HLSC 220 formative quiz PDF

Title HLSC 220 formative quiz
Course Ethics in Contemporary Practice (Inc: HLSC220)
Institution Australian Catholic University
Pages 14
File Size 104.1 KB
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testing your knowledge on nursing ethics in patient care....


Started on Sunday, 30 September 2018, 4:40 PM State Finished Completed on Page 1 of 14

Sunday, 30 September 2018, 5:02 PM Time taken:- 22 mins Question 1 - Codes of professional ethics have always guided health care professionals because? a. Health care professionals are more susceptible to behave unethically b. health care professionals must consider the fact of vulnerability, and must avoid giving preference to goals other than the well-being of their patients c. are confronted by complex ethical dilemmas in the course of their work d. b) and c) - correct Your answer is - correct.

Question 2 - Virtue theory focuses on? a. rules and duties b. consequences and human rights c. moral character and moral goals - correct d. fairness and equality Your answer is correct.

Question 3 - Virtues are? a. character traits or habits of being - correct b. attractive aspects of a person's personality c. duties d. acquired quickly Your answer is correct.

Question 4 - A virtuous person? a. is a rare thing b. is uncool c. can be relied upon to do the right thing because that is what a virtuous person (habitually) does - correct d. always obeys the law of the land Your answer is correct.

Question 5 - When making ethical decisions, a virtue theorist asks? a. what is the safest thing to do in this case? b. what would be the consequence of doing one thing or another? c. which rule should I follow in this case? d. what kind of person would I become if I did (or did not do) one thing or another? - correct

Started on Sunday, 30 September 2018, 4:40 PM State Finished Completed on Page 2 of 14

Sunday, 30 September 2018, 5:02 PM Time taken:- 22 mins Your answer is correct.

Question 6 - Deontologists focus on? a. outcomes of actions b. rules, duties, principles and laws to guide actions - correct c. cultural norms d. none of the above Your answer is correct.

Question 7 - When making ethical decisions, Kant would ask? a. Can my decision be universalised? - correct b. will my decision serve to maximise benefits? c. will my decision prove inconvenient for someone? d. none of the above Your answer is correct.

Question 8 - When making ethical decisions, deontologists ask? a. what is my duty in this case? b. what principle should I follow c. what should I do? d. all of the above - correct Your answer is correct.

Question 9 - Kant rejected any actions that involved exploitation because? a. exploitation of human beings undermines human dignity - correct b. exploitation of human beings is illegal c. exploitation of human beings brings about bad consequences d. none of the above Your answer is correct.

Question 10 - Utilitarianism is a form of? a. consequentialism - correct b. virtue theory c. deontology d. none of the above

Started on Sunday, 30 September 2018, 4:40 PM State Finished Completed on Page 3 of 14

Sunday, 30 September 2018, 5:02 PM Time taken:- 22 mins Your answer is correct.

Question 11 - When making ethical decisions, utilitarians ask? a. which actions will bring about the best overall consequences b. which actions will do more good than harm c. what rule should I follow d. a) and b) - correct Your answer is correct.

Question 12 - Ethics and morality both involve such concepts as? 1. goodness, evil, rightness, wrongness, opinion, virtue and character 2. goodness, evil, rightness, wrongness, truth, love, justice, virtue and character your answer is - correct 3. goodness, evil, rightness, wrongness, personal taste, justice and virtue 4. goodness, evil, rightness, wrongness, scientific rigour, justice and virtue Your answer is correct.

Question 13 - Ethics is? 1. a subject of interest to some people 2. of relevance only to professionals 3. necessarily prescriptive - correct 4. an academic exercise Your answer is correct.

Question 14 - Pellegrino locates the ethical legitimacy of the health care professions in? a. their codes of ethics b. their codes of professional conduct c. the relationships they share with their patients - correct d. their professional qualifications Your answer is correct.

Question 15 - Freegard defines professionalism as those who? a. provide a service that is valued by the communities in which they practice b. work autonomously and conduct research c. accrue knowledge and demonstrate technical competence

Started on Sunday, 30 September 2018, 4:40 PM State Finished Completed on Page 4 of 14

Sunday, 30 September 2018, 5:02 PM Time taken:- 22 mins d. all of the above - correct Your answer is correct.

