Homework Week 8 PDF

Title Homework Week 8
Course General Biology
Institution Park University
Pages 4
File Size 67.3 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 47
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Weekly homework...



Ar emosti nv asi ve( exot i c)speci esKsel ect edorr s el ect edspeci es ?Ex pl ai ny ourchoi ceand whyt hatmak essensei nt er msoft hei recol ogi cal success. I nv asi v especi esar eof t ensai dt ober sel ect ed.However ,i nv ader smus tsomet i mescompet e wi t hr el at edr esi dentspeci es .I nt hi scase,i nv ader sshoul dpr esentcombi nat i onsofl i f ehi st or y t r ai t st hatgi v et hem hi ghercompet i t i v eabi l i t yt hanr esi dent s ,ev enatt heex penseofl ower col oni zat i onabi l i t y .


Br i eflydefineacommuni t yandanecos y s t em anddescr i behowt het woar ei nt er r el at ed.

Acommuni t yi sav ar i et yofspeci esl i vi ngwi t hi nonear ea.Acommuni t yi smadeupofav ar i et yof popul at i ons.Popul at i onsar eonl yonet ypeofspeci es .Wher eas ,anecos ys t em cont ai nsbot hbi ot i c andabi ot i cf act or s.Anecosy st em i sdet er mi nedbybot ht hebi ot i c( l i vi ng)andabi ot i c( nonl i vi ng) f act or s.Anecosy st em coul dbesomet hi ngassmal lasapondt osomet hi ngl ar gersuchasaf or est . Abi ot i cf act or si ncl udeamount sofsunl i ght ,soi l ,andcl i mat e.Av er yl ar geecos ys t em coul dbea bi omesuchasadeser t ,chapar r al ,t undr a,orsav annah. 3.

Whi choft hef ol l owi ngl ev el sofor gani zat i onar ei nor der ,f r om si mpl estt omostcompl ex . a.popul at i on,or gani sm,communi t y ,ecos y s t em b.communi t y ,ecosy st em,popul at i on,or gani sm c .or gani sm,communi t y ,popul at i on,ecos y st em d.popul at i on,ecos ys t em,or gani sm,communi t y e.or gani sm,popul at i on,communi t y ,ecosy st em 4. Mossesgr owi ngonbar er ockwi l l ev ent ual l yhel pt ocr eat esoi l .Thes emossesar ei nv ol ved i n___succ essi on. a.pr i mar y b.secondar y c .t er t i ar y 5. I faf ar merspr ay sapest i ci deont oafiel dandki l l shal foft hei nsectpest s ,hehascauseda r educt i oni n________. a.fiel dcapaci t y b.car r yi ngcapaci t y c .popul at i onsi z e d.Mor et hanoneoft heabov e 6. Whatt ypeofsur vi vor shi pcur v ewoul dy ouexpectf orapl antspeci esi nwhi chonl yaf ew seedsar epr oducedandmostoft hesesur vi vet opr oduceadul tpl ant s ? a.t y peI b.t ypeI I c .t ypeI I I 7. Anecol ogi calni chei sanor gani sm' s_______i nanecosy st em. a.l ocat i on b.habi t at c .r esour ces d.f unct i on 8. Nomat t erhowr api dl ypopul at i onsgr ow,t heyev ent ual l yr eachal i mi tandbegi nt ost abi l i z e. Thi si scal l edt he_capaci t y __. 9. Uni cel l ul aral gael i v ei nt het i ssuesofcor alani mal s .Theal gaepr ov i def oodf ort hecor al , whi l et hecor alpr ov i desas t abl ehomef ort heal gae.Thi si sanex ampl eof a.Par asi t i sm

