Harvest Moon Back To Nature Complete Guide Book PDF

Title Harvest Moon Back To Nature Complete Guide Book
Author Ezi Qurnia
Pages 70
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File Type PDF
Total Views 250


Original Books Of Ezi Qurnia Publisher: Natsume Developer: Natsume Genre: RPG Official Site: http://bokumono.com/series/harvest/hmb/index.html Release Date: USA: November 30, 2000 Japan: Unknown Harvest Moon: Back to Nature, is the 5th game in the Harvest Moon Series. Released on Playstation, this w...


Original Books Of Ezi Qurnia

Publisher: Natsume Developer: Natsume Genre: RPG Official Site: http://bokumono.com/series/harvest/hmb/index.html Release Date: USA: November 30, 2000 Japan: Unknown

Harvest Moon: Back to Nature, is the 5th game in the Harvest Moon Series. Released on Playstation, this was the first game in the series to be created for a non-Nintendo system. The game takes place in a brand new town, and features many of the same characters as Harvest Moon 64, though many of their relationships and occupations have changed. There are many new crops, festivals and events to witness as well. It was also the first game to have a strategy guide released with it by Prima.












Character Events


Church Confessional






False Secrets




Gameshark Codes




Harvest Goddess


Harvest Sprites




Legendary Fish


Power Berries










Shipping Bin




TV Show Guide




Cows Cows are the staple animal of any prosperous farm. Take good care of your cows to milk them for all their worth! You can also enter cows in the annual cow festival. Price-6,000G Chickens Chickens are also a major part of Harvest Moon. When you buy your first chicken, and feed it every day, it will give you eggs almost immediately. Chickens are great as one of your first investments to insure a steady income from selling eggs. You can own up to 10 chickens. Price-1,500G

Dog Your dog is with you from the start. You'll first meet him as a puppy, and in 3 months he will become a full grown dog. Give him attention each day, and make sure to bring him inside on a rainy day. If you get your dog up to ten hearts and train him, he may even win the Dog Race! Price- Free Horse Your horse is also given to you for free. Go to Yodel Farm during the first spring and Barley and May will be outside looking at a pony. They'll ask you to take care of it because they don't have room and will then take it to your farm for you. Make sure to buy a brush at the Blacksmith's to brush your horse each day. You will need to raise your horse's heart level to 8 by the first winter or else Barley will take the horse away. Price Free 3

Sheep- Sheep are good money makers, but they do not give wool every day. When you buy your sheep you have to brush, talk and feed it everyday. After a a good amount of time, it will turn into an adult and you will be able to shear it for wool. Price 4,000G Fish The fish are found in the various rivers and ponds around Mineral Village. You can keep fish in the pond on your farm to hold onto them as well. Buy fish food at the supermarket for 20G a meal if you choose to keep fish on the farm. Even if you have a lot of fish in your pond, you only need to put on fish food in a day. Feed them everyday, and after about 20 days, they will start reproducing. Additionally, if you place a small fish into the pond, in time it will grow to be even larger, allowing you to breed fish to sell. Price Free


In Harvest Moon, you can only have one baby. The baby can also only be a boy. They probably did this so they had to do less programming. Here are the steps to get a baby!

Love You need to "love" your wife. This means give her gifts and such. About 1 season after your marraige, your wife will become pregnant. You can go to the Clinic about one season after and she will be in there and you'll find out. Then she will stay pregnant for about 2 seasons. After 2 seasons, she will have her baby!

Baby Stage 1: Infant When your baby is first born, you won't be able to pick it up. Only your wife can pick it up. Your baby will have a heart level and it is your job to keep it up. You can't start raising it's heart level yet because you can't interact with it at all yet.

Baby Stage 2: Crawling After about a year, your baby will start crawling. You can now pick it up and give it lots of presents. An example of a gift could be hot milk. It will be dressed in a little blue mouse costume as well.

Baby Stage 3: Walking and Talking After 3 seasons of the crawling stage, your baby will begin to walk and talk. He will say things like "Goomonink da da" and other gibberish.

