HOW A Wrong TURN Started World WAR I PDF

Title HOW A Wrong TURN Started World WAR I
Course The Contemporary World
Institution University of the East (Philippines)
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19yrs. Old, was humiliated by people Ultimate Goal: “I am an adherent of the radical anarchist idea which aims to destroying the present system through terrorism” – Granted in the 1914s (THE FIRST WORLD WAR)

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Began almost by accident and ended just as strangely, in between was more destructive than any war had ever been British, French and Italian soldiers died First genuinely global conflict Shaped the 20th century: Sparked Russian Revolution, Launched America as world power Fault lines from its peace settlement led the world to a second terrible war 20 years later Shaped today’s Nationalism, democracy and rule of international law and the rights of nations.


At the start of 20th century, the most unstable part of Europe where three great empires fought for power: Austro-Hungarian, Russian and Ottoman


Had the upper hand for hundreds of years Serbia, Bosnia and Albania were under their control Built over 80 mosques in Serbian Belgrade Serbia had thrown the turks up and set herself up as an independent Slav Kingdom

“Old turks of the south have gone but new enemies from the north are more fearsome and dangerous” -


A Dual monarchy, less than an empire or a kingdom or a state than a personal property of the Hapsburgs whose hereditary talent for the acquisition of land was recorded on the map of Europe today

Only the Austrians and Hungarians had any real power among all the empires For Serbia, Austria Hungary was the prison of Nations a repressive undemocratic state that grounds people under its hue





A key part of European security: a multinational empire keeping peace on the borders of the west Contained at least 10 Nationality: Austrians, Hungarians, Czechs, Slovaks, Poles , Romanians, Italians, Croats, and Bosnians An Empire in a state of constant crisis By 1914, had been an ethnic unrest in nearly every part of the austro-hungarian empire local Parliament’s were suspended, troops were brought in to restore order. It’s Domestic problems gave opportunities to its enemies


Welcomed national unrest, particularly in Croatia and Bosnia Wanted to break up with the Austro-Hungarian Empire and incorporate all Slavs into a south Slav super state, Yugoslavia


Enemies from the north are the AustroHungarian


Ruled by Franz Joseph – Sat on two thrones: Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary, incharge for 66 years at 1914 Tried to resist change of any kind.



Officer in the Serbian Army Opposed any kind of friendship with the Austrian “The blind surrender to Austria’s embrace was the most shameful betrayal of Serbian traditions, I realized that Serbia must in full measure become the leader not only of Serbs but of Yugoslavia” One of the founding members of the BLACK HAND - secret military society which used terrorism and assassination to try to establish Yugoslavia Sent men to murder austro-hungarian military leaders and cabinet ministers Allegedly tried to killed Emperor Franz Joseph


By 1914, was in Belgrade talking od revolution with his friends

Heard that Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the austro-hungarian throne, would visit Sarajevo in June Plans hatched by the young Bosnians reached the ears of Dimitrijevic and the black hand Franz Ferdinand was going to Bosnia to observe the Austro-Hungarian armies maneuvers in the hills outside Sarajevo Dmitrijevic feared these maneuvers were a smoke screen and that what Franz Ferdinand really planned was an invasion of Serbia Princip’s plan to murder Franz Ferdinand suited him perfectly, so he allowed him

Franz Ferdinand and Sophie died on the way to the hospital and their funeral was held in Vienna on 4th of July


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Unlike Gavrilo Princip, was an excellent shot One of his castles which is now the Czech Republic is full of the evidence – by the age of 50 he has shot 5,000 stags as well as 200,000 animals all carefully numbered Was Emperor in waiting by 1914, his official portrait was ready – Franz Ferdinand with the stars and sash only the emperor could wear Had no time with the etiquette and convention that hemmed in the Vienna court Defied his uncle by marrying Sophie Hohenberg who was not of royal blood. Had radical ideas for political reform, he thought that it was the best way to keep the Austrian Empire on its feet and protect his own future as Emperor Wants to avoid war with Balkans Gavrilo Princip crossed the border from Serbia and Austria-Hungary at the Drina River, and made his way to Sarajevo where he met up with six others The Serbian major supplied them with four pistols, six bombs, and suicide pills in case of capture Date of Franz’s visit, 20th of June was Serbian National Day – a natural focus for hatred of the Hapsburgs – warned by Serbian Ambassador to Vienna warned. Princip almost gave up, but when the driver of Franz Ferdinand took a wrong turn at the corner of Franz Josepg street where Princip was


Governor of Bosnia Wrote to the foreign ministry, calling for Austria-hungary to take revenge against Serbia

In life, the prince had been a champion of peaceful co-existence with Serbia. In death, he was becoming a cause


Austo-Hungarian Chief of Staff Had pressed for war against Serbia even before the assassination

Emperor Frans Josef asked German Kaiser for support and on the 6th of July has got the answer he so wanted.


