Health Final Review PDF

Title Health Final Review
Course Nutrition & Health
Institution The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Pages 22
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Final review for Health course. Taken at UTRGV in 2017...


Chapter 1 The Food and Nutrition Board (FNB) of the National Academy of Sciences advocates that 10% to 35% of calories come from protein and ________________ from carbohydrate. 45% to 65% A kilocalorie is a measure of heat energy Recent surveys indicate that the most commonly purchased foods in America are: milk, ready-to-eat cereal, bottled water, soft drinks, and bread. Certain nutrients provide us with energy. Some are important for growth and development. Others act to keep body functions running smoothly. Which of the following does not promote growth and development? Carbohydrates Which of the following is a characteristic of vitamins? enable chemical processes in the body Which of the following is not true about water? provides energy Which of the following is not a nutrition and weight status objective from Healthy People 2020. Increase the consumption of protein Which of the following is not a simple carbohydrate? Starches Recent studies clearly indicate an association between TV advertising of foods and drinks and ______________________, especially in the United States. the prevalence of childhood obesity Gram for gram, which provides the most energy? Fats A large hamburger (e.g., Whopper) sandwich contains 628 kilocalories and 36 grams of fat. Approximately what percentage of the total energy is contributed by fat? 52% Minerals can

become part of the body structural systems Which of the following is not one of the six categories of Healthy People 2020: Nutrition and Weight Status Objectives.? Calcium deficiency A warning sign or symptom of alcohol poisoning is semiconscious to unconsciousness Current factors that can influence American food habits negatively are the time-oriented, hurried lifestyle leading to many meals eaten away from home. (less time) The essential nutrients cannot be made by the body and therefore must be consumed to maintain health. Which of the following terms describes psychological influences that encourage us to find and eat food? Appetite Which of the following is the leading nutrition-related cause of death in the United States? Heart disease What substances, present in fruits and vegetables, provide significant health benefits such as reducing the risk of cancer? Phytochemicals Healthy People 2020 was designed to eliminate health disparities, improve access to health education, and strengthen public health services Chapter 2 Measurements of height, weight, body circumferences, and body fat are called Anthropometry Ann Martinez, a triathlete, wants to eat a health-promoting diet and achieve dietary adequacy. Which of the following behaviors exemplifies the concept of moderation? consume a variety of foods from MyPlate's five major food groups every day Which of the following is NOT a wise application of MyPlate? Eliminating foods from the fruits group to lose weight A comparison of the kilocalorie content of a food to the weight of that food is

energy density The food grouping guidelines most recently released from the United States government are called MyPlate Tina is consuming 15 mg of iron per day. Her RDA is 18 mg. She has no condition warranting a greater-than-normal need for iron. Which of the following statements is true about her consumption of this nutrient? Only if her intake is consistently less than 70% of the RDA would she be at great risk of nutritional deficiency Jeff, a world-class triathlete, visits a dietitian to obtain sports nutrition advice. During his visit, Jeff is asked to recall what he ate for the past 24 hours. Which part of a nutritional assessment is this? Dietary assessment Mrs. Garza was hospitalized after being found unconscious in her home. A dietitian conducted a nutritional assessment, noting the general appearance of Mrs. Garza's skin, eyes, and tongue. Which part of the assessment is this? Clinical examination Two tablespoons (tbsp.) of salad dressing, peanut butter, or margarine is about the size of a golf ball The term "Daily Values" on a food label refers to a generic standard set at or close to the highest RDA value or related nutrient standard One serving of Raisin Bran cereal contains 50 percent of the 18 mg Daily Value for iron. How much iron will one serving of your cereal provide? 9 mg Margaret, an elderly woman, needs to limit her kilocalorie intake without sacrificing needed nutrients. Keeping in mind MyPlate, which of the following could she do? Carefully select foods rich in nutrients but low in kilocalories Leti visits a doctor because she feels tired most of the time, is easily distracted, and feels chilled. As part of her examination, Leti has blood drawn to be tested for concentrations of nutrients and their by-products. This part of the examination is the biochemical evaluation In order to make healthful and logical nutritional decisions, beware of

