Group Assignment STA104 PDF

Title Group Assignment STA104
Author jesss claudea
Course Introduction to Statistics
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pages 20
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First of all, thanks to Allah S.W.T for giving us the opportunity to complete this group project for STA104. We would like to express our deepest appreciation to all of those who provided us the possibility to complete this report. Next, we would like to take this opportunity to give a special gratitude to our lecturer, Miss Fadila Amira Binti Razali for all those advices and information which guided us to finish this assignment.

Moreover, we would also like to thanks all five of the members who gave full cooperation and commitment to complete the task. Through this project, we had gained more information on how to collect the data and also analyze the data.

It also enables us to have deeper understanding toward the subject and the important of the well-presented data for analysis and interpretation without requiring intensive study.

Last but not least, we would like to thank our family and friends who gave us a moral support and help us a lot in finalizing this project within the time given. Without all of them, this project will be not successful.





INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of study


1.2 Objectives of study


METHODOLOGY 2.1 Description of Data Population




Sampling technique


Data collection method


The descriptions on the variables


2.2 Method of analysis










Music is a form of art that combines vocal or instrumental sounds to create a composition. Music can make one's life happier and less depressing. It is because melody music can lift one's spirits. There are so many facts about music that people should know. First of all, it may well help you think better, analyze matters faster, and work more efficiently. Secondly, music stimulates the areas of the brain that are responsible for your thinking, planning, and analyzing, thereby improving your organizational skills and making you more capable of handling challenging math problems. Lastly, studies have shown that music triggers notable improvements in a student's academic skills when they listen to certain types of music while they are studying.

Everyone has their taste for the music they love and preferred the most. The most popular genre type of music that people often hear is a pop genre. For examples of the pop genre is Shake It Off by Taylor Swift, Sugar by Maroon 5, Shape of You by Ed Sheeran and other more.

This study aims to identify the numbers of students who listen to music and students' taste in music. This study only focusses on students from Faculty of Accountancy UiTM Jengka, Pahang Branch. It is because students always listen to music to do such things, such as assignment, slideshow for presentations, study, and so many more. Students tend to listen to music while studying because it can help them to generate more ideas. Music involves with student's life. Music really can affect a student's life.




To identify the most genre of music that students like.


To identify the level of student enjoyment in listening to music.


To identify the estimate time for daily usage of music.


To identify whether they prefer local or international musician.




The data that have been collected can be divided into five main things include population, sample, sampling technique, data collection method and description of variables. Firstly, this study will explain about what is the meaning of population and what is their population based on the data result. The definition of population is all elements of a defined group under consideration in a study. Before spreading the questionnaire, the best way for this study is to focus on a small scope as it is easier than focus on a bigger scope. In this study, all students at UiTM Jengka Branch who are from accountancy faculty are the population.

Secondly, the process that need to be apply in this study is to take a sample from the data. Basically, sample is a subset or subgroup selected from a population. Out of all the population, only 100 respondents respond to the questionnaire and that is the sample for this study. It is not considered as a big problem because the accumulated number of respondents is sufficient for the data to be collected. Another reason is too many respondents may cause a little bit of difficulty to take the data.

Next, after stated the population and sample above, the other process needed is to focus on sampling technique that want to use for this study. Sampling technique is a process where the most suitable method is chosen to select the sample. It is so important because that the sample represents the population. There are many sampling techniques that might be use to represent the data such as simple random sampling (SRS), systematic sampling technique, stratified sampling technique, cluster sampling technique, multistage sampling

technique, convenient sampling technique, quota sampling technique and the last one is judgmental sampling technique. Out of all these sampling techniques, the best sampling technique need to be chosen for the data. After consider which one is the best sampling technique for the data, the last decision made for this study is to apply systematic sampling technique because it is so suitable for the data compared to another sampling technique. There are some steps to apply this sampling technique. 3 1) List of all 489 accountancy students at UiTM Jengka Branch.

2) Label each pop with numbers.

3) Population (N) = 489 , Sample (n) = 100 I = 489/100 I=5

4) Sample will be select at random between 1-5.

5) Suppose number 3 is selected, the next item that will be in the sample is item number 3+5, 8+5, 13+5, 18+5 and 23+5.

6) The sample selected were 3, 8, 13, 18, 23 and 28.


