HESI Practice 1 PDF

Title HESI Practice 1
Author Micah Willmore
Course Nursing Pathophysiology
Institution Auburn University
Pages 52
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The anterior lobe of the pituitary gland is a __________ organ. Neural. Neutral. Glandular. Parathyroid.

Correct Answer: Glandular.

The anterior lobe of the hormone producing pituitary gland is classified as a glandular organ. This area of the pituitary is comprised of five different endocrine cells that are classified by the hormones that are produced. These are the hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle, regulate blood sugar, stimulates the mammary glands, etc. Testing for abnormal hormone levels produced by the anterior lobe can be detected through blood tests. Stress incontinence is most common in whom? Women of all ages. Women younger than 60. Women older than 60. Women who have never given birth.

Correct Answer: Women younger than 60.

Women under 60 are more likely to have given birth. This puts stress

on the urinary tract and while stress incontinence doesn’t always happen, it can. It is more common after multiple births have occurred.

The cortexes of the adrenal glands secrete three main substances. Which of the substances below is not secreted by the adrenal glands? Mineralocorticoids. Glucocorticoids. T4 hormones. Sex steroids.

Correct Answer: T4 hormones.

T4 hormones are secreted by the thyroid gland and is a stimulant of the body's systems. The cortexes of the adrenals secrete sex steroids to regulate reproduction, glucocorticoids to regulate things like blood sugar levels. and mineralocorticoids to regulate the body's blood pressure.

Located just above the knee, the femoral artery continues as the ___________ artery. Popliteal. Tibial. Peroneal.

Dorsalis pedis.

Correct Answer: Popliteal.

The femoral artery continues down the thigh area to an area right above the knee and continues as the popliteal artery. From the popliteal artery, the posterior and anterior tibial arteries are formed. The posterior tibial artery is found below the knee, and the dorsalis pedis arter is found in the foot area.

What type of tissue that stores lipids, acts as filler tissue, cushions, supports, and insulates the body, while surrounding the kidneys? Adipose. Hilum. Mucosa. Detrusor.

Correct Answer: Adipose.

The adipose tissues are a loose connective tissue that are specialized in storing fat. It is not only found around the kidneys, but also around the whole body.

When using the TNM cancer staging system, which of the following listings is not correct?

T represents the size of the main tumor. N refers to the number of lymphs nodes that also have cancer. N refers to the size of the secondary tumor. M refers to whether or not the tumor has metastasized.

Correct Answer: N refers to the size of the secondary tumor.

The letter N in the acronym TNM, refers to the number of lymph nodes in the area that are also showing signs of cancer. The TNM methods of rating does not include second or third tumors that are found. The rating of the tumor is based on the initial diagnosis.

What is a condition that includes nonbacterial infectious cystitis and noninfectious cystitis? Painful bladder syndrome. Overactive Bladder. UTIs. Incontinence.

Correct Answer: Painful bladder syndrome.

This is also known as interstitial cystitis, which is part of the painful bladder syndrome. It can cause stiffening of the bladder walls, which leads to more frequent or painful urination. However, the cause isn't an infection.

The hematologic compartment of the bone marrow consists of a variety of cellular microenvironments called what? Niches. Hollow areas. Bones. Reservoirs.

Correct Answer: Niches.

Each niche can have either active or inactive bone marrow in it. This means that where the bone marrow sits and what bone it is in, defines what type of bone marrow it produces.

When is regeneration complete after 70% of liver mass is removed? In about 2 weeks. In about 3 weeks. In about 1 month. In about 2 months.

Correct Answer: In about 2 weeks.

The removal of most of the liver’s mass is compensatory hyperplasia. This leads to the organ to regenerate and heal the removed section(s).

The major histocompatibility complex is located: Cell membrane. Cell nucleus. In the pathogen. In the bacteria.

Correct Answer: Cell membrane.

The major histocompatibility complex or MHC is in the membrane of every cell of a human body. It assists in identifying the cell as the body's cell and not a foreign body. For example, it can determine that skin cells belong to the body, and alerts the body to the existence of a toxic poison on the skin.

Biological response modifier therapy is a type of _____________ cancer treatment. Immunotherapy. Growth signal inhibitor. Radiation therapy. Angiogenesis inhibitor.

