Guinea Fowl Farming PDF

Title Guinea Fowl Farming
Author Edmund Dasori
Institution Takoradi Polytechnic
Pages 8
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File Type PDF
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agricultural and farming for Ghanaian 1. Explain the handover procedures for products or assets. This must include the details of when the handover should take place and how to confirm the exact time of transfer, and why it is vital to detail the exact time of transfer...


Gui neaFowlFar mi ng:Busi ness St ar t i ngPl anForBegi nner s February 23, 2021 Poultry No Comments ROY'S FARM Thegui neaf owl ar epoul t r ybi r dsor i gi nat i ngf r om Af r i ca.Manypoul t r yf ar mer si nAf r i ca ar edoi ngGui neaFowlf ar mi ngbusi nesssuccessf ul l y ,mai nl yf ormaki ngpr ofit s. TheGui neaf owl sar eal sosomet i mescal l edasguineas,pintades orgleanies. Theywer eact ual l ywi l dbi r dsandt hemoder nbi r dsar et hedomest i cat edf or m oft he hel met edGui neaFowl . ur k ey s,par t r i dgesandpheasant s. Andt heyar er el at edt oot hergamebi r dssuchast het Ther ei sevi dencet hatdomest i cGui neaFowl wer epr esenti nGr eecebyt he5t hcent ur y BC,al t hought heex actt i mi ngoft hei rdomest i cat i oni sunknown. Thegui neaf owlar ever yhar dy ,vi gor ousandl ar gel ydi seasef r eebi r ds.Theyar e i nc r easi ngl ypopul aramongt hek eeper sofsmal landbacky ar dflocks . Cur r ent l yt heyar eav ai l abl enotonl yi nAf r i ca,butal sof oundandpopul art hr oughoutt he wor l d. Peopl epr ef ergui neaf owlf ar mi ngf ormanyr easons.Thegui neassoundanal ar m whenev eranyt hi ngunusualocc ur sont hef ar m,andt hel oudsoundhasal sobeen shownt odi scour ager odent sf r om i nvadi ngt hear ea. Somepeopl efindt hi st obeanui sance,butot her sfindi tt obeaneffect i vet oolf or pr ot ect i ngt hef ar m. Thegui neasar eal soaneffect i vemeansofpestcont r ol .Theflocksofgui neasgener al l y wi l lki l l andeatmi ceandsmal l r at s. Theycanal sobeusedf orcont r ol l i ngi nsect s ,wi t houtaffect i nggar denv eget abl esor flower s.Theyar eusedf orcont r ol l i ngwoodt i cksandi nsect ssuchascr i ck et s, gr ass hopper sandfli es. Ther ear eal sosomedownf al l sofgui neaf owlf ar mi ng.Theyar enoi s y ,soy our nei ghbor smi ghtnotappr eci at eyournewflock. Gui neasgener al l ymuchpr ef ert or oam f r eel y ,al t hought heycanbek eptconfined.The mor espacey ouhav et oal l owy ourbi r dst or oam,t hehappi ert heywi l lbe. I nmostcases,t hegui neasar enotast ameast hechi ck ensandt heyar ehar dt ocat chi f y oul ett hem r oam.However ,r eadsomemor ei nf or mat i onaboutgui neaf owl f ar mi ng bel ow.

Table of Contents Advantages of Guinea Fowl Farming Business How to Start Guinea Fowl Farming Business Select a Good Location Housing Select and Purchase Guineas Feeding Breeding Caring

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Diseases & Health Problems Marketing Additional Guinea Fowl Information

Adv ant agesOfGui neaFowlFar mi ngBusi nes s Gui neaf owl f ar mi ngi snotanewbusi nessi dea.Peopl ear er ai si ngt hem asdomest i c poul t r ybi r dsf r om t heanci entt i me. I ti sagoodpoul t r ybi r dandr ai si ngt hesebi r dsi sr el at i v el yeas y .Her ewear et r yi ngt o desc r i bet het opadvant agesofgui neaf owlf ar mi ngbusi ness .        

I t ’ snotanewbusi ness ,andmanypeopl ear eal r eadyr ai si nggui neaf owl sf or maki ngpr ofit s,andal sof orpr oduci ngf ood. Gui neaf owl sar er el at i v el yst r ongandhar dybi r dsascompar edt omanyot her domest i cpoul t r ybi r ds.So,r ai si ngandcar i ngt hem i sr el at i v el yeasy . Gui neasar er el at i vel ysmal l ersi z edbi r ds,sot heywi l l r equi r el esshousi ngspace. Andt hei raccommodat i oncost sar er el at i v el yl ess . Ast heyar ev er yst r ongandhar dy ,sot heysufferl essbydi seasesorot herheal t h pr obl ems. Youcanf eedt hem wi t hal mostev er yt hi ngwhatyoucanmanageeasi l y . Commer ci alpr oduct i oni sv er ypr ofit abl e.Andi tcanbeagoodempl oyment sour cef ort heeducat edunempl oy edpeopl e. Demandofgui neaf owlpr oduct si sgood.So,y oudon’ thav et owor r ymuchabout mar k et i ngy ourpr oduct s . Youcanenj oyf r eshgui neaf owlmeatoreggsi fy oust ar ty ourowngui neaf owl f ar mi ngbusi ness .

