History Notes Pt 2 - Professor Michael Matthews PDF

Title History Notes Pt 2 - Professor Michael Matthews
Author Isabelle Asuncion
Course Core
Institution St. John's University
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Professor Michael Matthews...


Notes: 11/15 Chapter 19

Keep down liberalism and nationalism Two big developments ● Industrialization ● Western dominance in other parts of the world Industrialization ● It starts in England ● A lot of advantages over the rest of the world ○ Growing population ○ A great deal of capital ■ Have a lot of colonies ● A major force as far as to change in Europe ○ New technology developed ○ New weapons ○ Results of pop growth → revive in imperialism ● Replace cotton industries with factories ● Growth of Cities ● Active search for raw materials ○ Coal ● Development of transportation ○ Create railroads ● Having banking and credit system ● Greate agricultural system ● Exports will multiple in a factor of 4 ● Highest standard of living in Europe ● Steam Engines ● Iron Industry ○ Produce 17,000 tons of iron ○ 2 million tons of iron in 1840 ○ 1852 3 million tons of iron ● The industrial factory is a symbol of the industrial revolution ● A lot of children and women are working in factories and mines ○ Workshop and banker of the world ● Industrialization is going o spread ○ Going to kick in in the early 1800s ○ America is gonna surpass England

■ Use interchangeable parts as the secret ● Improve production and decrease the cost of goods ■ Start to build infrustructures ● ● ● ●

Large gap developing between the rich and the poor Not gonna get into Russia or Eastern Europe Matter of population growth Great Popatoe Famine ○ Gonne hit a million people in Ireland ○ Starvation ○ 2 million get out of Irland ■ Some England ■ Some to America ● London is gonna have about a million people ○ Sanitary conditions in towns and city are awful ● The middle class could be fearful of the working class ○ They want nothing to do with them ○ They try to separate themselves in many ways ● Work in factories 12-16 hours a day, 6 days a week ○ No minimum wage ○ No security ○ Conditions in factories and minings are terrible ○ Children labor is exploited ● Factory Act ○ Impact on women and children ○ Minimum act of 9 years old ○ Women occupied a good part of labour force Socialization ● European Socialist ○ Robert Owen and utopian socialism ● The trade Union Movement ○ Amalgamated Society of Engineer Nationalism ● Congress of Vienna meets up ○ Believe in the principle of ligetimacy ■ Put legitament rulers throughout Europe ■ Restoring old monarchies ● Wants to keep down liberalism and Nationalism ○ But there are a lot of fo revolutions in Europe ■ Development of Italy and Germany

● Look as a threat from the political order ○ 1830 there is a revolt in France ● Believed in respect of religion, politics, and ideas of revolutions ● ADopt principle of Intervention ○ Meaning that these countries are willing to use force to go in and restore legitament monarchies to prevent revolution ■ Except for England, they don’t wanna do it Liberalism ● Protection of civil liberties; guaranteed by a written document ○ Believe that people should be free as much as possible ○ Religious toleration; separation of church and state ○ Right to peaceful opposition ● Middle class adopt it ● Economic Liberalism ○ Lassez Faire ● Gov has 3 functions ○ defend the country of outside enemies ○ Law and order ○ Maintain the infrastructure ● Laws made by representative assembly ○ In order to vote you have to be a man and own property ○ Liberals are not democrats Nationalism ● The nation as a force for change ○ Common institution ○ Traditions ○ Language ○ Customs ○ Alliance with liberalism ● Sometimes liberalism and nationalism will unite ● Revolution in France ○ Louis-Philippe ○ “Bourgeois Monarch” ● Reform Bill in Great Britain ● Revolutionary Outburst in Belgium, Poland, and Italy ○ Not Great Britain ● The Revolutions of 1848 ○ Causes: ■ Depression

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■ Unemployment ■ Scandals ■ Corruption ■ Failure to initiate reform Forces of conservatives are trying to keep down these ideas of nationalism and liberalism Italy attempts of revolution are gonna fail Greeks will revolt against the Turks ○ Involvement of Russia, France, and Britain ○ Later Greece gained independence The Crimean war ○ Against Turks and Russians ○ Britain and France will get involved too ○ Russia is gonna lose ○

Two groups developed ● The bourgeoisie ○ The wealthy working class ● The proletariats ○ Poor working class

Notes: 11/19 2 big things: Industrialization and Western Domination of the world The population of Europe will group Imperialism Happened Other Forces that are important are liberalism and nationalism Industrialization happens around 1780 ● Didn’t happened in America yet Europe is trying to get to keep industrialization happening in other parts of the world such as Russia. Health conditions are terrible because the mines are cramped and closed up