Question 16 - Codes of Ethics? a. are of limited use in guiding health care professionals b. designed by government legislators c. are public statements to members of the societies in which professions practice - correct d. none of the above Your answer is correct.

Question 17 - Boundary violations occur when a health care professional? a. is neglectful of, or disinterested in, their patients b. is overly-involved in a patient's life c. instigates a sexual or financial relationship with a patient d. all of the above - correct Your answer is correct.

Question 18 - The primary role of the National Boards is to? a. educate health care professionals b. award outstanding health care professionals c. keep the public safe - correct d. promote the social standing of the profession Your answer is correct.

Question 19 - Notifications are made for the following reasons? a. failure to meet expected standards of knowledge, skills, care or judgement in professional practice b. thought not to be a 'suitable person' to be a member of a health profession c. thought to have an impairment or to have falsely obtained professional/ student registration d. all of the above - correct Your answer is correct.

Question 20 - Health care professionals have a mandatory obligation to report professional or student conduct that? a. demonstrates lack of experience

Started on Sunday, 30 September 2018, 4:40 PM State Finished Completed on Page 5 of 14

Sunday, 30 September 2018, 5:02 PM Time taken:- 22 mins b. is disrespectful of colleagues c. places the public at risk - correct d. that is unfriendly Your answer is correct.

Question 21 - Health Care Professionals have a mandatory obligation to report instance of child maltreatment because? a. health care professionals are really substitute parents b. children are especially vulnerable - correct c. health care professionals are responsible for ensuring high standards of parental behaviour d. none of the above Your answer is correct.

Question 22 - Professional misconduct is a tribunal finding made in cases where a health care professional has? a. practices 'substantially below the standard reasonably expected of a registered health care professional of equivalent training or experience" b. engaged in conduct deemed contrary to a practitioner "being a fit and proper person to hold registration in the profession" c. engaged in conduct in their private lives that is deemed contrary to a practitioner "being a fit and proper person to hold registration in the profession" d. all of the above - correct Your answer is correct.

Question 23 - Unprofessional conduct is a tribunal finding that is most often made when? a. a practitioner's conduct has fallen below the standard reasonably expected by "the public or the practitioner's professional peers" b. a practitioner is falsely charging for services not rendered c. a practitioner is over-servicing for the purpose of increasing personal income d. all of the above - correct Your answer is correct.

Question 24 - Unsatisfactory professional performance is a tribunal finding made in cases where? a. a practitioner's knowledge, skill, or judgement or exercise of care falls "below the standard reasonably expected of a health practitioner of an equivalent level of training or experience" - correct b. a practitioner is taking excessive sick leave

Started on Sunday, 30 September 2018, 4:40 PM State Finished Completed on Page 6 of 14

Sunday, 30 September 2018, 5:02 PM Time taken:- 22 mins c. a practitioner is not dressing suitably d. a practitioner is unfriendly to his or her colleagues Your answer is correct.

Question 25 - A finding of 'practitioner impairment' can be made in cases where? a. a practitioner or student takes excessive sick leave b. a practitioner or student is thought to be 'too old' c. a practitioner of student has a physical or mental condition that is, or could be, detrimental to the safety of the public - correct d. none of the above Your answer is correct.

Question 26 - Health care professionals? a. cannot raise a conscientious objection to being implicated in an activity they find, on moral or religious grounds, to be unacceptable b. are legally permitted to raise a conscientious objection to being implicated in an activity which they find, on moral or religious grounds, to be unacceptable c. professionals who raise a conscientious objection to being implicated in an activity they find morally unacceptable must inform their employers of their objection d. b) and c) - correct Your answer is correct.

Question 27 - Human dignity can be understood as? a. an intrinsic value belonging to all human beings by virtue of being human b. an intrinsic value belonging to all human beings by virtue of being made in the image and likeness of god c. an intrinsic value belonging to all human beings by virtue of the human capacity, or freedom, that human beings possess to deliberate morally d. all of the above - correct Your answer is correct.