HowToSt ar tGui neaFowlFar mi ngBus i nes s St epsf ors t ar i nggui neaf owlf ar mi ngbusi nessi sal mostsi mi l art oot herpoul t r ybi r ds, ck ens.Butbef or est ar i ngaflock ,y oumustcheckl ocalz oni ngr egul at i onst o suchaschi makesur et hatr ai s i nggamebi r di sper mi t t ed. Checki ngt hi si si mpor t antspeci al l ywhens t ar t i nggui neaf owlf ar mi ng,becauset heywi l l r angeandc r osst heboundar i esofasmal l l ot .Theyar egener al l ypr et t yqui et ,butcan bever ynoi s yi fdi s t ur bed.

Theyar egener al l ymor eact i v et hant hechi ck ensandnott amedeasi l y ,andt heyseem t or et ai nsomeoft hei rwi l dbehavi or .However ,r eadt hest epsf orst ar t i nggui neaf owl f ar mi ngbusi nesscar ef ul l y .

Sel ectAGoodLocat i on Youhav et osel ectaver ygoodl ocat i onwi t hal l r equi r edf aci l i t i es.Youcanal sousey our exi st i ngl andf orr ai s i nggui neas.Consi derf ol l owi ngcr i t er i awhi l esel ect i ngl andf or gui neaf owlf ar mi ng.    

Sel ectacal m,noi seandpol l ut i onf r eel ocat i onf orr ai si nggui neas. Ensur egoodsuppl yofadequat eamountofcl eanandf r eshwat er . Havi ngel ect r i ci t yf aci l i t ywi l lbegood. Ensur egoodt r anspor t at i ons ys t em i sav ai l abl eneart hesel ect edl and.

Housi ng TheGui neasgener al l yr equi r el esshousi ngf aci l i t i escompar edt oot hercommonpoul t r y bi r ds.

Theyar eof t enl ef tt of endf ort hemsel ves .Buti ti swi set opr ovi deashel t erf or pr ot ect i ngt hem f r om hi ghwi nds,sun,col d,r ai nandpr edat or s. Thei rhouseorshel t ercanbear oom al l ocat edi nt hebar norapur posebui l tf aci l i t y speci fic al l yf orgui neas. Gener al l y23squar ef eetspacewi l lbegoodf oreachbi r d.I ti si mpor t antt opr ovi det he gui neaspl ent yofr oom,i fy ouconfiney ourbi r ds. Themor er oom t heyhav e,t hel essl i k el yt heyar et obecomest r essed. Consi dergoodfloor i ngf aci l i t i es,andt heflooroft hepens houl dbecov er edwi t han absor bentbeddi ngmat er i alsuchaswoodshavi ngsorchoppedhayorst r aw. I ft hel i t t eri skeptdr y ,i tcans t ayi npl acef orsev er almont hs.Pr ovi di ngper chesi sv er y i mpor t ant ,becausegui neaf owlpr ef ert or oost . Youmustk eepyourgui neasi ncov er edpens,i fy ouwantt ok eepy ourbi r dsf r om wander i ngi naspeci ficar ea. Thegui neasar eex cel l entfly er s,andt heyar eabl et oflyataver year l yage.Theyar e abl et oflyupt o400500f eetatat i me. Theyar eal sov er ygoodr unner sandt heypr ef ert omov eonf oot ,i ncl udi ngwhen escapi ngf r om pr edat or s. I fy ouhav echi ck ensi ny ourf ar m,t heny oushoul dnotconfinet hemal egui neaswi t h chi ck ensespeci al l yi ft her ear er oost er si nt hesameflock. Thegui neaswi l lchaset her oost er s,k eepi ngt hem f r om f oodandwat erwhent hemal e gui neasar ehousedwi t ht her oost er sf ul l t i me. Buti fy ourflocki sal l owedt or angef r eel ydur i ngt hedayandi sl ock eduponl yatni ght ,i t i ssaf et ok eept hegui neasandr oost er si nt hes amebar n. I tal s osaf et ohouset hem t oget heri nashor t t er m emer gencysuchasabl i zz ar dor ot herbadweat her . Pr ovi dey ourgui neaswi t hsomenestboxesi fy ouar ek eepi ngy ourbi r dsf oregg pr oduct i on( f orhat chi ngorhumanconsumpt i on) . Nestboxesav ai l abl ei nt hemar k etwhi char edesi gnedf ort hechi ck ensar egener al l y accept abl e.

