Guzman, Roxan JOY O. (AN Inconvenient Truth AND Letter Written IN 2070) PDF

Title Guzman, Roxan JOY O. (AN Inconvenient Truth AND Letter Written IN 2070)
Author Roxan Joy Guzman
Course Bachelor of Secondary Education
Institution Cagayan State University
Pages 4
File Size 159.7 KB
File Type PDF
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reaction paper of the movie an inconvenient truth and the short film a letter written in 2070. the content of these essays will surely give you good insights about the said movie and short film....


AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH An Inconvenient Truth is a documentary film directed by Davis Guggenheim in 2006 about former US Vice President Al Gore's campaign to raise awareness about global warming. Al Gore covers a wide range of current critical environmental concerns and their anticipated implications in his speech. Fundamental theories, scientific data, and strong evidences back up Gore's claim. The basic principle of global warming, as depicted in the documentary, is that greenhouse gases trap the sun's heat in the earth's atmosphere, causing the globe to warm. Based on the movie, it showed the facts of the differences of Earth's topography and nature nowadays compared to the times long ago. The differences of the facts were caused by this intriguing global warming that alarmed all the people in the world. This global warming is the result of the gradual increase of greenhouse gases in the ozone layer, thus trapping the sun's heat in the earth's atmosphere. These greenhouse gases result from human activities like fossil fuel burning, and deforestation. When Al Gore compared old and new images of the same location, I have noticed a significant difference. The glaciers are beginning to melt, as I can see. Al Gore also displayed graphs and charts demonstrating that, as CO2 generation increases year after year, the earth's temperature rises. This documentary provided me with a better understanding of what global warming is and what the implications will be if we do nothing to address it. Also, this documentary is presented in a very effective manner. Al Gore defined and explained global warming in a way that even a non-science-loving person like me could comprehend. I have heard about global warming already, possibly in elementary or high school but I knew very little about it or merely knew what it meant because I was never that much interested in that serious topic before. I was alarmed to see the various effects of the dramatic increase in carbon emissions by the world since carbon is one of the many greenhouse gasses present in the atmosphere that actively participates to the rapid warming of Earth resulting to the global rise in temperature. I love how the film asserts that everyone has the ability and obligation to save the planet, and action must be taken in order to achieve this. This film made me understood the reality of the climate crisis devastating our planet, and it was the moment I knew that I personally have to do something about it. I must say that among the films I have watch in my entire life, this one is what I considered a wakeup call and eye opener that all of my actions have consequences. And that instead of contributing to the problem, I could be part of the solution. It made me feel like I need to tell to others this alarming truth. Furthermore, the presentation is largely amusing, fascinating, engaging, and eventually persuasive. I also couldn’t fathom the fact that a politician is speaking about global

warming. Just in that film, I considered Al Gore as a concerned man speaking out about the serious crisis we are facing. This film was never boring to me because I was deeply immersed by the main character speaking facts and persuading people. I also love how he used a little sense of humor to persuade his audience. It felt to me like I was also an advocate, learning from my teacher, on how I can also spread this inconvenient truth. This gives me hope that maybe, just maybe I am helping in this battle in a small way. If we do nothing, the earth may approach a "tipping point" in roughly the next decades, resulting in the extinction of our civilization and most of the other species on the globe. It would be too late to take action once that moment was reached. I am therefore convinced that the threat of global warming is serious. It is brought about by human activity and so, humanity and its governments must act quickly to address this environmental issue

LETTER WRITTEN IN THE YEAR 2070 Letter written in the year 2070 is a mind-opening story narrating the alarming events that could possibly happen in the year 2070. It conveys a strong message that describes what life might be in the future if we continue on wasting our resources as well as ignoring the warnings regarding our environment today. It is especially made for us to realize that as inhabitants of earth, we must also do our responsibilities as caretakers of our only home or else we will all end up experiencing extreme thirst, hunger, diseases, job loss, or worst, death. The scene in the story where women are said to be going bald hit me that much because as a woman, I give importance to my hair since it contributes to my appearance. At this moment, I can imagine our world without social media, cars, gadgets but I can never imagine a world without water and trees. If that actually happens in the future, that means that we were not able to accomplish our mission, which is to save the earth. The story made me feel worried not only for my own future but for all of us. The other side of me thinks that it is impossible for such events to happen but the other half of me completely believes of its possibilities. Water is one of nature's most valuable gifts to humans. As a result, we must protect it not only for the sake of humanity, but also for the sake of plants and animals that, like us, rely on water for growth and survival. If we do not act now, the world will be in absolute chaos and destruction in the not-too-distant future; people will injure and kill one other for the ownership of water, people will die every day due to a lack of water, and mankind may face extinction. My heart aches and my mind feel restless when I think of it. Today, we may take pleasure in having vast quantities of clean, drinkable, and pure water, but will this be the case after 40 or 50 years? The advancement of civilization has brought fantastic things such as the invention of electricity, automobiles, and phones, but it has also brought a very painful downside, which is the devastation of our environment. As current residents of this globe, we must ensure that our descendants, or should I say successors, enjoy the gifts of life as much as we have. We must ensure that our children and grandchildren enjoy the same availability of water as we did. We must ensure that people have the opportunity to drink at least 8 glasses of pure water each day, to wash their bodies with water rather than towelettes, and to live for at least 80 years. The fate of the world is in our hands; we have the power to destroy it as well as save it. We must act appropriately in order to safeguard our planet, which is rapidly deteriorating.

In conclusion, this story that was recommended to me is something that I would value because of its important contents that made me wake up from the reality of our environment....

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