Haris Zahid (02-132182-024) PDF

Title Haris Zahid (02-132182-024)
Author Haris Zahid
Course Technical Writing
Institution Bahria University
Pages 4
File Size 103.2 KB
File Type PDF
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The overview briefly introduces the need, process for, and good practices of integrating communications into transportation research....


Anal yz et hepr obl em( s) .Todoso,br ai nst or m.Whatgapsmi ghtexi st causi ngt hesepr obl ems ? ANSWER:

Caroline Jensen : The problem noted is that Caroline Jensen misses work meetings due to childcare issues. Another problem is that the meeting time is fixed to be at 8.00am while she arrives at 9.00am. The gaps that may exist causing these problems are that 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Caroline may not have a stable or reliable person to take care of the child. it seems there is no flexibility with the meeting times and that the meeting time does not take into consideration the company's flextime. Caroline seems to lack a stable or reliable care giver for her child During the year, there was no flexibility with the meeting time The company's flextime has not been taken into consideration while setting the time of the meeting.

Stapleton : Guy Stapleton has a problem regarding socialization and self attention. His attitude towards the team is quite unacceptable and needs to be given thorough evaluation. He is encountering problems with socialization and attention towards himself and other people. The gaps that may exist causing these problems are that 1. 2. 3.

There is a lack of respect between the members. Miss communication between leaders and the team is missing. No proper decorum and standards are presented before the meeting starts.

Sharon Mitchell : A third colleague, Sharon Mitchell, never gives her contribution during the gatherings. Her remarks are legitimate and on- subject. She will email remarks later or converse with individuals during breaks, yet not every person gets the chance to hear what she says. The gaps that may exist causing these problems are that 1) 2) 3)

Sharon is shy and hesitant to speak up Sharon lacks the confident to speak in front of the whole team she might be scared of messing things up. she is a silent women and don't reveal her-feelings and thoughts on matters so other member also corner her.

Craig Mabrito : A fourth group member, Craig Mabrito, is very impatient during his meetings. This is reflected in his verbal communication. He sighs, grabs himself, drums on the table, gets up and walks around while the others talk, this shows lack of professionalism and lack of communication skills. The gaps that may exist causing these problems are that 1) 2) 3)

he is very impatient he interrupts the meetings he lacks communication skills

Julie Jones : A fifth colleague, Julie Jones, is fierce, both verbally and genuinely. Julie raises her voice to overwhelm others as they talk, and uses mockery as weapon,focuses her fingers at individuals when she talks, standing exceptionally close to them when talking. The gaps that may exist causing these problems are that, 1) she is over aggressive by nature. 2) May be she is not aware of what she radiates whenever she act this way.

I nv entorenvi si onsol ut i ons.Howwoul dy ousol v et hepr obl ems ? Consi derHumanPer f or manceI mpr ov ementi ssues ,asdi scussedi n t hi schapt er . ANSWER: Caroline Jensen : Solution to her problems are, 1. 2. 3.

The company should consider providing a workplace based childcare facility with educators and care givers. Encourage Caroline Jensen to find a reliable care giver should the workplace not provide the workplace sponsored child care facility. Take into consideration the company's flextime while setting the meeting time and date.

Stapleton : Solutions to his problems are, 1. During meetings, any unnecessary device especially mobile phones should be prohibited. 2. Giving attention towards the members should be given emphasis, giving each member of the team enough time to letting them talk and share. 3. Orienting the team with the standard rules and regulations before the meeting starts is really effective.

Sharon Mitchell : Solutions to her problems are, I would speak to Sharon Mitchell and ask her to: 1. speak out her inputs during the team since everyone can hear them, or 2. send her inputs and opinions in an email a day before the meeting to the entire team or at least to the team leader (i.e. me) so we can know her ideas and discuss them during the meeting, 3. email her opinions about topics discussed during the meeting to the team so we all know them and can discuss them later either in the next meeting or via a conference call.

Craig Mabrito : Solutions to these problems are, 1. 2.

we can directly confront him we can tell him that moving out of meeting is not appreciated and he may lose his position.

Julie Jones : Solutions to her problems are, 1. 2.

Treat her gently and confront her about her issues. Explain her mistakes in a way that is very different from how she would correct someone.

Pl an y ourappr oach.To do so,est abl i sh v er i fiabl e measur es of success( i ncl udi ngt i mef r amesandquant i fiabl eact i ons) . ANSWER:

Caroline Jensen : The company should make the changes before or at the beginning of the new year. The company's flextime should be taken into consideration before setting the meeting time during the second year so that those using the company's flextime can also attend the meeting. If the company has a childcare facility within, then Caroline can bring her child to work and any other employee that will want to. Such a facility will also work for nursing mothers in the workplace. This will solve the problems with Caroline Jensen and other that may have the same problem within the yea

Stapleton : Emphasizing respect and due consideration to other people during meetings is very important whether its about personal matters or other member's relationship.Disregarding any

unnecessary things being used during meetings that will distract the team should be prohibited. Rules are rules and sticking to the rules must be done.

Sharon Mitchell : If Sharon is shy and hesitant to speak up I would encourage her to approach another person (i.e. me or another team member) and share her ideas with them so that at least they can inform the team (if required confidently) so that the team gains from her valuable insights. I would also send out an email asking people to share ideas by email before and after meetings and avoid discussing them privately later or keeping silent during the meeting as it doesn't contribute to team productivity or project progress.

Craig Mabrito : we can make him go through training process again. we can make him head of a project so that he will become more serious during meetings and we will also be able be to measure his performance improvements over time.

Julie Jones : To address the issue with Julie Jones, I think it is for the very best to gently confront her about her confrontational issues. You should explain her mistakes in a way that is very different from how she would correct someone like her if she was in your place. It is also for the best if you explain properly to her how she often makes the other members of the team by being so loud and invading other members' personal space. She was probably doing this because she was not aware of what she radiates whenever she act this way....

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