“How Safe is America” By Desiree Taylor PDF

Title “How Safe is America” By Desiree Taylor
Author Eric MWANGI
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Institution Murang'a University of Technology
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How Safe is America” By Desiree Taylor..docx


Surname 1 Students' Name Instructors' Name Course Code Date "How Safe is America" By Desiree Taylor. In the post by Desiree Taylor on How safe is America? She tries to show people the state of safety in the country. The author was born in 1972 in Texas, and besides writing, she is also a journalist. She went through the University of Massachusetts after studying gender, religion, and arts. In the article, she is able to show people what it actually means in America to be safe. She says that how someone is safe in the country is directly related to the amount of money possessed, and the attitude people have while fighting for freedom and justice. The author tries to give her side of her story on how people took up the issue of the 9/11 attack because it is when people started talking about their justice and freedom. People have the urge to get something when it is actually denied to them. She is able to share her insights of different races in the country, and she suggests that when one is of a mixed-race, then America does not feel safe. From the author's viewpoint, people in a country like America should be for one another to defend their freedom and justice. The author states that it is very essential for journalists in the media to always be honest and open about hard truths that the people of America go through. As much as people united at the time of the 9/11 tragedy, there was still a huge division among the cultures. The author Taylor is an ambassador of truth and wanted to bring out a clear picture of the United States. The author's central message is essential not only to the people of America (Taylor 557). A lot goes through the minority in America where people die almost every day, and neither the police nor the medical can do anything. It is assumed that people who live below

Surname 2 the poverty level choose that life and that they want to stay forever like that. Social violence keeps the poor in the state they are in, and it is even hard for them to rise up. People are born in America so that they can get jobs everywhere they want if they have the qualifications, which is not the case. The main aim of the article is to deliver a message of social inequality in the United States. One of the illustrations that the author used was the tragedy of 9/11, which was used to show that life in America was not what people used to think and even adds that the part of America she comes from has never been safe. She uses her own experience to show what she has gone through as a person from a mixed-race and, besides, born in poverty. The tragedy she used was used to show how people claimed that they loved the country and that they were proud to be Americans. At that time of the tragedy was no good to share that information. Many of the people who were affected by 9/11 were from the upper-class, but people from the poor communities had the support of justice because their lives mattered just like those of the poor people (Taylor 557). There were firemen and police officers of the middle class who died and some construction workers. Families from all classes felt the loss because a terrorist attack can happen anywhere and hurt so many people regardless of their social stature. The article is full of emotion in the delivering of the arguments. The author in the article said, "I, as a consumer, am from a moment in the seat of power with someone to serve me. This is meant to register with me, but the server is not. She doesn't matter. If she did, she would be able to survive doing the work" to show any reader that people who have low income usually have many hardships. The reader should feel the cashier's situation so that they can imagine the kind of lifestyle she was living with that kind of income. The author's feelings can be seen when she mentions that she hoped the cashier did not have a child

Surname 3 because there would definitely be more problems. With the author instilling that idea in the readers, a connection is created that gives a comprehensive message to the readers on the information intended by the author. The author also applied critical thinking in the way she was addressing her message to the audience. She was having many perspectives on how she was addressing her message while also persuading the audience to get the message she wanted. She directly quoted that "Some die used up and exhausted, in hospital beds with two dollars and eighty-five cents in their purse just like my mother (Taylor 557)". The author, including her mother in the article, ensures that people can feel the pain she was going through and also to see the pain she had passed through just because she was born from a low-income family. At the start of the article, she used the picture of a smartly dressed woman and looked fashionable in the attacks of 9/11. However, the woman was covered in smoke, dust, and dirt, and the author delivered the experience to the people to show that the woman was from a region in America that was believed to be very safe. In her opinion on what safety is dependent on in America, she says money because she believes that current America was built by the abuses that poor people went through. Poor people in the country were not noted, and they lived in neighbourhoods where no one used to care what they were going through (Taylor 556). The author even tries to calculate the amount of money a woman from Wal-Mart makes, and it is so much. People in America do not have time to look at each other and have relations because everything that happens is just ignored. Poverty affects everyone, ie. Men, women, families, and even the military, so in short, the author makes a conclusion that justice and freedom are essential, but many people are denied.

Surname 4 In her experience with the woman from 9/11, Taylor shares an example of how America used to feel before the attack. It is possible that the author was wrong because not all people who are dressed well have money but not many people who don't have money and can dress like that. People in the high-class level always wear some clothes, look somehow and also practice some activities. After the tragedy of 9/11, people said they were not feeling safe, but that was because they did not have money. The attack was seen as to have happened because of economic benefits because many of the fighting people did not share in the American dream of the poor (Taylor 557). United States is like I was made up of countries that were separated by many classes and did not match each other. It is said that the attack was on freedom and justice, but that had been denied to so many people even before the actual attack. In conclusion, the article by Desiree Taylor was all about the issue of safety for the people of America. She says that people do not in any way take concern of looking at each other and relate to how they are. Everything is always ignored and goes without attendance. It is time for people to start caring for others, especially those who seem to be suffering in their lives. Poverty is affecting people, and thus she concluded that justice and freedom had been denied from people of America for a long time, even before the attack happened. The main message of the article should be put into concern because it is very educative. There is much that happens in the communities of poverty but is not always noticed because no one cares. In poor areas, people die almost every day in their activities, and no one cares about that because it is not reported. The United States government does not do an excellent job of behaving, like people in poor communities choose to live in poverty and violence. The social inequalities and the abuse of the households make it very hard for them to rise to higher economic levels.

Surname 5 Work Cited. Taylor., Desiree. "How Safe Is America?". 2021, http://file:///C:/Users/pc/Downloads/CCF_000144%20(2).pdf. Accessed 24 Apr 2021....

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