Question 28 - human dignity can be understood as? a. a conditional value that can be gained through living a virtuous life b. a conditional value that can be lost through making immoral choices, such as to do harm to others

Started on Sunday, 30 September 2018, 4:40 PM State Finished Completed on Page 7 of 14

Sunday, 30 September 2018, 5:02 PM Time taken:- 22 mins c. both intrinsic and conditional d. all of the above - correct Your answer is correct.

Question 29 - Kant believed that respecting human dignity requires? a. respect for individual autonomy b. respect for the right of others to deliberate morally - correct c. allowing others to make their own choices, whatever they might be d. supporting the decisions of others Your answer is correct.

Question 30 - Humanity itself is a dignity' is a view held by? a. Aristotle b. Kant - correct c. Hippocrates d. none of the above Your answer is correct.

Question 31 - Human rights serve to protect? a. Human health b. individual preferences c. human dignity - correct d. none of the above Your answer is correct.

Question 32 - Sulmasy argues that the right to health care is not universal because? a. A community may have chosen not to recognise the right to health care b. a community might lack the capacity to uphold that right - correct c. a community might value other things besides health d. none of the above Your answer is correct.

Started on Sunday, 30 September 2018, 4:40 PM State Finished Completed on Page 8 of 14

Sunday, 30 September 2018, 5:02 PM Time taken:- 22 mins Question 33 - The right to health care is recognised in Australia? a. inasmuch as we support a universal health insurance scheme b. inasmuch as it is included in professional codes of ethics c. inasmuch as we have the economic, physical, and intellectual capacities to meet health care need d. all of the above - correct Your answer is correct.

Question 34 - The rights promulgated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? a. are legally binding in all nations b. are a statement of consensus over the social goods that are desirable - correct c. are empty claims d. will always serve to protect human dignity at all times in all places Your answer is correct.

Question 35 - To protect the rights of those who lack capacity to decide, the American Nurses' Association requires that nurses should? a. collaborate with others to ensure ethically sound treatment b. advocate on behalf of those who lack capacity c. be aware of patients' rights d. all of the above - correct Your answer is correct.

Question 36 - The Holocaust teaches us that? a. health care professionals have the power to do great harm b. to uphold professional integrity, the goal of health care professional activity must always be, firstly, health and healing c. health care professionals are held accountable for their actions, even if they are sanctioned by the state or by an employer d. all of the above - correct Your answer is correct.

Question 37 - The values upheld in the United States of America are? a. equity and solidarity b. equality and individual rights

Started on Sunday, 30 September 2018, 4:40 PM State Finished Completed on Page 9 of 14

Sunday, 30 September 2018, 5:02 PM Time taken:- 22 mins c. personal responsibility and individual choice - correct d. equity and efficiency Your answer is correct.

Question 38 - The legislation governing consent requires that? a. health care professionals must obtain a patient's signature prior to providing any care or treatment b. consent must be informed and the patient must be given time to consider the information provided - correct c. in an emergency, children can provide consent themselves d. all of the above Your answer is correct.

Question 39 - Wasting health care resources can occur in the following ways? a. over-treatment and fraudulent charging b. lack of coordination of care c. unrestricted pricing of health care products by private companies d. all of the above - correct Your answer is correct.

Question 40 - Public health measures designed to change individual behaviour can be rejected because? a. they are thought to be based on false information b. they are thought to be paternalistic - correct c. they are thought to be useless d. they are thought to be a waste of money Your answer is correct.

Question 41 - The second largest emitters of greenhouse gases are? a. the coal industry b. steel manufacturers c. hospitals - correct d. dairy farms

Started on Sunday, 30 September 2018, 4:40 PM State Finished Completed on Page 10 of 14

Sunday, 30 September 2018, 5:02 PM Time taken:- 22 mins Your answer is correct.

Question 42 - Health care professionals act justly when they? a. lobby politicians to spend more money on health care b. comply with all efficiency measures c. provide the same level of care to each and every patient they care for d. when they provide the level of care necessary to meet a patient's actual need and in keeping with the same needs in others - correct Your answer is correct.