Germany’s Kaiser who was the oldest grandson of Queen Victoria Has a flamboyant character with no eye for detail Had an immature streak and was desperate to be popular often petulant His crucial decision to back Austria was made with no care for the consequences Any local Balkan conflict had the potential to set Europe alight given that it was divided into two volatile camps: (Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy) (France and Russia) Austria sent a document to Serbia as an excuse for war which was filled with demands so extreme and insulting that Serbia could never accept them o JUST IN CASE SERBIA ACCEPTED IT: the Austrian ambassador in Belgrade was ordered to reject any reply as unacceptable o He delivered the ultimatum at 6PM on the 23rd of July, 1914


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A Belgrade doctor “The news of the ultimatum spread quickly and soon there was real alert, streets and bars were crowded with anxious people, everybody wondered what answer our gov’t would give, whether a new war would be avoided” Austria’s ultimatum had the French Gov’t and French press surprised. German Kaiser observed that Serbia would never risk a war. Serbia would not have risked a war on its own, but it had a powerful Ally, Russia Convinced that Germany was preparing for war, Russia began partial mobilization on 28th of July – second key stage of the crisis Austria-Hungary declared war to Serbia that same day

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Britain’s Foreign Secretary “From the moment dispute ceases to be one between Austria-Hungary and Serbia and becomes one in which another great power is involved it cannot be the end that the greatest catastrophe that has befallen in the continent of Europe” Britain did not regard itself formally bound by treaty obligations as Gray assures Parliament

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The first shots of the war were fired from the Austrian fortress of Zimmermann just across the river from Belgrade Dimitrijevic had the black hand blow the only railway bridge On 29th of July as the shells fell on Belgrade it was the final attempt to keep the war between Austria-Hungary and Serbia. A series of lastminute telegram flashed across Europe, but the crisis was beyond the control of monarch and politicians, it was in the hands of the military. Alliance between France and Russia meant that Germany faced a war on two fronts, its only hope was to deal with France from the west before main Russian army could invade from the east For Germany, Russian mobilization meant WAR On 1st of August, Germany declared war on Russia, two days later it declared war on France.

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Across Europe, 10 Million men headed off to fight. Germany, Austria, Russia, Serbia and France were all convinced they were fighting a defensive war Only great power in Europe in the sideline was Britain, and was the most reluctant to go to war to help Serbia On 2nd of August 1914, Britain was still at peace, but Gray and other leaders knew Britain had to fight. If they stayed neutral, the war would still threaten its global position, and if they failed to come to the aid of their Ally, France and Russia, they too might become their enemies. 11PM in the 4th of August, Britain declared war on Germany. Britain’s economic strength underpinned it allies It was a war kept going by alliances. Germany was relying on Austria to hold the eastern front, with Russia massing on its border, Germany was horrified to learn that Austria concentrated its reserves not against Russia but down in the Balkans to deal with Serbia On the 12th of August, Austria and Serbia finally met at Cer Mountain – Serbs easily beat off the Austro-hungarian attack In the first month of the war, 4,000 civilians in western Serbia were killed or disappeared. Germanys’ resources were split between two fronts, but Belgium was weaker The Belgiums put their faith on reinforced concrete faults armed with German Krupp guns Germans brought their massive siege guns and Big Bertha’s (named after Krupp’s Daughter) to smash them. By 16th of August, all forts around the edge had fallen While the Belgian and French forces bore the German onslaught, the British Expeditionary Force started to land in France. On the 21st of August, British troops moved into position alongside the French fifth Army near the Belgian town of Mons close to the French border Two days later, the British with 70,000 was hit by a German force four times the size The allies started an epic retreat south just ahead of the German tidal wave War in the western front did not start in the trenches

These early months were mobile, fast and dangerous. In the first month the German army lost over a quarter of a million men, The front was constantly shifting, giving men no time to dig in, and there was nowhere to hide in fields swept by machine guns and rapid firing artillery

EDWARD WAH (di ako sure sa last name di ko maintindihan) -

19 yr. Old British Corporal, youngest soldier to receive the Victoria Cross in the war Died in 1916


Had no illusions that victory was going to be quick or easy

2nd of September, 1914, Germans were just 30 miles from Paris Gov’t left the capital for Bordeaux triggering a general exodus. A million Parisians, a third of its inhabitants fled the city, the fate of Paris and France would be decided on the river Marne

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French Commander in Chief “when a battle begins upon which nation’s salvage depends we cannot look back, we must make every effort to attack and repel the enemy, troops who can no longer advance must at all cost hold the capture ground and die rather than retreat.

German right wing was sweeping down towards Paris, the French had detached troops from the east moving them by rail to Paris to attack the Germans – The allies now outnumbered the Germans and made their moment to strike. As the German neared Paris, a dangerous gap opened up between their first and second armies, and the British Expeditionary Force would be driven in like a wedge Steady advance of the allies into the lethal gap was revealed in hand written reports 8th of September, 1914, Von Bulow, German Military Commander, ordered his forces to retreat Miracle on the Mon – Battle that French won over Germans

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33 Generals were killed, and was replaced by Erich von Falkenhayn after tactful polls Germany was then committed to a long war and it didn’t have the resources for it In November, 1914, Falkenhayn ordered his troops to fall back to high ground and dig in. German Army was ordered to live off the occupied territories: what the soldiers wanted they took Germans rounded up thousands of French teenage boys and girls for forced labor...

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