Hjemmeeksamen BALH3100 PDF

Title Hjemmeeksamen BALH3100
Course Strategic Human Resource Management
Institution Oslomet - storbyuniversitetet
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Human Resources management 2019.
Hjemmeeksamen og notater fra pensumboken HRM-Human resource management (Lussier og Hendon, 2019)...



Exam in BALH3100

Kandidatnummer: 222 Emnekode: BALH3100 Emnenavn: Strategic Human Resource Management

Antall ord: 4277 Innleveringsfrist: 29.11.2019


Innhold Question 1..............................................................................................................................................3 Selection.............................................................................................................................................3 Importance of the selection process and the selection tools.............................................................3 Interview........................................................................................................................................4 Integrity tests/honesty tests...........................................................................................................5 Validity and reliability in selections methods.....................................................................................6 Conclusion..........................................................................................................................................6 Question 2..............................................................................................................................................7 Diversity..............................................................................................................................................7 Performance appraisal, training and compensation...........................................................................8 Question 3..............................................................................................................................................9 Strategy..............................................................................................................................................9 Strategic analysis..............................................................................................................................10 HR practices interrelationship..........................................................................................................10 Reference list........................................................................................................................................11

Question 1 Selection


The selection process is about assessing «fit». It can be defined as the process of choosing the best- qualified applicant who was recruited for a given job. It is the process of selection and shortlisting of the right candidates with necessary skill set and qualification to fill the vacancies and goals in an organization. The selection process will always vary from company to company, industry to industry even amongst departments of the same company. There are even specific rules regarding the selections process in different countries. The task will discuss the selection process and why it is important, then it will present the most known selections methods, and address the issues of validity and reliability in selections methods. (Lussier and Hendon, 2019). Importance of the selection process and the selection tools

Why is the selection process so important to the organization? What effects does bad hiring have on the organization? That is two very important question an organization needs to be aware of, if it is done wrong it can affect the company on a higher level. First factor; the whole selection process takes time and resources to do, if the organization hire someone who is a mismatch, the whole process needs to be done all over in a very short time. It will also cost the organization money and time for new recruiting and selection process. The second factor of bad hiring is low productivity. In an organization you can find employee that does the minimum work possible, do not interact or satisfy the customer. This can create a domino effect, where other colleges see that the individual is still getting paid for doing the minimum. The commitment to the job and satisfaction will drop. The third factor is if the manager does a negligent hire, that means that they hire someone who may be a danger to other coworkers or customer in any way that can harm someone else. This can hurt the company in the way that they will be accountable/ held liable for that person’s actions. (Lussier and Hendon,2019 p.187). Why is it so important to be looking for fit? We can not treat everyone the same, but fairly in order to do a successful job. The dimensions we need to look for in the selection process to put the right individual in the right job are many. But we can name 3 main fits. Personality- Job fit is about having the right personality. The Big Five factor model can help us to see how people react in certain situation, if they are extroverts/introverts. as a manager you


need put them in positions that will be enhanced by their type of personality traits. The second fit is Ability- Job Fit; some are more skilled than others, some are more theoretical and some more practical. A manager needs to analyze that persons limitation before a hiring and assign them to jobs they are best at. The last fit is the Person-Organization Fit; there are many potential employees that have the right personality and skills fit, but they may not fit within the organization itself. If one of the candidates likes to work in individual bases reward system, but the organization focuses on centralized and team-based division, the candidate will not be happy in this organization culture and structure. They will most likely turnover, because their work engagement and satisfaction are running low. (Lussier and Hendon, p.190). We also have the selection steps model, but due the space I will not go further into the whole model but pinpoint that the process has 8 steps that includes 1.Application/resume, 2. Pre liminary screening, 3. Initial interview. 4. Second interview. 5. Detailed background check. 6. Selection decisions and conditional job offer. 7.Drug screening and physical exam. 8. Hired! (Lussier and Hendon, p.188).


can use the OUCH-test to decide if the selection tool is right to use or not.1. Is the tool objective? Are we being uniform in application of the measure? Is the tool we are using consistent in effect? Does the tool have relatedness with the job? If not, we need to do more research before we can use this methods in the process, so the process is done professionally. (Lussier and Hendon,2019, p.186). There are many different selection tools, but I will focus on step 3 and 5. Interview