b.Commensal i sm c .Mut ual i sm 10. Thevas tmaj or i t yofener gyt ak eni nt oanecos y st em i s____________. a.conver t edi nt obi omassbypl ant s . b.ut i l i z edbysecondar yconsumer s . c .l ostasheat . d.usedbyt hepr i mar yconsumer s. e.concent r at edi nt hedecomposer s . 11. Af ar meri susi ngani nsect i ci det ot r eathi scr ops .Whi l emosti nsect sdonotsur vi v et hei rfi r st exposur et ot hei nsect i ci desomehav eagenet hatenabl est hem t osur vi v e.Whent hese sur vi vor sr epr oducet heywi l l l i k el ypassal ongt hi sr esi st ancet ot hei roffspr i ng.Thi sr esul t si nan i ncr easei nnumber soft hei nsect sov ert i me.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngpr ocessesappl i est ot hi s sur vi val ? a.cl oni ng b.mut at i on c .nat ur al sel ect i on d.genet i cengi neer i ng 12. Whati st heecol ogi calr el at i onshi pbet weeni nsect sandcr ops ? a.mut ual i sm b.compet i t i on c .pr edat i on 13. Seaanemonesgr owi ngont hebacksofcr abswi t houtdamagi ngt hec r absar eanex ampl e of a.Par asi t i sm b.Commensal i sm c .Mut ual i sm 14. Whi choft hesei sapopul at i ondensi t yi ndependentr egul at i ngf act or ? a.Compet i t i on b.Pr edat i on c .Si z eofpopul at i on d.Weat her e.Res our ceav ai l abi l i t y 15. Pr oducer sar e_________. a.Aut ot r ophs b.Her bi vor es c .Omni vor es d.Car ni v or es 16. I fbi ol ogi calmagni ficat i onoccur s,t he___wi l l hav et hehi ghestl ev el soft ox i nsi nt hei r s y st ems. a.pr oducer s b.her bi v or es c .pr i mar ycar ni v or es d.t opcar ni v or es 17. Gi v ent heamountofsunl i ghtt hathi t st hepl ant sonourpl anet ,andt heabi l i t yofpl ant sf or r api dgr owt handr epr oduct i on,howcomewear en’ tal lhi pdeepi ndeadpl ant s ? Thepr ocessofdecomposi t i ont ak escar eofi tf orus,al t houghnotasqui ckl yassomewoul d pr ef er .Whenpant sdi e,t heydecompos e,mi xwi t ht hesur r oundi ngsoi l ,andpr ov i denut r i ent sf or ot herpl ant sandani mal s .Decomposi t i oni st hemet hodbywhi choncel i vi ngmat t eri sbr ok en downaf t ert heor gani sm i nquest i ondi es.Decomposi t i onbr eak sdownt hedeador gani sm i nt o mor ebasi ccomponent st hatt hecauset heor gani sm t odi si nt egr at eandassi mi l at ei nt ot he

sur r oundi ngenvi r onment .Thi spr oces si sessent i al f ort her et obeadequat espacei nour bi ospher ef ornewl i vi ngor gani smst of unct i onandmov eabout .Var i ousspeci esoff ungiand bact er i aar et hepr i mar ymachi nesi nt hepr ocessofdecomposi t i on.Ther ef or e,duet ot he pr ocessofdecomposi t i on,wedonotf acet hedi l emmaofhavi ngt owar ehousedeador gani sms ov ert hemi l l enni um –ast heyar eal leffect i v el yr ec y cl edi nt ot hesoi landat mospher eoft he Ear t ht hr ought hepr ocessofdecomposi t i on.

Thef ol l owi ngGr adi ngRubr i cwi l lbeusedt oscor eyourhomewor k: Quest i ons

Expect at i on


Demonst r at esanunder st andi ngoft hechar act er i s t i csofr -andKsel ect edspeci es .


Cor r ect l ydefinest het wot er msandexpl ai nshowt het woar er el at ed.

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Demonst r at esanunder st andi ngofecol ogi cal concept s . Appl i est heknowl edgeoft r ophi cl ev el si nar eal wor l dsi t uat i on. { { { { { { { { { {

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