Glossary of Police E-S Terms PDF

Title Glossary of Police E-S Terms
Author Viv .
Course Criminology 101
Institution University of Nottingham
Pages 9
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this document includes police terms for studying interpreting...


Glossary of Police Terms, Jargon and Acronyms "With SPANISH Equivalents" A.K.A. "Alias" Used when an individual has more than one name; abbreviation version of “also known as”; “alias”.

ADW "Agresión con Arma" Assault with a Dangerous Weapon — a violent conflict in which the person uses any of a variety of weapons to injure or threaten injury. Common instruments that satisfy this threshold include knife, gun, shod foot (kicking), hammer, rock, furniture, etc.

Accessory "Cómplice" Person who is in involved in a criminal act but not necessarily present at the crime scene: threshold acts include aiding, abetting, commanding, or counseling another in a crime. Other terms include “accomplice” or “abettor”.

Aggravation (e.g. aggravated assault, aggravated battery) "Asalto/Ataque con Agravantes /con Agravio " A factor that substantially magnifies the severity of an offense.

A/O "Oficial a Cargo del Arresto" Abbreviation that means “arresting officer”.

Arrest "Arresto" To detain and hold an individual with lawful authority in order to charge him with a criminal complaint.

Arrest Warrant "Orden de Arresto" A judge’s order to arrest a person and compel him to appear in court.

Arson "Incendio Intencionado" Burning a structure or vehicle as a criminal act.

Assault "Agresión/Ataque" A credible attempt or threat to harm another person which causes the victim to fear injury or bodily harm.

Attempt Robbery/Attempted Robberies "Intento(s) de Robo(s)" Criminal actions that show attempts/intent to steal from another; it is not necessary to complete the action or possess another’s property to be charged with this offense.


Battery "Agresión con Lesiones" Harm to a person in any way, or physical contact with insult.

Bench Warrant "Orden de Comparecencia/Captura" A court-issued demand to appear or be present.

Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) "Concentración de Alcohol en la Sangre" The detectable level of alcohol in the bloodstream.

BOLO (Be on the Lookout) "Estar vigilante/alerta" Law enforcement term alerting others to seek involved parties, often followed by physical descriptions of accomplices or persons of interest.

Breathalyzer "Alcoholímetro" An instrument that determines the Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) by means of measuring respiration.

Bribe "Soborno/Sobornar" A sum of money or other payment offered in exchange for influencing a person’s views or conduct. Bribes paid to police may be sought to protect illegal activity, obtain information on criminal investigations, remove criminal files, or alter court testimony.

Burglary, First Degree "Robo en 1er Grado" Attempting to steal from another by entering a dwelling unauthorized/uninvited while the occupant is present.

Burglary, Second Degree "Robo en 2º Grado" Attempting to steal from another by entering a dwelling unauthorized/uninvited.

Burning One’s Own Property with Intent to Defraud "Incendio de Propiedad con la Intención de Estafar" Burning a property, building or vehicle of one’s own in order to defraud another.

Campus police "Policía Universitaria" Law enforcement officials on college and university campuses.

Carjacking "Secuestro de Vehículo/Automóvil" Taking a motor vehicle with recklessness or force from another person in possession.


Child Sexual Abuse, First Degree "Maltrato/Abuso Sexual a Menores" Sexual acts with a child under the age of 16 when the perpetrator is at least four years older than the victim.

Citation "Citación" A written record of a minor offense issued by police officers that specifies a standard penalty yet allows for appeal of that penalty (e.g. traffic ticket).

Civil Action "Acción/Procedimiento Civil A court filing seeking financial damages or restitution for a financial injury to the complainant (e.g. replacement cost for lost property).

Complexion "Tez" Description of skin color (“light,” “medium,” or “dark”).

Complainant "Demandante/Denunciante" The victim or person instigating a legal process by filing a complaint.

Complaint "Denuncia/Queja/Demanda Legal" The sworn accusation of criminal behavior.

Confession "Confesión" Establishment of guilt based on a suspect’s admissions.

Conspiracy "Conspiración/Complot" Plan and subsequent actions by a couple or group to commit a crime.

Contempt "Desacato" Refusal to comply with a court order and/or disobeying a judge’s requests.

Controlled Substance "Substancia/Controlada o Bajo Control" A drug or substance regulated by federal or District of Columbia law, including opiates.

Corruption "Corrupción" Breach of behavioral standards for police officers or other officials that includes abuse of authority for financial or personal advancement.

County Police "Policía del Condado" Municipal law enforcement with county jurisdiction whose role is more limited than sheriffs’. They comprise about 1 percent of local departments.


Court "Tribunal" A Constitutionally-constructed body with authority to decide legal disputes.

