GMAT-Vocabulary-List to help enrich your vocabulary PDF

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Enrichment of vocabulary gmat vocabulary list.Hope you can learn from it....


GMAT Review: GMAT Vocabulary List Version 5.0 (December 16th, 2011)

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GMAT Vocabulary List

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GMAT Vocabulary List


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GMAT Vocabulary List

About the Company Manhattan Review’s origin can be traced directly to an Ivy-League MBA classroom in 1999. While lecturing on advanced quantitative subjects to MBAs at Columbia Business School in New York City, Prof. Dr. Joern Meissner was asked by his students to assist their friends, who were frustrated with conventional GMAT preparation options. He started to create original lectures that focused on presenting the GMAT content in a coherent and concise manner rather than a download of voluminous basic knowledge interspersed with so-called “tricks." The new approach immediately proved highly popular with GMAT students, inspiring the birth of Manhattan Review. Over the past 15+ years, Manhattan Review has grown into a multi-national firm, focusing on GMAT, GRE, LSAT, SAT, and TOEFL test prep and tutoring, along with business school, graduate school and college admissions consulting, application advisory and essay editing services.

About the Founder Professor Joern Meissner, the founder and chairman of Manhattan Review has over twenty-five years of teaching experience in undergraduate and graduate programs at prestigious business schools in the USA, UK and Germany. He created the original lectures, which are constantly updated by the Manhattan Review Team to reflect the evolving nature of the GMAT GRE, LSAT, SAT, and TOEFL test prep and private tutoring. Professor Meissner received his Ph.D. in Management Science from Graduate School of Business at Columbia University (Columbia Business School) in New York City and is a recognized authority in the area of Supply Chain Management (SCM), Dynamic Pricing and Revenue Management. Currently, he holds the position of Full Professor of Supply Chain Management and Pricing Strategy at Kuehne Logistics University in Hamburg, Germany. Professor Meissner is a passionate and enthusiastic teacher. He believes that grasping an idea is only half of the fun; conveying it to others makes it whole. At his previous position at Lancaster University Management School, he taught the MBA Core course in Operations Management and originated three new MBA Electives: Advanced Decision Models, Supply Chain Management, and Revenue Management. He has also lectured at the University of Hamburg, the Leipzig Graduate School of Management (HHL), and the University of Mannheim. Professor Meissner offers a variety of Executive Education courses aimed at business professionals, managers, leaders, and executives who strive for professional and personal growth. He frequently advises companies ranging from Fortune 500 companies to emerging start-ups on various issues related to his research expertise. Please visit his academic homepage for further information.

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GMAT Vocabulary List


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GMAT Vocabulary List


Introduction A great mastery of essential English words will no doubt be very helpful to you in achieving a satisfactory GMAT score and improving communication skills. To better assist you in your GMAT preparation, Manhattan Review has developed an exclusive Vocabulary List for your reference. This book includes about 2,500 words and phrases which have appeared in the past GMATs. We have categorized all of them by their grammatical forms such as transitive verb, intransitive verb, countable noun, uncountable noun, adjective and phrase. In addition to the first two columns of Words and Forms, we have also included another 4 columns to the right: Grammatical Details, Key Definitions, Example Sentences and Relevant Words. Grammatical Details cover all the different verb variations in the past tense, past participle, present participle, and third-person present singular forms. Key Definitions show all the common and most important meanings of a word in a plain and succinct manner. Example Sentences demonstrate the actual applications of a word in a simple context. We believe it is easier for students to memorize and use new vocabularies once they see sample sentences involving the new words. Relevant Words include all the related adjectives, nouns, adverbs and other forms of a word. They are shown to broaden students’ knowledge of a word and their ability to better maneuver the language in different contexts. Please note that a portion of this list may have been distributed to you in advance of your GMAT course for the purpose of warming up your English grammar skills and refreshing your command of English vocabulary. To keep all our course materials at a consistently high level of quality, Manhattan Review will continue to update and broaden this list. If you have any comments, please feel free to contact us. Happy prepping and good luck on the test!

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GMAT - Vocabulary List ...

Page 1 Words


Gr ammatical Details

Key Definitions

Sentence Examples

Relevant Words

(Notes: T r ans: T r ansitive; I ntr ans: Intr ansitive; Pl: Plur al; PT: Past T ense; PP: Past Par ticiple; PresP: Present Par ticiple; 3r d S: 3 r d Person Present Singular ; N: Noun; Adj : Adj ective; Adv: Adver b; V: Verb) 2/ 3 as m any A as B Phr ase The r ecip e r equir es 2/ 3 as m any gr een p eas as diced carr ot s. 3- digit num ber Phr ase The t hr ee- digit num ber 888 isconsider ed a lucky num ber in som e count r ies. abr upt

Adj ect ive

1. To be sud den; out of expect at ion s. 2. To be brief wit hout t r ying t o be f r iendly.

1. Af t er t he announcem ent of a change in cor p or at e leadership was m ade, an abr upt and uncom f or t able silence t ook hold of t he room . 2. When cust om er s ask quest ions r egarding t he m enu, t he wait er r eplies in an abr upt and shor t way. Pl: absolut e values It r epr esent s t he m agnit ud e The absolut e value of - 3 is of t he nu m ber wit hout 3. t aking int o consider at ion whet her t he n um ber is posit ive or negat ive.

absolut e value

Phr ase

accelerat e

Verb (Tr ans. and Int r ans.)

PT: accelerat ed PP: accelerat ed Pr esP: accelerat ing 3r d S: acceler at es


Verb (Tr ans.)