Baby Stage 4: More Talking


There are 5 bachelors in the game, but 4 if you don't include yourself! They are...

Rick Who he'll marry if you don't-Karen Where he lives-The Poultry Farm Other Information-Rick does not like Kai.

Cliff Who he'll marry if you don't-Ann Where he lives-At the Inn(stays there) Other Information-If you do not ask Cliff to help you harvest grapes at the vineyard in the Fall, Cliff will leave that year and not come back, so ask him to help!

Kai Who he'll marry if you don't-Popuri Where he lives-At the Seaside Lodge Other Information-Kai is only at the village during Summer, when he works at his Seaside Lodge.

the Doctor Who he'll marry if you don't-Elli Where he lives-The Clinic Other Information-none yet

Gray Who he'll marry if you don't-Mary Where he lives-At the Blacksmith Other Information-Gray is not very social, and is always trying to please Saibara.


Here is stuff about the Blacksmith like prices, what you can get, and hints!



Days Hints

1,000GUpgrade Tool 5,000G(depending on what level


Just use the tool a lot until you have the Blue stone at the bottom of the tool stats screen, and don't pay for the copper-gold upgrades. Use mystril right away. It will save money.




Get this as soon as you have around 20,000G40,000G. You'll have enough money afterward.




Get this as soon as you get a baby calf, if you can afford it.




Get this as soon as you get a sheep from the farm.

Mayonnaise Machine

20,000G, Adamantite Ore


Get this as soon as possible, great if you have a loving chicken. (get it?)

Butter Machine

20,000G, Adamantite Ore


Get only when you can afford this, grass, and a cow.

Yarn Machine

20,000G, Adamantite Ore


Useful, but you rarely get wool. Plan and get it one day before you get wool.


1,000G, Orichalc Ore


Save up 5 and give it to a girl the second you have 5. You will get a heart burst!


There are a lot of characters in Back to Nature. Many of them you will be familiar with, but they do have different jobs/personalities! Also something new in BTN, all the characters have birthdays! You can give them gifts and stuff!






Spring 19 Still Popuri's mom, but she works at the Poultry Farm now!


Summer One of the girls you can woo, she lives at the Poultry Farm and 3 her mom is Lillia and her brother is Rick!(*See girls section for more info)


Fall 27

Barley Yodel

Spring 17 Owner of the livestock farm. Old. Lives with granddaughter May and dog Hana.


Winter 26


Spring 11 Owns the Blacksmith's shop. He can make you tool upgrades, buy tools or make jewelry for your favorite girl!


Winter 6 Lives with Saibara(who is his grandpa) at the Blacksmith shop. He likes the city, and he tries to help Saibara in the shop.


Winter 15

He runs Aja Winery with his wife. He goes to the Inn at night.


Fall 11

Duke's wife, she is selling wine at Rose Square at around noon most days.

He makes all the deliveries for the Poultry Farm(and it's a guy!). He lives at the Poultry Farm.

Lives on livestock farm with Grandpa. She has black hair.



Winter 29

He owns the Grocery Store. He is very nice.


Spring 30 Jeff's wife, she is at Rose Square with other ladies talking at noon on nice days.


Fall 15


Summer A botanist and author of many books. You can find him at the 11 Inn almost every night.


Fall 23

Anna is Basil's wife. She is usually at Rose Square at noon talking with other women.


Winter 20

She runs the library and is another girl you can woo.(*See girls section for more info)


Fall 17

Is very serious and enthusiastic. He has a crush on Elli.


Spring 16 She works at the Clinic and lives wit her Grandma. Her little brother is Stu. She is also one of the girls you can marry.(*See girls section for more info)

Pastor Carter

Fall 20

He is found at church and runs all the cermonies and stuff.


Winter 11

He is Ann's father and raises her alone. He owns the Inn.


Summer Ann is the last girl you can woo. She is a tombot but is a very 17 good cook.(*See girls section for more info)


Winter 19

Another girl you can woo, she is active and lives at the Grocery Store(although she's not usually there).(*See girls section for more info)

Won will sell you exotic plant seeds and household items. He charges a lot though(and not everything is real). Find him at the Inn most of the days.



