Historymidterm - wgu academy history midterm questions and answer PDF

Title Historymidterm - wgu academy history midterm questions and answer
Author Linda Saevang
Course US History
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 4
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wgu academy history midterm questions and answer...


In the late fifteenth century, the desire in Europe to look for new lands was spurred in part by a. Significan growth population

The English Reformation resulted from b. A political dispute between king henry viii and the catholic church

The first permanent English settlement in the New World was established in e. Jamestown England’s first experience with colonization came in c. Ireland

Which statement about Spanish settlements in the New World is FALSE? d. The first Spanish settlers were mostly interested in farming.

Which statement best describes the role of women in pre-Columbian North American tribes? b. In all tribes, women cared for the children and prepared meals. The suppression of Bacon’s Rebellion helped spur b. slavery in virginia In 1638, Anne Hutchinson was deported from the Massachusetts colony because she c. challenged the prevailing assumptions of the proper role of women in society. The cultivation of tobacco around Jamestown resulted in all the following EXCEPT e. Improved relations with local Indians

In the 1640s, during the English Civil War, the Cavaliers were b. supporters of King Charles I The first blacks imported to Virginia in 1619 A. May have been considered indentured servants by the colonists Unlike Puritans, the Quakers b. rejected the doctrine of original sin In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, medical practitioners b. had little or no knowledge of sterilization The Church of England was the official faith of c. Virginia Rice production in colonial America a. Was very difficult and unhealthy work

Regarding colonial life expectancy during the seventeenth century, E. life expectancy in New England was exceptionally high Which statement regarding slavery in English North America in 1700 is FALSE? D. The demand for sleaves led to a steady rise in the prices paid for them Compared to women in colonial Chesapeake, New England women b. Were more likely to have their family remain intact In North America as a result of the Seven Years’ War, England c. Confirmed its commercial supremacy and increases its political control of the settled regions. The Treaty of Utrecht in 1713 b. transferred territory from the French to the English in North America Colonial protests directed against the Townshend Duties took the form of d. Colonial nonimportation agreement The Mutiny (or Quartering) Act of 1765 b. was regarded by objection colonists as a form of taxation without consent The first clash of the French and Indian War took place near what is now c. Pittsburgh British official Thomas Hutchinson e. Had his home ransacked by anti-stamp act demonstrators During the American Revolution, female “camp followers” a. Assisted in the support of regular troops Under the Articles of Confederation, the national government had the power to ? Which statement about slavery in America in the 1780s is true? b. Many southern states prohibited the importation of slaves from abroad The author of Common Sense E considered the English constitution to be the greatest problem facing the colonists. The Articles of Confederation were finally approved when states gave up their c. Claims to the western land In 1775, as conflicts with England intensified, American colonists

b. were deeply divided between what they were fighting for At the Philadelphia convention, James Madison argued that the ultimate authority of the federal government came from the B. People Delegates to the Constitutional Convention of 1787 recommended the document be ratified by ? Nine of the first ten amendments to the Constitution placed limits on the b. new government The emergence of an alternative political organization to the Federalists was prompted by C. Belief that the power of the federalists needed to be restrained The Judiciary Act of 1801 d. Was an attempt by federalists to secure their own courts The presidential campaign in 1800 ? In the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, it was asserted that e. States had the rights to nullify laws federal laws The Antifederalists d. saw themselves as defenders of the principles of the American revolution and feared that the new government would widely abuse its powers In his first term, President Thomas Jefferson E helped established a military academy at west point In 1812, Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun could best be described as E warhawks The Second Great Awakening f.

Began as an effort by church establishments to revitalize their organizations

During the War of 1812, the Hartford Convention c. proved to be futile and irrelevamt The first American medical school was established at d. the university of Pennsylvania When Thomas Jefferson received the treaty for the Louisiana Purchase, he b. was unsure of the constitutional constitution to accept it

Prior to becoming president, James Monroe had a. Served as secretary of state In the presidential election of 1824, b. John Q Adams received the second most electoral votes and was elected by the House of Represnetatives Shortly after becoming president, James Monroe c. Undertook a goodwill tour of the country The policy expressed in the Monroe Doctrine was principally directed at b. Europe The rapid growth of the Northwest and Southwest led to which of the following in the immediate aftermath of the War of 1812? a. The admission of four new states to the union The presidential administration of John Quincy Adams was b. Noted for its inability to carry out its policies effectively...

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