PT: accessed PP: accessed Pr esP: accessing 3r d S: accesses



Pl: accesses

1. To st ar t t o m ove incr easingly f ast er. 2. To m ake som et hing happen f ast er t han it was happening bef or e. 1. To f ind a way t o get int o a place. 2. To have t he r ight t o be able t o t ake p art in som et hing.

abr upt ly (Adv) abr upt ness (N)

In hop e of cat ching t he accelerat ed (Adj ) robber, t he m an accelerat ed accelerat ive (Ad j ) well above t he sp eed lim it .

The governm ent em ployee, af t er m ont hs of wor k at t he com p any, was st ill not gr ant ed t he p r ivilege t o access t he secr et docum ent s. 1.The opp or t unit y t o ent er 1. The f r ont access was a place. closed of f t emp or arily. 2. The r ight t o be able t o 2. Access t o t he f iles was use som et hing. pr ohibit ed by f eder al law. Describes an event t hat was The d eat h of t he d og was not planned and happened accid ent al and not t he by chance. dr iver 's f ault . To change one's act ions as a In or der t o accom m od at e t o way of r espond ing t o t he needs of her diabet ic som eone else's needs. child , t he m ot her pr epared f r equent m eals.

accid ent al

Ad j ect ive

accom m od at e

Verb (Tr ans. and Int r ans.)

accor dingly


To act consist ent ly wit h what was agr eed upon or said.

Af t er weeks of quest ioning, t he j udge's appoint m ent was conf ir m ed by t he Senat e accor dingly.

account f or

Verb (Tr ans.)

To explain a sit uat ion t hat has or will occur .

In or der t o account f or t he losses, t he com pany will d o an aud it .


Verb (Int r ans.) PT: accr ued PP: accr ued Pr esP: accruing 3r d S: accr ues

To am ass or gat her wealt h of som e sor t over a period of t im e.

His r et ir ement benef it s have accruem ent (N) been accr ued f or over 40 years.

PT: accom m od at ed PP: accom m od at ed Pr esP: accom m od at ing 3r d S: accom m od at es

accid ent ally (Adv) accid ent als (N) accom m od at ive (Ad j ) accom m od at ion (N)

© 1999–2012 Manhattan Review ..

GMAT Vocabulary List Words

page 2 ..... Form

Gr ammatical Details

Key Definitions

Sentence Examples

Relevant Words

(Notes: T r ans: T r ansitive; I ntr ans: Intr ansitive; Pl: Plur al; PT: Past T ense; PP: Past Par ticiple; PresP: Present Par ticiple; 3r d S: 3 r d Person Present Singular ; N: Noun; Adj : Adj ective; Adv: Adver b; V: Verb) acquir e Verb (Int r ans.) PT: acquir ed To obt ain ownership of The young m an acqu ir ed a PP: acquir ed som et hing. lot of exper ience t hr ough a Pr esP: acquir ing variet y of j obs. 3r d S: acquir es

acquir able (Ad j ) acquir ed (Adj ) acquir er (N)

acquisit ion


Pl: acquisit ions

1. The act of obt aining or get t ing som et hing.

Acquisit ion of t he sm all sof t ware com pany was com p let ed by Or acle wit hout cont ent iousness.


Verb (Tr ans.)

PT: acquit t ed PP: acquit t ed Pr esP: acquit t ing 3r d S: acquit s

To of f icially d eclare t he innocence of som ebody af t er t hey have been charged wit h a cr im e.

The j ur y vot ed t o acquit t he acquit t er (N) m ovie st ar of all charges. acquit t al (N)

act ivat e

Verb (Tr ans.)

PT: act ivat ed PP: act ivat ed Pr esP: act ivat ing 3r d S: act ivat es

To m ake som et hing t ur n on In or der t o act ivat e t he or m ake it act ive. syst em, emp loyers had t o ent er a secret code.

act ivat ion (N)

acut e

Ad j ect ive

Describes a sit uat ion t hat is consider ed t o be eit her very bad, ext r emely serious or painf ul .

acut ely (Adv) acut eness (N) acut e (N)

acut e angle


An angle t hat is less t han The archit ect d esigned t he 90 d egr ees and gr eat er t han room wit h sever al acut e 0 degr ee. angles, cr eat ing a sense of im balance.


Ad j ect ive

addit ion


Pl: add it ions

addit ive


Pl: add it ives

Being ext r emely d et er m ined and r esolut e in ones opinions; not inf luenced by ot hers who ask t o reconsid er. 1. The p r ocess of sum m ing up t wo or m or e num bers; t he pr ocess of com bin ing t wo or m or e t hings or people 2. A part add ed t o a new building. An ingr edient add ed t o f ood t o change t he f ood in som e way.

adj acent angle


Pl: adj acent angles Angles t hat are f ound next t o each ot her.

The avenue int er sect s dir ect ly wit h 59t h St r eet , f orm ing t wo adj acent angles wit h shar p degr ees.


Verb (Tr ans)

PT: adopt ed PP: adop t ed Pr esP: adopt ing 3r d S: adopt s

The childless couple chose adopt able (Adj ) t o adopt t he child and r aise adopt er (N) her as t heir own. Many cooking st yles in t he US have been adop t ed and m odif ied f r om ot her cult ur es.

adr enal

Ad j ect ive

adver se

Ad j ect ive

1. To legally r aise a child , t hat is not your own biologically, as if it were your own. 2. To t ake up id eas or cust oms as your own t hat or iginat ed f r om som ewhere else. Funct ions r elat ing t o t he kidn eys. Unf avor abl e.

In light of t he acut e m onet ary cr isis, t he governm ent p r int ed m ore cur r ency.

The young m an was adamant in his d ecision of going abr oad.

adamant ly (Ad v)

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