Homework 1 PDF

Title Homework 1
Author Monique Barreto
Course Global Geography
Institution San José State University
Pages 3
File Size 77.1 KB
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Homework 1...


Monique Barreto Geog12-80 Fall2019 Pereira Homework 1 1. Prompted by the Paris videos, and including anything else you know to be true, describe some of the differences between the Paris of the 1890’s and the Paris of today, in terms of transportation, communication, commerce, heat, light, fashion, livelihood, demographics, etc. There are many differences between Paris in the 1890s and Paris today, the biggest being that Paris in the 1890s was much more simple. Beginning with transportation, Paris today has a much wider variety of ways to get you from point A to point B. In the 1890s most people walked or went in horse and carriage. Today, transportation options vary from car, train, bike, scooter, bus, and much more. This is probably due to the massive amount of people who visit Paris each year. In the 1890s video, I observed that many of the people walked quickly, with purpose, and mostly looked the same with respect to ethnicity. Paris today is full of people from around the world, some of which are tourists, as you can clearly see by the way they stroll about the city and wait in lines and crowds to see the Eiffel Tower. Today there are also massive amounts of street vendors selling magazines, jewelry, toys, food, clothes and much more. The fashion in the 1890s was more uniform. All women wore long dresses, all men wore suits, and everyone wore a hat. Today people have more options when it comes to fashion. Many people wore shorts and a Tshirt but others wore dresses, rompers, vests, skirts, and accessories, such as jewelry, scarves, and belts. 2. Why do you think cities like London have become the locus of so much creative work with the roots extending around the globe? Do you think something may have been lost in the process? Briefly discuss anything about the Real Scenes film that you may have found engaging. I think London (and cities like London) have become the locus of so much creative work because of its adaptability. London is facing with many problems including venue closer, government regulations, and reputation damage; however, the people of London are finding ways to deal with these issues and keep dance and music a priority. Many artists have immigrant parents who moved to London before they were born. This mix of cultures and ideas helped to create amazing music that is specific to London. London has club owners push for people to have an experience rather than just a night out and provide an outlet for people of all ages to express themselves and learn from others. Although the entire video was in the perspective of the artists, owners, politicians, and producers, clubbers and the participants in the dance and music scene have a huge impact on making London this center of creativity. Their support is what got artists like Congo Natty from playing at illegal parties to the Royal Festival hall.

118.8. How does agricultural production vary with physical geography in Western Europe? Western Europe includes Northern Europe, Southern Europe, Central Europe and British Isles. Northern Europe has a cold climate, places like Greenland have 80% of its surface covered in ice. Scandinvian countries are located in the western highlands and northern lowlands, which possess excellent farmland but, only a small part of southern Sweden is part of the Northern Lowlands. Access to the North sea makes oil a major export for Norway and Denmark. Southern Europe is made up of peninsulas that extend into the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean and include the Pyrenees mountain range and many islands. In Southern Europe urbanization is quickly spreading, in fact, Northern Italy has become one of europe’s leading manufacturing centers. Southern Spain, Portugal, and Greece aren’t as industrialized but are built around agriculture and produce olive oil, wine, and other fresh foods. Since they are located in the Alpine region which encircles the Mediterranean coastlines, they have a temperate type C climate that provides an environment for these kinds of foods to grow. The Iberian peninsula is also located in Spain and Portugal were there is a smaller population but large valleys and meadows which makes for farming livestock. Majority of Central Europe is Northern Lowlands which means that the surface is flat and has good soil. Most of the land is farmland but there are also many lakes. The Benelux countries are major exporters of finished diamonds, food products, nonferrous metals, technology, petroleum products and plastics. The valleys in France are great for producing grapes used to make wine and the low plains are the home of massive farms produce wheat, pork, beef, poultry, apples, and various vegetables. In the British Isles, the scottish highlands (located in Scotland) are noted for their sheep and cow product products such as wool, beef, and milk. Western highlands in England are called the Pennines provided coal from mining. 118.9. What are the key factors that make Western Europe an economic core area of the world? Economic core areas like Western Europe are urbanized and industrialized. There are many large and highly populated cities in Western Europe that attract people, skills, and wealth. Employment opportunities, especially for highly skilled workers, provide incentives for educated individuals to move to this core areas. There are also effective education systems at play which leads to higher literacy rates and social elitism. These highly skilled workers and innovators produce new technology, which makes core areas like Western Europe financial powerful because they possess the greatest economic resources and control corporate markets. Furthermore, each country in Western Europe works to its strengths and complement each other, helping to create a dominant economic core.

134.1. What were four of the main reforms that occurred in Eastern Europe with the collapse of the USSR?

1. From communism to democracy. There was a change in leadership from dictators and authoritarian leaders to public elected officials. People were now allowed ownership of property, freedom of choice, and access to services. 2. From central planning to open markets. Central planning is an economic system where the government had the power to make economic decisions like which products were produced and how much was produced. With the fall of the USSR economic decisions were made between consumers and businesses. Open markets allowed for private capitalism and western corporate businesses. 3. From government control to private citizens. The power that was once held by the Communist elite was now given to the private citizen with the emergence of democracy and the people’s right to vote for their leadership. Citizens were liberated to make decisions that the government had previously made for them, they could choose businesses and work individually. 4. From Soviet Union to European Union. After the collapse of the USSR the now independent countries began to merge into the European community. Countries like Czech Republic and Hungary were early qualifiers for entry to the EU....

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