HIS-144-T5 - Assignment PDF

Title HIS-144-T5 - Assignment
Course U.S. History Themes
Institution Grand Canyon University
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HIS-144: America after World War II Directions: Using resources from the Topic 5 Readings, including your textbook, materials provided by your instructor through class discussion, and materials from the GCU Library Guide for HIS-144 US History Themes, respond to the six prompts below. Each answer to the questions should be a minimum of 100-200 words The overall assignment must include three to five relevant scholarly sources in support of your content. While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. Wikipedia, Ask.com, ehow.com and other online information sites, encyclopedias, or dictionaries are not considered university academic sources and are NOT TO BE USED. 1. Explain the G.I. Bill. In what ways does it change America? After WWII many servicemen/women wanted the opportunity to go to college and study, the G.I. Bill was created and intended to help those seeking education after combat, in this case WWII (Bound and Turner, 2002). The G.I. Bill helped many servicemen/women to getting an education in order to start a new life outside of the military. The G.I. Bill was a huge help as it provided cash loans, and mortgages. “A flood of returning veterans attending to American facilities and universities, with veterans accounting for about 70% of all male enrollment in the years after V-J Day.” (Bound and Turner, 2002). The G.I. Bill benefited anyone who served in WWII with options to benefit them for school. If one wanted to continue their education they may with the help oof the G.I. Bill. 2. Why did suburbanization occur after World War II? What changes does suburbia bring to American society? Years after WWII there was a notice of so many people moving into the suburbs. This increase amped to depression, mass demobilization after the war (and the consequent “baby boom”) which increased housing, how the automobile was being marketed, and more. Due to many families moving from the city/farm to the suburbs which impacted the American culture. Due to homes being further away from work, housing dynamics boomed and highways in order to make the commute faster and easier. By the 1970’s America was the first nation in the world to have more suburban homes than cities and farms. 3. Why is the automobile so important to post war America? The automobile was important post war due to new opportunities for both servicemen and servicewomen, as they needed to go to work or school. With the uproar of automobiles it brought growth to new job opportunities. As cars drove much more, they needed a smooth road to drive, therefore thousands of construction jobs became available and many people 1

were able to get a job since it was government funding it to be paves (US History, 2020). Automobiles became the new normal and due to this started the necessities for them, such as gas stations where one would go and fill their tank and mechanic shops for anything the car may need. Automobiles sky rocketed interest in the world, oil and steel became very popular and it became it high end industry. The Automobile became so important post war as it allowed people to travel freely, and enjoy the travel and sight see. The automobile had many great benefits but it also caused problems such as traffic, car accidents and striking pedestrians. Therefore their were safety majors such as classes, and licenses to drive. All in all the automobile was a great thing in America for many things. 4. Describe gendered spheres in American society before WWII and how they changed after the war. Before WWII woman worked but not as much only when the men were out in war, but when the Depression came they had to start working more as one income did not justify a family and they had to have at least two incomes in order to survive. Although the normal for woman was to be home and not worry they wanted to work and did but if there were to be any cuts in a company a woman was more than likely to be let go or if they were to stay they were able to pay them less than a man. During WWII more jobs became open as men went out to war. Woman were coming up and leaving behind the work at home in order to to maintain some income and work hard and they would still come home to do a meal for their children. Woman ended up being the majority in the workplace and most of them were married woman with children. After WWII jobs for woman ended, they were expected to discontinue working and go back to being full time housewives. Many of the woman were not ok with this and they fought for it, and because of it women were able to return and have work, even new job opportunities came into light. 5. What was the role of religion in post-World War II American society? In the 1960s the American society proved to have a turning point for religion. The start of WWII religion was put to a stop. Religion was the strive for the nation with Christianity being at the top, other religions came out and started to come up as well such as; Catholics, Jewish and more. Although brining back religion was a challenge many people believed that religion was needed back (Beckham, J, 2000). Not only did the faith grow in the nation but many other things as well as it prompted it all. This was the time when America believed and started to realize that they themselves saw themselves as a Christian Country. 6. Explain the development of youth culture in post war America. Through the years of the 1950s-1960s the youth had the best in money wise, they were able to live well. They enjoyed more time out to have fun. The way life was coming up to be the youth were happy with all the independence they had but they had not realized that as they grow up during this time they would go under a threat of a nuclear war (Wagner, 2002). With this it started drills and exercises at schools in preparation in case something were to happen. The post war impacted the youth in many ways, it helped them on expressing themselves through music, fashion, and other aspects of culture (Wagner, 2002). 2

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References Beckham, J. 2000. Religion in Post – World War II America. National Humanities Center. Retrieved from https://nationalhumanitiescenter.org/tserve/twenty/tkeyinfo/trelww2.htm Bound, J., and Turner, S. 2002. Going to War and Going to College: Did World War II and the GI Bill Increase Education Attainment for Returning Veterans? Journal of Labor Economics, 20 (4), 784. Received from https://eds-a-ebscohost-com.lopes.idm.oclc.org/eds/detail/detail? vid=2&sid=fa17fda3-e33f-4cc6-b648-2aa3bc0ac365/40sdc-vsessmgrr02&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRLWxpdmUmc2NvcGU9cZ10ZQ%3d %3d#AN=edsjsr.10.7086.342012&bd=edsjsr Garcia-Vazquez, C. N.D. The Suburbanization of the American Sunbelt after the Oil Crisis. Growth as an ideology and the environment debate. EUREREVISTA LATINOAMERICA DE ESTUDIOS URBANO REGIONALES, 45(136), 233-254 US Histoyr. 2020. The Age of the Automobile. U.S. History. Retrieved from https://www.ushistory.org/us/46a.asp Wagner, C. 2002. World War II and the Post War Period-Youth Culture. Historical Boys Clothing. Retrieved from https://www.histclo.com/country/us/yc/yc20pw.html No author. N.d. How Did Women’s Roles change During World War II?. Retrieved from https://sites.google.com/site/victoriastassite/home


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