History Greek & Roman Civilization Final Exam PDF

Title History Greek & Roman Civilization Final Exam
Course History Greek & Roman Civilization
Institution University of the People
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History Greek & Roman Civilization Final Exam...



Final Exam

Home ► My courses ► HIST 1421 - AY2019-T4 ► Final Exam (Days 1 - 4) ► Final Exam

Juries in Athens had twelve members on the panel. Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00

Select one: True False

Not yet answered

The introduction of foreign religious beliefs into the Roman religion made Roman religion more multicultural and barbaric.

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Select one: True False

Roman paintings were used mostly to Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00

Select one: a. Honor famous men. b. Adorn public places c. As gifts to soldiers d. Cover the walls of rooms in houses

Tragedies and comedies of Athenian drama were political in nature. Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00

Select one: True False

Not yet answered

An advantage of being wealthy and able to live on the rst oor in ancient Rome was:

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Select one: a. access to a public sewer b. more sunlight c. increased airow d. cooler temperature

Public decisions were made by the demos in Sparta Not yet answered Marked out of

Select one:



Not yet answered

The Law of Nations was the great body of legal principles that grew up in the provinces.

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Select one: True False

The new Consuls did not ll the Senate up to its limit of 300 members. Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00

Select one: True False

In Sparta only these people wereallowed to participate in government Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00

Select one: a. Merchant class b. Warrior class c. Women d. Naval members

In ancient Greece, the paramount productive asset was: Not yet answered Marked out of

Select one:


a. Access to the sea b. Agricultural land c. Gold and Silver d. People

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Home ► My courses ► HIST 1421 - AY2019-T4 ► Final Exam (Days 1 - 4) ► Final Exam

The three results of the Athenian surrender to Sparta in 405 were the Answer saved Marked out of 1.00

destruction of the Long Walls, the reduction of the Athenian war eet to twelve ships, and the loss of rights by Athens to form its own foreign policy. Select one: True False

The new nobility after the conquests were called Answer saved Marked out of 1.00

Select one: a. Flamines b. Hoplites c. Optimates d. Essedarii

True or False, Rome was considered to have been civilized by the Greeks. Answer saved Marked out of 1.00

Select one: True False

The “Peace of Nicias” was to last 30 years, but only lasted 15 years. Answer saved Marked out of 1.00

Select one: True False

Which of these was NOT a result of the Greek victory in the Persian wars? Answer saved Marked out of 1.00

Select one: a. Building of the Athenian navy. b. The weakening of the Spartan army. c. The growth of the Athenian empire. d. The expansion of the concept of democracy.

Membership in the Delian League was always voluntary. Answer saved Marked out of 1.00

Select one: True False

Roman art was really just the art of Persia. Answer saved Marked out of 1.00

Select one: True False

Answer saved

Solon’s constitutional reforms set the stage for Cleisthenes to pioneer democracy.

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Select one: True False

Answer saved

The right to be a juror or to hold public oce in the Boule/Council of the Athenian democracy was determined by ____.

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Select one: a. Handsome appearance b. Lottery c. Bribery d. Occupation

Portraiture was not a Roman innovation to sculpture. Answer saved Marked out of

Select one:


True False

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To serve as a public ocer, an Athenian citizen had to have the required Answer saved

level of wealth for the oce and be at least 30 years old.

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Select one: True False

Two goals of the Delian League were to liberate Ionian Greeks from Persia Answer saved

and safeguard Aegean Greeks.

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Select one: True False

Women fought as gladiators in the Roman Colosseum. Answer saved Marked out of 1.00

Select one: True False

Answer saved

The execution of Socrates symbolized the end of the Athenian cultural Golden Age?

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Select one: True False

True or False, Urban congestion required Roman builders to build upward. Answer saved Marked out of 1.00

Select one: True False

Answer saved

The chief eect of the conquest was transforming Rome from the greatest conquerors to the greatest ________?

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Select one: a. governing people b. loners c. traders d. explorers

The three areas where Pericles most inuenced Athens were foreign policy, Answer saved

buildings on the Acropolis, and peace with Persia.

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Select one: True False

The Forum became the most powerful part of the Roman government? Answer saved Marked out of 1.00

Select one: True False

Answer saved

Conquered people who were made slaves but were educated and civilized served Rome as

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Select one: a. Managers b. Teachers and Writers c. Painters d. Senators

Which is NOT a denition of “Demos” Answer saved Marked out of

Select one:


a. Freedom b. Districts within Athens c. Populace d. The people

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The change from the Roman Kingdom to the Roman Republic Answer saved Marked out of 1.00

Select one: a. was accomplished without strife b. was due to the tyranny of the last Tarquinius c. resulted in the election of Julius Caesar d. was a result of Etruscan and Latin wars

None of Rome’s clerical work was done by slaves. Answer saved Marked out of 1.00

Select one: True False

The great dierence between towns in Italy and towns in the provinces was Answer saved Marked out of 1.00

Select one: a. Towns in Italy were run by a governor. b. Towns in the provinces were required to provide soldiers and ships. c. Towns in Italy were free from taxes. d. Towns in the provinces provided no grain or food to Rome.

Ostracism was the process that voted out politicians. Answer saved Marked out of 1.00

Select one: True False

Answer saved Marked out of 1.00

The three main things that led to the downfall of Greek culture were chronic warfare, the spread of Greek culture outside of Greece, and farmers drawn to the cities. Select one: True False

Corinth’s fear of Athens was because of Athens being an economic rival. Answer saved Marked out of 1.00

Select one: True False

The slaughter following the fall of Melos led to which play? Answer saved Marked out of 1.00

Select one: a. The Wasps. b. The Trojan Women. c. The Frogs. d. Oedipus the King.

Answer saved

In Rome, during the times of the Gracchi, large landed estates, held by rich landlords, widened the gap between rich and poor and led to civil strife.

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Select one: True False

The most important Roman architectural feature was the arch. Answer saved Marked out of 1.00

Select one: True False

Answer saved

The movement to the Empire period in Roman history was marked by many new and splendid buildings.

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Select one: True False

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