Graded Unit 4 Applied Scenario Analysis Assignment PDF

Title Graded Unit 4 Applied Scenario Analysis Assignment
Author Cynthia Rivera
Course Abnormal Psychology
Institution Pepperdine University
Pages 6
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Applied Scenario Analysis...



Case Study 1- Jasmine’s Target Behavior

Graduate School of Education and Psychology, Pepperdine University PSYC 613: Concepts and Principles of Applied Behavior Analysis Dr. Rebecca Dogan April 28, 2020

2 Case Study 1- Jasmine’s Target Behavior The setting for the videos takes place in the kitchen and the living room. Individuals involved include dad (James, late 30s/40s) and daughter (Jasmine, about 17-18 years old). Essential variables that may be important to the situation is Jasmine arriving tired from swim practice, being at school all day, and looking forward to spending time with friends. Target Behavior The target subject identified as Jasmine, who seems to be 18 years old. Essential variables that may be important to the situation is Jasmine arriving tired from swim practice, being at school all day, and looking forward to spending time with friends. The target behavior is defiance, defined as a refusal to comply with established rules, brief or low-intensity failure to respond to an adult request (e.g., refusal not to do something or lying), refusal to follow directions, or talking back. Onset: when the individual displays defiance as defined, within three seconds of antecedent (e.g., demand or request). Offset: when the behavior has stopped for three consecutive seconds. The behavior data is collected on a ABC data sheeet. Analysis The video begins with Jasmine seeing her father as she enters the kitchen (antecedent) following Jasmine requests “needing some cash” (behavior). Following the behavior, dad provides attention and the demand “could you straighten up a little bit. The kitchen needs to be a little tidy” (consequence/future antecedent). Jasmine states, “Dad, I can do it when I come back” (behavior), which is followed by dad giving the demand “needs to be done now” (consequence/future antecedent). Jasmine responds by stating, “Dad look, I can do it. Just when I come back (behavior) and her father responds by placing a rebuke “no negotiating”

3 (consequence/ future antecedent). This type of back and forth conversation continues for seven amounts of exchanges. Before Jasmine complies with the demand of “tidying the kitchen.” The second video begins with Jasmine seeing her father in the living room (antecedent). Following Jasmine makes the request, “can you lend me some money?” (behavior). Following the behavior, dad provides attention and the demand “you do this laundry” (consequence/future antecedent). Jasmine asks, “right now?” (behavior). Following the behavior, dad provides attention by answering the question (consequence/future antecedent). Jasmine states, “dad, can I just get the money now and do this later?” (behavior). This type of back and forth conversation continues for two more exchanges before Jasmine states, “whatever, I don’t want to go anyway. I’ll see you later,” as she leaves the living room (behavior). The third video begins with Jasmine sitting on the couch in the living room on her phone, conversating with a friend when dad walks into the living room (antecedent). Following Jasmine makes the requests, “can I get some more gas money?” (behavior). Following the behavior, dad provides attention by asking, “why you need more money?” (consequence/future antecedent). Jasmine fabricates a lie for what the money is needed by telling dad she “took a trip with her class, orientation was downtown, and she knows dad won’t get up early to drive her to school” (behavior). Following the behavior, dad provides access to tangible by giving Jasmine money (consequence). The fourth video begins with Jasmine seeing dad in the living room (antecedent). Following Jasmine makes the request, “I need money for a school project” (behavior). Followed by the behavior, dad provides attention by asking, “what’s the project for” (consequence/future antecedent). Jasmine states it is for her “biology class” and names off supplies needed

4 (behavior). Following the behavior, dad provides access to tangible by giving Jasmine money (consequence). Antecedent stimulus denial access to the cash, when dad allows Jasmine access to tangible her behavior, started to increase. In this case, Jasmine’s motivational events is that she is coming from school, has not had access to any cash all day, has not had access to her friends all day, and wants to spend time with her friends. Jasmines’ behavior lasted approximately two minutes from the onset in the first video, lasted approximately one minute from the onset in the second video, lasted approximately forty-one seconds from the onset in the third video, and approximately fourteen seconds from the onset in the fourth video. The discriminative stimulus is dad being in the room, the response is the cash, and the positive reinforcement is being able to go out with friends. Behavioral principles Jasmine complies one to two times, but her protesting increases and shows more variations as the videos go on. Her father is attempting to punish the behavior by giving the demand. Positive reinforcement is the attention of dad, and Jasmine’s behavior is also negatively reinforced because by the dad continuing to engage with her, he is not following through, and this allows Jasmine to stall the demand. Dad gives Jasmine money under the conditions that Jasmine complies with the request and when it pertains to school-related activities. Jasmine must complete extra chores when she mands for money about going out with her friends. Jasmine receives money freely when manding for money about school activities or paying for gas to get to school. Jasmine has immediate access to the antecedent stimuli when manding for money about school activities or paying for gas to get to school. This process of positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement successively closer and closer has shaped Jasmine’s behavior of

5 lying about what she needs the money for overtime. Even though her father attempted to punish Jasmine’s behavior by giving a demand, there has not been any behaviors been punished or placed on extinction.

6 References Cooper, J. O., Heron, T. E., Heward, W. L. (2019). Applied Behavior Analysis, 3rd Edition. Pearson Education, Inc. Pepperdine University (Producer). (n.a). Applied Scenario Analysis Assignment [Video file]. 2PEP.

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