testimonials about personal experience Which of the following measures does NOT assess nutritional status? Psychoanalysis You pick up a box of Cheerios cereal in the supermarket. The Nutrition Facts panel tells you that a 1-cup serving provides 25 percent of the ______ for iron. Daily Value Which of the following is true about the way we should eat to achieve good nutritional status? Eat a wide variety of foods because no single natural food meets all human nutrient needs Which statement best describes nutrient density? Consume foods that have the most nutrition for their kilocalories. According to MyPlate, consumption of foods from the Grains group should include at least half of the grain servings as whole grain cereals, breads, crackers, rice, or pasta everyday Chapter 3 Which of the following therapies is appropriate for treatment of occasional heartburn? Antacids The most active area for the absorption of nutrients into the body is the small intestines The study of how genes determine our nutritional requirements is called Nutrigenetics When food enters the small intestine, a hormone stimulates the release of _________________from the pancreas. Bicarbonate Which of the following body organs produces bile? Liver All of the following are characteristics of heartburn except which one? It subsides when a person relaxes and lies down after a meal. Which of the following is not considered part of the GI tract?

Kidneys A recurrent and serious form of heartburn is called gastroesophageal reflux disease. Which of the following is not a short-term storage site for carbohydrates in the body? Brain The stomach empties into the small intestine through the pyloric sphincter Which of the following is stored within the nucleus of the cell and acts as a code book for synthesizing specific proteins? DNA All of the following must be supplied by the diet to support the chemical processes of human physiology except Phytochemicals Constipation can best be prevented by eating dietary fiber Most stomach ulcers are caused by ____________ infection. Helicobacter pylori What structure prevents food from entering the trachea when you swallow? Epiglottis Where does digestion begin? Mouth Which large blood vessel is the first to receive most recently eaten nutrients, transporting them to the liver? Hepatic portal vein The _________________ system is made up of several glands that act in the regulation of metabolism, reproduction, water balance, and many other functions. Endocrine Which of the following is true about digestive enzymes? Enzymes that work in the acidic environment of the stomach cannot work in the basic or alkaline environment of the small intestine and vice versa. Peristalsis refers to

muscular movement of materials through the GI tract Chapter 4 Which of the following is not a metabolic syndrome risk indicator? High HDL cholesterol Which of the following is not true of carbohydrate absorption? Maltose is transported through the portal vein to the liver Which of the following is not true of dietary fibers? They are absorbed in the large intestines Carbohydrate digestion begins in the mouth with salivary amylase When insulin is released, it causes muscle and fat cells to increase glucose uptake After absorption, galactose is converted to ________ in the liver. Glucose All of the following are characteristic of type 2 diabetes mellitus except the least common form of diabetes. Of the following, which is a major source of sucrose? Sugar cane Which of the following is not a monosaccharide? Lactose Viscous (soluble) fibers can lower blood cholesterol. Simple sugars in large quantities have been shown to promote tooth decay Those with lactose intolerance usually can consume all the following except milk shakes made with skim milk. Which of the following hormones is released during stressful times to increase blood glucose levels, making more energy available for use? Epinephrine Glucose also is known as Dextrose

The World Health Organization recommends limiting added sugar intake to ______ percent of our total kilocalories. 10 John Gonzales wants to increase his fiber intake. Which of the following would be the safest way for him do this? Eating more fruits and vegetables and not removing the edible peels The most important dietary approach for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus is to lose body fat Which of the following has the most starch? 1 cup of kidney beans Medical conditions related to metabolic syndrome are type 2 diabetes, coronary artery disease, and stroke. Glycogen is a highly branched polysaccharide Chapter 5 Olive oil contains abundant amounts of which type of fatty acid? Monounsaturated The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend getting no more than ______ percent of your total kilocalories from fat. 35 In terms of heart disease risk, which of the following is true? As LDL cholesterol levels increase there is an increased risk Which of the following does not describe a function of fat? Best source of energy for the brain Which of the following would you buy if you wanted the highest polyunsaturated fatty acid content? Liquid, squeezable margarine, made from safflower oil Good suggestions for eating in a heart-healthy way would be to trim fat off meat before and after cooking What is the composition of the triglyceride form of fats? Fatty acids and glycerol An essential omega-3 fatty acid with 18 carbons and 3 double bonds is

