly” and “secondly”. How to use Digital Camara First you need to put some batteries in your camera. Then you have to turn on the camera to find out if the batteries work s. After that you take a picture and save it. When the picture is in the camera then you need to connect the camera to the USB cable, to upload the picture to your computer. Finally, you can send the picture to your family by e-mail.

TAREA (fecha por confirmar, pero vayan preparando) DE LA PRIMERA PARTE: escribir 20 imperativos en ingles que serían útiles en la universidad (pueden ser el taller, laboratorios y aulas) DE LA SEGUNDA PARTE: escribe en ingles 2 secuencias de pasos para lograr algo (como los ejemplos) Sugerencias:     

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