Online questionnaires

Data collection method that were chosen was using online questionnaires. Online survey, is one of the most popular data-collection sources, where a set of survey questions is sent out to a target sample and the members of this sample can respond to the questions over the worldwide web. This method is very popular so it is easy to attract students to answer the questionnaire. It is also a cheap way to reach respondents. Plus, questionnaires can be used to ask questions that have closed-ended answers. Data gathered from questionnaires can also be analyzed in many ways. After considering all of the possible ways to collect the data, the best ways to collect the data are by using online questionnaires, email questionnaires or telephone interviews. Online questionnaires are the best method to be compare with other both methods. This is because if we use email questionnaire, we will get lower rate of response compared by using online questionnaires. Telephone interviews method also not the best choice because it is difficult to get people to elaborate on their responses by phone. The reason is that most phone interviews must be limited to five or 10 minutes. People would hang up with longer telephone surveys, resulting in partially completed interviews.

Online questionnaires can take many forms and be used for many purposes. There are many advantages using this method. One of them is respondents will get enough time to complete the questionnaires. Other than that, they also cheaper and faster compared to other method because information is being gathered automatically and do not have to wait for the questionnaires come back to us which mean the response time is almost instant. By using online questionnaires also reduces the research costs which mean can save money on the postage and we also do not have to divide time and resources to enter

the answer into our collected data. The disadvantage using this method is when the respondents did not understand the question in the questionnaires since there will be no one to help or help them in answering the questions.

5 In designing a questionnaire, the construction of the questionnaire should be able to encourage participation from the respondents. To be meaningful, surveys and questionnaires need to be carefully planned because a poorly designed questionnaire will lead the study nowhere quickly. All of the questions must be kept simple and phrased to imply the same meaning to all the possible respondents. Plus, the questions should be organized systematically and have a natural logical sequence that the respondents can appreciate.

The first thing in making a questionnaire is drafting the question that will be placed in the questionnaire. Every question been put in the questionnaire must be link and related with the objective and particular aims of the survey. After that, the simple kind of questions and straightforward question without making the respondents face a difficulty is the biggest step in making the respondents to answer the questionnaire. All of the question did not need any calculation to answer the questionnaire. Google forms is the platform in forming the questionnaire. Google forms make it uncomplicated to collect information from the people via personalized quizzes or surveys. Also, Google forms can connect the info to a spreadsheet on sheets to automatically record the answers. And since Google Forms is an online tool, make it easier to collaborate with multiple people on the same form in real-time so that each one of my members can easily can check the result of the survey. Before using the Google forms, you have to sign up for a Google account. In creating a Google forms, many choices in the types of answering the questions. All of the questions in the questionnaire are using multiple choice which mean that people choose between a set of options which is one answer per question.

Lastly, after completed creating a form, it is time to spread it out and get some responses. The questionnaire can be spread via email, a direct link, on your social media

account, or embed it into the website. Blast the Google Forms through WhatsApp is the best step in getting the respondent to answer the questionnaire . WhatsApp platform is known widely because the student commonly will communicate with others using WhatsApp so the result of the surveys will be easily collected if we blast our form in there.


Description of Section


Types Of





Question 1




Question 2



Level of Enjoyment

Question 3



Type of Genre

Question 4



Preferred Musician

Question 5



Type of Application

Question 6



Time spend

Question 7



Purpose of listening to music

Question 8





Method of analysis is very important to make sure if data that has been collected will be well presented for analysis and interpretation. It is vital to finding the answers to research the questions. There are various methods that can be used to display the data for example pie chart, bar chart and central of tendency.

The first objective of the research is to study of what kind genre that most of the students listen and decided to use simple bar chart as a method to analyze the data. This is because this chart is very suitable for presenting only one variable and is it is usually used to compare different categories. It is easier to see which items are taking the largest chunk of data collected by glancing at the above chart or known as mode. Bar chart is a graph with rectangular bars. The bar in the simple bar chart normally separated and it is also a chart that consist of vertical and horizontal bars with equal width but variable length. Although the graphs can be plotted vertically bars standing up or horizontally bars laying flat from left to right, the most usual type of bar graph is vertical. Besides that, the horizontal (x) axis represents the categories while the vertical (y) axis represents a value for those categories. Bar charts are typically used to display variables on a nominal or ordinal scale. It is very popular form of information graphics often used in research articles, textbooks and popular media to visually display relationships and trends in data.