● Laws to protect women and children Industrialization brings wealth ● Brings hope about socialization India is a good example of being exploited ___________________ Russia, Prussia, Austria, and England wanted Liberalism and nationalism to be kept dow n ● Conservatives acting to that ● Favor political authority/ obedience ● For organized religion ● Against the idea of nationalism ● Not in favor of civil liberties ○ Those countries will meet periodically ● Docter the principles of interventions ● Try to ut legitimate powers back into power These people are not democrats at this point ● White men to owned land In U.S ● Only white men are able to vote ○ With no land requirement ● Women had really no rights ● Slavery Economic Liberalism is the basis ● Laissez Faire ● Mercantilism interfere with good economics Believe that the gov should do 3 things ● Defend the country ● Provide law and order/police protect ● Maintain infrastructure Liberalism believe in civil rights, separation of church and states, and minority rights

Nationalism could be intertwined with liberalism Nationalism is a popular force in change especially in the French revolution ● Look at it as a force to be worried about ● A threat to political order Both will unite at times Nationalism happens in Belgium, Poland, and Italy France has an economic and industrial depression ● Louis Phillip tried to make changes but got overthrown France will Promote ideas of Universal manhood suffrage Charles Louis Napoleon Promises of the constitution of liberal gov. Frederick William IV ● Trying to unite Germany Austria ● Metternich will be dismissed Balkans Pennisula ● Areas have been dominated by the ottomans for the most part ● Three countries have been interested in the Balkans ○ Ottomans, ○ Austrians ■ Uptight about national ○ Russians ● People in Balkans wanted freedom ● Revolt against ottomans in 1821 ● Other countries are involved too ● Greece will at 1830 and independent country ● Serbia one freedom in 1870 ● Crimean War ○ Ottomans, Russian, and England got involved ○ Russia got pushed out of the Balkan peninsula ○ Signed Treaty of Paris

○ Accept neutrality ○ Florence Nightingale Unification of Italy ● Series of cities states ● Never centralized under a king ● Never Unify ● Trouble with military power ○ Cause they are a small country ● Victor Emmanual II ○ Ruler of norther Italy for about 30 years ○ Gonna name Camillo di Cavour as prime minister ○ Pursue of expansion the countries economic ○ And built the army ○ Alliance of the French Emperor → Napolean ○ Built an army in Sicily ○ Eventually, give over his army to Cavour ■ Gonna help unite the country of Italy ○ get involved with Piedmont event more ○ Italy got more power in the north ○ New kingdom under victor Emmaneual ○ Italy is smart enough to align with the Prussians

○ Between Austra and Prussia ■ Annexation of Venetia ○ Franco-Prussian War ■ France is gonna get kicked out and withdraw from Rome ■ Italy get able to get into Rome ■ Rome is the capital of new Italy Leader of United Germany ● State of Prussia ● William, I will Strengthen army in Prussia ● Prussia is referred to as spartan of the north ● Prussia’s great emphasis on military power ● Politics of reality ● Opportunities ● Willing to use war to strengthen the german republic ● North German confederation

○ Developed and lead by Prussia ● Will have war of Franco-Prussian War ○ France will lose ○ Prussia will win ○ France will surrender and pay to them of 5 million francs ■ They will also have to give up Alsace and Lorraine ● William will be named the Caizar of the second Germany empire

England Avoids Wars Busy with Industrialization Age of Queen Victoria ● Moral responsibility ● Increase political parties United States ● All Ideas and all in the upper class ● All have views of democracy ● Washington hopes he will be president for 8 years ● Will hope that it will develop one political party ○ Not true ● Jefferson is more concern about human rights than Hamilton ● Slavery is embedded in the south ○ MAJOR problem ● North and south is gonna separate in terms of thinking ● North obviously thinks that slavery is WRONG ● South attempted to defend slavery ● Cause of civil war ○ Not only about slavery but it is a HUGE REASON

Notes: Manchu Dynasty ● Foreign dynasty ● Come from manchuria ● Forign power ● 2 percent of popular ● Give China a good degree of leadership for a while