Question 43 - The principle of respect for patient autonomy? a. is an aspect of respect for human dignity b. serves to recognise the right that each competent person has to make choices and to act on the basis of one's own beliefs and values c. requires health care professionals to involve patients in making decisions about their treatment and care d. all of the above - correct Your answer is correct.

Question 44 - Consent to health care? a. is required at all times in all cases b. must be both informed and obtained from competent patients prior to surgery, anaesthesia or other invasive procedures - correct c. is not required when providing surgery and anaesthesia to children or those who lack the capacity to reason d. none of the above Your answer is correct.

Question 45 - The principle of respect for patient autonomy? a. is absolutely binding at all time and in all cases b. is the most important of the principles of health care ethics c. is limited by the rights and needs of others - correct d. none of the above Your answer is correct.

Question 46 - Shared decision-making? a. undermines respect for the principle of respect for patient autonomy

Started on Sunday, 30 September 2018, 4:40 PM State Finished Completed on Page 11 of 14

Sunday, 30 September 2018, 5:02 PM Time taken:- 22 mins b. is unrealistic as patients do not usually know what is best for them c. allows patients to consider the professional's clinical knowledge in light of their own values and beliefs - correct d. is a waste of a professional's time Your answer is correct.

Question 47 Paternalism in health care occurs when? a. health care professionals do more good than harm b. health care professionals are clinically incompetent c. a professional's idea of what is good for a patient overrides the differing view of the patient correct d. health care professionals lack compassion Your answer is correct.

Question 48 - The legislation governing consent also requires that? a. in most cases, patients are permitted to refuse treatment b. the person consenting must 'understand the nature, purpose and effects' of the proposed procedure, be an adult (over 18 years), and be mentally competent c. consent be given freely and voluntarily d. all of the above - correct Your answer is correct.

Question 49 - The legislation governing consent allows? a. consent to be foregone in an emergency - correct b. consent to be foregone when treating/ caring for an adolescent c. consent to be foregone when professional staff members are very busy d. none of the above Your answer is correct.

Question 50 - Persons appointed to make health care decisions on behalf of a patient? a. are permitted to make decisions for the patient as they see fit

Started on Sunday, 30 September 2018, 4:40 PM State Finished Completed on Page 12 of 14

Sunday, 30 September 2018, 5:02 PM Time taken:- 22 mins b. are permitted to make decisions for the patient providing the decisions are based on the recommendations of health care professionals c. must, in making decisions, accurately represent the wishes of the patients - correct d. must have a degree from a faculty of health sciences Your answer is correct.

Question 51 - Advance care directives are? a. written expressions of a person's wishes regarding treatment and care b. useful for guiding decision-making in the patient's interests when that patient has permanently or temporarily lost the capacity to consent c. documents that are binding at all times and in all cases d. a) and b) - correct Your answer is correct.

Question 52 - A patient's confidentiality is respected when? a. information about a patient's condition is shared between members of the health care team only or with those who have a 'need to know' b. information is shared with the treating team in order to help the patient c. information is shared with a patient's family/ significant others only with the permission of the patient d. all of the above - correct Your answer is correct.

Question 53 - The requirement to respect patient confidentiality is limited? a. in the interests of public safety b. to protect an identifiable third party who may otherwise be harmed c. to protect a patient from harming himself or herself d. all of the above - correct Your answer is correct.

Started on Sunday, 30 September 2018, 4:40 PM State Finished Completed on Page 13 of 14

Sunday, 30 September 2018, 5:02 PM Time taken:- 22 mins Question 54 - Decisions concerning the distribution of health care resources must take into account? a. the requirements of justice and fairness b. the requirement to meet other human needs c. the state of the economy d. all of the above - correct Your answer is correct.

Question 55 - Medicare in Australia allows access to? a. public hospital care only b. services provided by allied health care professionals only c. a basic, decent, minimum standard of health care - correct d. all the health care that a patient desires Your answer is correct.

Question 56 - The cost of ...

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