Health Education Practice questions 100 items PDF

Title Health Education Practice questions 100 items
Author Cas Tan
Course Nursing
Institution Cagayan de Oro College
Pages 10
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Phinma Cagayan de Oro College Cagayan de Oro City College of NursingHEALTH EDUCATION (HES008) Periodical 2 LONG QUIZNAME:_______________ DATE:_________SECTION:_____________ C:___________GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS:This questionnaire contains 100 test questions. Shade only one (1) box for each question on y...


Phinma Cagayan de Oro College Cagayan de Oro City College of Nursing HEALTH EDUCATION (HES008) Periodical 2 LONG QUIZ NAME:_______________ DATE:_________ SECTION:_____________ C.I:___________ GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: This questionnaire contains 100 test questions. Shade only one (1) box for each question on your answer sheets. Two or more boxes shaded will invalidate your answer. Read the questions very carefully and choose the BEST answer. STRICTLY NO ERASURES. DISCIPLINE IS WHAT MATTERS. Situation 1: health education is a unique part of the nursing practice, where nurses are allowed and encouraged to impart their knowledge to their patients and fellow men, it is also collectively an intervention to help in health promotion and disease prevention 1. One of the following is a nursing aim for health education A. Disability limitation B. Prompt treatment C. Rehabilitation D. Prevention of diseases 2. In the field of nursing, health promotion is also called A. Health Promotion B. Health Education C. Public Health D. New Public Health 3. When assessing a patient in the clinic the nurse must bear in mind that an individual’s state of well-being is dynamic at A. Almost always B. From time to time C. Sometimes D. At all times 4. Which of the following is a scope of health promotion?

A. B. C. D.

Personal social services Health counseling Promote health care Tertiary health care

5. Which of the following is the nurse’s role in the health promotion? A. Health risk appraisal B. Teach client to be effective health consumer C. Worksite wellness D. None of the above 6. The following are known roles of nurseeducators, except: A. Assessing problems or deficit B. Identifying progress being made C. Evaluating learners' activity D. Provide comparison to the other learners 7. As an educator, there are many different factors to consider prior to imparting knowledge to different audiences, the following are the factors of readiness to learn except: A. Emotional B. Experimental C. Sociological D. Knowledge 8. Health education is the process by which individuals and groups of learn health related behaviors to sustain themselves in the community and in society which of the following topics are being taught in this course? Select all that apply: A. Health intervention B. Health maintenance C. Health promotion D. Health restoration 9. Although there are many reasons behind the emergence of health education , there is one that stands out the most, which of the following is one of the main objectives of Health education? A. Motivating people B. Changing people C. Discouraging people D. None of the above 10. The main principle guiding the practice of health education is: A. A systematic, comprehensive and consistent activity

B. Discouraging personal investment of an individual C. All of the above D. None of the above 11. The items given below are the guiding principles in the conduction of health education sessions to clients, except: A. Providing basic information B. Providing more detailed information and guidelines C. Drawing attention to a particular problem D. Respect environment of an individual 12. It is one of the fundamental roles of nurse educators in health education A. Leadership B. Adoption C. Trial D. Evaluation 13. As an educator, it is your role to give feedback and follow-up. A. true B. false C. maybe D. depends on the educator. 14. As an educator, it is your role to reinforce learning in the acquisition of the following; except: A. knowledge B. finances C. skills D. attitude 15. All of the following are determinants of learning, except: A. Learning needs B. Readiness to learn C. Financial Status D. Learning Style 16. As an educator, how would you conclude that the learner is already receptive to learning? A. when he/she is ready to learn, by inquiring about the topic to be discussed B. when he/she provides more time in extra activities. C. when he/she shows untoward behavior to learning. D. when he/she is always absent minded.

