Course Academic Presentation
Institution Universiti Putra Malaysia
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Mary: Good afternoon, everyone. I’m Mary. Chew Peng: Hello, good afternoon everyone. I’m Chew Peng. Ween Huii: Good afternoon, guys. I am Ween Huii. Syahira: Good afternoon, guys. I’m Nur Syahira. Today we would like to talk about what is important role of peers in tackling cyberbullying. So, first of all what is cyberbullying? Cyberbullying is a form of harassment or bullying using digital devices. This can occur through text, social media and other form of medium of communication. So, for example is when someone post on their social media and the other person commenting or give feedback under her/his post this can..err while giving the negative reaction this can make the person who post the something, to feel sad or hurt by their comment. This can make them feel sad which can lead to anxiety, depression and even worse to commit suicide. So, this shows that cyberbullying cannot be taken lightly. So, how about others opinion about this matter? Ween Huii: I agree with what you say just now because cyberbullying has become a serious social problem nowadays. We can get a lots of news about the teenagers commit to suicide due to depression after be..being cyberbullying because their think that suicide is the best way to solve the problem but actually not. That’s all from me. Mary: I think, ermm, to solve the issue like what Ween Huii said just now, I think peers can play an important role as good listener. When the victims, they are trying to express their opinions or issues of being cyberbullied, the peers are willing to listen to them. The peers can also like give some advices or encouragements to let the victims to get rid of being cyberbullied. For example like schools in the UK, they have actually practiced peer support system in the school whereby the students will being, will be trained to have peer helper skills and some strategies to overcome this issue of being cyberbullied. Ya, and this also have a research found out that this system is very useful for the victims of cyberbullying because the victims will have someone to talk to, someone willing to listen to them, and someone who will give strength for them to overcome all these kind of cyberbullying, and get rid of their bad mood. So, I believe that peers can play an important role as a good listener. What do you think, Chew Peng? Chew Peng: Yes, I think that’s a good idea. In my opinion, peers may also be the supporter to the victims of cyberbullying. This is because if one of their friends has become the victim of cyberbullying, they are a person who has the close relationship with them. So, the victim of cyberbullying will think that who will be sincere to treat them. So, they are willing to express their trouble and the problems that faced in cyberbullying or about their worries and also bad emotions to at least let someone know they are in… they have been bullied by others now. So, we know that ermm…cyberbullying is a case that should be paid more attention among the peers. So, I think peers should play their important role in tackling the cyberbullying by listening to the victim of cyberbullying, understanding their feelings and also encouraging them to report the incident. So, anyone agree with me? Syahira: I’m sorry but I have to disagree with you Chew Peng. Because I think, what if the peers oppose to build a relationship with others because of their trauma. For example, they might be misjudged by others because they think that arr other people will think that, this is her/his own fault for being cyberbullying. So, this can make them scared to express their feelings to other and having a hard time to open up to other and this make them to feel contemplate on giving their arr sharing their problem to others. So, that’s all my opinion.