Correct Answer: Immunotherapy.

BMRT is a type of immunotherapy used for the treatment of cancer. This treatment modifies the processes of the body to fight the cancer tumor by enhancing or suppressing the body's natural defenses against the cancer cells. BRMs have side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite, etc.

Neuroglia are differentiated from neurons by ________________. Lack of a soma. Lack of transmitters. Lack of receptors. Lack of axons.

Correct Answer: Lack of axons.

Neuroglia are differentiated by their lack of axons. The term neuroglia translates to "nerve glue." The neuroglia outnumber the neurons in the nervous system by nearly ten to one. They only have one process, and do not form synapses. The neuroglia also have the ability to divide throughout their life spans.

What is the involuntary loss of urine with overdistention of the bladder associated with urethral obstruction called? Overflow incontinence.

Urge incontinence. Stress incontinence. UTI.

Correct Answer: Overflow incontinence.

Overflow incontinence is when one can no longer tell if the bladder is full or not. It also means one can’t empty it fully, leading to the overflow that escapes without warning.

What is the name for children born with only one kidney? Renal agenesis. Chronic Pyelonephritis. Glomerulonephritis. Renal Dysplasia.

Correct Answer: Renal agenesis.

Renal agenesis is the term given to children born with one functioning kidney, and missing the other completely. It is a disorder that was formed in the womb and is so far unknown as to why.

What does atrophy mean?

Irreversible damage to cells. Reversable damage to cells. Decrease in cell size. Increase in cell size.

Correct Answer: Decrease in cell size.

The other answer choices are the definitions for hypertrophy, metaplasia, and dysplasia. These are all examples of the most significant adaptive changes in cells. For a few genes, expression is ___________ monoallelic. Never. Always. Randomly. Evenly.

Correct Answer: Randomly.

Monoallelic means that the material copied is chosen for inactivation for some somatic cells. The paternal copy is also chosen for inactivation in other somatic cells. The motion of the shoulder that moves the arm away from the body, and back to the body, is an example of ____________.

Rotation. Adduction and abduction. Supination and pronation. Expand and contract.

Correct Answer: Adduction and abduction.

This is an example of adduction and abduction. Abduction is the motion that moves the arm from at the side of the body, away from the body. Adduction describes the motion that moves the arm back to the side of the body. The human body has a set of muscles that is referred to as the "superficial" muscles. Which of the definitions listed below is correct of this set of muscles? The muscles that are classified as voluntary. The muscles that are seen with the naked eye. The muscles that are not seen with the naked eye. The muscles that are classified as smooth.

Correct Answer: The muscles that are seen with the naked eye.

The superficial muscles are the muscles that can be seen with the naked eye. These are the muscles that allow the body to move. For example, the pectorals, the abdominals, the biceps, any muscle that can be seen from outside of the body.

Approximately how much water is excreted in stool each day? 250 ml. 100 ml. 200 ml. 150 ml.

Correct Answer: 150 ml.

Most of the water you consume is absorbed in different organs in the body. The body gets rid of some of this water naturally, it gets rid of more water when diarrhea is present. The posterior lobe of the pituitary gland is classified as a ___________ organ. Neural. Glandular. Blocker. White blood cell producing.

Correct Answer: Neural.

The posterior lobe of the pituitary gland produces oxytocin, which is responsible for trust and monogamy, and vasopressin that regulates the body's blood pressure. This lobe is classified as a neural organ, not glandular. The posterior lobe stores and releases fewer hormones than the anterior lobe.

One of the most important tools for determining the presence/severity of coronary artherosclerosis, the ______________, is often performed with the use of injected dye and an x-ray. Arteriography. Angiocardiography. Endocardiography. Echocardiography.

Correct Answer: Arteriography.

The arteriography is one of the most commonly used testing in diagnosis and assessment of lesions within the arteries. This test is often performed along with the left ventriculography to determine the myocardial function of the heart. The average size of a stone that is passable is what? 5mm. 6mm. 7mm. 8mm.

Correct Answer: 5mm.

Anything bigger than 5mm is likely not going to be passed through the urethra. Smaller is better in this case, but larger will require surgery to remove.