17. As a nurse educator, you are aware that the first step in assessment of learning needs is to: A. choose the right setting B. collect data about the learner C. Identify the learner. D. Prioritize the needs. 18. These are steps in the assessment of learning needs, except: A. collect data from the learners B. collect donations/money from the learners C. determine availability of resources. D. Involve members of the HC team 19. As a student nurse what is the first step in assessing your clients learning needs? A. Collect data about the learner B. Prioritize needs C. Choose the right setting D. Identify the learner 20. Which statement is true about the difference of goal, outcome and objective? A. A goal gives a specific statement of the program’s purpose, objectives are more general and outcome is the result B. A goal gives a general statement of your program’s purpose, objectives are more concrete and specific in how the goal will be achieved. Your outcomes should reflect what is the expected resulted at the end of your proposal’s project period. C. A goal and objective gives a general statement of your program’s purpose. Your outcomes should reflect what is the expected resulted at the end of your proposal’s project period. D. A goal and objectives are both concrete and specific in how the goal will be achieved. Your outcomes should reflect what is the expected resulted at the end of your proposal’s project period. Situation 2: when preparing for a health education plan it is important for the student-nurse educators to learn about the recipient of the teachings first in order to establish a clear line of communication towards the target clientele, assessing the learners, investigating their preferred learning style

21. These are the methods in assessing the learning needs, except: A. Informal Conversations B. Documentation C. Test D. Internet 21. What are the learner characteristics of school age childhood group? A. More realistic and objective, deductive and inductive reasoning B. Sense of well developed, peak in career C. Depends on environment and needs security D. Autonomous and self-directed 22. As a student nurse, your teaching strategies that are applicable for young adult audiences are? A. Established authenticity B. Use a problem centered focus and allow set own pace, be self-centered C. Use play therapy with dolls and puppets D. Orient teaching to caregiver 23. A component of learning that is observable actions that are supposed to be accomplished by the end of a training session or program A. Behavior B. Condition C. Audience D. Standard 24. It indicates the desired level of an acceptable performance in a learner A. Condition B. Behavior C. Procedural D. Degree 25. A component of learning that objective specifies the conditions under which given tasks should be performed. A. Condition B. Audience C. Behaviour D. Standard 26. The following are the elements of learning outcomes except: A. Be achievable and assessable

B. Use clear language, understandable by students C. Identifying the range of knowledge and cognitive skills in your unit D. Can’t relate to explicit statement of achievement 27. A. B. C. D.

These are methods of learning needs, except: Informal Conversations Structured Interviews Tests solicitations

28. When assessing readiness to learn, the health educator must: A. determine what needs to be taught B. find out exactly when the learner is ready to learn C. none of the above D. a&b 29. As a health educator, he/she is aware of the following things to do, except: A. find out if rapport or interpersonal relationship with the learner has been established. B. discover what the patient wants to learn. C. none of the above D. a&b 30. in preparing to become a competent nurse – educator, student nurses need to review the necessary information in planning for a health education activity, the following are components of the four factors of readiness to learn, except: A. Physical B. Experimental C. Emotional D. Knowledge Situation 3: after reaching an adequate assessment of young student learners in west city central school, school nurse Ron identifies the types of knowledge that every individual child possess, analyzing such with a goal of figuring out what type of intelligence structure proves to be a more effective medium in teaching his target clientele. 31. A type of learner who usually prefers using sound and music to aid in learning

A. B. C. D.

Social (interpersonal) Aural (auditory) Physical (kinesthetic) Visual (spatial)

32. A type of learner who prefers to learn in groups or with other people. A. Solitary (intrapersonal) B. Verbal (linguistic) C. Aural (auditory) D. Social (interpersonal) 33. This is a type of learner who prefer using words, both in speech and writing A. Physical (kinesthetic) B. Verbal (linguistic) C. Solitary (intrapersonal) D. Visual (spatial) 34. Your clients prefer to see pictures, images rather than sound and music. What learning style should you use? A. Logical (mathematical) B. Social (interpersonal) C. Visual (spatial) D. Aural (auditory-musical) 35. You clients prefer using your body, hands and sense of touch rather than using logic, reasoning and systems. What learning style should you use? A. Logical (mathematical) B. Physical (kinesthetic) C. Verbal (linguistic) D. Visual (spatial) 36. When handling student who prefer using logic, reasoning and systems. What learning style should you use? A. Logical (mathematical) B. Physical (kinesthetic) C. Verbal (linguistic) D. Visual (spatial) 37. This Level of psychomotor domain that which communicates through body postures, gestures and facial expressions effectively executed in skilled dance is termed as? A. Perceptual abilities B. Physical abilities C. Skilled movements D. Non-discursive communication