Spring 6 Cliff will leave if you don't ask him to help you harvest grapes at Duke's vineyard. He has a secret crush on Ann also. You have to become friends with him for him to stay.


Summer Kai is only at the village during the Summer. He has a crush on 22 Popuri also.


Summer Zack is the Shipper. He comes to your farm at 5 PM to collect 29 things and give you money. He is usually wandering around town, and his house is on the beach.


Spring 29 Greg is the fisherman. He's the one who'll give you your first fishing rod, and a better one if you have 50 fish in your pond.


Fall 2


Spring 2 Louis is a beekeeper who spends his time at Gotz's house. He is trying to find bees indigenous to the area. If you get bees bring him honey.

Mayor Thomas

Summer The Mayor is always visiting villagers and checking up on things. 25


Winter 2 Kano is a photographer.


Winter 13

Ellen is Elli's grandmother. She doesn't wander around, so you can always find her at the house.


Fall 5

Stu is Elli's little brother. He is usually at the path outside his house.

Gourmet Judge


The Gourmet Judge is the man who judges the Cooking Festival! That is basically the only time you see him.

Gotz is the town's carpenter. Ask him to upgrade your farm. He is usually at home , at the Grocery Store or wandering at Mother's Hill.


Harvest Sprites

Image Name


Aqua Spring 26


Spring 4


Fall 14

Hoggy Fall 10 Nappy Winter 22 Staid Spring 15 Timid Summer 16


Here are some events that aren't festivals, but they are events that have to do with the characters! Some of them may have dates, but they are when the person who sent them in witnessed them. Most events can happy at anytime in the year, any day, any time, any season! Perfume During the summer(when Kai is home), there is always a hurricane. If you found the bottle, go visit/talk to Kai the day after a hurricane. He'll fill your bottle with perfume! Sprite's Tea Party Ever wonder where everyone is getting Relaxed Tea Leaves? Well here's how! 1. Have the largest Rucksack and buy 7 flours from the supermarket in Spring 2. Go to Sprite's house between 3 and 4 pm and give each sprite a box of flour. 3. They will "invite" you to the tea party(happens automatically) and you get the tea leaves! Ann's Nap If you are married to Ann in the Spring(any year), she will have a "nap". Go halfway up Mother's Hill at any time on a Sunny Day and you'll find Ann. Ann's Birthday Party To get invited to Ann's birthday party, you must become friends with her. Try to get her heart up more than purple. If it is high enough, in the beginning of summer you'll get an invitation in the mail from Ann! It invites you to her party on the 17th! Then on the 17th go to her house between 10Am and 6PM and you'll get to attend her party! Don't forget her birthday gift! Doug's memories On Fall 5th after 5pm, go to the peak of Mother's Hill. You'll see Doug thinking about his deceased wife. Moondrops for Karen


Between the 1st and 20th of Spring if Karen likes you, she will give you some moondrop seeds. Plant them and give them to her when they bloom and she'll like you more. Popuri's Egg Sometime during the year(Summer I think) Popuri will stop by and give you an Egg. Hatch the egg and name it Popuri and she'll like you more. Dance with Karen In Spring year 2 before the New Year Festival, Karen will stop by your house between 12 and 3 to practice dancing. If you like her, dance with her at the festival that day after the event. Fireworks with Kai On Summer, Year 2, the day before the fireworks, talk to Kai at the beach between 9 and 6 and ask him to watch the fireworks with you. This will make you better friends. Give Kai Corn In Summer any year, Kai may stop by and ask to buy Corn from you, sell it to him for 50 gold to make better friends with him. Helping at Winery On the 14th of Fall, Duke will stop by and ask for help harvesting grapes. Go to the Winery everyday at 11:30 for a week until 5 and harvest. Make sure to get every berry to get 1000G. Also ask Cliff to help you that day Duke asks you to get Cliff to stay, and pick the berries at the spot Cliff goes to first to make sure you get them! White Flower During Winter, go to Ellen's house and she'll tell you about a White Flower that blooms on snowy days. After that, go to Mother's Hill's peak on a snowy day to see it. Tell Ellen and Basil about it the next day. Cute Cricket This can happen at anytime in the Fall. If you are married To Elli, Stu will give you a cricket at your farm. Taking Care of Chickens