After that, the method of analysis used to collect data from the second objective ‘level of student enjoyment in listening to music’ is by using central of tendency to present the data accurately. This method chosen because it helps in order to determine the typical numerical point in a set of data. The data points of any sample are distributed on a range from lowest

value to the highest value. Measures of central tendency tell researchers where the center value lies in the distribution of data. Besides, it is provided a summary measure that attempts to describe a whole set of data with a single value that represents the middle or center of its distribution. Central of tendency also sometimes called measures of central location. There are three main measures of central tendency which are the mean, the median and the mode. Each of these measures calculates the location of the central point using a different method.

8 The mean or also the average of a set of measurement is the most common measures of central tendency. Mean is represented by the Greek letter, µ that pronounced as ‘miu’ for

the population. Moreover, it is presented as 𝑋 pronounced as X bar. The arithmetic mean of a set of observed data is defined as being equal to the sum of the numerical values of each and every observation divided by the total number of observations. Mean value will also change if any value in the data changed. There are also have disadvantages to the mean as a measure of central tendency that it is not appropriate to use when the data is skewed, rather than being of a normal distribution. Furthermore, the value of the mean may be different when calculating mean for the grouped data and ungrouped data. Last but not least, mean is unlike the median and mode it cannot be found graphically.

Other than that, median is a value that is exactly in the middle position of the list when the data values are ranked according to ascending or descending order. The median mean 50% of all the observations is less than the median value and the other 50% is more than the median value. It is also known as second quartile. Since the median represented by symbol  , it will be pronounced as X tilde. Firstly, to find the median, order the data from smallest to 𝑋

largest, and then find the data point that has an equal amount of values above it and below it. The method for locating the median varies slightly depending on whether your data set has an even or odd number of values. The pros of the median are it always exists and unique, extreme value do not affect its value and it can be used for open-ended classes. The cons of this measurement are ones does not need to know all the values to compute the median and it is not suitable for mathematical treatment in advanced work.

Modal value or well known as mode is the observation that occurs most often or has the largest frequency in a data set. The mode is an appropriate measure to use with

categorical data. Mode is represented by symbols 𝑋 that pronounced as X hat. In a data set,

there could be no mode, one mode or more than one mode. It can be computed for quantitative and qualitative variable. The advantages of the mode are easy to understand, it is an actual value and it can be used to describe both quantitative and qualitative data while the disadvantages are it is not suitable for other kind of statistical calculation and it can be more than one modal value in a data set.

9 Last but not least, in order to interpret the estimated time of music daily usage that have been collected is by using histogram method. Theoretically, histogram is a graphical display that represent data that make use the value of frequency for each class. Histogram of a frequency distribution are made of a vertical bar graph of the class frequencies. The horizontal line of a histogram represents the class boundaries of the data and for the vertical line it shows the class frequencies while along the horizontal or also known as x-axis that will display the classes by labelling the class boundaries that are marked at equal interval. A histogram should contain no space between the bars and for an unequal class width there’s must be extra calculation to taken care of to determine the frequency destiny. The frequency destiny is used as the height for the bar instead off a class frequency. histogram is only used to plot the frequency of score occurrences in a continuous data set that has been divided into classes, called bins.





Number of students

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Pop


Hip Hop





Diagram 1

Simple bar chart above visualized the differences between the genres of music that most students like. There are five genres of music that have been listed on the questionnaires and other is added by the respondents. Based on the diagram, most of the respondents voted other genre which is consist of 66% represented 66 number of students. There are many other genres that have been listed such as instrumental, ballad, nasyeed and Korean pop or simply

known as K-POP. Next, 46 respondents love to listen to pop kind music genre. The differences between the R&B and EDM genres are not significant as it shown only 13 respondents voted R&B and 11 respondents voted EDM. There are only 7% of respondents voted for hip hop. Lastly, the least favorite genre of music that has been voted is rock which is only 5 respondents consist of 5% of 100 students of Accountancy in UiTM Jengka.


Level of enjoyment

Number of students (frequency)

Cumulative frequency


Class size






1-2 2-3

1 5

2 7

1.5 2.5

1 1

3-4 4-5

27 66

34 100

3.5 4.5

1 1

Mean = 𝑥 = =




1(0.5) + 1(1.5) + 5(2.5) + 27(3.5) + 66(4.5) 100

406 100

= 4.06 =4

Median = 𝑥  = =

= 𝐿𝑚 + [



𝛴𝑓 −∑𝑓𝑚−1 2



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