Youcanal sopr ovi det hem somehomemadenestbox es.Keept hegui neahens confinedt ot hehouseunt i l nooneachdaysot hatt heywi l ll ayeggsi nsi de.Doi ngt hi s wi l lr educet hel i k el i hoodofhensl ay i ngeggsi nhi ddennest sout si de.

Sel ectAndPur c haseGui neas Af t erset t i ngt hehouseorshel t er ,consi derpur chasi nghi ghqual i t ybi r dsf r om l ocal br eeder s ,onl i nesel l er sorf eedst or es. Youcanei t herbuyadul tork eet s .Buti twi l lbemucheasi ert ot amet hebi r dsi fy oucan r ai set hem f r om k eet s. Pur chasi ngheal t hyandhi ghqual i t yk eet si st hekeyt osuccessi ngui neaf owlf ar mi ng busi ness . Thegui neasar eav ai l abl ei navar i et yof‘ pur ebr ed’col or s.Butmanyoft hebi r dsar e cr oss br ed,r esul t i ngi nmul t i col or edf eat her s. Feat hercol oroft hesebi r dsi st heonl ydi ffer encebet weent hedi ffer entv ar i et i es.The gui neasar emonogamouscr eat ur es,pur chasi ngt hem i npai r si sbest . I dent i f yi ngmal eandandf emal ebi r dsi sver ydi fficul t ,butnoti mpossi bl e.Youcan i dent i f ymal eandf emal ei fy oul ookf ort heset hi ngs.    

Themal esgener al l yhav el ar gerwat t l est hant hef emal es . Thef emal esgener al l ymak eat wos yl l abl esound,whi l et hemal esmak ea si ngl esy l l abl esound. Themal eshav eanar r oweropeni ngbet weent hei rpel v i cbonest hant hef emal es. I fy ouhol dt hegui neaunderonear m andusey ourf r eehandt of eelt hebones, y oushoul dnot i ceadi st anceofaboutt wofinger sonmal esandt hr eefinger son f emal es. Af t erpur chasi ngt hebi r ds,i ti sbestt ok eept hem confinedf oraweekort wot ol ett hem becomeaccust omedt ot hei rnewhome. Theycoul dr unaway ,i fy oul ett hem outr i ghtaway .I ti sgoodt oconfinet hem i napen wher et heycanseet hear eawher et heywi l lbel i v i ng.Letonebi r doutaf t ert hei ni t i al coupl eofweeks . Ast hegui neashat et obeal one,sot hes i ngl ebi r dwi l lnotgof arandwi l l l ear ni t ’ sway ar oundt hear ea. Letasecondgui neaoutaf t eraf ewdayst or oundwi t ht hefir st .I ti sgener al l ysaf et ol et t her estout ,i ft heyst ayneart hepen.

Feedi ng Thegui neasgener al l yl ovet or oam f r eel y ,andt heyf or agef ort hemsel vesandar eabl e t omeetmostoft hei rnut r i t i onr equi r ement sont hei rown. Theygener al l yconsumeavar i et yofi nsect sandar achni ds,weedseeds,sl ugs,wor ms andcat er pi l l ar s.Theyneedt oconsumesomegr eensf ormai nt ai ni nggooddi gest i on. Sot heyeatgr asses,weeds ,dandel i onsandot herv eget at i on.I ti si mpor t antt oensur e t heavai l abi l i t yofgr i t ,becauset heyl ovet oconsumev eget at i on. Theyal sobenefitf r om havi ngoy st ershel lavai l abl e.Theygener al l ypr ef erwheat , sor ghum ormi l l etgr ai nandt heywi l li gnor ewhol ecor nk er nel s . Res t r i ct i ngt hei rf eedwi l l encour aget hem t ospendmor et i meeat i ngi nsect si fy ouar e k eepi ngt hem f orpestcont r ol . I fy ouwantt ok eepy ourbi r dsconfined,andi ft heyar enotal l owedt of or agef r eel yt hen y oucanf eedt hem commer ci alpoul t r yf eed. Usi ngunmedi cat edf eedsi sgoodf ort hem.Compar edt ochi ck ens,t hegui neasr equi r e ahi gherpr ot ei nenr i chedf eed.Butt heygener al l ydoqui t ewel lonr egul arpoul t r ydi et . Thek eet sneedext r apr ot ei n,sok eepi ngbet ween24and26per centpr ot ei nwi l l be good.Thepr ot ei nl evel shoul dber educedt o18% t o20% f ort hefif t ht oei ght hweeks . Af t erei ghtweeks ,t hek eet scanbef eda16% l ay ermash.Youcanmi xahi gherpr ot ei n f eedwi t hal y i nghenmasht ogett hepr operpr ot ei nl ev el ,i fy oucan’ tfindf eedsi nt he pr operpr ot ei nl evel s. Pel l et edf eedi snotr ecommendedf ort hegui neas,andt heyshoul dbef edmashor cr umbl es . Pr ovi di ngs uppl ement algr eenswi l lbegoodf ort hegui neas( suchasl eaf yal f al f a) ,and t heywi l l eatt hel eav es. I ti sal s oi mpor t antt or emoveanyl ef t ov er sdai l yf orpr ev ent i ngamol dpr obl em.