38. What are the four main types of knowledge? Select all that apply A. Functional knowledge B. Conditional knowledge C. Procedural knowledge D. Declarative knowledge 39. According to Biggs (1999) there are four different kind of knowledge, one of which is defined as: knowing what are or knowing about the content of knowledge, this is called: A. Functioning knowledge B. Declaration knowledge C. Functioning knowledge D. Procedural knowledge 40. Which of Blooms domain is described as involving the intellect and knowledge of a person towards a certain topic? A. Affective B. Effective C. Cognitive D. Psychomotor 41. Which of Blooms domain is described as involving the actions of a person with regards to his learning? A. Affective B. Effective C. Cognitive D. Psychomotor 42. At the Blooms domain, which of these is at the lowest level of cognition? A. Evaluation B. Synthesis C. Application D. Knowledge 43. At the Blooms domain, which of these is at the highest level of affective? A. Valuing B. Receiving C. Characterization D. Responding 44. According to Biggs (1999) there are four different kind of knowledge, one of which is defined as: A type of knowledge which knowing how to employ the first three types of knowledge

to solve problems and function as an effective professional, this is called: A. Functioning knowledge B. Declarative knowledge C. Procedural knowledge D. Conditional knowledge 45. As an educator, you are aware that your learners have different learning styles. The term stated below are identified learning styles, except: A. Visual B. Aural C. Hearsay D. Logical 46. This type of learning style emphasizes the use of pictures, images and spatial understanding. A. Visual B. Aural C. Physical D. Logical 47. This type of learning style prefers using words, both in speech and writing. A. kinesthetic B. mathematical C. interpersonal D. linguistic Situation 4: as a beginning nurse, there are various levels towards the development of one’s professional career, based on the theory of Patricia Benner; a nurse shall indeed go through five different stages during her time in the clinical setting, the following questions apply: 48. A nursing student or a beginning staff nurse who has not yet experienced enough real situations to make judgments about them is in what stage of Nursing Expertise? A. Novice B. Newbie C. Advanced Beginner D. Competent 49. Benner’s “Proficient” nurse level is different from the other levels in nursing expertise in the context of having: A. the ability to organize and plan activities B. having attained an advanced level of education

C. a holistic understanding and perception of the client D. intuitive and analytic ability in new situations 50. As staff nurse who day by day can control their skills in the clinical side of their practice and similarly can continue with other day-to-day routines in the area with ease and confidence can be categorized as a _________ nurse according to Benner’s model A. Proficient B. Novice C. Expert D. Competent 51. A clinic nurse who can be characterized as an individual who can update the status of their patient by use of mastery of Performance in the field who is now fluid, flexible, and highlyproficient in the area, this level is called: A. Proficient B. Novice C. Expert D. Competent 52. A new staff nurse who has learned skill in the clinical side through Principles, based on few real life experiences, begin to formulate guide actions can be called as a A. B. C. D.

Proficient Novice Expert Competent

Situation 5: As a profession, nursing is dynamic and its practice is directed by various theoretical models. To demonstrate caring behavior, the nurse applies various nursing models in providing quality nursing care. 53. When you clean the bedside unit and regularly attend to the personal hygiene of the patient as well as in washing your hands before and after a procedure and in between patients, you indent to facilitate the body’s reparative processes. Which of the following nursing theory are you applying in the above nursing action? A. Hildegard Peplau B. Dorothea Orem

C. Virginia Henderson D. Florence Nightingale 54. A communication skill is one of the important competencies expected of a nurse. Interpersonal process is viewed as human to human relationship. This statement is an application of whose nursing model? A. Joyce Travelbee B. Martha Rogers C. Callista Roy D. Imogene King 55. The statement “the health status of an individual is constantly changing and the nurse must be cognizant and responsive to these changes” best explains which of the following facts about nursing? A. Dynamic B. Client centered C. Holistic D. Art 56. Virginia Henderson professes that the goal of nursing is to work interdependently with other health care working in assisting the patient to gain independence as quickly as possible. Which of the following nursing actions best demonstrates this theory in taking care of a 94 year old client with dementia who is totally immobile? A. Feeds the patient, brushes his teeth, gives the sponge bath B. Supervise the watcher in rendering patient his morning care C. Put the patient in semi fowler’s position, set the over bed table so the patient can eat by himself, brush his teeth and sponge himself D. Assist the patient to turn to his sides and allow him to brush and feed himself only when he feels ready 57. In the self-care deficit theory by Dorothea Orem, nursing care becomes necessary when a patient is unable to fulfil his physiological, psychological and social needs. A pregnant client needing prenatal check-up is classified as: A. Wholly compensatory B. Supportive Educative C. Partially compensatory D. Non compensatory