Court Appointed Attorney "Abogado Designado por el Tribunal" An attorney who represents a moneyless party.

Criminal Action "Acción /Proceso Penal" A legal process in which the state accuses an individual with breaking a law and in which the defendant faces a fine or jail time if convicted.

D.O.B. "Fecha de Nacimiento (Por sus siglas en inglés)" Date of Birth.

Domestic dispute "Discusión Doméstica" When police are called to intervene in an escalating dispute between two or more members of a family, a household, or others in an intimate relationship.

Domestic violence "Violencia Doméstica" Actual or threatened violence between two members of a family, household or people in an intimate relationship.

Disorderly Conduct "Alteración del Orden Público" A provocative act which alarms or disturbs another and/or disturbs the peace.

Distribution of a Controlled Substance "Distribución de una Substancia/Controlada o Bajo Control" Providing or attempting to provide a quantity of drugs to another.

Driving Under the Influence "Conducir/Manejar Bajo los Efectos de Alcohol o Drogas" Operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol (.08 percent blood alcohol content as measured by Breathalyzer) or drugs.

Ethnicity "Etnia" Physical characteristics that are shared by people with the same geographic ancestry (e.g. Latin, Eastern European, Asian).

Extradition "Extradición" The process of transferring between states a person wanted for criminal prosecution or imprisonment.


Felony "Delito/Crimen" An offense for which the death sentence or one year or more of imprisonment is possible.

Hate crime "Delito/Crimen por Odio" A crime based on intolerance for the victim’s race, religion, ethnicity or sexual orientation.

High-speed pursuit "Persecución a Alta Velocidad" When a suspect flees a police officer at high speed.

Homicide "Homicidio/Asesinato" Killing another human being, whether murder or manslaughter.

Homicide, Justifiable "Homicidio/Asesinato Justificable" Killing another person in self-defense or to prevent a forcible felony.

Human disorder "Comportamiento Social en Deterioro" Societal decay due to residents’ behaviors including public drinking, gang activity, street harassment, drug sale and use, noise, and commercial sex.

Indictment "Acusación/Cargos" A grand jury’s decision, forwarded to the court, charging an individual with a crime based on evidence provided.

Intimidation "Intimidación" To threaten another in order to influence his behavior. The threat may include physical harm, restraint, confinement, or accusations of crime (even if true).

Juvenile "Jóven/Menor de Edad" A person under 18 years old, also referred to as a youth or minor.

L.K.A. "Último Domicilio Conocido" Last Known Address.

Lockup "Cárcel" A facility for processing and holding those accused of a crime, including for photographing and finger printing.

M.O. "Modus Operandi" Modus Operandi, (Latin) meaning method of operation, the typical way an individual goes about committing a crime. (E.g.wearing dark glasses when robbing a bank).


Malicious Burning "Incendio Malintencionado" Burning property valued at more than $200 with malicious intent.

Manslaughter "Homicido Inintencionado" Killing a human being without malice (e.g. in a traffic accident).

Manslaughter, Voluntary "Homicido Voluntario" Killing another willfully or with a conscious disregard of an extreme risk of death or serious bodily injury, and in which mitigating factors (e.g. acting in the heat of passion or by adequate provocation) precludes a determination that the killing was malicious.

Manslaughter, Involuntary "Homicido Involuntario" An unintentional or accidental killing without justification or excuse (e.g. in a traffic accident).

Minor "Menor de Edad" A person under 18 years old, a juvenile.

Misdemeanor "Delito Menor" A criminal offense for which the maximum sentence is one year or less.

Municipal police "Policía Municipal" Also known as city police, this category comprises the majority of American law enforcement.

Murder, First Degree "Asesinato en 1er Grado" Killing with specific intent, premeditation and deliberation, without self-defense or mitigation.

Murder, First Degree Felony "Delito/Crimen con Asesinato en 1er Grado" Killing a person while committing a felony, including arson, sexual abuse in the first degree, child sexual abuse in the first degree, cruelty to children in the first degree, mayhem, robbery, kidnapping, first degree burglary while armed with or wielding a dangerous weapon, burglary in the second degree while armed with or using a dangerous weapon, or distribution of a controlled substance.

Murder, Second Degree "Asesinato en 2º Grado" Killing with intent to kill or seriously injure, or disregard of the known risk of death or serious bodily injury to that person, and in the absence of self-defense or mitigation.

Negligent Homicide "Homicidio por Negligencia" Death resulting from careless, reckless, or negligent operation of a motor vehicle.


Offense "Infracción/Delito (de Jurisdicción Local)" A violation of the law of a state or local jurisdiction.

Petty Offense "Infracción Menor" An offense for which the only allowable penalty is a fine.