Br eedi ng Li k emanyot herpoul t r ybi r ds,t hegui neaf owl sar enat ur al l yv er ygoodbr eeder s.They wi l lbr eedeasi l yandpr oducef er t i l eeggsi fy ouk eepgoodr at i oofmal eandf emal esi n y ourflock. Gener al l yonemal ei sk eptwi t honef emal e.Buty oucani ncr eas et henumberof f emal es.Onemal ebi r dwi l lbeenought obr eed56f emal es.

Car i ng Thegui neaf owlar enott oogoodf ort aki ngcar eoft hei rdel i cat el i t t l ek eet s .Theywi l l somet i meabandonanestev enaf t ert hehenhasgot t enbr oodyandspentsev er al ni ght sont heeggs. Mov et heeggst oani ncubat orr i ghtaway ,i fy ounot i cet hatanesthasbeenabandoned. Youcanuseast or eboughti ncubat or ,f ol l owi ngt hei nst r uct i onsf ori ncubat i ngt ur k eyor pheasanteggsi fnospeci fici nst r uct i onsar epr ovi dedf orgui neaeggs.Thei ncubat i on per i odi sbet ween26and28day s. Youwi l l needt ocar ef ort hek eet soncet heyhav ehat ched.Theyneedt ocar eunt i lt hey hav ef ul l ydevel opedf eat her sandar est r ongenought ohol dt hei rownwi t ht her estof pf ulf orhat chi ngt heeggsandr ai s i ngt hek eet s. t hefl ock.Usi ngabr oodyhencanbehel

Di seas es&Heal t hPr obl ems Gui neaf owl sar ever yst r ongandhar dybi r ds,andt heyar el esssuscept i bl et odi seases andot herheal t hpr obl ems.Al t hough,y oushoul dal waysk eepgoodcont actwi t haveti n y ourar ea.

Mar k et i ng Mar k et i nggui neaf owlpr oduct si sv er yeasyands i mpl e.Gui neaf owlpr oduct s( bot h meatandeggs)hav ever ygooddemandandv al uei nt hemar k et .Hopey ouwi l l beabl e t omar k ety ourpr oduct seasi l y .

Addi t i onal Gui neaFowl I nf or mat i on  

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Gui neaf owl f ar mi ngi sf unandpr ofit abl eatt hes amet i mei fy oucanmanage ev er yt hi ngper f ect l y . Thegui neasar egener al l yr ai sedasv al uabl epestcont r ol l er s,eat i ngmany i ns ect s.Theyar eespeci al l ybenefic i ali ncont r ol l i ngt heLy medi seasecar r yi ngdeert i ck, aswel laswaspnest s . Butt heyar er ar el yk epti nl ar genumber s.Mostoft hef ar mer susedt ok eepaf ew gui neaswi t hot herf owlt obeusedasasecur i t ys ys t em agai nstbi r dsofpr ey . Theycanal sober ai sedf orbot hmeatandeggpr oduct i on.Thei reggscanbe eat enj ustl i k echi ck eneggs.Meatoft heyoungbi r dsi st enderandt ast esl i k et hatofwi l d gamebi r ds. Themeati sl eanandr i c hi ness ent i alami noac i ds.Themeatcanbecook ed usi nganyr eci pet hatcal l sf orchi ck en. Manycol orv ar i at i onsoft hegui neasav ai l abl ewi t hi nt hedomest i cat edspeci es. Thesecol orv ar i et i esi ncl udewhi t e,sl at e,chocol at e,pur pl e,br onz e,buff dundot t e,bl onde,cor albl ue,l avenderandv ar i ouspi eds. Thr eemai nvar i et i esar er ai s edi nt heUni t edSt at eswhi char el avender ,pear land whi t e.

Butt hepear lv ar i et yi st hemostpopul arandt ypi cal l yt heonet hatpeopl e r ecogni z emostr eadi l y .Andt hef eat her sf r om t hepear lv ar i et yar eof t enusedf or or nament alpur poses. Al way st r yt ot ak egoodcar eofy ourbi r dsi fy ouwantt ogai nsuccessi ngui nea f owl f ar mi ng. Thesear et hest epsandway sf orst ar t i ngandoper at i ngasuccess f ulgui neaf owl f ar mi ngbusi ness .Hopet hi sgui dehashel pedy ou!Goodl uck&mayGodbl essy ou!...

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