called alpha-linoleic acid In which form are most dietary lipids found? Triglycerides All of the following are characteristic of cholesterol except it is an essential nutrients The major dietary factor to be concerned about in relation to heart disease is saturated fat Cholesterol is found in all of the following except corn oil After absorption, long-chain fatty acids and monoglycerides inside intestinal cells are reformed into triglycerides Hydrogenation produces what kinds of fat? Trans fatty acids Lipoproteins contain all of the following components except carbohydrate Immediately after a meal, newly absorbed dietary fats appear in the blood as Chylomicrons One of the richest plant sources of omega-3 fatty acids, alpha-linolenic acid, and also a good source of plant sterols is Walnuts Which of the following is true about the use of medications that lower blood cholesterol levels? They often are helpful for persons who have had a heart attack or have cardiovascular disease or diabetes How many carbons do long-chain fatty acids contain? 12 or more "Hidden" fat includes fat in crackers and other grain products Chapter 6 A vegetarian who excludes animal flesh but consumes such products as milk and eggs is referred to as a(n)

Lactoovovegetarian An essential amino acid cannot be synthesized in the body in sufficient quantity to meet body needs When there is a need for increased dietary protein during pregnancy or lactation, which foodstuff would be least desirable? Gelatin The child with kwashiorkor has all the following conditions except a skin-and-bones appearance In the case of sickle cell anemia, the slight alterations in the DNA of red blood cells lead to changes in the structure of the protein hemoglobin High protein diets may be harmful for those with kidney disease Approximately how many different amino acids are used in the synthesis of body proteins? 20 A hereditary condition caused by an incorrect amino acid in the amino acid sequence of a protein chain is sickle cell anemia Which of the following is not true about pepsin? Pepsin works best in an alkaline environment Marasmus usually is associated with a deficiency of Protein Maria has anorexia nervosa and regularly starves herself. She is likely to be in a state of negative protein balance The basic building block of a protein is called a(n) amino acid The most reliable source of vitamin B12 for the vegan would be fortified soybean milk Insulin is one example of a protein that acts as a ____________________ Hormone

Because the _____________________________ diet is recognized as being low in meat, rich in fresh fruit and vegetables, and low in added sugar and saturated fatty acids, it has been recommended as a sustainable alternative to the MyPlate dietary pattern. Mediterranean Which of the following is a food that provides all of the essential amino acids? Milk Which of the following is true about protein intake in the United States? About 70 percent of the protein we eat in the United States comes from animal products One would be likely to see positive protein balance in all of the following conditions except Starvation Juan is 10 years old. He has minimal protein intake for the last two years. He has just recently had surgery, what are the likely results of his deficient protein intake? The size of his vital organs, including his heart, liver, and muscles, will decrease What is meant by the amino acid sequence of a protein? Order of appearance of amino acids in the peptide chain Chapter 7 Men with body fat levels greater than ______ run health risks. 24% Body weight in kilograms divided by height squared in meters yields the body mass index The principles of _____________ include being aware of the entire eating experience from food preparation to consumption, including recognizing and respecting the physical hunger and satiety cues, and being wise in eating decisions. Mindful eating The body’s set point has been suggested to be a weight to which the body closely regulates A weight-loss program should have all of the following characteristics except the plan should have a weight loss goal of 3 to 5 pounds per week

An example of cognitive restructuring for weight control is replacing eating reactions to stress with helpful relaxing alternatives Basal metabolism is the energy expended when resting, but awake, and in a fasting state Which of the following is not true about android obesity? A low waist-to-hip ratio is indicative of it Underweight is defines as a body mass index below__________ 18.5 When individuals lose weight quickly, most of the weight loss is from water, glycogen, and muscle tissue Noe consumes 2,500 kilocalories per day. What would be his energy expenditure, in kilocalories, from the thermic effect of food? 125 to 250 All of the following are true about energy expenditure except physical activity accounts for 45% to 55% of total energy expenditure Myra's parents are both obese. She has dieted six times, each time losing a considerable amount of weight and subsequently regaining it. Myra has an aversion to exercise. Which of the following is true about Myra's situation? When she ends the diet she regains additional body fat Which of the following is an important aspect of behavior modification used for weight control? Recording eating behavior to identify situations that contribute to overeating Which of the following is not associated with an increase in basal metabolism? A low calorie intake Which of the following is not a characteristic of a fad diet? It uses scientific evidence, presenting pros and cons Changing one’s frame of mind related to weight control and nutrition is called cognitive restructuring Physical activity contributes to about 70 percent of total energy expenditure A common and effective surgical procedure for morbid obesity is gastric bypass The method for determining energy expenditure in which the amount of oxygen a person uses is