Problems Faced ● Corruption within the gov ● Imperial Power of other countries are going to be Imperialistic ○ Trying to exploit china when China weakens China is the middle kingdom of the east ● Superior of the all kingdoms ● Not really worried about trade with others English really wants to trade with China ● They won’t cow tow to them ● British get to China and China is not interested in them ● English used a degree of force to trade with them Opium War ● 3 years ● English and Manchus are a mishap ● China system technology is way behind so English have an advantage ● China will be humiliated Manchu were in the height of their power ● Long period of peace and prosperity Internal Factors ● Corruption in the gov ● Peasants unrest ○ Gov raised taxes on peasants Influx of Opium ● In the beginning it was used as a painkiller ● And time goes on and it spreads throughout society ● To the point where the emperor tried to cut it off ● Opium trade got pushed on by the English and the English is making money out of it ● Forced Chinese to open up more ports as far as trade ● Great Britain is gonna get control of Hong Kong After the Opium war ● Peasants rebellion ○ The TaiPing Rebellion ■ Lean more of Christian Thinking ● Many peasants fell into share cropping

● Corruption and incompetence in the central government ○ Raised taxes on peasants ● Grand Canel is started getting blocked up Europeans keep pressuing China into more trade ● Manchus to make humilating concessions ○ Legalization of Opium trade ○ Harbours for them Self-Strengthening ● Incorporated western technology ● Adopting it to Confusion principles ● “East for Essence and West for Practical Use” ● Tried to modernize the society ○ This policy is not working Germany wants more trade with them and when they said ok ● More countries wants to too Many conservatives in China are against it United States ● Manifest Destiny ● 2nd INdustrial Revolution ● Saturate our markets Open Door Policy ● U.S was going to look upon CHina as a sovereign country and that we want to guarantee the sovereignty of CHina Box Rebellion ● Domestic explosion ● Against foreigners ● Boxers: Secret society in rural areas ● Droughts ○ Increase unemployment ● Want all the farmers out ○ Even missionaries ○ Starts violence ● Westerners save those who are threatened EDUCATION

Will get rid of the exams New Western model In 1910, elections for national assembly Local elites and merchants cause problems

Sun Yat-Sen ● Form Revive China Society ● Originally a Doctor ● Develop a revolutionary alliance ● for the most part talk about 3 main principles: ○ Eliminate Manchu Rule ○ Development of Democracy ○ People’s livelihood/ Betterment of people Manchu Dynasty is at a point of collapsing Middle Class is getting behind on the revolution ● The middle class is not that big China is still impacted by imperialism Foot Binding

Notes 11/26: Review on China, touched on Japan, and get into WW1

Germany wants to trade with China ● China has a reform with them and they are ok with it China is trying to copy the west ● The conservatives (support confucianism) 1900 ● Empeorer is having troubles within the palace The U.S is going to step up and develop the Open Door Policy ● It brings some stability into CHina for some time

● China still ahve problem with the WEst ○ Boil over in the Boxer Rebellion ■ Boxer is after anyone who is a farmer Paper money has been abandoned Transportation system is unusable Attempts to westernize industries will be relatively inefficient Manchus discourage trade Role of Women ● They are in transition as well ● Foot binding Japan ● Meiji restoration in Japan ● Japan before the fact was a feudal socity ○ No central gov Japan is isolated to the rest of the world ● Korea is the only country they have relations to Change is coming about to end the reign of Tokugawa and end feudal ways ● Samurai much in vogue in tokugawa ● Overtime fall out of sphere of society First country to get into the Japan is United States ● 1853 when it happened ● Japanese will sign a treaty calling for minister from United States Shogun will be attacked in 1868, and restore power to the emperor Realized that they need to modernize ● Come up with comprehensive reform ○ Modernizing and industrializing different sectures to society ■ Political ■ Economic ■ Social ● Undercut Damios Samurais will eventually have their swords taken from them

Set out to create more modern political system ● Develop a new assembly ● Govc study on western models ● Liberal and progressive party, also imperial party Goal is to strengthen the executive power, the emperor Damios are often called governers in the provinces Progressives are going to win and develop a Meiji Constitution ● Based on the bismark ● Democratic reforms ● On paper democratic but in actually not really true (2 people in power)’ ○ Basically an oligarchy ■ Ruled by a small number of people Japan has to change their social structure ● Many indentured servants Gov would need revenue ● They are going to charge custom fees on many products ○ 5% custom fees ○ Add agricultural tax of 3% About 40% of farmers were tenant farmers Japanese industrialization are going smoothly ● It’s going to grow in tea, silk and ship building or any of those industries Develop universal education system Japan are rely very little on foreign capital ● Unlike China

World War 1 Countries in Europe are modernizing their military weapons Imperialism in Europe