If you have a chicken coop extention and only 5 chickens, in the Fall on the 14th-16th Rick will stop by and ask you to take care of 5 chickens. Say yes and this will increase your friendship plus you get to keep the money from the eggs. Flashing Object In Year 4 in Winter, walk past the Church after 5 p.m and you'll see a flashing object. Family During Winter, go to the Village Square after 10AM on a snowy day. You will see Cliff faint. Talk to him and you will pick up a photograph. Go to the Clinic and Cliff will be lying in bed. The Doctor asks everyone to leave. Next time you see Cliff, return his photo to become better friends with him. Water Mill In Fall(Year 1 or 2) on any day up to the 27th, Gray make come to your farm as you walk outside. He will be mad and ask to use your Mill to make a hammer. Let him do so and you will raise your friendship. He will weed your field also in return. After a few days he'll ask you to try the hammer, it'll break. Mary sees this, then go to Village Square to see Mary and Gray fight. Gray will later thank you. Hairy Creature I have a secret for you about Harvest Moon PSX. Third year,but I don't remember the day or time. You go to the woodcutter's house and there are four people standing next to it. Go and talk to them and they each will say something about a hairy, long-legged, scary monster that tries to attack them at night. Gotz will come out of his house and walk to the back where his long pile of logs is. Go and talk to him and he will say,"I have a hairy face? Don't accuse me!" or something. Then a monkey will appear and walk away. Go back to the four people (Jeff, Kai, Harris, and Stu) and the monkey will be in the center. Talk to everyone and they will say something about the monkey was the thing that was hairy, long-legged, scary monster that attacks them at night. Gotz will come back and say that the monkey came to the bottom of the mountain by mistake and will take the monkey back. Nothing happens after this. If you could please post this on your website, I would be very apreciative. It was a funny cinema. Thanks so much. Harris' Love About Fall 30th of the 1st year if you are friends with Harris, he'll come to your house at about 6:30 p.m and tell you that he was in love with Aja(Duke and Manna's daughter.) He needs help with writing a letter to her, you can either help him or not. Then the next day visit Manna and you will automatically tell her the secret. After that you do the normal and go to bed. The next 14

morning when you come outside Harris comes and tells you he's sorry to bother you with the little incident. Zack comes by and tells Harris he has a letter to give him from Aja. Zack gives him the letter and Harris leaves happy and goes to patroll. Supposedly this raises your friendship with Harris. Karen Gets Drunk While married to Karen, one evening go to the Inn (around 7pm) and Karen will be there. Ann will be talking some sense into her...because she's drunk! Ann will ask you to take her home you'll arrive home together and she will tell you she's feeling better now. Sandwiches From Elli In early winter (before the 5th) in the 1st year, Elli will come by at 12:00 to ask if you can try out her sandwitch. You eat it and she implies that you don't like it then she says she'll come back tomarrow. The next day, she comes at 12:00 to give you another kind of sandwitch and you won't like it. The next day at 12:00 she'll come back and give you a combo sandwitch and you'll like it. Her heart level will rise by 1. She'll say that she'll start making the combo sandwitches for Stu. You're just to test out the sandwitches. You MUST be at your farm at 12:00 for those three days for her heart color to rise. Eggs For Ann On the 6th of the 1st winter, Ann will come by your house to ask if you can bring 3 eggs to the inn for 3 days. If you say yes, you MUST bring 3 eggs for the next 3 days to the inn. After the 3 days, Ann's heart level will go up by one. Gotz To The Rescue/ Gotz's Past In the early winter of the 1st year (not sure what day but it should be a snowy day) go by Gotz's cabin and he'll be standing outside his door. If you go past him, he might automatically talk to you, if he doesn't, talk to him. He'll say that a blizzard's brewing in the mountains and for you to stay away for that day. If you start to head up Mother's Hill, you will be knocked out by the storm. Luckily, you'll end ...

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