Course Diploma of nursing
Institution TAFE New South Wales
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Knowledge Assessment Criteria Unit code, name and release number HLTENN005 Contribute to nursing care of a person with complex needs (3) Qualification/Course code, name and release number HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing (1)

Student details Student number

Student name Katai’I Toloke

Assessment Declaration 

This assessment is my original work and no part of it has been copied from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made.

No part of this assessment has been written for me by any other person except where such collaboration has been authorised by the assessor concerned.

I understand that plagiarism is the presentation of the work, idea or creation of another person as though it is your own. Plagiarism occurs when the origin of the material used is not appropriately cited. No part of this assessment is plagiarised.

This declaration only needs to be completed if you are not submitting your assessment online.

Student signature and date

Document title: HLTENN005_AE_Kn_1of5 Resource ID: HCS_18_023_HLTENN005_AE_Kn_1of5

Page 1 of 26 STUDENT NAME: Katai’I Toloke



For queries, please contact: Health, Wellbeing and Community Services SkillsPoint Cnr McQuoid St & Buttle St QUEANBEYAN NSW 2620 © 2020 TAFE NSW, Sydney RTO Provider Number 90003 | CRICOS Provider Code: 00591E This assessment can be found in the: Learning Bank The contents in this document is copyright © TAFE NSW 2020, and should not be reproduced without the permission of the TAFE NSW. Information contained in this document is correct at time of printing: 14 August 2021. For current information please refer to our website or your teacher as appropriate.

Document title: HLTENN005_AE_Kn_1of5 Resource ID: HCS_18_023_HLTENN005_AE_Kn_1of5

Page 2 of 26 STUDENT NAME: Katai’I Toloke

Assessment Instructions Assessment details


Assessment overview

The objective of this assessment is to assess your knowledge of information required to effectively perform the tasks outlined in this unit. This includes knowledge of: 

common disorders and conditions and diagnostic tests for their diagnosis of common conditions and disorders of body systems

how to collect specimens, including blood

how to perform a range of nursing interventions

mediation, negotiation and conflict resolution as associated with nursing intervention principles for recognising a deteriorating person

referral options and resources available in community and health care settings

critical thinking, including its characteristics and the differences between critical thinking, creative thinking and problem-solving

nursing interventions associated with reproductive and urinary system disorders and conditions including conditions which require a bladder washout

Assessment Event number

1 of 5

Instructions for this assessment

This is an online or paper-based quiz and will be conducted at a TAFE NSW campus or as a take home assessment. Your assessor will provide assessment results and feedback online, or via the feedback form at the end of this document. Note: if you are submitting through an online platform, the assessor will give you feedback via the platform. This document is in three parts: Part 1: Disorders and symptoms quiz Part 2: Diagnosis, nursing interventions and education quiz Part 3: Short answer questions and is supported by: 

Document title: HLTENN005_AE_Kn_1of5 Resource ID: HCS_18_023_HLTENN005_AE_Kn_1of5

Assessment feedback.

Page 3 of 26 STUDENT NAME: Katai’I Toloke

Assessment details


Assessment overview

The objective of this assessment is to assess your knowledge of information required to effectively perform the tasks outlined in this unit. This includes knowledge of:

Submission instructions

common disorders and conditions and diagnostic tests for their diagnosis of common conditions and disorders of body systems

how to collect specimens, including blood

how to perform a range of nursing interventions

mediation, negotiation and conflict resolution as associated with nursing intervention principles for recognising a deteriorating person

referral options and resources available in community and health care settings

critical thinking, including its characteristics and the differences between critical thinking, creative thinking and problem-solving

nursing interventions associated with reproductive and urinary system disorders and conditions including conditions which require a bladder washout

Where possible, complete and submit this assessment online via TAFE NSW online learning platform. Upload all the required assessment files in the assessment area on the online learning platform. Alternatively, hand all required assessment files to your assessor for marking. Make sure you have added your name to the bottom of each page of the assessment. It is important that you keep a copy of all electronic and hard copy assessments submitted to TAFE NSW and complete the assessment declaration when you have submit the assessment.

