History Term Paper Task 2 by Israel Suarez and Bianca De La Rosa PDF

Title History Term Paper Task 2 by Israel Suarez and Bianca De La Rosa
Author Israel Suarez
Course U.S. History I
Institution The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Pages 5
File Size 56.5 KB
File Type PDF
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Download History Term Paper Task 2 by Israel Suarez and Bianca De La Rosa PDF


Israel Suarez Bianca De La Rosa Term Paper Task 2 1. The founding fathers of America espoused the first government of America to be small causing it to be weak, central and limited in its powers over its citizens. They wanted this type of government because they were in pursuit of liberty but also knew they needed some kind regulation on what the government could and could not do with their consent. The founders of this country did not want another king as they came from tyranny in Europe. During the progressive era, the government that was desired was the exact opposite, they wanted a large, strong government so that they could have more power over the citizens so that they may do what they please at their own will with no one to stop them. The progressives wanted to take on the social and economic problems of industrialization as they saw fit as most of the elite were lawyers, doctors, business men and the wealthy. 2. The founding fathers essentially wanted freedom for its people as they did not want a communist government, they did not want a king to tell them what they could or could not do. The fathers of the United States wanted everyone to have this freedom along with equal opportunity, they believed that every citizen should be equal and have access to the same type of opportunity as everyone else. The progressives were focused on industrialization thus leading to them wanting everyone to be equal and the same. They wanted everyone in the states to have the same kind of job leading to the same type

Israel Suarez Bianca De La Rosa of income, apart from the elite which did not always seem fit in everyone’s eyes. 3. Power for the founding fathers came from the bottom, they wanted their power to come from their own people, as to help govern their own country. The problem with this view was that the government structure was harder to build but there were some positives to this. The positive side to this was that they could express peoples will and need instead of those of just the elite who had the “right”. For the progressives, the power for the government came from the top, such as they called the “elite”. The one good view on this type of government was that there was no need for congress but on the upside down its people could not stop the government from doing something they did not like no matter what they had to live with the government’s decisions. 4. Although each the founding fathers and the progressives each had an elite class it did not mean quite the same thing for each. For the founding fathers the elite were those who were politicians from the wealthy class to serve as role models for its people not have more power over anyone. For the progressives, the elite were people who naturally had more power just because they had an ivy league education, or were in Hollywood or simply just in the media. They thought that anyone of these qualities made them better and greater at anything giving them greater rights and power, with money came power.

Israel Suarez Bianca De La Rosa 5. Some of the main tenets of the 2016 Democratic party include raising incomes and to provide more stability for middle class Americans. This would include raising wages and creating more affordable housing. Another tenet of the party is to support equality for all Americans. The Democratic party supports LGBT, civil, women’s, and the disabled people’s rights. The Democratic party also strongly believe in combating climate change and creating clean energy sources. Strong belief in providing a quality and affordable educations for all Americans. This includes helping students with their college debts. Democrats also see the need for securing affordable health care. They also see the need in stricter gun control due to the rabid occurrence of gun violence in recent years. 6. Some of the main tenets of the 2016 Republican party oppose some of the tenets of the democratic party. The republicans are not as supportive of gay rights. They have extended olive branches to the LGBT community though. The republicans don’t believe climate change is as big of an issue that democrats believe it is. They also believe that government should not have anything to do with minimum wage and that the states should handle it. They believe in having looser gun control laws. The 2016 republican party feel the government needs to secure the border by building a border wall. 7. One of the assets of the democratic party is that typically they try to listen to the average U.S citizens and help make sure they can persevere in our society. Examples of this the democratic party’s belief in affordable education and they’re attempts to help raise wages for middle class Americans. Another asset is they are the most accepting of ethnic groups and homosexuals. This helps them to appeal to many U.S citizens. One of the liabilities of the democratic party is that they believe everyone will follow with the polices they put in place. For example, a lot of Americans don’t agree with their plan for strict gun control. If a law promoting strict gun control is passed a lot of people will protest it. The Democratic party often don’t realize this. Another liability could be their belief in welfare for all. This is may help

Israel Suarez Bianca De La Rosa many Americans but at the cost of raising the burden on the taxpayers. This could cause more harm than good. 8. An asset of the Republican party is that they have a strong focus in growing our economy. The Republican party believe in personal choice. They feel the citizens should be able want people to make their choices for themselves and to not restrict their options. Another thing is appealing to some Americans is that they want to reduce government spending. There are people that feel that this would benefit our country. This quality is very appealing to them. A liability of the government party is their views on religion. The republican party view Christianity as their main religion. They tend to look down upon religions such as Islam. This of course is very unappealing to many groups of Americans. Another liability is their stance on Abortion. This a controversial issue and there many people are pro-choice and this would lead to them leading more towards the pro-choice democratic party. Another liability of the party is that they lean towards the wealthy and the elite. Middle and lower class tend to lean more towards the welfare and higher wages supporting democratic party. Source Citations GOP.Com https://www.gop.com/the-2016-republican-party-platform/ Democrats.Org https://www.democrats.org/party-platform National Review.com http://www.nationalreview.com/article/420615 U.S history.com http://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h1061.html 2016elelection.procon.org http://2016election.procon.org/view.resource.php?resourceID=005928 Wilybadger.wordpress.com https://wilybadger.wordpress.com/2008/02/07/republicans-pros-and-cons/

Israel Suarez Bianca De La Rosa...

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