What is a bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes caused by increasing amounts of desaturated or reduced hemoglobin in the blood? Cyanosis. Hypoventilation. Hyperventilation. Dyspnea.

Correct Answer: Cyanosis.

Cyanosis is caused when there is poor oxygenation to the extremities of the body. This is what causes the bluish tint of the skin, as there is not enough oxygen getting to them. What does the vestibule contain? The top of the uterus. The fallopian tubes. The left ovary. The external opening of the vagina.

Correct Answer: The external opening of the vagina.

The vestibule is a thin, perforated membrane. It also contains the opening of the urethra.

Innate immunity is being used to _______ the body's overall

immunity in the hopes of improving his/her health. Replace/Recover. Combat/erase. Duplicate/Deploy. Suppress/enhance.

Correct Answer: Suppress/enhance.

The innate immunity system of the body is now being manipulated to suppress or enhance the body's overall immune system. This is used in cases where the immune system is attacking the body. The immune system is manipulated/altered to better defend against the invasion. The __________ valves are the thin, leaf-like structures that are found between the ventricles and the atria. Atrioventricular. Semilunar. Aortic. Mitral.

Correct Answer: Atrioventricular.

The atrioventricular valves are found between the atria and the ventricles. One of these types of valves is the tricuspid valve that is

tasked with controlling the atrioventricular opening on the right. This valve is simply folds of the endocardium and connective tissue. Which of the criteria listed below is not included in the description of a small cell lung cancer? Small cell lung cancer grows rapidly. Small cell lung cancer responds well to chemotherapy. Small cell lung cancer spreads slowly in the body. Small cell lung cancer is frequently associated with distinct paraneoplastic syndromes.

Correct Answer: Small cell lung cancer spreads slowly in the body.

Small cell lung cancers are fast movers and fast growers. It can spread very quickly. This type of cancer can be treated with either chemotherapy or radiation treatment. This cancer can also have many symptoms that are related to the substances that are released into the bloodstream by these tumors. Where are meckel diverticulum located? The esophageal wall. The intestinal wall. The stomach wall. The rectal wall.

Correct Answer: The intestinal wall.

Meckel diverticulum may cause peptic ulcers or painless bleeding. A meckel diverticulum occurs in about 2% of the general population. What is the abbreviation for a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants? SSRI. SRI. SSRIA. RISS.

Correct Answer: SSRI.

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants are used if a woman does not want instant fertility. The oral pill has estrogen and progesterone, which help to decrease premenstrual syndrome. What is it called when there is any change in the lungs caused by inhalation of inorganic dust particles? Pneumoconiosis. Hemoptysis. Restricted breathing. Cheyne-Stokes.

Correct Answer: Pneumoconiosis.

Pneumoconiosis is when you breathe in certain kinds of dust particles

that damage the lungs. It typically takes years to develop and can go by different names. Black lung for coal workers is an example. The kidney is in charge of producing and regulating what chemicals in the body? Erythropoietin. Estrogen. Testosterone. Serotonin.

Correct Answer: Erythropoietin.

Erythropoietin is produced by the kidneys in order to regulate red blood cell creation in the bone marrow. Without this, the red blood cell production could be too low and that is when issues with the hematologic system occur. The relatively harmless, complex single celled organisms that can occasionally cause disease in the human body is the definition of _____________. Viruses. Bacteria. Pathogens. Antigens.

Correct Answer: Bacteria.

Bacteria are not always a "bad" thing in the body as it assists in functions such necessary functions such as digestion. Occasionally, bacteria can cause diseases that trigger the immune system in a negative manner, like in cases of meningitis. What is a subjective experience of breathing discomfort that is composed of qualitatively distinct sensations that vary in intensity? Dyspnea. Hypoventilation. Hyperventilation. Cyanosis.

Correct Answer: Dyspnea.

Dyspnea is what is also called shortness of breath. It means that you aren’t getting enough air into your body. It can be short or long-lasting, depending on the person. Which cells in the hematologic system defend the body against microorganisms that cause infection, and remove debris, including dead or injured cells of all kinds? Leukocytes. Eosinophils. Albumin. Platelets.