What do I need to do to achieve a satisfactory result?

To achieve a satisfactory result for this assessment all questions must be answered correctly. You will have three attempts to achieve a satisfactory result. If you don’t have all questions answered correctly after your second attempt you will be required to wait 24 hours for your third attempt so you have time to reflect, study and improve. If you don’t have all questions answered correctly after three attempts you will need to talk with the Course Coordinator or Head Teacher who may use their discretion to allow additional attempts.

Document title: HLTENN005_AE_Kn_1of5 Resource ID: HCS_18_023_HLTENN005_AE_Kn_1of5

Page 4 of 26 STUDENT NAME: Katai’I Toloke

Assessment details


Assessment overview

The objective of this assessment is to assess your knowledge of information required to effectively perform the tasks outlined in this unit. This includes knowledge of: 

common disorders and conditions and diagnostic tests for their diagnosis of common conditions and disorders of body systems

how to collect specimens, including blood

how to perform a range of nursing interventions

mediation, negotiation and conflict resolution as associated with nursing intervention principles for recognising a deteriorating person

referral options and resources available in community and health care settings

critical thinking, including its characteristics and the differences between critical thinking, creative thinking and problem-solving

nursing interventions associated with reproductive and urinary system disorders and conditions including conditions which require a bladder washout

What do I need to provide?

Computer and/or pens and paper, internet access if submitting assessment online, ability to print or email completed assessment, calculator, learning notes, student ID.


Part 1: Will take place in the classroom and will be a closed book assessment task. You will not be able to access notes or other resources. Part 2: Will take place in the classroom and will be a closed book assessment task. You will not be able to access notes or other resources. Part 3: Will take place in the classroom or as a take home assessment, as advised by the assessor. You will be able to access notes or other resources.

Due Date

In Class Part 1 21.04.21 In class Part 2 28.04.21 Take home Part 3 21.04.21

Time allowed

Indicative time:

Document title: HLTENN005_AE_Kn_1of5 Resource ID: HCS_18_023_HLTENN005_AE_Kn_1of5

Page 5 of 26 STUDENT NAME: Katai’I Toloke

Assessment details


Assessment overview

The objective of this assessment is to assess your knowledge of information required to effectively perform the tasks outlined in this unit. This includes knowledge of: 

common disorders and conditions and diagnostic tests for their diagnosis of common conditions and disorders of body systems

how to collect specimens, including blood

how to perform a range of nursing interventions

mediation, negotiation and conflict resolution as associated with nursing intervention principles for recognising a deteriorating person

referral options and resources available in community and health care settings

critical thinking, including its characteristics and the differences between critical thinking, creative thinking and problem-solving

nursing interventions associated with reproductive and urinary system disorders and conditions including conditions which require a bladder washout

Part 1: Maximum 60 minutes Part 2: Maximum 45 minutes Part 3: Maximum 4 hours Assessment feedback, review or appeals

Appeals will be addressed in accordance with TAFE NSW Policy. Refer to Every Student’s Guide to Assessment in TAFE NSW for more information.

Document title: HLTENN005_AE_Kn_1of5 Resource ID: HCS_18_023_HLTENN005_AE_Kn_1of5

Page 6 of 26 STUDENT NAME: Katai’I Toloke

Part 3: Short Answer Questions Please read each scenario and answer the questions in the spaces provided in this document. The required answer length varies and is indicated with each question. Scenario 1: Mr. Black, 34 years old, was admitted to the hospital with a fractured right lower leg. Mr Black has a history of Osteoarthritis. He has a cast in place to immobilise his leg. The doctor has ordered hourly neurovascular observations. 1. Why do you need to perform neurovascular observations on Mr Black and what are you assessing him for? (50 – 100 words) It is important to perform neurovascular observations as it detects if there are any deterioration or compromise. For Mr Blacks condition, it is extremely vital to perform hourly neurovascular observations because any delays in understanding neurovascular compromise can result in long erm deficits, limb loss and even death.