Ween Huii: I agree with what Syahira has said just now. In other words, you’re saying that peers cannot play an important role because some of the peers cause victims’ trauma. The peers does… does not playing their roles to help the victims of cyberbullying but they hurt someone on social media that will cause cyberbullying. Peers spread their problems or secrets to the public will… so the victims lost the trust to the peers. Personally, I think that the peer does..does not take cyberbullying seriously and do not know the serious effects of cyberbullying to the victims. That’s all my opinion. Chew Peng: Ermm...I think…I think you are right. I have changed my mind now because I think cyberbullying may also come from peer pressure. We know that during the school day, peers always compare themselves with their friend like who is the excellent one or who get the highest mark in the exam. So, this comparison will make the ermm… mistrust between each other. So, in the case of distrust, I think they won’t be real to face each other and also express their real feeling. So, for example like, when they think that they not that smart like their peers, so they will feel stress. They also will… they will also relieve this stress with some unhealthy thought like they want to cyberbullying others. So, we know that cyberbullying is a form of bully by just typing some words on social media. So, they can easily to hurt someone. They don’t care about their peers’ feelings. They just want to release their stress to the person that who make the stress to them. So, ermm… in this kind of matter, the peer who do the cyberbullying, so how can they tackling the cyberbullying, right? So, I think they cannot… they are unable to tackling the cyberbullying. So, that is my opinion. Syahira: Yes. I see your point there, Chew Peng. So, to make sure that the peers have the right way to prevent cyberbullying. I think school can play an important role for guiding and give them knowledge on how to errm on the topic of cyberbullying. So, for example during my school day. I errm have studied ICT subject which help us on how to communicate in a right way using digital devices or technologies and what we should not do while using technology. So, this, I think can help us to be more aware about cyberbullying. So, that’s all my opinion. How about others? Mary: Ermm, I think I have a different perspective on this as I think peers can play an important role as they are able to raise awareness of cyberbullying in school by organizing campaign or activities independently. For example, like I have self I have experienced this kind of event during my Form 6 whereby ermm, we had organised a campaign called “The Kindness Campaign”. This campaign is like aimed to support the victim of cyberbullying. The students are able to write their problems or their issues of being cyberbullied in a piece of paper anonymously and put it inside a box. This method actually helps the victims who do not want to share their problems or issues to their peers to avoid being embrassed or to avoid them to become the topic of conversations among the peers. So, this method will give some positive feedbacks to them so that the victims will feel like there are still someone there to support them to overcome this kind of issues that happen in their life. So, I still think that peers can play an important role by organizing this kind of campaign to overcome the issue of being cyberbullied. What do you think, Ween Huii? Do you agree with my point? Ween Huii: I’m sorry but I have to disagree with you. In my opinion, I think that peers have poor social skills to communicate with their friends. The peers may not realise their words or sentences that come from them will make their friends feel depressed or hurt. At the same time, I think that the parents play a more important role compared to the peers because parents know their child well. However, even peers can be the ones who include in cyberbullying but parents will not. I believe that parents can guide their children from cyberbullying because they have good...good skills to deal with their children. Chew Peng: Yes, I agree completely. Yes…can you guys heard me? Ermm..ok. It is most certain that immaturity of the peers has prevent them from tackling the cyberbullying. As I said just now, during

the school day, people always get along with their peers. So this… this may easily to cause the dispute happen. When they don’t know how to express their feelings or they don’t know how to solve the misunderstanding in a right way, they will… they possible to choose the unethical behaviour like cyberbullying others. This is because cyberbullying is a easy way to for them to express their feeling. So, I think this irresponsible behaviour unable them to tackle the cyberbullying ya. Mary: Im sorry to say that I have a different, I see things a little bit different from what Chew Peng said just now because I still think that peers can, can play an important role as they can be the one to correct the perceptions of each other, like people usually follow what their friends did in order to mix and fit in with their friends. So, for example like, when they look someone is cyberbullying others, they will try to follow it because they think that if they follow, they will become in the same group and this will prevent them from becoming the victim of cyberbullying. So, if we did it another way round, like we actually spread positive vibes among them, they actually will also follow it. When more and more people, they they start to practice this behavior, this no-cyberbullying behavior, they will, the awareness of the cyberbullying will increase. Ya, so when the peers, they start to spread the fact that actually most people do not cyberbullied others, they will think that the behavior of no cyber, not cyberbullying others is actually normal in their daily life. So, I still think that peers can play an important role where they can take up the responsibilities to spread the fact that mostly people do not cyberbullied others. Ya, that is my point. Syahira: So, in conclusion we can see that, Mary still stand with her opinion while the others are disagree. Right? Mary: Yes. Chew Peng: Yes. Ween Huii: Yes. Syahira: So, we can conclude peers can’t play an important role because they still not mature to handle this problem which they need a guidance on how to handle this problem more efficiently. So, that’s all from us. Thank you. Mary: Thank you. Ween Huii: Thank you. Chew Peng: Thank you....

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