Hap subject outline PDF

Title Hap subject outline
Course Human Anatomy and Physiology
Institution University of Technology Sydney
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Subject Outline...


SUBJECT OUTLINE 91400 Human Anatomy and Physiology Course area

UTS: Science


Spring 2018; City

Credit points 6cp Result type

Grade and marks

Attendance: 2hrs (lectures), 3hrs (practical laboratory), 2hrs (workshops) (as per week-by-week program)

Subject coordinator Name: Dr George Herok Phone: 9514 2649 Room: CB04.07.311 Email: [email protected]

Teaching staff Dr George Herok [email protected]

Subject description In this subject students gain excellent basic knowledge in physiology, putting them in good stead for medical-oriented subjects in subsequent years and potential entrance into the medical and dentistry fields. Students learn the anatomy (structure) and physiology (function) of the healthy human body. Lectures are complemented by a supportive practical/tutorial program. The subject content includes: homeostasis; the anatomical organisation of the body and anatomical terms; and the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, endocrine, nervous, respiratory, gastrointestinal and urinary systems. Development of practical skills is a major part of the subject.

Subject learning objectives (SLOs) Upon successful completion of this subject students should be able to: 1. Communicate effectively in ways appropriate to the discipline, audience and purpose. 2. Describe the structure and function of different organs found in the body systems. 3. Explain simply and concisely basic physiological principles 4. Present data relating to a current and relevant physiological problem or condition, graphically and in a scientifically acceptable form, and to interpret the data in the context of your knowledge and understanding of the material covered in the subject.

Course intended learning outcomes (CILOs) This subject also contributes specifically to the development of following course intended learning outcomes: An understanding of the nature, practice and application of the chosen science discipline. (1.0) Encompasses problem-solving, critical thinking and analysis attributes and an understanding of the scientific method of knowledge acquisition. (2.0) An understanding of the different forms of communication - writing, reading, speaking, listening - including visual and graphical, within science and beyond and the ability to apply these appropriately and effectively for different audiences. (6.0)

Contribution to the development of graduate attributes Human Anatomy and Physiology is a Stage 2 core subject in the Medical Science, Biomedical Science, Forensic Biology and Biotechnology degree courses. It presents fundamental knowledge and skills required for most Stage 3 to

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6 subjects. The organisation and delivery of Human Anatomy and Physiology will assist students to develop the following graduate attributes: 1. Disciplinary knowledge and its appropriate application An understanding of the nature, practice & application of the chosen science discipline, students will develop this attribute via lectures and practicals. Students will be at times encouraged to interact with each other and the lecturer so that basic concepts in physiology are well understood. It is endeavoured that students will acquire an appreciation of the central role of science in society. UTS Online tests and formal examinations are all designed to provide the student with an opportunity to consolidate their learning and let them assess their developing knowledge in the subject and to determine their mastery of the content of this subject. 2. An Inquiry-oriented approach An understanding of the scientific method of knowledge acquisition. Encompasses problem solving, critical thinking and analysis attributes, and the ability to discover new understandings. Students will be required to attend practical classes which will enhance their knowledge gained in lectures and allow students to encompass problem solving and to gain an understanding of the observational and experimental character of science and development of basic skills in laboratory techniques, and experimental design. These tasks will allow students to develop critical and independent thinking and gain an appreciation of the clinical applications of physiology. Students will be required to do an oral presentation assessmnet task during which students will be expected to do some research for adequate completion of the assignment. This assessment task will encourage students to develop critical and independent thinking by preparing for the oral presentation. 6. Communication skills Students will be guided and taught how to deliver oral presentations. Based on employer surveys oral communication skills is the most highly ranked graduate attribute desired by employers from new graduates. Students will be required to choose a current news item or recent media release related to human physiology and deliver a 3 minute presentation to the class. Students will receive feedback after the talk. Students will begin to develop oral presentation skills by demonstrating the ability to apply these learnt tools so as to communicate appropriately and effectively to different audiences.

Teaching and learning strategies Face-to-face classes will incorporate a range of teaching and learning strategies including lectures, short presentations, videos, simulations and student laboratory group work. These will be complemented by independent student reading, laboratory quizzes and participation in online quizzes. Students are required to routinely check the lecture, laboratory session timetables and UTSOnline for the times and locations of lectures, labs and dates for assessment tasks. Lectures: Students undertaking this subject generally enjoy the lectures, which contain many examples of clinical scenarios to enhance the learning process. Students should be able to relate normal physiological parameters to changes in these parameters in the disease state. Examining briefly a variety of case studies allows students understanding of the normal physiology to be reinforced and cemented. For example within the lecture on bones the case study might be "osteoporosis" which is always in the media and possibly students relatives are afflicted with this disease. It is authentic learning which students can relate to quite easily. Prior to developing the case study students will be asked three simple questions pertaining to that lecture just to examine their own understanding and recall of information. There will be a lecture on the do's and don'ts on oral presentation skills which will help students in completing the assessmnet task later on in the semester on this exact topic. So the lecture delivery is converted from purely didatic teaching to a more interactive environment by engaging with the students. Practicals: These sessions allow students to engage in practicals which are relevant to the outside world experiences. For example when it is very cold your hands go pale - Why?? Students do practicals that answer these everyday questions by making physiology fun and relevant. One of the practical sessions looks at real human cadavers in the Anatomy laboratory allowing students to visualize and feel body structures. Another practical involves a clinical scenario in which the person ends up in hospital. Using Simman (robotic dummies) in which physiological parameters can be programmed into to mimic the real life scenario. Students engage with Simman like a real life person as it can talk by a voice over from a nurse in the control room as the patient's voice. Students participate in a role play with half the group being the patients friend and the other half the health care workers. This process engages