England and German are the powers in the sea Alliance system, they form secret alliances with each other and when the war broke out they battle each other out Schlieffen Plan ● Schlieffen the head of the military ● Develops a military plan based on the assumption of a two front war ○ With france and russia ● Adding on the eastern front by sending enough troops to stabilize the front with the russians ● Attack france head on ● Wants france to be isolated ● They were carry favor with russia ○ Develop economic policies with them ○ Germany friendly with russia but still careful with them Dual Alliance ● Germany and Austra-Hungary ○ Develops into a triple allaince with italy involved ● France and Russia ○ Eventually Greate Britain ■ Tripled Entenir When the war starts everyone thought this war won’t take a long time ● It’s the opposite ● Turn of attritions ● West have long borders ○ Called No Man’s Land United States declares Neutrality ● Wants to remain neutral ● Not go on either sides ● Wilson tries to kept U.S out of war ● Supply a great deal with our Allies ○ GB and France Notes 12/6: WW1 12/3 World War I

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Thought it was going to be easy and quick Main event of the 20th century Known as the Great War As we move toward WW1 ○ China being ripped apart by european countries and even japan ○ Developing of empires and: ○ Alliances system ○ Socialism led to more competition ○ Trade will increase the competition among countries ○ Nationalism especially in bulkin peninsula ○ Serbia wants to create a pro-slovik country ○ Militarism (countries in europe double up in military) ■ Russia Military- 1.3 M ■ Germany Military- 900,000 ■ France -900,000 ■ GB- 250,000-500,000 ■ italy - 250,000-500,000 ■ A-Hungary - 250,000-500,000 ● Bulkin Peninsula ○ Russia looked upon itself as the protector of the slovics ○ Two Bulkin wars before duke is assassinated ● June 28, 1914 ○ Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand ○ Austria wants to go into serbia and tear out the ____ ○ Austrians go to allies Germany and ask Germany what to do ○ Dual Alliance - Germany and Austria Hungary ○ Triple Alliance - Germany, Austria, Italy ○ Triple Entente - France, Russia, GB ○ Germany tells AUstria do what you need to do, we will give you our full support ● July 23 ○ AUstria gives ultimatum for Serbia ○ It was so extreme it would end serbia’s soverignty Austria will declare war on Serbia Russia will mobilize their army ● Germany will consider this as act of war ● Either you stand down in 24 hours and if you dont then it is war ● Declare on war on russia in August 1

Schlieffen Plan

Schlieffen is the general commander We can into a two front war with france and russia Sends minimal troops out east against russians Stabilize the front but also be aggressive Invades France Goes through Belgium into France Goal of the plan was to get france out the way so germany only has to focus on Russia August 3rd ● Germany declares war on france ● GB will declare war on Germany the next day ● Violate Belgium then GB will enter war August 4th ● All countries in europe will be entered into the war Expects quick war Search of nationalism Germans advance through France and get 20 miles away from Paris First battle of Marne Stailmate Trench Warfare ● Germany built trenches / 6 to 7 ft ● To trap enemies In the East ● Russia will lose battles to Germans ● Germans reinforce Austrians ● Gain more success ● Invade serbia 1916 ● ● ● ●

Turn back to west Generals don’t know how to fight these battles No Man’s Land Battle of Verdun: 700,000 lost lives

Bulgaria and Italy enter in central powers North Africa battles Between allies and Germans Japan comes in and wants german territories in the east

USA don’t enter the war English block the coast to economically strain Germany British blockade the north sea USA supplies numerous goods to english and france Trade with germany gets cut down by 10% Turns into war of nutrition 1915 ● Sinking of Lusitania ○ 100 or so americans get killed ○ Unrestricted submarine warfare resumes ○ USA don’t enter the war yet ● Germans hope they can hit english hard with submarines ● Germans lift the ban on submarines ● Zimmerman Note ○ GERMANS SEND secret TELEGRAM TO MEXICO to tell them they will get land back ○ British intersect the telegram and sends it to USA ○ USA furious and enters the war ● Americans send troops over to Europe to win the war ● New kind of warfare ○ Airplanes ○ Machine guns ● Governments were going to centralize more ● Government will have more control over ● Compolsurary military services in GB ● Planned Economies ● Many countries involved in war have to start realistically to subdue populations ● Even GB you’re going to see the defense of the real act ○ Arrest anyone against the war ○ Allow govt to arrest any trader ● Suspend publication of newspapers Total War will end unemployment throughout europe New opportunities for women ● Work in factories ● Minimum wage for women ● Many employed will lose jobs to men who came back from war ● Germany and austria give women right to vote Russia was very unprepared Leadership of russian world was very incompetance Russia will suffer great loses

2 million killed wounded and captured 1917 ● Russian will to fight is gone ● Czar seemed isolated ● Series of strikes in Saint Petersburg ● Workers will be joined by women and other people striking and will shut down factories ● Troops turn on him ...

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