A candidate will rarely get a job without being interviewed. But is a interview valid in predicting who is a good employee? Recent studies tell us that interview is not the best selection tools but testing for general mental ability and intelligence it is the best. Depending on the study, interviews increase your chance of predicting post-selection performance by 13% for unstructured interviews and 18% for structured. Studies also show that unstructured interviews had negative effect on selection process. (Lussier and Hendon,2019, p.203). Overall interview is a weak method when it comes to selection. But the interview gives the manager


the opportunity to make a face to face assessment, notice the individual’s ability to communicate, their personality, and appearance. Allows the candidate to learn about the organization and the job. We have three types of interview; Unstructured interview; interviewer have no planned questions or topics, it is almost just an informal conversation, the semi structured interview; where the interviewer as both planned and unplanned question, and the structured interview; where all the candidates are asked the same set of questions. (Lussier and Hendon,2019, p.204). During the interview you can ask close-ended questions witch only have yes or no answers, open-ended questions that creates a bigger conversations and detailed response, and hypothetical questions, with requires the candidate to describe how they would have reacted and done in a given situation. And probing questions that are more follow up questions that are not planned. (Lussier and Hendon,2019, p.205). HR interviewer today prefer the more behavior-bases questions that asks candidates to describe how they handles a specific situation. “What would you to if a customer who is yelling at you and are not happy with the product? Here, you will hear what the candidate most likely would do in real life to resolve the conflict. Integrity tests/honesty tests

Many candidates get so desperate for a job that they will lie in their application. Therefore, integrity and honesty test are important tool to hire the most fit for the job. It can be credit checks, or criminal background check (important if you want to work with children), or you can discover any violent behavior of theft. This will show the job stability of the candidate or any general untrustworthiness. As mentioned, reference checks are common, to validate with former bosses about you work engagement or work behavior. (Lussier and Hendon, 2019) The organization can also conduct tests to find the most fit candidate, but the tests must be valid and reliable. There are several tests a manager can conduct genetic testing, polygraph testing, physical test etc. But I will focus on written testing or paper pencil questionnaire designed to asses a variety of work-related behaviors such as personality traits. Some of the written test include interest test, skills test, honesty tests and skills tests. Written test is a common part of the selection process. (Lussier and


Hendon,2019 p.197). 80% of large and midsize companies use personality and ability assessments for help find the right fit for the job (ibid). Illegal tests can result in lawsuits. We have personality tests measure the psychologica characteristics and traits of the applicant to determine suitability for the persons performance in a specific job type. We have the Myers-Briggs Type indicator and Big Five Factor. Which is two different personalities test on induvial differences and a psychometric questionnaire to evaluate personality types. (Neck, Houghton and Murray, 2017, p.46). Is it okay that the company cares about your personality when you have the skills test? Sometimes you need a certain personality type for a job. Example is a flight attendant or a salesperson. If the salesperson is extreme introvert or no personal interest in selling would not work well in that type of job but succeed in account job. Sometimes the personality does not matter at all, and if they got nothing with the work to do, they do not meet the requirements of the OUCH test. If the company can not show a relationship between personality and the job, the applicant can take it to court for discriminatory hiring practices. Manager can not hire an extroverted person just because you like to be hanging around them, that is not a valid reason. The negative sides with the personality tests are that the indicator is not reliable, it can me misinforming, but it builds selfawareness, team building, management building, learn us about differences at work. But if you can not show validity (OUCH-test) of the personality tests, you should not use it as a selection tool. (Lussier and Hendon,2019 p.198). We also have something called cognitive ability test that are assessments of general intelligence or some type aptitude for a particular job. The tests need to be directly related to business necessity and job related. (Lussier and Hendon,2019 p.199). When engineer applies for a job, they need to go through a cogitative test to show that they have the knowledge about their area. The ones who scores the best goes to the next steps which is the group interview. Validity and reliability in selections methods.

Uniform Guidelines employee Selection Procedures (UGESP) provides guidelines on how to avoid discriminatory hiring practices. (Lussier and Hendon,2019 p.190). Any step in the selection process can become a test for the applicant. We can take the personality test Big Five factor as an


example. Criterion-related validity is the ability of a test to measure factor related to the test. If we can show a relationship between what score they get on the test and on-the-job performance after they are hires the test is valid. (Lussier and Hendon,2019 p.191). As mentioned, no study have yet showed that this is reliable (Neck, Houghton and Murray, 2017, p.46). Content validity is the assessment if the test measures the knowledge of the items it is supposed to measure. That means if the test is directly applicable to the job. As a salesperson or fly attendant, the personality plays an important role. Construct validity measure trait or theoretical concept that is not observable. Like an IQ test. Intelligence is important predictor for job performance, but UGESP says that this method is more difficult to demonstrate. The employment test is reliable if there are consistent over time and between people. Tests in the selection process must have a correlation with the job. If not, we can not use it because it is not reliable. (Lussier and Hendon,2019 p.191). Conclusion

The selection process is important because if the firms wants to develop, it needs to hire most skilled employees to expand their output. If the person does not fit the result is; unproductivity, time, cost money and negligent hire. If we put the wrong people into the wrong jobs, organizations can have difficulty in carrying out their vision and strategic plans. To hire the right individuals the firm needs to use the selection methods. Interview is a weak method when it comes to the selection, but it allows both managers to make a face to face assessment, and the applier to know what is expected. Integrity and honesty test are important tool to hire the most fit for the job. Personality tests evaluate people in the workplace, and the result shows the characteristic of that person. It can be misinforming but it gives us an idea of what type of personality the individual possesses.