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students to learn some basic physiology in a more interactive manner. This process is facilitated by experience tutors. Students will be encouraged to participate in interactive physiological experiments which will enhance knowledge on how to design an experiment and how to collect and interpret scientific data. Workshop: Students wil have the opportunity to work collaboratively to refine their oral presentations. Facilitators will be present to offer assistance as needed.

Content (topics) 1. TISSUES LECTURE:Characteristics and common locations of epithelium, connective tissue, nervous tissue and muscle tissue (including illustrations of common examples). PRACTICAL:Observing the different tissue types under the microscope. 2. ENDOCRINE SYSTEM LECTURES: An overview of major endocrine organs and hormones, including target cell specificity and negative feedback control of hormone release. PRACTICAL:Blood glucose levels will be measured on samples provided to mimic diabetic and non-diabetic blood glucose responses to a glucose tolerance test. 3. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM LECTURES: The structure and function of the heart and blood vessels and a description of the electrical and mechanical events in the cardiac cycle. PRACTICALS:Sheep heart dissection and location major blood vessels. Student participation- measuring pulse rate and blood pressure, observing changes in the ECG before and after exercise. Perpheral vasoconstriction experiments e.g. changes in blood flow through the fingers when exposed to the cold. 4. NERVOUS SYSTEM LECTURES: Organisation structure and function of the central and peripheral nervous systems. The basic neurophysiology describing membrane potentials, action potentials and the action of neurotransmitters on receptors. Sensory and motor function. Selected examples of reflex activity. PRACTICALS: Sheep brain dissection, histology of neural trissue, assessing the function of cranial nerves, observe different reflexes by using a variety of stimuli e.g. neurological hammer, penlight. 5. INTRO TO A&P AND HOMEOSTASIS LECTURE: The language of medicine – an introduction to terminology in anatomy, histology and physiology to identify and describe the composition, structure and function of body organs and systems. The concept of homeostasis – the maintenance of a stable state. Control mechanisms to achieve homeostasis i.e. negative and positive feedback. PRACTICAL: Body organisation and Anatomical terms (both in the Anatomy laboratory and Physioogy laboratory). 6. SKELETON AND MUSCLES LECTURES: Bone structure, development, ageing and homeostasis. General functions of bone. Classification of bones, according to shape and location in the axial or appendicular skeleton. Joint classification, structure and function, their importance in growth and in mobility in an ageing population. Classification and naming of muscles according to shape and or location. Skeletal muscle structure including gross anatomy of selected muscles and the microscopic anatomy of muscle fibres. Muscle physiology and metabolism including synaptic transmission at the motor end-plate, muscle contraction, tone and fatigue. Isotonic versus isometric contraction, twitch, treppe and tetany. PRACTICAL: Bones, Joints and Muscles (both in the Anatomy laboratory and Physioogy laboratory). 7. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM LECTURES: The functional anatomy of the nasal passages, the pharynx, larynx, trachea and bronchial tree. Pressure changes in the lungs during ventilation and the four gas laws. The exchange of gases in the alveoli. The transport of oxygen from the lungs to the periphery and the transport of carbon dioxide back to the lungs. Control of respiration. PRACTICAL: Dissection of sheep's pluck, gross/micro anatomy of the respiratory tract. Students can measure their lung function using Spirometry and Vitalograph measurements. Investigate various aspects of breathing e.g. breath-holding, hyperventilation, rebreathing and the relationship between breathing and heart rate. The diving reflex response when the face is exposed to cold water. 8. GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM 26/07/2018 (Spring 2018)

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LECTURES: The structural plan and histology of the digestive tract. The structure and function of the digestive organs including enzyme action, the absorption of nutrients and elimination of wastes. 9. EXCRETORY SYSTEM LECTURES: Anatomy of the kidney and associated excretory organs. Kidney physiology - mechanisms of urine formation, counter current multiplier and counter current exchanger, release of various hormones by the kidney in reponse to changing blood pressure and acid-base balance. PRACTICAL: Sheep kidney dissection. The use of multistix in urine for identifying various urinary markers. A video will be shown on renal function.. There will be one Anatomy practical in which students will observe human cadavers, as well as four interactive physiological practicals (Lab Tutor) incorporated into the Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems. This lectures in this subject are repeated due to large class numbers. There may be small changes from week to week so students MUST look at Announcements in Blackboard for updated messages.