In Mr Blacks case, performance of this skill allows various components to be assessed like pulses, capillary refill, skin colour, temperature, sensation and motor function. This helps to assess the individual range of motion and strength as weeks pass by to see if there is any improvement to movement. This indicates the patient’s ability to perform specific movements as an indicator of motor function of specific nerves.

Document title: HLTENN005_AE_Kn_1of5 Resource ID: HCS_18_023_HLTENN005_AE_Kn_1of5

Page 7 of 26 STUDENT NAME: Katai’I Toloke

Document title: HLTENN005_AE_Kn_1of5 Resource ID: HCS_18_023_HLTENN005_AE_Kn_1of5

Page 8 of 26 STUDENT NAME: Katai’I Toloke

2. A possible complication for Mr Black following his fracture is compartment syndrome. Describe compartment syndrome and outline the treatment to prevent further damage to his limb? (150 – 200 words) Compartment syndrome is a condition that happens when muscle pressure rises to dangerous levels. It usually results from bleeding or swelling after an injury. This can limit blood flow stopping nutrients and oxygen from reaching nerve and muscle cells. Compartment syndrome can be acute or chronic.

Symptoms may include the following:       

Severe pain Sensation of pins and needles Weakness of affected area Nerve injury Pallor Internal bleeding Swelling

Treatments for acute compartment syndrome is surgery, a procedure called fasciotomy is performed. This is when the surgeon cuts the skin open and the fascia to relieve the pressure.

For chronic compartment syndrome includes physiotherapy sessions, shoe inserts and antiinflammatory medications. Make sure to perform neurovascular checks and to keep the extremity at health level to maintain arterial pressure and prevent ischemia.

Document title: HLTENN005_AE_Kn_1of5 Resource ID: HCS_18_023_HLTENN005_AE_Kn_1of5

Page 9 of 26 STUDENT NAME: Katai’I Toloke

Document title: HLTENN005_AE_Kn_1of5 Resource ID: HCS_18_023_HLTENN005_AE_Kn_1of5

Page 10 of 26 STUDENT NAME: Katai’I Toloke

3. Mr Black was having anticoagulation therapy before he went to theatre and it is still charted to be administered twice daily. What should you consider before administering his evening injection? (25-50 words) Since Mr Black has anticoagulation therapy before attending theatre it is important to discontinue administration since bleeding risk is high. Consider the next time he is scheduled for theatre as the medication can have a huge impact on the operation.

4. Mr Black developed diarrhoea and vomiting and was placed in isolation as a precaution as the cause was unknown. Isolation nursing practices are based upon general principles. Identify three (3) principles to minimise the risk of cross infection. (50-100 words) 1. Wear a mask Wearing a mask is effective as it prevents droplet transmissions and should be applied before entering the door to a patient’s room and should be removed upon exiting the room. 2. Appropriate donning and doffing of Goggles Used to prevent droplet transmission as it protects the eyes since it is a portal of entry. 3. Remove PPE and performing hand hygiene before and after patient care. Performing the 5 clinical moments of hand hygiene before and after caring for patients

Document title: HLTENN005_AE_Kn_1of5 Resource ID: HCS_18_023_HLTENN005_AE_Kn_1of5

Page 11 of 26 STUDENT NAME: Katai’I Toloke

Document title: HLTENN005_AE_Kn_1of5 Resource ID: HCS_18_023_HLTENN005_AE_Kn_1of5

Page 12 of 26 STUDENT NAME: Katai’I Toloke

Scenario 2: Mr Butler, a 20-year-old man, is an unbelted/unrestrained driver involved in a motor vehicle accident. He is brought into ED via ambulance having suffered a seizure at the scene and now presents as unconscious. 5. When completing a GCS assessment, what score would you expect of an unconscious person? Stimuli



No opening of the eyes


No verbal response


No motor response. Lack of any motor response raises suspicion from spinal cord injury


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