Question 2 Diversity

Workplace diversity is the degree of which an organization includes people from different backgrounds and cultures: it involves respecting, recognizing and valuing both group and individual differences by treating people as individual to create an inclusive culture. The most effective way


to create this is through the management for diversity. This can increase market and help the company to have better commination with customers from different cultures and business success where the company hire the best skilled one. Minorites will be majorities in US in 2050 (Neck, Houghton and Murray, 2017, p.35). This part of the assignment will discuss why diversity is challenging on a social and organizational level, and choose two diversity dimension where and discuss the relationship between them and HR practices of performance appraisal, training & development and compensation management.

HRM legal environment has

become complex the past 30 years. Diversity management can be challenging for organization to handle. One of the primary jobs as a HR manager is to assist in avoiding discriminatory employment situations that can create legal, ethical and social problem with employee. (Lussier and Hendon,2019 p.77). Some organizations have created excellent organizational performance through diversity management. In this part I have chosen gender dimension and age dimension. We have age generation diversity which is a dimension of all different ages included within the workplace. Many organizations are finding new ways to include people of all different ages. This is not easy because we have 4 generation; traditionalists, baby boomers, generation X’ers, millennial. (Neck, Houghton and Murray, 2017, p.36). Deloitte finds that diversity is seen different by generations. Millennials see it as combining different background, experience and perspectives. While Gen X’ers and boomers sees it as equal and fair representation regardless of demographic. (Bourke and Dillon, 2018). There a lot of stereotypes linked up to this gender differences. Which explain why some companies will not hire “elderly or young people”. Stereotypes is the fixed belief we have about characteristics of a particular group. Some managers think that young people have “lack of experience”, are immature, ambitious, no obligations. Many managers choose to hire them because they are hungry for work. If managers just hire young people, other groups will have hard time getting one, even though they might work twice as hard. Stereotypes about elderly people is that they are burnout, do not have enough creativity or they do the work slower than young people. We have a falling birth rate that has led to a higher life expectancy since the 1980s, which had led to an aging population. To cope with these, more workers must work longer,


and organizations need to focus on senior employees to be hired, but also focus on the seniors they have hired. (Neck, Houghton and Murray, 2017, p.36). When it comes to the age discrimination, we have the Age discrimination employment Act of 1967, that prohibits age discrimination against people 40 years and older and restrict mandatory retirement. (Lussier and Hendon,2019 p.80).

Other dimension is gender

diversity. Equal men and women, at treatment of women in the workplace have come a long way. Before it was expected to stay home with the children. Today they have roles in every company but the differences in salary and positions are still there. 80% women still get paid less that men in senior roles (Neck, Houghton and Murray, 2017, p.38). The Norwegian job market is still very gender divided. When it comes to the management’s positions research from SSB (2012) shows that only a quarter of top executives are women. Is this because of the glass ceiling? The invisible barrier that keeps women from get senior position. Research shows that women still feel more connected to home and family, this require them to find strategies to combine this, especially in leaderships roles. This kind of role conflict can be the explanation for the glass ceiling. (Neck, Houghton and Murray, 2017). The risk of pregnancy causes not getting the job, or getting fired. But the pregnancy discrimination act of 1978 does not allow that. (Lussier and Hendon,2019 p.85). The VII of Civil Rights Act Of 1964 prohibits discrimination based on their sex in all areas of employment relationship I US. (Lussier and Hendon,2019 p.80). When a man and a woman both have senior position and do the same work, but the man is paid more, it is called Disparate treatment. It is illegal unless you can show that its BFOQ (Lussier and Hendon,2019 p.81). Because sometimes a qualification is required in order to do the job well. Example: In US the pilot must be under 60 years old, because health problems in that high age is more possible to happened during flying. The law was a response to a business practice that began to lay off older workers. (Lussier and Hendon,2019 p.84). Diversity can create conflicts between groups because of fundamental error where individual blame characteristic of the person, and don’t considerate the external factors. We also have perceptual distortion like stereotype, and ethnocentrism where employee use their own beliefs and culture as a scale when it come to people who are not the same as them. Those people will never accept diverse group if


they just see things from their perspective. (Neck, Houghton and Murray, 2017). Performance appraisal, training and compensation

Training is a systematic process and a useful tool that bring employee into position where they can to their job more effectively, correctly and conscientiously. This act will increase knowledge and skill for doing a particular job. It includes learning about organizations rules, culture. Study shows that manag...

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