Police officer "Oficial de la Policía" An employee of a government (municipal, city, regional, or state) who has the authority to enforce the law and may use coercive force when carrying out normal duties.

Possession of a Controlled Substance "Posesión de una Substancia/Controlada o Bajo Control" Willingly having a drug classified as a controlled substance.

Possession of a Controlled Substance with Intent to Distribute "Posesión de una Substancia/Controlada o Bajo Control con Intención de Distribuirla" Willingly having a drug classified as a controlled substance in conjunction with the desire to transfer it to another person.

Probable Cause "Causa Probable" Where known facts and circumstances, of a reasonably trustworthy nature, are sufficient to justify a man of reasonable caution or prudence in the belief that a certain person has committed, is committing, or is about to commit a criminal act.

Prosecutor "Fiscal de la Procuradoría" An attorney who brings a criminal action against a person in the name of the government.

Race "Raza" A category of people determined by shared physical and biological traits (e.g. Caucasian, AfricanAmericans, Asians, Latins).

Radar "Radar" Handheld machine used by police officers to measure speeds of vehicles.

Rape "Esturpo/Violación Sexual" Forced, nonconsensual sexual intercourse using force or threat of force.


Reasonable Suspicion "Sospecha Razonable" Factors that combine to lead a law enforcement official to narrow the field of possible suspects in a criminal act but which don’t meet the criteria for an arrestable offense.

Robbery Fear "Robo Forzoso" A robbery in which the suspect coerces the victim without physical force or possession of a weapon.

Robbery F & V (Robbery–Force & Violence) "Robo Forzoso y Violento" The use of physical force in the commission of a robbery.

Robbery Hold Up Gun (Robbery HUG, or RHUG) "Robo con Sospecha de Posesión de Arma de Fuego" A robbery in which the victim believed he saw the suspect in possession of a firearm.

Robbery Hold Up Knife "Robo con Sospecha de Posesión de Cuchillo/Navaja" A robbery in which the victim believed he saw the suspect in possession of a knife.

Robbery Snatch "Robo por Arrebatamiento" A fast robbery in which the suspect grabs possessions from the victim.

Search Warrant "Orden de Cateo" A judge’s authorizing an officer to search a specific area (residence, office, vehicle) for and seize property that may be evidence in a criminal complaint or trial.

Sexual Abuse "Maltrato/Violación Sexual" A sexual act or sexual contact without the victim’s permission.

Sexual Abuse, First Degree "Violación Sexual en 1er Grado" Engaging in or causing another person to engage in or submit to a sexual act (1) by using force against that other person; or (2) by threatening or placing that other person in reasonable fear that any person will be subjected to death, bodily injury, or kidnapping; or (3) after rendering that other person unconscious; or (4) after administering to that other person a drug or intoxicant.

Sexual Abuse, Second Degree "Violación Sexual en 2º Grado" Engaging in or causing another person to engage in or submit to a sexual act (1) by threatening or placing that other person in reasonable fear, or (2) where the person knows or has reason to know that the other person is unable to understand the nature of the conduct, or unable to decline participating in the sexual act, or unable to communicate unwillingness to engage in that sexual act.


Sheriff "Alguacil" An elected law enforcement official who also serves in the court and corrections systems.

Shoplifting "Hurto en Tiendas" (1) Theft by concealment of an item for sale, or (2) removing or altering a price tag or other identification mark imprinted on or attached to property for sale; or (3) switching containers of items for sale.

Statute of Limitations "Plazo/Ley de Prescripción" The finite period of time in which to bring lawsuits or criminal prosecutions for many categories of crime. Does not apply to murder, involuntary manslaughter, reckless homicide, treason, arson, or forgery.

Theft "Hurto/Robo" Taking or using the property of another person with the intent of depriving the owner of the right to the property.

Traffic Ticket "Multa de Tránsito" A citation issued by a police officer for a traffic violation that may be settled with payment of a fine or by appearing in court to plead or appeal.

Unlawful Entry "Ingreso Ilegal/Ilícito" Intentionally entering or attempting to enter a building without permission (e.g. trespassing).

Verbal abuse "Maltrato/Abuso Verbal" Inappropriate language, particularly racial and ethnic slurs, when used by police officers.

VIN "Número de Identificación del Vehículo" Vehicle Identification Number, a unique identifier assigned to vehicles during the manufacturing process.

Warrant "Orden de Arresto" A judge’s order directing a law enforcement officer to arrest a person and bring them to court.

Witness "Testigo" One who testifies as to what they have seen, heard, or otherwise observed and who is not necessarily a party to the action.

Youth "Jóven/Menor de Edad" Someone under age 18, a juvenile.


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