Homework #3 PDF

Title Homework #3
Author Marisa Johnson
Course Environmental Science
Institution Bellevue College
Pages 3
File Size 97.2 KB
File Type PDF
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homework for chapters 5 & 6...


Chapter 5 3) Compare and contrast the views of neoclassical economists, environmental economists, and ecological economists, particularly regarding the issue of economic growth. They all have to do with economic growth but just have different views on them, neoclassical economists- the buyers want a low price, but the sellers want to make a high profit so their price is in between. Environmental economists, use all possible resources to attain sustainability and lastly, ecological economists think a bigger change needs to happen for sustainability.

6) Summarize how the first, second, and third waves of environmental policy in U.S. history differed from one another. Describe two current priorities in international environmental policy. First wave: displacing native americans and having unlimited natural resources- so they thought Second wave: conservation and preservation ethics got introduced, with the hopes to reduce environmental impacts from the westward expansion Third wave: pollution became a huge problem One priority is focusing on sustainable development, finding ways to preserve natural resources while raising the living standards of people in third world countries. Another priority is using pesticides more strictly, and aiming to have cleaner air and water.

8) Compare and contrast the three major approaches to environmental policy: lawsuits, command-and-control, and economic policy tools. Describe an advantage and disadvantage of each. Lawsuits- individuals suffering external costs from pollution would sue polluters, advantage: individuals get money if the polluters are proven guilty/ disadvantage: incuffincet as population grew Command-and-control: a regulating agency that prohibits certain actions and/or sets rules and standards, threatening punishment for violation. Advantage it can be effective, disadvantage: citizens don't really follow it.

Economic policy: uses incentives to try regulate resource use and reduce pollution, to promote human welfare. Advantage: and better solutions at a lower cost/ disadvantage: incentives don't always work.

9) Explain how each of the following works: a green tax, a subsidy, and an emissions trading system. Green tax: a tax on an environmentally harmful activity or product Subsidy: a government giveaway of money or resources that is intended to support or promote an industry or activity Emissions trading system: the government sets an emissions cap in one or more sectors, and the entities that are covered are allowed to trade emissions permits

10) Define sustainable development. What is meant by the triple bottom line? Why is it important to pursue sustainable development? Sustainable development is an economic progress that maintains resources for the future. Development that “meets the needs of the present without sacrificing the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. “Triple bottom line” refers to an accounting framework that incorporates three dimensions of performance: social, environmental and financial. It’s important to keep a sustainable environment so the next generation will be able to thrive and survive.

Chapter 6 1) What is the approximate current human global population? How many people are being added to the population each day? The approximate population is about 7.7 billion people. Around 220,00 people each day.

2) Why has the human population continued to grow despite environmental limitations? Do you think this growth is sustainable? Why or why not? I think the human population has grown, given the environmental limitations because people are constantly reproducing. In my opinion I don't think environmental limitations have a big effect on the fact of babies being born. I think as of right now the growth is

sustainable because of the born to death ratio, people are constantly being brought into this world, as well as people are constantly passing away.

4) Explain the IPAT model. How can technology either increase or decrease environmental impact? Provide at least two examples. I- environmental impact, P- population, A- affluence, T- technology I think it can increase the environmental impact, because more and more technology is becoming a part of our society and i'm sure in many ways it can help solve how to strongly impact the environment for the better.

6) What is the total fertility rate (TFR)? Why is the replacement fertility for humans approximately 2.1? How is Europe’s TFR affecting its rate of natural increase? TFR- the average number of children born per woman during her lifetime.The replacement fertility is 2.1 because the ratio of children replacing the mother and father is 2 and then the .1 accounts for the risk of a child dying. It's affecting its rate of natural increase because the population is decreasing and so is the rate of population change.

10) Why do poorer societies tend to have higher population growth rates than wealthier societies? How does poverty affect the environment? How does affluence affect the environment? They tend to have high populations because they have less resources such as contraceptive methods. Poverty affects the environment because overtime it results and environmental degradation which affect the farmlands and other environmental things. Affluence allows wealthy countries to invest in technology that can research ways to help the environment, such as reducing pollution and consumption of waste....

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