58. Which of the following theory addresses the four modes of adaptation? A. Madeleine Leininger B. Sr. Callista Roy C. Florence Nightingale D. Jean Watson Situation 6: Health care delivery system affects the health status of every Filipino. As a Nurse, Knowledge of this system is expected to ensure quality of life. 59. It is described as a collection of people who share some attributes of their lives. A. Family B. Illness C. Community D. Nursing 60. When admitting a patient it is important to set an adequate timeline of the activities that are going to be done for the promotion of his/her health, to that extent when should rehabilitation commence? A. The day before discharge B. When the patient wants to C. Upon admission D. 24 hours after discharge 61. What exemplified the preventive and promotive programs in the hospital? A. Hospital as a center to prevent and control infection B. Program for smokers C. Program for alcoholics and drug addicts D. Hospital wellness center 62. Which makes nursing dynamic? A. Every patient is a unique physical, emotional, social and spiritual being B. The patient participate in the overall nursing care plan C. Nursing practice is expanding in the light of modern developments that takes place D. The health status of the patientism constantly changing and the nurse must be cognizant and responsive to these changes 63. Prevention is an important responsibility of the nurse in: A. Hospitals

B. Community C. Workplace D. All of the above 64. This form of Health Insurance provides comprehensive prepaid health services to enrollees for a fixed periodic payment. A. Health Maintenance Organization B. Medicare C. Philippine Health Insurance Act D. Hospital Maintenance Organization Situation 7: health is a universal component of one’s holistic perception of the self, many definitions of health has been encountered by medical professionals through the years; it has also been seen as a wide range cause that has multiple steps and added dynamics in order to deliver quality and patient centered care through the nursing process the following questions apply: 65. The nurse using the World Health Organization (WHO) description of health bases care on the premise that health is A. Gift from a higher being. B. Any disease-free condition. C. Complete mental, physical, and social wellbeing. D. A highly personal concept of attaining selfactualization. 66. To initiate an intervention the nurse must be competent in three areas, which include: A. Knowledge, function, and specific skills B. Experience, advanced education, and skills. C. Skills, finances, and leadership. D. Leadership, autonomy, and skills. 67. The following statements appear on a nursing care plan for a client after a mastectomy: Incision site approximated; absence of drainage or prolonged erythema at incision site; and client remains afebrile. These statements are examples of: A. Nursing interventions B. Short-term goals C. Long-term goals D. Expected outcomes.

68. The planning step of the nursing process includes which of the following activities? A. Assessing and diagnosing B. Evaluating goal achievement. C. Performing nursing actions and documenting them. D. Setting goals and selecting interventions. 69. A female patient is being discharged after cataract surgery. After providing medication teaching, the nurse asks the patient to repeat the instructions. The nurse is performing which professional role? A. Manager B. Educator C. Caregiver D. Patient advocate 70. The nurse wishes to identify nursing diagnoses for a patient. She can best do this by using a data collection form organized according to: A. A body systems model B. A head-to-toe framework C. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs D. Gordon’s functional health patterns 71. While discussing a health education plan for their upcoming health education class studentnurse Tinay knows that the P in the nursing process of ADPIE stands for Planning; this is a category of nursing behaviors in which: A. The nurse determines the health care needed for the client. B. the Physician determines the plan of care for the client. C. Client-centered goals and expected outcomes are established. D. The client determines the care needed. 72. Priorities are established to help the nurse anticipate and sequence nursing interventions when a client has multiple problems or alterations. Priorities are determined by the client’s: A. Physician B. Non Emergent, non-life threatening needs C. Future well-being. D. Urgency of problems 73. The top ten morbidity cases in the Philippines include tuberculosis, diarrhea among children to name a few. Many of these conditions are

preventable and have implications are preventable an...

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