How Many People Can Live on Planet Earth - Video questions PDF

Title How Many People Can Live on Planet Earth - Video questions
Author Oussama Jmili
Course Global Environmental Issues
Institution Concordia University
Pages 3
File Size 72.5 KB
File Type PDF
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Video Question Sheet: How Many People Can Live On Planet Earth? Answer the following as you view the film. 1. Give some examples of how quickly the world’s population is growing. - Increasing by 2 people every second 200K every day 80 million every year. 2. What are some of the issues we are facing as our population continues to grow? - Lack access to safe clean drinking water. - Waste, deforestation, endless pollution. - Creatures and species are threatened to extinction. 3. What is one factor in every environmental problem that has been studied? - Population growth. 4. Not only the natural environment is threatened by population growth but it also threatens… - other species. 5. The UN estimates that by the mid Century the World’s population is expected to be? - 7 billion in next 3-4 years and mid-century have 9 billion. 6. The majority of this growth is not caused by people having large families. What is causing it? - Humans doing what humans do best naturally. 7. Where will populations shrink? - Japan, Russia and German and Eastern Europe will shrink. The most rapid growth will be the least developed countries in the world. 8. How was human population kept in check historically? - Control of death rates by diseases, now we vaccinate everyone. 9. What allowed the rapid growth since 1800 when we reached 1 billion people? - The vaccines and living long is what keeps us around and increases population growth, controlling disease. 10. Which resource is perhaps strained the most as we continue to grow? - Water 11. How much (%) of the earth’s available freshwater supply to humans appropriate? - 2.5% of 70% of water is fresh. 12. What uses do we appropriate this water for? - Over half of it is to generate energy, build cities and water fields. 13. How many people already lack access to safe drinking water? In the coming years how much of the World’s population will live in water stressed areas? - More than 1 billion lack access, more than half of the population will live in distress. 14. What are some of the causes? - Population growth.

15. What two uses consume the most water at the global scale? - Industry and agriculture. 16. How much water does it take to make one cup of coffee? A bottle of beer? A cotton shirt? - 120 L of water for coffee, 150 L can beer, cotton shirt 3K Liters. 17. How will we double the amount of food we currently produce? Why is this approach necessary? - We need to double it by raising productivity because there’s no more land to expand to this is because of population growth. 18. How have we done this in the past? - The green revolution. 19. How are the richest countries assuring their own future food security? - Acquiring large strips of land from the poorest people and buying land abroad. 20. What region of the world is particularly popular with countries looking for agricultural land. Why is this problematic? - In Africa which is a place where they struggle to feed their own country, it’s ironic. 21. How might the Rwandan conflict and genocide be partially attributed to resource shortages? - Many orphans, they would kill each other to hopefully inherit a land or livestock to feed their families. - The economy can’t grow and the forests and swamps will be overused and exacerbate the environment. 22. Energy demand is expected to grow by how much over the next 2 decades? - Today we use 85 million barrels a day, will increase by 40% in next 2 decades. 23. What has cheap energy allowed us to do? - Appropriate the earth’s natural system to serve our needs without paying attention to the affects it has on the natural world and species. 24. What are some of the examples of the damage that has been caused? - Extinction of species including our own. 25. What is carrying capacity? How is it calculated? Is it static or flexible? - Flexible, divide total productivity of earth by the number of people. 26. How much land is there for each living person, according to William Reese? - 2.5 hectors. 27. How many people can the earth support is we all consumed at the same rate as the average person in Indian? Rwanda? United States? - 15 billion Indian, 18 billion Rwanda, 1.5 billion US. 28. What is overshoot? - Human population at average consumption, is exceeding the productive capacity of the earth in terms of demand and assimilating the waste we excrete. 29. We need the earth to not only provide resources, but to also… -

30. Our current way of life requires 1.5 earths to support it. 31. What is the implication for those of us living here in the developed world? 32. What are the three ways we can reduce our impact on the environment? -

Stop consuming so many resources. Change our technology. Reduce population growth.

33. How did China manage to slow its population growth? - One child policy, those who has more, were fined. 34. What is the current fertility rate in Kerala? - Most crowded state, but population is stable, everyone has small families, they produce 1.5 children. 35. What conditions have led to Kerala’s success in stabilizing the population? - Education because women will choose to have smaller children and marry late, the more educated, the less children. 36. What simple piece of medical technology is required for reaching population sustainability? - Contraception. 37. What some of the glimmers of hope on the population front? - Governments are employing environmentalists to find solutions. 38. The number of people on the planet in the future depends on… - Being sustainable, using the science and technology to help us reduce waste and be sustainable in our consumptions. - Depends on the personal decision we make on how many children we have....

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