Program Week/Session




30 July

Lecture Topics: Endocrine System 1 Endocrine System 2 Notes: Practicals: Glucose and Cholesterol measurements


6 Aug

Lecture Topics: Bone Heart Notes: Practicals: Peripheral Circulation, Cardiovascular and ECG


13 Aug

Lecture Topics: Conduction system of heart Cardiodymanics of cardiovascular system Notes: Practicals: Blood Pressure


20 Aug

Lecture Topics: There is NO lecture on Monday 20th Aug 3 - 4 pm and Friday 24th Aug 8 - 9 am Muscle 1 Notes: Practicals:

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27 Aug

Lecture Topics: Muscle 2 Respiration 1 Notes: Practicals: Breath Holding


3 Sept

Lecture Topics: Respiration 2 Respiration 3 Notes: Pracicals: Diving Reflex Quiz 1 - (Endocrine, Bone and Muscles)


17 Sept

Lecture Topics: Neuro 1 Neuro 2 Notes: Practicals: Nervous System


24 Sept

Lecture Topics: Neuro 3 Renal 1 Notes: Practicals: Anatomy Laboratory


1 Oct

Lecture Topis: NO lectures this week due to the long weeek-end Notes: Practicals:

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Manikin Study


8 Oct

Lecture Topics: Renal 2 Oral communication Notes: Practicals: Renal system Quiz 2 - Nervous System, Brain and Spinal cord


15 Oct

Lecture Topics: Digestion 1 Digestion 2 Notes: Practicals: Oral Presentations


22 Oct

Lecture Topics: Stuvac Week Notes: Practicals: No practicals

In the above program, the Description gives lecture content and the Notes column gives the Practical and Workshops content.

Additional information PRACTICAL CLASSES Attendance at Practical Classes You are required to attend at least 80% of practical classes. The demonstrators will record your attendance/absence on a roll. It is YOUR responsibility to ensure your attendance has been recorded before you leave the practical class each week. There will be two short class tests held in weeks 3 and 7. These are compulsory and part of the assessment. The Manikin simulation practical held in week 11 is compulsory as there are assessment tasks centered around this practical. (1) There will be no exemptions from practical classes. (2) You must attend the practical class, for which you are enrolled. (3) EXCEPTION : If students do not wish to participate in the Anatomy practical (Week 8) where human bodies will be visible please inform the subject coordinator. Students will not be penalised. This is not compulsory to attend. (4) The ONLY procedure for seeking to change practical classes is to: a. FIRST find another student to swap classes with using the student email system. b. SECOND print the emails confirming classes and details for both students. 26/07/2018 (Spring 2018)

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c. THIRD send the emails that confirm classes and details for both students to the subject co-ordinator.

Assessment Assessment task 1: Online Quizzes Intent:

This assessmnet task contributes to the development of the following graduate attributes: 1. Disciplinary knowledge and it's appropriate application.

Objective(s): This assessment task addresses subject learning objective(s): 2 and 3 This assessment task contributes to the development of course intended learning outcome(s): 1.0 Weight:



There will be a number of low stake Online Quizzes throughout the course which will comprise 10% of the total mark. This allows for continuous assessment of material presented in lectures and practicals.


There will be a number of compulsory on-line quizzes which will be on-going throughout the semester. Students will be notified of these quizzes in UTSOnline and at lectures.


You will be assessed on the conceptual understanding and comprehension of basic human physiology. MCQ are assessed for correctness and accuracy of disciplinary knowledge. It may also include calculations; use of equations and the application of acquired knowledge to interpret some complex questions.

Further Details of quiz content are available in the Program section of the Student Outline. This will also be information: announced in lectures and details placed under Announcements in Blackboard.

Assessment task 2: Lab Quizzes Intent:

This assessmnet task contributes to the development of the following graduate attributes: 1. Disciplinary knowledge and its appropriate application. 2. An inquiry oriented approach.

Objective(s): This assessment task addresses subject learning objective(s): 2, 3 and 4 This assessment task contributes to the development of course intended learning outcome(s): 1.0 and 2.0 Weight:



Two lab quizzes will take place throughout the course. The quizzes may take the form of multiple choice questions, short answers and calculations based on the practicals and on the content in lectures.Mathematical skills will be developed using equations and calculations to analyse and interpret data. The date of these lab quizzes can be found in the Program schedule and will be announced on Blackboard prior to taking place.

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The In class tests will take place in Week 6 (week starting 3rd September) and in Week 10 (week starting the 8th October). Class test 1 will examine Muscle, Bone Endocrine. Class test 2 will examine Nervous system.


You will be assessed on: • Accuracy of data collection • Thoroughness • Conceptual understanding and comprehension of basic physiology • Synthesis and interpretation of scientific data.

Assessment task 3: Oral Presentation Intent:

This assessment task contributes to the development of the following graduate attributes: 2. An inquiry-oriented approach. 6. Communication skills.

Objective(s): This assessment task addresses subject learning objective(s): 1 This assessment task contributes to the development of course intended learning outcome(s): 2.0 and 6.0 Weight:



Students will be asked to deliver a 3-minute oral presentation to the class during the lab time slot. Students will be asked to choose any area of human physiology and deliver an i...

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