measured is called indirect calorimetry

Chapter 8 & 9 The most practical advice for prevention of hypertension is maintain a healthy weight Which of the following is true about the absorption, transport, and storage of fat-soluble vitamins? They are stored in the liver and fatty tissue Adult women need how much total water intake per day? 2.7 liters (11 cups) The mineral that gives hardness to teeth and bones is Fluoride Water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins differ in which way? Water-soluble vitamins are less likely to be toxic Which would you expect to furnish the largest amount of calcium? 1 ounce of cheese Fluid balance is dependent on potassium Which of the following is a good source of provitamin A? Apricot Of the following, the mineral that is least likely to be deficient in the American diet is phosphorus Water constitutes _________ percent of body weight 50-70 After an intense workout, Lily’s weight was down 3 pounds. To rehydrate adequately, Lily should drink ______ cups of water over the next hour or two. 6 to 9 A deficiency of ____________ results in impaired glucose tolerance and elevated blood cholesterol.

chromium Which of the following vitamins has been helpful in large doses as a treatment for acne? A Iron is best-absorbed in its _______ form heme People who eat large amounts of seaweed can consume toxic levels of which trace mineral? Iodide Which of the following foods is highest in selenium? Tuna Most vitamin A is stored in the liver The nutrient that can be considered both a vitamin and a hormone is vitamin D Which of the following foods provides the most iron? 4 ounces of sirloin steak If you wanted to add significant quantities of vitamins and minerals to your diet from the food you eat, a good choice would be fortified breakfast cereal such as Total Raisin Bran Chapter 10 A 121-pound woman from San Juan is attempting to be a bodybuilder so she would like to gain large quantities of muscle mass. According to sports nutrition experts, her daily protein intake should be how many grams? 82 to 93 66 to 83 For every pound lost during a workout, _________ cup(s) of water should be consumed during or after exercise. 2 to 3 Which of the following food combinations, eaten 2 to 4 hours before a long-distance cycling event, would maximize glycogen stores without causing gastrointestinal distress? Bagel with peanut butter Triathletes and marathoners may need up to _______ grams of carbohydrate per kilogram of

weight per day to prevent chronic fatigue. 10 A good sports drink contains electrolyte minerals Zelda is a marathon runner. She completes the marathon in 2 hours and 30 minutes. Which of the following is true regarding her fuel use during the marathon? Amino acids may supply up to 15% of energy needs Which of the following supposedly speeds the removal of lactic acid from contracting muscles? Bicarbonate loading A physically active lifestyle may reduce the risk of all of the following except skin cancer All of the following are good practice to keep well hydrated during endurance events except taking salt tablets and drinking plenty of fluid before the workout If a woman athlete is not menstruating regularly, she should do all of the following except exercise more intensely While playing in Rio Grande City, Jose loses 4 pounds of fluids sweating during a vigorous basketball game. How many cups of fluid are needed to replenish this loss? 10 cups A meal representative of what an endurance athlete should eat 2 to 4 hours before an event is spaghetti with sauce, green beans, and low-fat milk Which of the following is true about the protein intake for athletes? Most athletes eating a variety of foods will easily meet their protein needs Athletes who consume adequate carbohydrates experience all of the following except increased body fat The conversion of glucose to lactic acid is called anaerobic glucose breakdown Aerobic glucose breakdown provides most of the energy for sports activities lasting 2 minutes to 4 hours If an athlete’s body fat level is too high, what is the best weight-lo...

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