Correct Answer: Leukocytes.

Leukocytes are the cleanup crew for the hematologic system. When a virus enters the body, it kills off the cells, then the leukocytes come clean up the mess. What are the normal sex chromosomes for females? XX. XXX. XY. XXY.

Correct Answer: XX.

Sex chromosomes are the determining factor of whether a fetus is going to develop into a male or female. The male sex chromosomes are XY. The rejection of a transplanted organ or a delayed hypersensitivity reaction are examples of issues in the ____________ immunity. Innate. Cellular. Humoral. Natural.

Correct Answer: Cellular.

These are examples of cellular immunity, that does not depend on

white cells for its defense. This type of immunity depends upon the T lymphocites. and has a delayed response in some cases and is not detected immediately in the patient. The age-related structural changes that have the biggest impact involve the heart's _______________. Right ventricle. Left ventricle. The aorta. The pericardium.

Correct Answer: Left ventricle.

The greatest impact of aging, on the heart's structure, is usually seen in the heart's left ventricle. Aging affects the contractility of the area, the heart mass increases, and the left ventricle wall has been found to be 25% between ages of 20 and 70. The __________ nervous system is responsible for controlling the involuntary muscle responses referred to as reflex arcs. Autonomic. Somatic. Central. Sympathetic.

Correct Answer: Somatic.

The somatic part of the nervous system controls the body's reflex arcs. This system synapses in the spinal cord, rather in the brain. This allows for quicker muscle response to the stimuli. The brain receives the information as the reflex motion is carried out. The body's set of organs that protects it from external threats is referred to as: The cardiovascular system. The integumentary system. The adaptive immune system. The muscoskeletal system.

Correct Answer: The integumentary system.

The external protection for the human body is referred to as the integumentary system. This system includes the skin, the sweat glands, and several specialized cells. This is the body's first defense to bacteria, viruses, toxins, etc. What is priapism? Inflamed penis glans. Uncontrollable ejaculation. Prolonged penile erection. Severe penis discoloration.

Correct Answer: Prolonged penile erection.

Priapism is usually idiopathic, and often comes with pain. If priapism is treated in time, impotence can be avoided. Which of the cells listed below are not considered to be cancer "drivers"? DNA repair genes. Proto-oncogenes. Tumor suppressor genes. Cell receptors.

Correct Answer: Cell receptors.

A cancer driver is something that contributes to the growth of the cancer. The cell receptors are not usually considered cancer drivers, they are parts of a cell. The receptor's only job is to receive the messages for the cell. The cell itself, in cancer, has mutations. Dopamine, associated with the reward mechanisms of the brain, has effects that are _____________. Excitatory. Inhibitory. Neither excitatory or inhibitory. Both excitatory and inhibitory.

Correct Answer: Both excitatory and inhibitory.

Dopamine has both excitatory and inhibitory effects on the brain.

Certain drugs such as heroin or alcohol can temporarily increase the levels of dopamine in the brain. This can cause the nerve cells to fire in an abnormal manner. This in turn causes intoxication and issues with focus or consciousness. Approximately how many genetically determined pathways have been identified in liver tissue? Less than 1,000. More than 10,000 Less than 3,000. More than 5,000.

Correct Answer: More than 5,000.

Genetically determined pathways in liver tissue help to figure what is causing problems and the right treatment for those problems. Depending on the genetic material, the problems can be fixed. How long does the esophageal phase take? 1 to 5 minutes. 30 seconds to 1 minute. 5 to 10 seconds. 10 to 30 seconds.

Correct Answer: 5 to 10 seconds.

The esophageal phase is when food enters the esophagus and it

starts to travel to the stomach. The food in the esophagus moves at about 2 to 6 centimeters per second. What is the chronic inflammation of the lung airways that causes coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, or shortness of breath? Asthma. COPD. Cyanosis. Dyspnea.

Correct Answer: Asthma.

There are three factors. Bronchospasm, inflammation, and mucus production cause symptoms such as difficulty breathing, wheezing, and coughing. About how many pounds does the brain weigh? 7 lbs. 5 lbs. 3 lbs. 1 lb.

Correct Answer: 3 lbs.

The brain has millions of neurons, and each contain different genome...

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